Subject: [FFML] [REFUGE][SM/Guyver][Lemony-Lime] Revenge <Chapter 3> by Agreeable Komodo
From: "David A. Tatum" <>
Date: 7/8/2001, 2:04 PM

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And here's chapter 3 of revenge. This was actually chapters 3&4, but I fused
them into one large chapter because I felt that they were both a bit short.
Warning: contains content that may not be suitable for young readers.
Discretion is advised.
C&C welcome.

It is against the law in Atlanta to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or
street lamp.
By the time the meeting was over, it was nearly dusk. Pleading work, Molly
was partnered with an high school friend on a Manga as the writer, she had
left as soon as Senshi business was over. In reality, she wanted to get into
Central Park when the park employees weren't paying close attention to the
cars going in and out of the parking lot as people were either picked up or

'Won't they check?'

"Nope." Molly said as she parked the motorcycle at the lot near the
ramp for the boats. "Well, not for a while yet. We have maybe an hour."

'Question. How do you know this?'

"Melvin and I used to stay here after hours a lot," Molly said, feeling her
cheeks turn red. Partly it was from remembered passion, and partly because
she was a little embarrassed to admit it.


"Don't sound so amused!" Molly hissed, unable to shake the feeling she was
being laughed at. Then she tried to change the subject. "Are you sure you're

'We could go for a stroll on the moon if you like. Though getting there may
be a problem.'

"Are you trying to be funny?"

'Not all. Shall we begin?'

Thinking very dark thoughts, Molly walked down to the lake's edge and stood
there. There were answers in there. Least of all was whether or not the
in her head was because she had suddenly developed Multiple Personality
Disorder, or she was sharing her body with an alien life form.

Setting aside her camera, she took a deep breath and said one word.


Scooping up the camera, Warrior slipped beneath the surface of the water,
leaving behind only some ripples to mark her passing.
He shook his head as he stood in the empty room of the house on the hill.
He-the past version of himself had created this place and the man who had
lived here. Now he would resurrect that life.

Now that he knew what had gone wrong.
Being underwater at night is no easy task. With little to no light shining
in, you're essentially in pitch black darkness.

Warrior, however, saw as clearly as though it was day.

The lake bottom was firmly packed mud and here and there she saw cans,
bottles, and other things. Including the Jacket and shoes she had kicked off
nearly seven months ago, now destroyed beyond recovery by the water Scooping
them up, she continued onwards, planning to give them a decent funeral in
building's incinerator.

'Twenty meters to your right'


'There is something there.'

"What is it?"

'I do not know. But it is familiar. Something from. . .before.'

"Before what?"


"How helpful." It was then she noticed something. "What the?"

It was faint, but against the inky blackness of water there was a light.

'Its coming from there. What I sense. From where that light is.'

As they got closer, they began to encounter debris that wasn't litter
in by lazy boaters and appeared to be pieces of bone.

"What the hell is this stuff?" She asked, crouching and picking up a piece
debris about as big around as her head.

'It appears to be a piece of an Advent Ship.'

"It must have crashed."

'That is a logical assumption considering the evidence available.'

"Don't get sarcastic,"  Warrior retorted as she stood back up, letting the
piece fall from her hand. "I doubt that this is what we're looking for."


Moving slowly, Warrior advanced towards the light.
Serena was scribbling in her notebook when something on the radio caught her
attention. Quickly, she grabbed her tape recorder off of her desk and turned
it on, holding the microphone towards the speaker. When the news byte was
over, she placed the tape into her pocket and ran out. She had to get to
The source of the light proved to be a woman dressed in flowing robes and
long white hair. She was encased in some sort of field and appeared to be

"Oh my God," Warrior whispered, falling to her knees. "It's a Kami.-" she
that line of thought off and tried to look at it rationally.

She was underwater, and a woman was encased in some sort of field was there
with her. That did not nessacarily mean she was a Kami, she could be human.

Right. And the Wizard of Oz was a true story.

'What's a Kami?'

"A type of spirit. . .I think. I'm really not sure." Her hand clenched into
fist. "I knew I shoulda paid more attention when Raye explained her

'Raye worships these. . .Kamis?'

"I think so, she's a Shinto Priestess, but I'm not sure what it all means."
Warrior got to her feet and reached out with one hand to touch the field.

She saw Melvin, happy and smiling.

"What the. . .?" She gasped, jerking her hand away.

'What did you see?'

"You saw something too?"

'I saw a human male, he was happy'

"That was Melvin," Warrior said sadly.

'It would appear the field has certain recollective properties.'


'It stimulates the memory center of the brain. In your case, it brought to
light your strongest memory.'

"Which was Melvin."


"You said the energy was something you remembered from before you

'Yes, but its hazy. It does seem to be constant though'

"Meaning you were exposed to it for as long as you were lying here on the
lake bottom?"

'I suppose so, yes.'

"Well that makes a whole lot of sense," Warrior grumbled as she took another
look around. It was then that she noticed the skeleton. It was next to the
glowing field, its hand stretched out towards it in a gesture of longing.
Walking over to it, Warrior noticed another one, and another, and still
another. There was at least twenty of them, all with their hands stretched
out in a gesture of longing towards the field.

Careful not to step on any of them, she walked back around to the front and
studied the face carefully.

There was no hint of cruelty in that face. It was serene, peaceful. Nothing
to suggest why she was in a stasis field in the first place. She looked over
at the skeleton then back at the field.

"I wonder. . ." She murmured and then placed her hand on the field.

She saw Melvin over her, his hands unbuttoning her shirt. She felt the heat
surging beneath her skin.

Then she was standing in a burning village as men in uniforms and swords ran
amuck. For a brief moment, she saw a man with thick dark brown hair, and
she was lying naked on top of Melvin, kissing her way down his chest coming
closer to him, to the center of his being. When she reached, it, she wrapped
her fingers around it and for a moment, stared at it, then lowered her head
and wrapped her lips around him.

Then she was back in the burning village, gesturing, as water from the
lake surged forth, washing through the village, putting out all the fires it

She was on her back now, Melvin working his way down her body. For a moment,
he did nothing, then his tongue was at the source of the fire that burned
within her. But all it did was fan the flames.

She dodged aside as the man with the brown hair swung his sword. She
hear what he was yelling, but she knew his face, it was etched into her

Nephrite. . .

Then she was on top of Melvin, his tongue still fanning the flames. Moans
passed her lips as she grabbed his hair, trying to pull him deeper inside

She walked through the burning village, the men in uniforms yelling their
battle cries. She was searching for something.

No, for someone. The source of this chaos.

She was on her knees, Nephrite in her arms, watching as he slowly became as
light, surging upwards towards heaven.

She was on her back again, Melvin over her, teasing her. She heard her voice
pleading with him to get inside her.

She stood in what was left of the main hall, watching the woman at the other

In. Out. Over and over, Melvin repeated his actions, pleasure surging
her in wave after powerful wave.

The woman at the end of the hall turned, her thick red hair seemed to be the
color of blood in the light cast by the fires burning still burning outside.

She was on top of Melvin now, her hips grinding against his, her head thrown

Water and fire surged together. The water from her, the fire from her
redheaded opponent.

The waves were coming closer together now. Dirty words poured from their
mouths, alternately cursing for the way the other made them feel and begging
to keep it up.

The fire and water surged around them both as they each tried stronger and
stronger attacks.

The pleasure was stronger now, a near continuous wave boiling through their
systems, forging a bond between their souls. No words were exchanged, only
primal grunts.

She felt her skin boil from the fire and cool from the water. There was no
end to the sensations, pain and pleasure, pleasure and pain.

At the zenith, she cried out Melvin's name, and he cried out hers, each
heedless of who might hear.

The battle between them had ended in a stalemate and she was fleeing the
burning village, towards the lake. An elderly man, his hand wrapped around
that of a woman, her stomach swollen with life ran ahead of her. It went
against her nature to run away, but she must protect these two. That was her

She lay in Melvin's arms, completely contented, the afterglow surrounding
them like a haze.

A swirl of mist and the man and woman vanished, transported to elsewhere.
turned and looked towards the village. For a moment, she watched the inky
black smoke boil upwards and then she turned back to the lake. Many years
ago, she had been summoned up from this lake to protect the family of a
man. Now that family had been sent to safety but she and the red-haired
would meet again. Turning, she stepped into the lake, weaving a spell about
her. She would sleep until needed again, let all who touch her, save the
descendants of they who she had protected be killed by their own memories.

For a brief moment, she stared out through the yellow haze at a figure in
armor made from bone and sinew, its glowing yellow eyes meeting hers and she

Yes, they had survived and she, the Guardian, had a sister now.

Then the figure jerked its hand away.

Warrior stared, half in shock, half in amazement, as the woman's eyes
but that smile remained. For next ten minutes or so, Warrior stood still,
muscles tense, but the woman made no other movement.

Warrior's senses however, were reeling.

"I understand now. . ." She whispered.

'As do I. . .' Warrior blinked. The voice was no longer genderless, but a
woman's, full and rich.


'My name, is Kinsune.'

Sir Desaix, member # 116 of the Knights of the True Fiancee
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