Subject: [FFML] [WWW]News 08/05/2002 for R&C Books (Remodel of Site Phase I complete, new features!)
From: "Joseph C. McKenzie" <>
Date: 8/5/2002, 6:16 PM
To: "PatlaborML" <>, "MTMML" <>, "RCBML" <>, "FFML2" <>, "FFML" <>

News for

To quote one of my favorite movies, Monty Python and the
Quest for the Holy Grail, "I'm not dead yet! I'm getting
better!" After several months of silence, work has
commenced once more on the site. At current, Phase I of our
site remodel has been completed. In our Three Phase plan,
R&C Books will be converted from a manual archive to a
interactive user operated site. Since all of the site is
hand coded from scratch to serve, there is the
possibilities for bugs or typos. Please contact us if you
find any, thanks!


In Phase I, the site and several of its
services were converted from standard HTML pages to dynamic
database generated pages, allowing for greater page
consistency, less HTML error, and faster access. In
addition, 90% of the javascript has been removed from the
site. The Jukebox is currently on the chopping block, so
please contact us at the email above and tell us if the
Jukebox should stay or go.

New Features & Changes

Online Comments & Criticism system (NEW!)

Every story now has its own REVIEW button next to
it. All one has to do after reading the story is click
REVIEW and they will be instantly presented to the current
reviews of the story and a form to post their own review.

Ratings System (NEW!)

In the past, stories were posted
with no marking of the type of content that the story
itself contained. Now, the site has a ratings system setup
for each fic. At current, except for a few stories, most
will show up marked as Not Rated. Once the user interface
is completed in Phase II, writers will need to rate their
works, so that more intense content can be warned about
to visitors wishing to avoid works with these types of

User Profiles (NEW!)

With the transition to a user style
site, a new profile system was added to the site, so that
writers can now add a personal bio and their homepage
url to the available information for people to check out
about their favorite or new writers of interest. Each
Profile page contains a list of all the current galleries
each writer has with a link to each one readily available.
Under the Main Button, the old Links option has been
replaced with Directory of Members. All one needs to do to
find all the works by their favorite writer on the site is
to simply browse to the name of their chosen writer in the
directory and Click on it. Profiles can also be reached
by click on the writer's email which is next to the link
to their gallery in any index.

For Members, We will be giving subdomains for their
galleries list. This way, they can easily supply a direct
link to all their writings and other works on our site to
anyone else.

Guestbook (CHANGED)

Our original guestbook was supplied
by a 3rd party, which meant frequent down times, and
annoying advertisements. Our guestbook has been relocated
to being part of the site now, all PUBLIC entries having
been transfered over.


New Features & Changes

User Access & Updating

A user signup and login system will be added along with a
control console for writers to add their new works, update
current ones, or remove them. They can also change
Monickers (Penname, nickname, your name, whatever you call
yourself), E-mail, Password, Webpage, and Bio details.
When this system is completed, Our last manual update will
be made. After that, it will be user updates. At first,
Articles (Our Columns section if you want to call it that),
Fan Fiction, Original Writings, Holiday Fan Fiction,
and MST3k will be the only sections available for update.
Fan Art will added a later date once all the bugs are
worked out of the user system. Fan Games will be last,
pending approval from hosting services.

Improved Search Engine

Not to stay our old search engine was good, it was.
However, the indexing system is used will not work with the
newer design of the site, so it presented us with the
perfect situation to improve upon the old search engine.
The new one will allow for specific
etc searches which the old engine was a little limited
on. The new search system will be as dynamic as the remodel
of the site. When new works are posted, data from them will
instantly be added to the search engine's database or vice
versa when work is removed.

Phase III (TBA)
~R&C Books International Fan Fiction Company~

       100 varieties of Fan Fiction
          and Growing everyday!

    ~The R&C Books #FanFics Chatroom~

    ~The Fan Fiction Archive Network~

    ~The Fan Fiction Mailing List II~

ICQ: 18025325
Yahoo ID: Muriyaki
AIM: JoeChiOhki

Owner of The Ryoko Ring, Aeka's Ring, The Kiyone
Worshipers Ring, The International House of Fan
Fiction Ring, The Anime Fan Fiction Ring, The Fan
Fiction Archive Network

Member of #Washu#, RFFC, Aeka's Fan Club, KOME, #SAS#,
Follower of the Teal-Tressed Goddess

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