Subject: [FFML] [REFUGE] [R1/2] [Fusion] Battletech: The Saotome Gambit Part 28 by J. Austin Wilde
From: "David A. Tatum" <>
Date: 6/26/2001, 2:57 PM

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The FFML Refugee List

                   Furinkan Combine WarShip _Imperator_
                    Approaching the planet Ryuugenzawa
               Ryuugenzawa System, the Magistracy of Canopus
                     19 June 3025, 12:57 Local Time

     "Speak," General Prince Tatewaki Kuno commanded his Operations
     Captain Kyle stepped forward.
     "My lord Prince, we are detecting what appears to be a pitched battle 
in orbit above the planet."
     Tatewaki raised an eyebrow at this unexpected news.
     "Dost thou know the identities of the principals?" he asked.
     Kyle nodded. "Based on long range telescope observation, and what 
we've been able to pick up through the solar interference, we have 
tentatively identified a satellite defense network, and what appears to 
be two large forces of DropShips attempting to make planetfall." He 
paused for a moment to let this sink in. "One force appears to be from 
the Commonwealth, though how they got here is a mystery."
     Tatewaki's hands clenched the leather upholstery of his command chair.

The Commonwealth? Here?
     "And the other force?" he demanded archly.
     Kyle cleared his throat uncomfortably. "It appears that your sister 
has come out of hiding, my lord."
     "What?!" Tatewaki bellowed. "My sister is in this cursed star system?"

He reeled, apparently shaken by this news. "How is this possible, and to 
further what foul end does she come hither to this place?"
     "Unknown, milord," Kyle returned quietly. 
     Tatewaki placed a hand to his brow in thought. There could be only one

reason for her to come to this place - he would leave the explanations for 
how she had found the way for another time. His suspicions were aroused at 
the possibility that Nabiki's hand was at work here, drawing his enemies 
into her nets of intrigue that they might destroy him at a distance well 
removed from Nerima.
     "There is naught but peril here," he said slowly, letting the
anxiety of the moment pass through him. "We must not tarry, Kyle, lest we 
allow through our inaction that Akane Tendo might come to harm." He rose 
from the chair, aware that all the eyes of the Executive Bridge were now 
upon him. "Press on, man!" he bellowed. "If this day truly belongeth to 
Tatewaki Kuno, then it is also true that he must seize it! Let not faint 
heart, nor the foe's spitting cannon mouth keep the Blue Thunder from his 
     Tatewaki closed his eyes in rapture as the crew raised a lusty cheer 
in response to his declaration. This was the climax to a long and weary 
campaign. This day would see his cursed sister brought to heel, Nabiki's 
treachery put to rout, and Akane Tendo's hand sealed forever with his in 

           J. Austin Wilde and Fission Park Press proudly present:

                           PART TWENTY-EIGHT

                           by J. Austin Wilde
                     Super Critical Reactor Axe Man,
                           Fission Park Press

            The characters and situations of Ranma 1/2 are the 
               creation and property of Rumiko Takahashi and 
              Shogakukan/KITTY/Viz Video. Battletech and its 
             related materials are the property of FASA, inc.
               No infringement of copyright is intended nor 
              should be inferred by this work of fanfiction.

                              Chapter One

                             NCWS _Tautog_
                          Geosynchronous Orbit
                 Planet Ryuugenzawa, Ryuugenzawa System
                    19 June 3025, 10:53 Local Time

     "The lights are on," Hauptmann declared.
     "I can see that, Johann," Captain Olivera grunted.
     "Someone's beaten us to the space station, it would seem," Grand Duke 
Tendo observed. 
     "The question remains, your Grace," Hauptmann returned. "Should we 
put a landing party aboard to investigate?"
     Soun regarded the former corvette commander for a moment before 
speaking. Hauptmann was chafing under the command of Captain Olivera, not 
for any personal reasons, but for the simple fact that he was a ship
who had been Dispossessed. He needed command, any command, to feel like he 
was needed.
     "I can tell by your tone that you think we should," he replied.
     Hauptmann jumped at the chance to justify his position.
     "Your Grace, we've been tracking the Combine and Commonwealth ships 
since we discovered them, and they haven't made a move for the space
If the lights we saw around the drydock are indicative of people living 
there, then it could only be survivors from the _Dragonfly._"
     "There's no guarantee of that," Olivera cautioned. "Let's not rule out

the possibility of an indigenous population."
     "After two hundred years without outside support?" Hauptmann snapped. 
"That's bullshit, and you know it."
     "Enough," Soun grunted. "Captain Olivera, I think Captain Hauptmann
made a valid point."
     Olivera nodded brusquely for his lord. "As you wish, your Grace. 
Captain Hauptmann, take a detail of your _Tang_ sailors over to the station

to investigate."
     Hauptmann flushed with anticipation. "I've got a crew standing by to 
     Olivera shook his head ruefully and sipped at his coffee. "Chief of
Watch, make preparations to break stealth integrity. Ready the shuttle
     "Chief of the Watch, aye."
     Soun clasped Hauptmann by the shoulder before he could leave. "I'm 
counting on you to be right about this," he said in a low voice.
     "So am I, your Grace," Hauptmann returned.

                           *       *       *

     "Shuttle Bay One outer doors indicate shut," the Chief of the Watch 
announced. "Superstructure realigned for stealth integrity."
     "Very well, Chief of the Watch."
     Soun watched the sleek black shuttle drift on tiny attitude jets 
towards the drydock. From their position in orbit close to the space
the _Tautog_ remained screened from the Orochi network, whose units now 
seemed to be preoccupied with the invading forces from the Furinkan Combine

and Jusenkyo Commonwealth. The Combine forces looked like they would escape

the Orochis' wrath the same way that they had - namely using the chink in
defense system's armor created by the defunct satellite. The Commonwealth 
fleet seemed hell bent on doing the job the Orochi Network had been unable 
to manage.
     What were these two fleets doing here? he wondered. The Combine force 
was far too small to indicate the presense of Tatewaki Kuno in the system, 
and the Commonwealth fleet was a hundred light-years from its own home 
territory. Whatever had brought them here, it was clear that neither side 
wanted anything to do with the other.
     "Weapon directors," Sensory intoned nervously. "The Commonwealth ships

have opened fire."
     Soun watched the holotank as two Combine DropShips sustained hits from

the Commonwealth destroyers. The damage wasn't enough to finish either 
vessel, but it was clear that the fight would be very one sided if it was 
allowed to continue.
     "Contact Echo Two-Two is readying some sort of barrage," Sensory 
announced abruptly. "The Commonwealth force appears to be the targets."
     "My God," Olivera breathed. "That thing can actually *hit* them at 
that range?"
     They watched through a secondary telescope monitor as the Orochi 
satellite blasted the distant _Wrath of Heaven,_ and the sudden shifting 
of Commonwealth attention towards the satellite. Only fighters threatened 
the Combine force now.
     "They're going to make it if it's just fighters against them," Soun 
     Olivera's attention was fixed upon the holotank, where Captain Li's 
two destroyers bore down on the Orochi satellite. "Begging your pardon, 
your Grace, but I'm more concerned by what's taking place higher above us."
     The two of them watched with detached horror at the tremendous display

of firepower put out by the Orochi satellite, and at the near suicidal 
tenacity of the Commonwealth destroyers. The _Wrath of Heaven_ was 
destroyed, and still the other ship kept coming.
     The sudden cessation of weapons fire brought them up short.
     "What happened?" Olivera asked Sensory.
     The Sensory Supervisor consulted with her techs. "Radar emissions from

both vessels have ceased. Heat emissions are consistent with combustion. No

drive outputs. No commo signals."
     Soun looked at the telescope monitor, where the two vessels winked in 
the darkness with sudden flashes of flame.
     "Have they crippled each other?"
     "Quite possibly," Olivera grunted.
     "Conn, Sensory; both contacts are on a collision course. Estimated 
time to impact: ten minutes, two-zero seconds."
     Olivera nodded absently at this. "It seems that the Orochi has taken 
care of the most significant threat from the Commonwealth."
     "In this case," Soun replied. "The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

We may still have to face other Orochi satellites when we leave."
     The holotank display shifted to show the Black Rose Terror Regiment 
forces entering the atmosphere, having dispatched the majority of the 
Musk Dynasty fighters. The survivors fled to their scattered carriers as 
two units from the Orochi Network closed in on them.

                           *       *       *

                        Phoenix Hawk LAM ASX-002
                     Above the Ian Cameron Starport
                  Planet Ryuugenzawa, Ryuugenzawa System
                            12:31 Local Time

     "Go get 'em, Tomboy."
     Ranma didn't wait for a reply from Akane as he shoved the throttles 
forward to the stops. The Super Phoenix Hawk LAM shuddered for an instant 
as raw helium plasma spilled from the reactor vessel and into the linear 
magnetic accelerators that served as the battlemech's HEPLAR drive. Then 
it was roaring aloft on twin columns of superheated air, crashing through 
the tree-top canopy and bursting above the forest that surrounded the 
     A flight of Black Rose Shilones passed overhead, their long wingspans 
casting shadows over him as he rose to meet them. Their attentions were 
focused on the dogfight that was starting to rage in the lower stratosphere

as the first of the Musk Dynasty DropShips made their final descent.
the acceleration forces that crushed him into the base of his ejector seat,

Ranma felt excited by the prospect of the battle he was throwing himself 
headlong into.
     The Phoenix Hawk's arms stretched out claw-like as he continued his 
climb, rising above the two Shilone fighter-bombers. He pushed the LAM over

into a shallow dive, sweeping the wings back and keeping the drives at 
maximum to intercept. His airspeed indicator began to flash amber, then 
red as he approached the sound barrier - a velocity that he dared not 
exceed in Airmech Mode if he wanted to stay in one piece.
     The Shilones split apart abruptly as he closed the range to less than 
a dozen meters, and he spat out a curse for his bad luck. Either they had 
finally spotted him, or someone else had, and warned them. He vectored his 
thrust and lurched after the fighter on the right as it tried to bank away 
from him.
     Four Short Range Missiles belched from the aft-mounted launcher on 
the fighter as he pursued. It was a wild shot on the Black Rose pilot's 
part, just something to get him off his back, but Ranma cringed inwardly 
as a missile sailed over his cockpit canopy close enough to make out the 
black and yellow stencils on the olive drab missile body. He had forgotten 
about the Shilone's aft missile rack, and his error had nearly cost him.
     The other Shilone was pulling a punishing nine-gee turn to get to him 

- the mark of a pilot who was in excellent condition, and skilled enough 
with his craft to fly at the bleeding edge of the performance envelope 
without destroying himself. Ranma knew that he didn't have time to toy 
around. He triggered the rifle-like heavy laser in his 'mech's hand, 
releasing a rippling torrent of blue-green light from the muzzle that 
splashed across the enemy fighter from right to left, boiling off whole 
sections of armor and lancing deep into the thruster ports.
     The effect of wielding that kind of firepower was so intoxicating to 
Ranma that he kept his finger on the trigger, hosing the Shilone with 
rapid fire bursts from the heavy pulselaser, and ignoring the fact that 
his heat levels were rising to dangerous levels. The Shilone pilot tried 
to evade, but Ranma walked the beams right back into him, blowing a wing 
off at the wingroot, and sending the medium fighter-bomber into an abrupt 
death spin that ended just as abruptly when it crashed into the treetops 
and exploded into a cartwheeling fireball.
     His finger eased from the trigger as overheat warnings sounded in 
his headset. The heavy laser had shut down - a technical problem with 
the weapon that had never been solved, even in the days of the Star 
League, and one that hadn't been helped by his firehose tactics against 
the Shilone. He only hoped it would come back online soon, as he was 
going to need it against the second Shilone.
     He had other problems as well. The waste heat generated by his 
trigger-happy excesses had caused his fire control computer to shut 
down the other weapon systems as well. Even with the double-capacity 
heat sinks his LAM carried, he was still deep in the red.
     Thinking quickly, he shut down the plasma drives and settled 
back into cruise mode with the turbojets to bleed off some of the 
heat. The fast chirping of the second Shilone's RCA Instatrac XI 
weapons radar in his ears reminded him of the Shigunga LRM-20 rack 
that was about to disgorge its lethal payload in his direction, and 
he tumbled over into an aileron roll, transforming on the move to 
Fighter Mode. The Shilone launched, and the letters 'ECM' began to 
strobe in amber on his HUD - the Star League Phoenix Hawk had 
recognized the threat and had engaged radar jamming countermeasures 
automatically to deal with it. ECM systems were something he had 
never had to think about as a mercenary, as they didn't exist on the 
battlefield in great numbers anymore.
     The missiles arced around him crazily, spoofed by his dramatic 
change in aspect and by the radar jamming which had confused the 
Shilone's targeting system into launching a much wider spread than 
was indicated by the tactical situation. Most of them exploded into 
the trees below, but in spite of his countermeasures, two out of the 
twenty managed to strike the LAM, and he fought through the hits for 
control. At high speed and low altitude, all it took was one minor but 
destabilizing hit to spike him straight into the ground.
     The Shilone was still nine hundred meters out as he looped over 
into a Split-S to get his nose on the target. The Combine pilot had 
enough time for one more salvo with the twenty-rack at him, and at the 
worst possible moment, right before their paths would intersect. His 
weapons were still reading offline due to the heat, limiting his 
     He saw Yuka and Sayuri soaring aloft from their positions at the 
other end of the starport. At least the noise he had made with his 
attack had drawn Black Rose attentions away from them. They stood a 
pretty good chance of getting clear.
     The chirping of the Shilone's radar warned him that the fighter 
had reacquired him after his maneuvers, and he weighed his options. 
In about four seconds they would be in range to shoot - only he didn't 
have anything to fire back. The override options installed on so many 
Inner Sphere 'mechs didn't exist on a piece of test machinery for a 
Proving Ground.
     He decided not to turn tail and run. Not only was it asking to get 
shot in the back, the very concept of running from a one on one battle 
got his hackles up. He could survive a salvo of LRMs if the jamming 
system did its part and his reflexes were up to the task, and if his 
weapons didn't come back in time, he had another option.

     "Ranma's in a bit of trouble," Sayuri noted as she and Yuka made 
a break for the horizon.
     "Stick with the plan," Yuka answered coolly. "Saotome can take care 
of himself, and there are a lot of our people down there who are counting 
on us to draw away any fighters from the starport."
     "This is no time to make this personal," Sayuri shot back in a 
clipped voice.
     "Exactly my point!" Yuka barked. "We have jobs to do. Saotome knows 
that better than anyone."
     Sayuri's Sparrowhawk wavered for a moment, as if sensing its mistress'

     "Stay on me," Yuka commanded her in a calm yet insistent voice. "Do
think I don't know how Akane would feel if she thought we left Ranma to
As soon as we reach our turn-around point, we'll head back to help him out,

but until then we follow the plan."

     This might hurt, Ranma noted as the LRM salvo rushed from the 
bow tubes of the Shilone. The pilot must have overridden the targeting 
computer's input to the launcher, for the barrage was tight in spite of 
the jamming. 
     He tugged at the transformation lever as the salvo of twenty missiles 
looped in at him at short range. As the Phoenix Hawk shifted from sleek 
fighter to bird of prey Airmech, his airspeed dropped off, extending the 
time to intercept by a second, and granting him a few meters of clearance 
as the ballistically guided weapons spread a little farther apart in their 
arcs. His mind buried in the deepest alpha state, Ranma threaded the gaps 
with his Airmech as proximity-fuzed missiles exploded around him, buffeting

him and sending hot bits of shrapnel ringing off his armor.
     His weapons were still reading offline as he shifted his course
to ram the Shilone. A crackling beam of laser fire answered his move,
into the port engine-pod armor before the Black Rose pilot decided to climb

and evade. The Combine fighter began to soar into the sky as he transformed

into Battlemech Mode in midair, boosted into a climb that would match the 
fighter's, and curled up tight to slam shoulder first into the port wing.
     The wing shattered under his blow, blowing apart the port fuselage as 
heat sinks ruptured and armor spalled into critical control surfaces with 
explosive effect. Ranma's Super Phoenix Hawk LAM somersaulted through the
as the fighter burst into flames behind it, his wings flaring out and his 
leg thrusters firing to check his fall. As he slewed around with the grace 
and stylings of a figure skater in midair, he saw with some relief that the

Combine pilot had ejected from his stricken craft. 
     The sky above the starport was clear for the moment. Any dogfighting 
that was going on was happening much higher up than he was willing to
and in any event, every fighter shot down by the Black Rose Terror Regiment

or the Musk Dynasty was one less fighter that he had to deal with. He was 
perfectly happy to let the two antagonists slug it out on their own.
     In the meantime, he had a visit to pay to the Black Rose herself.

     Akane breathed a sigh of relief as the Combine fighter crashed into
woods behind her position. She wanted to be angry with Ranma for being such

a show off - shooting down a Furinkan Combine fighter without even firing a

shot? - but in truth she felt a great deal of pride instead. He was an 
amazing mechwarrior, there was no doubt about that.
     "Black Rose 'mechs spotted at one-nine hundred meters," Doctor Tofu 
advised her as they finished their march to the treeline guarding the
approaches to the starport.
     "Hold fire until all units are in position," she replied. Genma's
was still a little too far back in the trees to be effective with the
launcher. "Commander Saotome, move up five zero meters."
     Genma did so, but by the way the battlemech moved, she could tell it
only reluctantly. What did he have to worry about? she wondered. They had a

good thousand meters of range advantage over the Inner Sphere 'mechs, and 
Ranma had just removed their immediate air support!
     She could see the first 'mechs clearly in her telescopic array as they

advanced along the highway, keeping to either side of the cracked pavement 
to stagger their formation. It was a recon lance from the look of them: two

Spiders, a Jenner, and a Locust. The lance beyond had a Shadow Hawk, two 
Hunchbacks, and a Griffin. Beyond them was the fire lance; heavy missile 
'mechs like the Trebuchet, Archer, and Crusader.
     "Let the Fire Lance come into range," she said tersely over the commo.
It would mean that the Recon Lance would be within five hundred meters when

the shooting started, but they had little in the way of firepower that
even reach them at that distance, much less hurt them. She had a very good 
reason for letting them get close, and that was to let them see that they 
were fighting the SLDF.
     Her slender gloved hand rested over the controls for the NARC beacon 
that would light up the Black Rose battlemechs and guide the missiles 
unerringly to their targets. A shudder coursed through her body at the 
thought of such power at her disposal. A single regiment of Confederation 
battlemechs equipped to Star League standards would be worth an entire 
division of Inner Sphere 'mechs. If they managed to escape Ryuugenzawa, 
the Confederation could turn its losing war with the Combine into a 
expansion of territory unheard of in the country's entire history!
     She checked herself at the thought. She was fighting to end the 
Third Succession War, not win it. She had seen enough destruction and the 
hardships and sacrifices her people had endured in her tender few years to 
know that she wouldn't wish it on anyone else - even her enemies. There had

to be a way to convince the Kunos and Gosunkugis and even the Shampoos of 
the Inner Sphere that fighting over the ruins of the Star League was a 
shameful waste. 
     But first, she had to live through this day.
     Her hand lifted the red safety cover over the enable switch, and she 
flicked it into position. A green box appeared on her HUD, and she thumbed 
it over with her stick's tophat control to cover the smudge of black and 
grey that was Black Rose Archer over a fifteen hundred meters away. She 
squeezed the trigger on her control stick, and the box became red, and 
subtitled with the ominous jargon word 'ILLUM.'
     The NARC beacon was painting the Black Rose Archer, telling the 
missiles that would follow exactly where to hit.
     "Commence LRM fire," Akane said quietly, and waited.
     Doctor Tofu's Centurion and Genma's Orion spat a volley of long 
range missiles from the treeline. After the flash of the weapons leaving 
the tubes, Akane noted that their propellant was surprisingly smokeless, 
another advantage of Star League technology over the cheap and simple 
solid propellant used by Inner Sphere munitions factories. The missiles 
arced like normal unguided LRMs at first into the sky, then with uncanny 
precision began to close ranks and ride the invisible NARC beam straight 
into the distant Archer. 
     Halfway to the target, the Combine 'mechs noticed the barrage and 
began to scatter, but the NARC beacon tracked the Archer's movements with 
a clinical precision that terrified Akane. She could not imagine what the 
Black Rose mechwarrior must have been feeling as all his efforts came to 
     The missiles struck precisely where she had aimed, the right torso 
LRM-20 launch door. Through her telescopic camera she watched as each 
missile screamed down upon the hapless Archer, blasting apart the armor 
plating in under a second. The ready-fire missiles loaded in the rack 
below the ruptured armor exploded an instant later, and from there, the 
rest of the magazine.
     The Archer was ripped in half by the blast, its severed right arm 
flying high into the air as the ruined torso was blown to the ground in 
scorched heap. Missiles corkscrewed crazily from the left-side launcher 
as the ammunition cooked off with the tremendous heat released from the 
breached fusion reactor. In a final insult, the severed arm came down 
hard on the cockpit of the battlemech, crushing the pilot to death if 
he had somehow escaped immolation by the ammunition explosion.
     Akane didn't watch after the first explosion. Instead, she swallowed 
hard and thumbed the NARC box over to the next Black Rose 'mech on her HUD.

More missiles flew from Tofu's Centurion and Genma's Orion. The Fire Lance 
Trebuchet was obliterated as quickly as the Archer. Again, she did not 
watch the battlemech's fiery death throes as she turned the cruel NARC 
beacon on another Combine target and gave the order to fire.
     This was pure slaughter, she realized. Nothing to feel proud about. 
The rest of the company was rushing the treeline, desperate to find and 
fix their hidden assailants under their guns before it was their turn to 
die. It was Ryouga's job to hold them off, and Master Happousai's job to 
pursue any stragglers that might escape the BattleMaster's attack. 
     The thunderclap of a PPC bolt marked Ryouga's first attack. The 
Spiders had charged at the onset of the missile barrage, and now one caught

the hit square in the center torso. Armor boiled off in a fraction of a 
second as the blast penetrated into the vital internals of the recon 'mech.

The spindly war machine teetered drunkenly for a moment as its gyro failed,

then toppled over to divot the pavement.
     Akane returned her attention to the NARC beacon. It had taken a second

barrage to cancel the Fire Lance Crusader, as the pilot sacrificed his 
mech's left forearm to stop the salvo aimed at his shoulder LRM launcher. 
Doctor Tofu had twenty four volleys in his launcher, but Genma had only 
sixteen, and it was their combined missile barrage that made them so
They would have to conserve their ammo wherever possible.
     She selected the Shadow Hawk next, as its autocannon would be the 
first significant weapon to come into range. More missiles leapt out of 
the launch tubes. The Shadow Hawk fired its jump jets to escape, but the 
NARC beacon held its track, and enough of the missiles retained sufficient 
reserve energy to alter their arcs in time to connect. The result wasn't 
as precise as the previous barrages, but the midair pounding was enough to 
make the enemy mechwarrior lose control over his jumping war machine and 
crash head first into the ground. The 'mech did not make any attempts to 
get up.
     Ryouga blasted the second Spider as it jumped at him in a
death from above attack. The beam blew off the arm, but did nothing to stop

the leaping strike until Ukyou stepped in with her Hatchetman. Her battle-
spatula swung through a full arc to rip apart the 30 ton 'mech at the waist

in a shower of sparks and billowing clouds of spilled liquid nitrogen 
coolant. As the crippled Spider tumbled impotently at Ryouga's mech, he 
caught it up in his metalshod hands and sent it flying out of control over 
his shoulder to crash into the trees behind the BattleMaster. 
     "Thanks, Ukyou," he panted at her.
     "My pleasure, honey," she returned. Her Hatchetman then pointed to the

left. "Heads up now!"
     Ryouga turned his attention towards the indicated direction. The 
hulking assault 'mech then turned its pistol-like PPC on its next target, 
a Jenner whose SRM launcher was firing at Doctor Tofu's Centurion. The bolt

slammed into the pod-like left arm, obliterating the pair of medium lasers 
as Tofu answered the missile barrage with his autocannon, tearing apart the

identical weapon pod in the right arm. The Jenner pilot quickly established

his situation as untenable, and fired his jump jets to scoot clear of the 
     "Let him go," Akane admonished them. "Don't break ranks."
     Happousai was busy dueling with his opposite in the other Locust, 
having ignored her orders in favor of showing the Black Rose pilot who 
was master and who was student. Rather than shoot it out with the Black 
Rose 'mech, the wizened little pervert cut inside his opponent's high 
speed turn and lashed out a spindly armored chicken leg to *trip* the  
enemy Locust, which subsequently tumbled over into the soft ground. A 
single laser blast to the cockpit hatch ensured that the Black Rose pilot 
would not be up for a rematch.
     There were only the three 'mechs in the command lance now, plus the 
sole surviving recon lance Jenner, and these were turning tail as fast 
as they could. Akane lined up one of the fleeing Hunchbacks in her HUD, 
but didn't have the heart to light him up.
     "Be careful, Akane," Tofu admonished her gently over the tac net, 
apparently realizing what she had chosen not to do. "You'll face him 
sooner or later today, and the next time he might be in a better position 
to fight back."
     "But," she began, and let her voice drop.
     "This is survival," Tofu replied. "This isn't martial arts. Fairness 
and honor have nothing to do with living to see tomorrow. Think of seeing 
Ranma again soon, and remember that."
     "You're right," she said. By now the Combine 'mechs were out of range.

"Withdraw to our second line of defense," she ordered. Commander Malloy 
would feed them with updates to the Black Rose's next move. She only hoped 
that the slaughter she had just inflicted upon them would be enough to 
persuade Kodachi to be more cautious. Caution bought the _Palomino_ time 
to finish its repairs and escape.

                              Chapter Two

                           Headquarters Lance
                       Black Rose Terror Regiment
                            12:47 Local Time

     Kodachi Kuno was beside herself with rage.
     "What do you mean, you encountered heavy resistance at the starport?" 
she demanded of her Snapdragon Company commander. "Tendo's forces don't 
equal more than a lance at best. An hour ago you had an entire COMPANY at 
your disposal."
     "Mistress, they were Star League 'mechs!" the frightened officer 
replied. "They tore us apart! Missiles that didn't miss their targets! I 
saw them!"
     "You saw what, exactly?" Kodachi asked him archly. Her Marauder's 
derringer-like forearm weapon pods trained in his direction threateningly.
     "The Cameron Star!" the captain protested in a high voice. "They bore 
the SLDF's colors!"
     Kodachi considered blasting him in disgust for his cowardice. 
     "He could be telling the truth," Tarou put in abruptly.
     "The Star League Defense Force?" Kodachi snorted. "After all these 
     "It could be remnants of the original garrison," Tarou declared. 
There was a hunger in his voice at the thought of possessing 'mechs with 
the kind of firepower that ruined a veteran company while suffering no 
losses of their own. "It might explain why we received such a warm 
reception from the Orochi Network as well, if they were somehow directing 
     "I don't like it," Kodachi said at length. Her voice wavered between 
anger and concern. "I'm here for Akane Tendo's head, not to lose my 
precious battlemechs to a phantom force of centuries old Star Leaguers 
who don't like strangers."
     She returned her attention to the captain. "As for you, reorganize 
what's left of your unit and report to Captain Merril. You are to serve as 
the shock troops for his follow-up attack, and if you are lucky, you won't 
live to answer to me this evening." She gave him a harrowing look over the 
monitor. "Have I made myself clear, captain?"
     "C-Crystalline," the mechwarrior replied haltingly.
     The Griffin saluted and beat a hasty retreat from Kodachi.
     "What next?" Tarou asked her.
     "What else?" Kodachi snapped. "Captain Merril will lead a force to 
attack from the east."
     "Is it wise to attack from the same direction as your last attack?" 
     Kodachi favored Tarou with a wilting look, a sign of how angry she 
was at the moment. "Merril will be instructed to keep up the pressure 
without committing himself to a full attack. That is what that coward 
Lassiter is for. Whilst these so-called SLDF 'mechs are busy with them, 
you and I shall slip around from the south."
     "What if Tendo isn't at the starport?"
     Kodachi cackled scornfully. "That is not your concern, lover."
     Sasuke appeared on both of their monitors.
     "My Mistress, I bring news of the Musk Dynasty's landing."
     "What of it?" she demanded. "How many DropShips did we shoot down?"
     "None, I'm afraid," Sasuke replied calmly. "Our fighters were heavily 
     "Excuses!" she railed at him. "Why must I be hobbled with the excuses 
of my subordinates?"
     "In all fairness, Mistress," Sasuke countered gently. "Our pilots were

able to shoot down thirteen Commonwealth fighteres at a loss of only four 
of our own, although two more are unaccounted for, having last reported 
over the ruins of the starport."
     "The starport," Kodachi noted with icy calm. "Why, perhaps if either 
of the dolts who disappeared yet lived, they might tell a story of Star 
League fighters that could outfight an entire squadron single-handed."
     "Never mind, Sasuke," she snapped at him. "Direct our fighters to 
continue harassing the Commonwealth landing zones, and leave the mystery 
of the starport to me."

                           *       *       *

                              SLDF Drydock 
                            12:50 Local Time

     "Point that thing somewhere else before I shove it straight up your 
ass, sailor."
     Captain Hauptmann brushed aside the muzzle of a flechette 'nailgun' 
that tapped against the side of his pressure suit visor as he said it. 
The _Dragonfly_ crewman who held the weapon lowered it slowly, not sure 
if he should believe his wondering eyes.
     "C-Captain Ninomiya?" he called into his suit radio as the rest of 
the _Tang_ boarding party spread out in the vestibule that linked the 
_Coronet's_ quarterdeck with the drydock. "I think you should come down 
here, ma'am."
     Hauptmann didn't wait for a reply from the other end. "We're here to 
rescue Lady Akane," he said to the sailor. "Is she here?"
     "She's on the surface," the man replied. "Trying to buy time for the 
other survivors to repair the _Palomino._"
     Hauptmann remembered the two landing forces that were probably already

on the planet by now. Olivera and the Grand Duke needed to know what was 
going on if they were going to do something about it. Captain Ninomiya was 
probably the best source for answers to his questions, but until then...
     "What happened to the _Dragonfly_?" he demanded.
     "The Orochi got us," the sailor answered. "Blew the hell out of the 
ship, even got a piece of the _Palomino,_ which is why they need to repair 
     Captain Hinako Ninomiya appeared as he spoke, looking grubby and 
worn in her child body. She had been forced to endure the indignity of 
being an eight-year-old because her small size allowed her to reach into 
tight spaces to conduct the start-up procedures for the _Coronet._
     Hauptmann had heard about Ninomiya and her *difficulties,* but he 
had never met her face to face. The insular environment of the corvette 
community kept him away from most JumpShip commanders.
     "Captain?" he asked haltingly.
     "That's me," Hinako chirped. "It sure took you long enough to get 
     "What exactly are you doing up here?" Hauptmann asked. "Shouldn't 
your crew be down on the surface repairing the DropShip?"
     "To go where, silly?" Hinako asked, poking him in the chest with each 
word. "No JumpShip means no way to leave the system."
     The former _Tang_ captain looked around him. "You mean this ship is 
     "Not quite," Hinako countered. "We're at the point where we can light 
off the reactor, and the main computer is already up and running, but I 
can't make any guarantees about anything else."
     "How long?"
     Hinako gave him a funny look. "We could start the reactor within the 
hour. After that, I guess it's a matter of how well everything holds up 
after being in layup for the last two-hundred years."
     "The weapons?"
     "Haven't even looked at 'em," she admitted. "Why? You have plans for 
my ship?"
     Hauptmann frowned at the idea that the ship might belong to this 
little girl, even if she was a decorated Confederation Navy captain. He 
had come to the drydock to make the _Coronet_ his!
     "It might be necessary to shoot our way out of the system," he 
declared. "The corvette we came here in is no match for the Orochi 
Network, and there are other powers in the system."
     "I know," Hinako chirped. "We were planning on letting them kill 
each other, and sneaking out while they were busy doing that." She yawned 
wearily, having had no sleep in the last thirty-six hours, and poked him 
in the chest again. "You need to get in touch with Lady Akane. I have 
commo frequencies that will allow you to communicate with my XO, who is 
currently in the Orochi Control Bunker on the planet. He can patch you 
through to her from there."
     "Control bunker?" Hauptmann asked. "You mean you're controlling 
the Orochi right now?"
     "We wish," Hinako snorted, a gesture that was terribly amusing when 
coming from an ersatz eight-year-old. "We don't have the access codes. 
About all we can do is observe, but it also means that we can see 
everything that the network can right now."
     Hauptmann pulled out a notepad and stylus. "Give me the codes and 
freaks, and I'll get them over to the _Tautog._ The Grand Duke will 
probably want to speak to his daughter personally."
     "Oooo!" Hinako squealed with excitement. "His Grace is *here*?"
     "It's a long story," Hauptmann said, nodding. "Suffice it to say that 
things have not gone well for the Confederation since your ship left the 
Capella System."

                           *       *       *

                Star League Defense Force Proving Grounds
                      Bunker Nine, Test Area North
                  Planet Ryuugenzawa, Ryuugenzawa System
                           13:12 Local Time

     Commander Malloy could not believe his ears.
     "Say again?"
     The reply was clipped, but the voice was unmistakable.
     "This is Grand Duke Soun Tendo, in orbit above you aboard the 
Confederation corvette, _Tautog._ I wish to speak to my daughter at 
     Malloy looked at his transplanted _Dragonfly_ bridge crew, who 
returned with equally surprised expressions.
     "A-At once, your Grace," he replied. "Patching you into the commo 
net now."

                           *       *       *

     "They're coming in from the east again," Happousai reported. His
bore a black scorch mark from a lucky laser hit.
     "How many?" Akane asked, wondering why Malloy hadn't updated her with 
this bit of news. Was he having problems with the network?
     "Sixteen there, Sweet Cheeks," Happousai returned. "A company plus
looks like the surviving chumps of the company we spanked a half-hour ago.
recognize the Jenner at least."
     Akane brushed his insulting nickname for her aside as Doctor Tofu's 
admonition came back to her. They were indeed fighting the same 'mechs she 
had let escape, and this time they had another full company to back them
     "I don't want to hit them in the same place as last time," she said at

length. She consulted her map display. "Let's draw them in to this complex 
of ruined buildings to the southeast. There are lots of good crossfires in 
there, plus a few fire lanes where we can hit them with long range
     Happousai brushed his Locust against the hull of her Warhammer in a 
catlike show of affection that scraped the paint on both 'mechs down to 
bare metal. "Oh, Akane!" he sighed. "I love it when you get all tactical 
on me!"
     "If you don't cut that out, I'll start getting medieval on you
Akane fumed angrily.
     Ryouga raised his BattleMaster's fist threateningly at the Locust. 
"Why don't you make yourself useful and go back to scouting!"
     "Fine!" the wizened master mechwarrior sniffed. "I'll do that!" The 
Locust sprang away into the woods to the west, kicking petulantly at trees 
as it went. Curiously, he did not turn around and start heading east, where

it might be expected to encounter the enemy, but continued west, towards
     "The Master seems awfully upset," Genma cautioned from his Orion.
     "I don't know about that..." Ukyou countered. Her Hatchetman's sensor 
head turned to watch the retreating Locust. "He seemed awful eager to
I don't think he's turning coward, but it makes me wonder what he's up to."
     Akane considered asking Ukyou to keep an eye on him and quickly
against it. They were short on numbers as it stood, and while Happousai was

an excellent mechwarrior, his relatively puny Locust could only do so much 
against Black Rose heavies. They wouldn't miss him that much, she
     Commander Malloy appeared on her display as she turned her Warhammer 
towards their next ambush site.
     "Eyes Front to Red Leader," he called to her. "You're not going to 
believe this, ma'am, but I have an urgent commo dispatch for you from your 
     "What was that?!" Akane returned. "My father? Here?"
     "Soun?" Genma chirped.
     Grand Duke Tendo's face took the place of Commander Malloy on their 
commo displays.
     "Akane," he said to her, his face drawn with concern. "What is your 
current situation?"
     Akane was flabbergasted.
     "Dad? Is it really you? How did you get here?"
     Soun shook his head. "That's not important right now. I'm here, and 
so is Kasumi. We're here to evacuate you from the planet before Prince 
Kuno's fleet arrives."
     "He's on his way?"
     "That is correct," Soun replied. "Our sensor operators aboard the 
_Tautog_ have detected the approach of his fleet. We have less than two 
and a half hours before they get here."
     Akane thought about her last progress report from the repair crews.
     "We need at least that long before the _Palomino_ can be made ready 
to lift off, Dad." 
     "If necessary, we'll take everyone off the planet in shuttles," he 
said. "Pass the word to Captain Grant that it may be required of him to 
abandon the ship where it is."
     "B-But, Tendo!" Genma spluttered. "We have Star League technology in 
our possession. We can't just leave it all behind."
     "I know that, Saotome," Soun sighed. "But my daughter's life is more 
important right now. Furthermore, the very future of the Confederation 
rests in returning Akane to Nerima to unseat Nabiki as Regent before she 
manages to surrender everything to the Furinkan Combine."
     "Nabiki?" Akane cried. "Regent?!"
     "Again, there's no time to explain," Soun said to her. The radio 
transmission broke up for a moment. "We're starting to enter the atmosphere

now. I'll speak to you more when we arrive."
     "You're coming down?" Akane asked her father. "I can't recommend that,

     "You need all the help you can get to fight off the Combine and the 
Commonwealth forces until the repairs can be completed," he said to her. 
"I'm told you have a few 'mechs to spare for your sister and I."
     Akane choked back a sob. How long had she dreamed of this moment, to 
prove herself as a leader to her father, to fight alongside a man who had 
at one time been a great mechwarrior serving the Confederation? 
     "We'll be waiting for you," she managed. He gave his acknowledgemnt 
as the transmission broke up into static with the shuttle passing through 
the ionosphere.
     She flicked her commo over to the _Palomino's_ radio frequency. "This 
is Red Leader, what's the status of the repairs?"
     Petty Officer Tad Howard's voice came back to her in reply. "Wait one,

ma'am, I'm calling down to them now."

     The harsh strobe of welders lit the cramped confines of the Reactor 
Compartment in flickering blue-white light, hissing and crackling over the 
sound of portable forced draft blowers supplying the repair parties with 
fresh air from outside. Even then, the hot smell of melted metal and the 
acrid tang of ozone filled the space. 
     "We're way behind schedule, Captain Grant," Akari lamented, watching 
as one of her techs suspended himself upside down from a run of coolant 
piping to reach the back side of the main header welds. The man strained 
with the effort, knowing that he had to lay down a steady, even bead to 
properly rejoin the ruptured main coolant loop to the heat exchange 
circuit. When he finished on his side of the weld, he gingerly passed the 
hot electrode to a tech below him, who completed the weld on the opposite 
     The work was tedious, but vital. The header had to remain tight at a 
pressure of hundreds of atmospheres and at temperatures up to a thousand 
degrees Kelvin. They had already cut the last corner they could - the 
twelve hour 'temperature soak' of the pipe with electric heating strips 
at 400 degrees Kelvin that was recommended for welding on the high-yield 
alloy, and they had foregone the use of the inert argon gas 'tent' as 
well for the time it took to set it up and take it down between welds. 
Akari knew that even if they possessed the radiography equipment and the 
time to inspect the completed welds, that they would never pass. That 
wasn't her concern. As long as the header held tight for just a few hours, 
that was all that would matter.
     "There's always Plan 'B,'" Captain Grant said to Akari without a hint 
of enthusiasm. He referred to the use of thermite-welding techniques on 
the last two welds that remained. In theory, the welding process itself 
would take about thirty seconds as the thermite burned at five thousand 
degrees to fuse the sections of header together, and the pipes themselves 
could be ready to fill and press up in under thirty minutes, but the 
process had never been attempted before by anyone on the ship. The battle 
with error was already an uncertain one as it stood.
     "We can repressurize the header in twenty minutes once we finish the 
welds, sir," Akari said, knowing where the captain was going with his 
statement. "There's no time for a proper hydrostatic test, but if it passes

the static drop test, then I think we can make it." She resisted the urge 
to wipe at the sweat that beaded on her brow and matted her bangs together 
under her bright yellow anti-contamination hood. Instead, she gripped a 
stanchion with her rubber gloved hands and tried not to think about the 
     "Do we even have time for a drop test?" Grant asked her.
     "If we do it while you begin the pre-liftoff checks and auxilliary 
equipment startups, sir, we should have about ten minutes to watch the 
pressure gauges to see if it will hold." She shrugged in resignation. "If 
it doesn't hold, I don't know what we can do. Unless the leak is gross 
enough to pinpoint easily and tack down with a blob of weld bead, we won't 
have time to grind down the welds and start over."
     The sound of a distant series of explosions rolled into the cramped 
and crowded Reactor Compartment, reminding all of them of the urgency 
of their repairs. Ryouga and the others were out there, fighting to buy 
them time. Akari closed her eyes briefly and thought of her beloved and 
his battlemech. Captain Grant reached for the ringing telephone that was 
probably the Flight Deck demanding a status report.

     "Two hours?" Akane repeated worriedly. She knew the answer to her next

question, but found herself asking anyway. "Tad, is that the best they can 
     "The skipper tells me they're doing everything they can, ma'am," he 
     Akane understood. Still, it was going to be a closer call than they 
had anticipated. 
     They were at the next ambush position, a series of ruined buildings 
that flanked the southeastern approaches to the starport proper and
for two lanes of NARC-assisted LRM fire to soften up the Black Rose attack.

Even as she rechecked her observations of the place, the ominous red pings 
of Musk Dynasty forces moving in from the northwest gave her pause. Should 
she split her meager army in two to engage both adversaries at once, or
that she could turn the Black Rose's next push in time to prepare for the 
first Musk attack?
     The scream of fighters overhead made her start in her ejector seat, 
until she recognized them as Yuka and Sayuri doing turns and burns over 
the starport as they duelled with a pair of Black Rose fighters. The two 
Confederation pilots had caught their enemies by surprise, and their 
combined attack had nearly creamed one Black Rose Slayer. Now all four 
fighters wheeled above her, striving for shooting position. Storm clouds 
loomed beyond the dogfight, threatening a cloudburst that would render 
their orbital observation satellites next to useless.
     Doctor Tofu's Centurion cast a worried glance around. "Has anyone seen

     "He was supposed to be with you," Ukyou pointed out.
     Tofu's battlemech shrugged. "I know that," the doctor replied curtly. 
"He was just here. Now I can't find him on my scopes."
     "Marvelous," Ukyou muttered. "Of all the times for him to wander off."
     "Red Leader to Red Two, respond please," Akane called over the commo.
     The tac-net was silent.
     "Ryouga, come in please. Where are you?"
     "He's in a BattleMaster," Genma observed at length. "How hard could it

be to lose track of something as big as that?"
     "In these woods," Akane remarked. "Not that hard at all. Ukyou, do you

think you could look for him?"
     "I don't mind it," she replied. "But is that a smart idea? The Black 
Rose 'mechs will be here any minute now."
     Akane looked crestfallen on the display. "You've got a point, but I 
still want you to look. Don't move more than a few klicks from our
and if we call for you, come running."
     "Will do, sugar."
     The Hatchetman stalked off into the woods, leaving Akane to wonder
had happened to Ryouga. And where the heck was Ranma? she wondered. It had 
been too long since she had heard from him.
     "Red Eagle Lead, this is Red Leader," she called on the tac-net. 
"Respond please."
     There was no answer. She tried again to no effect. Still nothing. She 
then tried another tack. "Red Eagle Deuce, Red Leader, respond."
     Yuka's strained voice came over the airwaves as she gutted out a turn.

     "Eagle Deuce copies," she replied. "Wait one."
     An explosion in midair marked the destruction of the wounded Black
Slayer. The other Slayer, finding itself suddenly outnumbered, made a break

for the horizon.
     "Red Eagle Deuce standing by, Red Leader."
     "Yuka," Akane called to her friend. "Have you seen Ranma since he took

     There was a strained silence. "No."
     "He hasn't reported in," Akane returned, her voice cracking slightly. 
"If you spot him, could you let me know?"
     "Y-Yes, ma'am," Yuka replied, her own voice taking on a guilty edge 
that almost made Akane question it. Instead, she tried to reach him again. 
"Ranma?" she called out into the ether. "Answer me!"
     "Ran-chan?!" Ukyou chimed in worriedly, realizing that there were now 
two missing mechwarriors. "Are you there, honey?"
     Genma's Orion moved from its position.
     "The boy's probably just busy," he said, trying to believe it himself.

                           *       *       *

     "Come on, you piece of crap!"
     Ranma wrenched at the access panel to his LAM's heavy pulselaser 
rifle, finally getting the recalcitrant portal to open. The weapon 
should have reset by this time, but something was holding it back. Worse, 
the shutdown was forcing certain weapon interlocks that kept the rest of 
his armament offline. Ranma suspected that there was a safety disconnect 
open within the pulselaser's power electronics, something that he would 
have to land and dismount to fix. The LAM now rested in Airmech Mode in 
a tiny clearing that did little to screen him from the air. 
     He peered inside the pulselaser's innards as rolling booms of 
thunder and exploding battlemechs surrounded him. A tangled mass of 
coolant piping and power conduit revealed itself, and he had to go by 
touch to figure out which was which. He leaned into the access, hissing 
with discomfort as the heat from the weapon's components remained high 
in spite of the liquid nitrogen cooling system.
     At last he spotted what he thought was the failed disconnect. The 
component would have to be forced back into position, though he saw with 
some relief that it could be locked shut to keep it from popping open 
the next time he got a little too eager on the trigger. He reached in to 
get a grip on the throw switch, and cursed when he couldn't quite fit far 
enough inside the weapon to touch it.
     A thunderclap overhead startled him, and he slammed his head against 
a coolant pipe. Still cursing, he fell out of the access hatch and landed 
on the ground. It was going to rain, he saw, and very soon. The steady 
thud of battlemechs in motion made it clear that if the rain didn't get 
him, they soon would. He could see the treetops swaying in the distance 
as they pushed through the woods to reach the starport.
     The first sprinkling of rain began to fall as he realized that he had 
no tools on him that could reach inside the weapon. Finally, in
an idea came to him, and he looked up at the sky with shaking fists.
     "Rain, dammit!" he yelled. "I dare you to rain on me!"
     A cloudburst opened up over his head with a flash of lightning and 
the peal of thunder, granting his request, and turning him into the buxom 
redhead that had been his curse for the last six months. The enemy 'mechs 
were close now, close enough to see them through the sudden rainy gloom.
     Ranma wasted no time, pulling herself back inside the weapon, where 
her smaller body could squeeze into a position to reach the disconnect. 
She grasped the handle tight and forced it shut with all her strength. 
The disconnect slammed shut with a *bang,* and the weapon began to hum 
with power once again. She cried out in triumph, barely remembering to 
pin shut the disconnect in her excitement before wriggling clear.
     A Black Rose Rifleman loomed overhead, its Garret radar array 
spinning slowly over its head as it searched for enemy fighters. Ranma 
could tell that its mechwarrior's attention was focused on the sky, and 
not on the Phoenix Hawk LAM at its feet. It was easy enough, since if the 
Black Rose pilot had noticed it, she would be dead by now.
     She pulled her helmet back on as she scrambled for the open cockpit. 
The Rifleman couldn't miss her for long, and there were other Black Rose 
'mechs stomping around who might recognize an easy kill when they saw one. 
The canopy locked closed with a hiss as she adjusted her seat straps for 
her smaller body. As the last strap locked into place, she pivoted the 
Airmech on its heels and brought up the heavy pulselaser.
     She squeezed the weapon trigger and held on, sending streams of blue-
green laser light into the Rifleman's right knee joint. The coruscating 
beams were quickly lost in wispy clouds of steam from vaporized rainfall, 
but not before cutting through the battlemech's thin leg armor to the 
fragile knee actuator beyond. The Rifleman's twin-cannon arms flailed 
wildly as the pilot lost his balance, and with a shove from the pulselaser 
muzzle, Ranma toppled it over into the trees.
     She goosed her thrusters even as it pitched over, blasting into the 
sky while the other Black Rose 'mechs trembled in surprise at her sudden 
appearance. A wild volley of LRM fire exploded behind her, throwing 
shattered trees into the air as she fought for altitude. Laser beams 
from an entire company sizzled through the air, discouraging any further 
attacks from her.
     Ranma muscled her way through the low hanging storm clouds and 
pondered her next course of action. It had taken far longer than she had 
hoped to fix her weapon systems, and there was no telling how far the 
Black Rose and her troops had advanced to the starport. She needed to 
put some pressure on their landing zones if she was going to put them 
off balance.
     The small Electronic Warfare panel on her right lit up with ambers, 
blues, and reds as it detected and identified the radar beams and commo 
arrays of a half-dozen Black Rose DropShips obscured from sight by the 
rainstorm. Glyphic symbols scrolled across her HUD as she put her nose 
on target and boosted into supersonic flight, haloing ASX-002 in its own 
sonic boom. The Super Phoenix Hawk LAM bit into the cool air with a 
vengeance as it tore through the cloud bank with a lightning bolt 
cracking in its wake.
     The egg-shaped Overlord Class DropShip _Thorn_ was the first thing 
she saw as she broke through the clouds and dove into the rain. She aimed 
for the deployed communications array at the very top of the ship, and 
loosed a pair of Streak SRMs at it as she passed overhead. The two short 
ranged missiles were self-guided, needing no external radar illumination 
to reach their mark.
     The missiles' aim was true, and Ranma noted with some satisfaction 
that an entire band of color faded abruptly from the Electronic Warfare 
panel, marking the sudden loss of the DropShip's commo link. She hoped 
that Kodachi was in the middle of talking to someone back at the Drop 
Zone when it happened. 
     The Phoenix Hawk LAM dropped down to the deck as battlemechs in the 
security detachment shook off their surprise and began to shoot back at 
her. Ranma transformed to Airmech Mode, the most versatile of the three 
modes for hit and run attacks, and rocketed back at them with the heavy 
pulselaser at the ready. She all but ignored the enemy battlemechs as 
she ranged in on the crates of ammunition staged for ready use by 
returning units seeking to reload, and let loose with a full salvo.
     The laser beams tore into the crates, detonating the ammunition 
in a blinding fireball that raged against the falling rain. Ranma shot 
through the roiling cloud of smoke and steam to spoil the aim of the 
enemy battlemechs, then transformed back to fighter mode to make her 
escape. Though she could have tangled with them for a little while 
longer, her purpose was terror and disruption, and that purpose had 
been fulfilled. She was needed back at the starport now, before her 
tomboy fiancee got in over her head.

                             Chapter Three     

                Star League Defense Force Proving Grounds
                      Bunker Nine, Test Area North
                            13:35 Local Time

     "Mark time to shuttle arrival," Commander Malloy ordered.
     "Any time now, sir," a commo tech replied. "The pilot wants to make a 
quick scan of the surroundings before he puts down."
     Malloy nodded anxiously.
     "Uh, sir, this doesn't look good," Lieutenant Davidge declared
as he manned the main display.
     "What is it?" Malloy demanded.
     "The primary Orochi unit is making an orbital insertion burn," Davidge

replied, scrolling through line after line of command code and
"It's hauling ass, sir; a full burn with its plasma drive."
     "Where's it going?"
     Davidge scribbled some numbers furiously on a notepad as the other 
_Dragonfly_ bridge crew called out updates to Black Rose and Musk Dynasty 
positions. "High orbit, roughly eighty thousand klicks altitude, right
dab over our heads. ETA is one hour and ten minutes."
     "Unit Three is illuminating the surface with radar," one of the former

sensor operators announced. "Looks like it's gonna light up someone's
     "Warn Lady Akane," Malloy ordered. He turned back to Davidge. "Any 
idea of the Big Guy's intentions?"
     "Yeah," Davidge replied as the ground shook around them. "He's gonna 
blow the hell out of us."
     "Beam strike near Musk Landing Zones," the sensor operator declared. 
"Damage assessment impossible due to the cloud cover."
     "Better them than us," someone intoned.

                           *       *       *

                   Musk Dynasty Regimental Landing Zone
                Star League Defense Force Proving Grounds
                            13:37 Local Time

     The particle beam bolt split the dark sky in a convincing imitation of

the wrath of God. When it struck the ground, the planet seemed to shake
the force of the hit, and a terrible shock wave rolled out from the impact 
point with the force of a gale. Cries of panic from the men led to their 
battlemechs casting furtive glances to the clouds above, dreading the next 
     Mousse steadied his Crusader as falling chunks of the ground pelted
pristine white armor. He turned his mech's head to see a steaming crater to

the west, near one of his assembly points. The hole was at least forty
deep, and of the lance of 'mechs that had been standing there, only red hot

bits of metal remained, pattering down with the tortured clods of earth 
uprooted by the energy of the blast.
     Orbital bombardment had gone out with the First Succession War, and 
with it the defensive tactics that could have spared those men. Realizing 
that this battle was not going to be like anything he had ever experienced 
before, he gave orders to his commanders to disperse, and commanded his 
DropShips to lift off to safety. Black Rose fighters were nothing to be 
feared compared to another blast like that one.
     This is suicide, he thought darkly. He had nothing that could engage 
the Orochi satellite responsible for that costly attack.
     "<Send to General Herb," he called to his signal group. "Inform him 
that the Orochi network is subjecting us to bombardment from orbit. Humbly 
request his permission to withdraw from the planet until a way can be found

to neutralize it.>"
     General Herb's face appeared on his display even as the commo officer 
repeated back his orders.
     "<There will be no withdrawal,>" the serpentine Musk commander said to

him. Mousse was surprised by the lack of interference in the transmission. 
"<My ship will be landing within an hour, Colonel. If you feel that you are

incapable of carrying out your orders, I will personally relieve you.>"
     Landing within an hour? Mousse wondered. Herb must have decided to 
proceed to the planet himself not long after dispatching the main force to 
Ryuugenzawa. Had he not told him of his departure out of mistrust, or was 
it a spur of the moment decision on Herb's part?
     "<That won't be necessary, honored lord,>" Mousse demurred. "<I was 
about to investigate a curious group of signals from the surface that might

be the control center for the network.>"
     Herb's eyes lit up. "<Capture it intact, if you can,>" he commanded 
him. "<We can always use the Orochi against Prince Kuno when he gets
     "<Prince Kuno, my lord?>"
     "<He's on his way, according to the fleet. It should make for a very 
interesting battle.>"

                           *       *       *

                Star League Defense Force Proving Grounds
                      Bunker Nine, Test Area North
                            13:41 Local Time

     Shinnosuke watched from a position of cover against the rain as the 
black shuttle from the _Tautog_ flared out into a hover, and settled down 
on the muddy meadow with the scream of turbojets. The nose ramp dropped 
down, and men in battledress carrying rifles fanned out to either side 
of the action. Though Konatsu had told him of the coming arrival of the 
Grand Duke of the Nerima Confederation, he was taken aback by its matter-
of-factness. Shampoo's Panther tracked the shuttle with its PPC arm for 
a moment, then, apparently satisfied with its identity, stomped off on 
another circuit of the bunker's surroundings.
     The kunoichi ran out to meet them, ignoring the readied weapons aimed 
at her and bowing deeply for the Grand Duke and his entourage. Shinnosuke 
decided to follow after her, a little shamed by her courage. He bowed as 
well for them as they took their first steps onto Ryuugenzawa soil.

     "Your Grace," Konatsu said in his breathy voice.
     Soun studied him for a moment, seeking recognition in him and not 
finding any.
     "Where is Commander Malloy?" he finally asked.
     "Please forgive him, your Grace," Konatsu replied. "Given the current 
tactical situation, he was unable to meet you on the surface. He is still 
below in the bunker."
     Soun grunted acknowledgement. "That's fine," he replied. "Kasumi and 
I have to join Akane at the starport. We're only here to put off some non-
combatants." He gestured to an attractive middle-aged woman with a striking

resemblance to Captain Saotome, and to a deeply-tanned man in a floral 
pattern shirt with a Polynesian entourage. 
     "My lord?"
     "The _Tautog_ is about to engage the Orochi network," Soun explained. 
"A space battle is no place for civilians."
     Konatsu bowed again, at last understanding what the Grand Duke 
expected of him. 
     "I would be honored, your Grace," he said in reply.
     "Take good care of them," Soun said. "The Shogun is my personal guest,

and his entourage are to be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy." 
He turned to Nodoka and the Shogun. "With luck, we'll be seeing you again 
very soon."
     Nodoka bowed gracefully for him, then kissed Kasumi's cheek. "Both of 
you be careful, and when you see Ranma, give him my love."
     "You'll see him soon enough, Mrs. Saotome," Kasumi replied with a 
wan smile. She did not relish going back into combat so soon after the 
Battle of Oni, but again, duty called.
     Shogun Kuno gave him the 'hang loose' sign. "Take care, bruddah." He 
and his entourage stepped off the shuttle and into the rain. "De sooner we 
get dis over with, de sooner we go surfin'."
     Konatsu placed a gentle hand on Shinnosuke, making him blush. "You 
should show them to the bunker while I make another round."
     The caretaker stammered agreement, and turned to lead the civilians 
away from the shuttle. The middle-aged woman produced an umbrella from her 
kimono, though Shinnosuke's eyes were drawn to the curious bundle tied to 
her back with a length of silk. It looked rather like a sword.
     The Shogun led his hula girls and beefy Polynesian men towards the 
bunker while Shinnosuke found himself on Nodoka's arm. As soon as they were

clear of the shuttle, the ramp closed and the engines spooled up. The group

paused to watch it lift off, and then nose away to make a high-speed, low 
altitude transit to the distant starport.
     "We get out o' dis rain, ya bruddah?" the Shogun asked Shinnosuke. 
     "Right this way," he replied, feeling useless and a little put off 
with having to shepherd a bunch of offworlders - even supposedly important 

                           *       *       *

     Happousai hadn't intended on coming to this place until well after the

fighting, but his greed had gotten the better of him. He needed to check up

on his trove just one more time to feel secure. The service pit in the 
reinforced concrete floor of the quonset hut was lined with old sheets of 
armor plate, making it about as secure as one could get on such short 
notice. Within the pit was an armored and padded case, the lining shielded 
against electromagnetic interference. 
     He opened the padded case with care, as if the contents would crumble 
to dust at the slightest mishandling. It wasn't true, but considering what 
he had, a little caution was never a bad thing. His eyes lit up at
the Treasure of Ryuugenzawa, and a thin line of drool cascaded down his
     "How beautiful," he sobbed.
     Overcome by the emotion of the moment, he stood back from the case, 
trying not to cry. The Inner Sphere would never forget him after today. 
He would be a savior, a messiah, and the way he figured it, and with few 
exceptions, most messiahs did pretty well in the booty call department.
     "When did you plan on telling the rest of us about this?" a gruff 
voice behind him demanded.
     Happousai spun around to see Ryouga looking down at him. It was clear 
by the angry scowl on his face that he had seen everything. A thunderclap 
outside the quonset hut punctuated the man's angry glare, and rain began 
to fall.
     "R-Ryouga," he cried out greasily. "Didn't hear you coming."
     "I know," the fanged mechwarrior growled. "I followed you after you 
left us."
     Happousai did a double-take. Since when was Ryouga even able to walk a

straight line?
     "So," Ryouga continued. "Are you going to answer my question, or do I 
have to beat it out of you?"
     Happousai edged back to the case and shut the lid, while keeping his 
eyes fixed on Ryouga. "I was going to tell everyone," he replied. "Honest 
I was. The timing just hasn't seemed right, that's all."
     "I may not know much," Ryouga snarled. "But I've learned to tell when 
you're lying, Happousai."
     "O-Oh yeah?" the wizened mechwarrior replied, looking for an opening 
to make his escape. "How's that?"
     Ryouga's eyes narrowed to burning slits. "Your lips move."
     Happousai took a slow and deliberate step towards him. "Now take it 
easy, Ryouga," he soothed. "There's no need to get angry. I'm willing to 
cut you in on this."
     Ryouga eyed him warily. "Go on."
     Happousai's face turned up into an easy smile, surprised at Ryouga's 
reaction to his offer. "We both know how much the contents of this case 
are worth. I'm willing to share the take with you if you keep your mouth 
shut about it." He stepped up to Ryouga and gave him a conspiratorial 
nudge. "Think about it for a moment. A girl as beautiful and sweet as 
Akari deserves a good life, and with even a fraction of what I'm offering 
you, you can give her everything she's ever wanted. A nice mansion on a 
landed estate, the most expensive fashions, gorgeous jewelry from across 
the Inner Sphere. Hell, you could build her her own little 'mech workshop 
and let her tinker to her heart's content for the rest of her life."
     He looked away for a moment. "Think you can do that for her as a 
lousy lieutenant in an army that's gonna end up on the Furinkan Combine 
payroll someday? Or as a wandering mercenary?"
     "No..." Ryouga replied sheepishly. "No, I guess I couldn't do all 
those things for her if I was one of those."
     "So whaddya say?" Happousai cried, offering up a wrinkled hand. 
"Share and share alike?"
     Ryouga took Happousai's hand in a firm grip. "I could never give her 
those things as a lousy lieutenant in the Nerima Confederation Army," he 
said to him. "Just like I could never live with myself for betraying the 
people who have come to mean so much to me if I do what you say!" He 
threw Happousai down to the ground and gave him a savage kick.
     "What was that for?!" Happousai wailed.
     "You--" he spluttered at Happousai, who cowered at his feet and 
whimpered. "You incredible bastard! Doesn't Akane mean anything at all 
to you!? Or Grand Duke Tendo!? Or even Ranma!? You'd sell them all out 
for the contents of that case!?"
     "You idiot!" Happousai howled as Ryouga pinned him with a foot. 
"Don't you understand what a Library Core is? Everything, I mean 
EVERYTHING the Inner Sphere lost to the wars is in that case. That 
knowledge and technical information is the greatest treasure in the 
galaxy! A ransom for a thousand star systems!"
     Ryouga grabbed Happousai by the scruff of his neck and held him up 
to his face. 
     "You won't get one C-bill of it!" he shouted, spittle flying off 
his lips and into Happousai's eyes. In his rage, he threw the little 
mechwarrior to the concrete. "Tarou was right! I should have helped 
him kill you on the _Dragonfly!_"
     His fist plunged down at Happousai, intent on crushing the very 
life out of the twisted little man. Happousai turned the blow aside 
with a casual flick of his hand, dropping Ryouga's fist into the 
concrete with a crash. Chunks of the floor exploded around them, 
battering Ryouga and stunning him long enough for Happousai to make 
his break.
     "Come back here, you!" he called after Happousai.

     Happousai dashed for his Locust, which was parked outside the hut. 
It was a fortunate circumstance, for Ryouga's BattleMaster was also 
outside. He couldn't chase after him without turning into a pig in the 
     He hated to do this, but there was no choice. Barring a lucky 
shot, he would be forced to bring down the hut on Ryouga. When the 
fighting was over he would dig out the rubble for the case, which he 
was confident was protected against any collapse. Ryouga had seen too 
much, and more to the point, had refused to play along.

     Ryouga watched Happousai flee into the rain and stopped short of 
following him. As a pig he would be defenseless. The little bastard was 
running for his Locust, though his intentions beyond escape were unknown. 
It did not occur to him that Happousai would actually try to kill him, 
even in spite of what had just passed between them.
     When the Locust's turret-like medium laser projector pivoted to 
bear on the hut, he knew he was wrong.
     A rippling beam of laser light cut across him to blast apart a 
section of wall on the opposite side of the hut. Though the beam had 
barely missed, the heat was tremendous, searing his skin and nearly 
blinding him with its intensity. He staggered backwards, his vision 
filled with painful blotches of color. The water-filled cooling vest 
on his torso spat out a jet of hot liquid from the safety relief, 
reminding him of how close he had come to being fried.
     Happousai sent another beam at him, tearing up a trench in the 
concrete floor and blasting shards of it into the air. Stinging bits 
of the stuff pelted him, and he covered up instinctively against the 
barrage. Still half-blind, his watery eyes groped for a place where 
he could take cover.
     A third blast ripped into the hut, though now it was clear that 
Happousai was no longer trying to hit him. He was going for the quonset 
hut's supports instead. The ancient building groaned in protest as a 
section of the struts that held up the curved roof were evaporated.
     Rain began to spill through the holes in the roof that Happousai 
had made, and Ryouga tripped clumsily around them as he staggered for 
the only shelter he could think of. A fourth blast took out an entire 
corner of the quonset hut, and the tortured metal shrieked as it 
failed. The building was collapsing on him, and all he could think 
about was Akari.

     Happousai took no satisfaction in watching the quonset hut fall 
in on itself. He blamed himself for his clumsiness in being followed, 
even for his weakness in wanting to take another look at his treasure. 
He took a calming puff on his pipe as wisps of steam from rain 
evaporating on superheated metal wafted up from the uneven pile of 
     It was possible that Ryouga had survived the collapse. He was a 
tough one, and the idea of stomping on the rubble with his battlemech 
crossed his mind. When the time came to dig out the debris to recover 
the Library Core, Ryouga was much better off being dead. Especially if 
by some miracle, the Confederation managed to pull off a victory.
     The scream of distant weapons fire distracted him from his internal 
debate. Akane and the others were probably mixing it up with the Black 
Rose forces again. For a moment he considered himself to be on Akane's 
side, and knew he was needed there. He let it pass. A true master of 
the Anything Goes School knew when to cut his losses, and this was that 
     The Locust turned and began trotting south with the intention of 
skirting the fighting and waiting out the battle from a safe distance. 
The Library Core wasn't going anywhere now that it was buried under a 
few tons of rubble. As he fled, he felt a pang of conscience, the first 
he had felt in decades. 
     Ignore it, he told himself. You've never needed it before. No need 
to start now.

                              Chapter Four

                              SLDF Drydock 
                            14:02 Local Time

     "We have approximately half an hour before the primary Orochi 
satellite takes up a position above the starport," Captain Hauptmann 
said to an freshly adult Hinako Ninomiya on the _Coronet's_ quiet 
Bridge. The _Dragonfly_ sailor who had made the brave sacrifice of 
energy for his captain floated in peaceful unconsciousness in free-fall 
     Hauptmann could see that the auxilliary systems were online, though 
many of the stations were unmanned as the crew finished up preparations 
for launch. "The _Tautog_ will do what it can to distract the damn thing, 
but that won't be much. We need to launch this ship."
     "I'm not so sure that we'll be able to make much of a contribution," 
Hinako replied. "We don't even know if we can leave drydock, much less 
use the ship's weapons."
     "What about the torpedo systems?"
     She shook her head. "The torpedoes were offloaded before the ship 
went into drydock. They were probably put on some tender in orbit, and 
that ship probably joined Kerensky in the Exodus."
     Hauptmann didn't want to give up. "The spinal mount, then," he 
     The _Coronet_ was one of the few Star League ships to carry a 
particle beam cannon so massive that it was laid along the very backbone 
of the vessel for support. Such weapons were known as spinal mounts, 
drawing their power directly from the fusion reactor. Though they were 
the most powerful energy weapons known to man, they required that the 
ship itself line up with the target, making them difficult to use in 
battle. It was one of the primary reasons why they weren't very common 
in the SLDF fleets.
     Hinako rolled her eyes. "There doesn't seem to be any reason why 
the spinal mount won't function, aside from the fact that the reactor 
hasn't had to answer that kind of instantaneous power demand for over 
two hundred years. We could knock out the entire electrical generation 
and distribution system trying to fire it."
     "You're right," Hauptmann snorted. "We should just sit here and 
watch the planet get blasted by the Orochi."
     "That's not what I'm saying," Hinako retorted, her sultry voice 
taking on a hard edge.
     "Then what *are* you saying?" the former corvette skipper demanded. 

     Unlike most men Hinako had known, he seemed to be immune to her many 
charms. She regarded him for a moment before replying. "Believe me, no 
one wants to see Lady Akane and the others safely off the planet and out 
of the system more than me. I simply don't see how we'll be doing them any 
favors by facing the Orochi in a ship we have no experience with, and one 
that might not even function in battle."
     "We don't have time to debate this," Hauptmann countered. "In thirty 
minutes this discussion becomes academic." He gestured to the viewport, 
where the planet below shuddered with another particle beam hit from Unit 
Three. "One of the smaller ones is already pounding on them. The big Orochi

has ten times the firepower."
     "All right!" Hinako cried angrily. "I'll order the countdown for 
launch. But for the record, I think this is a terrible mistake."
     "I'm not going to concern myself with it," Hauptmann replied. "If 
it is a mistake, none of us will be alive to regret it."

                           *       *       *

                             NCWS _Tautog_
                           14:05 Local Time

     "Tommy, what have you got for me?"
     Captain Olivera watched his Executive Officer make a last check of his

information before replying. 
     "Well, skipper, the lesser Orochi satellites have these sensor/commo 
nodes running through the vertical axis in the dorsal and ventral quarters.

If we hit them both, it should knock out all but their low-frequency radar 
and some low bandwidth radio links for backup commos and telemetry."
     "Will that make it blind and deaf?"
     "Mostly," the XO replied. "With the LF radar it will still be able to 
detect targets, and our stealthing is particularly vulnerable to LF and 
VLF radar frequencies, but the lack of resolution will make it very 
difficult to target anything with its weapons systems, and the low 
bandwidth commo links will make it difficult for other Orochi units to 
provide it with targeting data."
     "Sounds great," Olivera remarked. "What's the catch?"
     "The catch, sir," Tommy replied. "Is that both nodes are relatively 
small targets versus the bulk of the entire hull, and both are ringed with 
a dozen point-defense gun turrets."
     "But you have a way around that, don't you."
     The XO opened his helmet visor to wipe away the sweat. "If we get 
really close, and I mean close enough to see chipped paint without a 
telescope, we can get off a volley of torps at point blank range that 
might get past the turrets and knock out the nodes. If we use our laser 
turrets, we'll have better odds of hitting, but we'll expose ourselves to 
detection from the other Orochi units closing in, and we'll have to be 
almost as close."
     Olivera was nodding his head as the XO spoke. "We'll have to put 
our most vulnerable quarter to the planet and creep up on attitude jets. 
That damn Orochi unit has to go before it starts targeting parts of the 
planet we care about."
     He thumped his XO on the arm. "I'll leave the approach to you, Tommy. 
In the meantime, we need to brainstorm a solution to the primary Orochi 
     "That might not be necessary, sir," the Sensor Supervisor declared. 
"The main Furinkan Combine fleet is on a course to intercept. Estimated 
time to weapon range is four-two minutes."
     Olivera looked at the holotank. "I never thought I'd be glad to see 
the Furinkan Combine, but I'm sure it'll pass soon enough."

                           *       *       *

                           Near the Starport
                           14:11 Local Time

     Ukyou screamed into her commo mic as her battle-spatula cleaved 
through the hull of a Black Rose Wolverine that had nearly gotten the 
drop on her. The enormous 'mech blade severed the enemy battlemech's 
left arm in a shower of sparks and flame and dug deep into the torso 
armor, knocking it off balance. Crying out in a frenzy, Ukyou wrenched at 
her controls, bringing her Hatchetman's knee up to strike the Wolverine 
as it teetered, and sending it to the muddy ground with a crash.
     She pulled at her embedded battle-spatula to free it as more 
Black Rose 'mechs appeared through the gloom. Cursing to herself, she 
let the weapon go, and fired her jump jets to spoil her enemies' aim. 
A cat's cradle of laser fire cut through the air around the Hatchetman 
as it sprang airborne under the shriek of fusion heated turbojets. 
     Knowing that it was dangerous to do so, and even more dangerous not 
to, she lined up a Black Rose Phoenix Hawk in her gunsight and fired her 
hip-mounted heavy autocannon in midair. The recoil sent her tumbling, 
and she fought her battlemech into a somersault, putting all of her 
martial arts intincts to the test to land upright. As she touched down 
and prepared to fire another round, she saw that her shell had hit its 
mark, blowing the enemy battlemech's head apart in a shower of smoke 
and flames.
     There was no time to gloat over her marksmanship though, as the 
Wolverine she had cleaved pulled itself to its feet. The six-pack 
SRM launcher on its shoulder spat a volley of missiles at her, and 
she threw herself into a copse of trees to avoid them. Missiles 
exploded into the tress and cratered her armor in three places as 
she called out for help over the radio.
     She had gone looking for Ryouga, and had found a Black Rose 
reconnaissance lance instead. Now she was outnumbered and cut off 
from the rest of her companions.
     "Anybody out there?" she cried into her radio once more. The 
Wolverine crunched over the fallen Phoenix Hawk towards her, its 
hand-held autocannon spitting out a hail of shells that chopped 
down the trees in front of her with murderous efficiency. Her battle 
spatula was still embedded in its armor. Beyond the Wolverine was a 
Griffin and a Valkyrie. The Griffin tracked her with its PPC, waiting 
for a clear shot.
     "What is your position?" a voice, Akane's, called out over the 
commo in return.
     Ukyou's eyes flicked to the map display for a second as she 
ducked and weaved her Hatchetman between trees to avoid fire from 
the Black Rose 'mechs. "Three klicks southwest of you," she managed. 
A PPC bolt carromed off her shoulder, lighting up the woods for a 
moment as some of her precious armor boiled off into hot gas.
     "Can you disengage?"
     Ukyou spat out a curse before answering her. "If I could do that, 
I wouldn't be begging for help!"
     "We can't break away right now," Akane returned, her voice just 
as urgent. The sounds of battle were clear enough over the commo to 
let Ukyou know that Akane was in the middle of a tremendous fight. 
"Avoid contact if you can, and try to work your way back towards us."
     Ukyou knew then that she was truly on her own. The Wolverine 
and Griffin were working in tandem while the Valkyrie protected the 
rear, each covering the other's advance while she stumbled on through 
the woods trying to escape. The only problem with her strategy was 
that she would enter a clearing on her present course, giving them an 
unobstructed shot at her while remaining in cover themselves.
     She needed a better plan, and she needed her battle-spatula back.
     The Hatchetman stopped running and turned around. She fired the 
autocannon to keep their heads down, then triggered her jump jets. The 
'mech lurched into the air as the Wolverine shrugged off the cannon 
hit, its ball-turret medium laser tracking her arc through the sky.
     The laser blast bit into her Hatchetman's torso, but the armor 
held. The Wolverine raised its autocannon too late to gun her down, 
and she crashed into the 'mech feet first. The crunch of armor and 
the groan of actuators filled the rain soaked woods as the Wolverine 
crumpled and fell to the ground once again.
     This time she wasn't going to let him get up. The autocannon 
barked, blowing the Wolverine's head clean off. The Griffin that had 
dogged her was now too close to use its PPC or its LRM launcher, and 
decided to throw down in hand to hand combat instead. 
     Ukyou wrenched frantically at the haft of her battle-spatula 
as the Griffin fired its jump jets for a death from above attack of 
its own. The trees shivered as it crashed through the canopy on its 
fatal collision course. The battlefield became shrouded in mist from 
the steam of evaporated rainfall.
     The spatula ripped free of the armor that held it fast, and she 
brought it up to strike the Griffin as if fell upon her. The scream of 
pierced metal deafened her, and the shock of impact knocked her senseless. 
Alarms wailed in her cockpit as the Hatchetman fell over.
     When she opened her eyes, the view out of her armored cockpit 
visor was dark. A quick scan of the cockpit told her that her 'mech 
systems were still online, but the clock was reading twenty minutes 
later than the last time she had looked. Had she been unconscious 
that long?
     She tried to move her 'mech, but something was keeping the limbs 
pinned in place.
     With some trepidation, she undogged her cockpit hatch and opened 
it. The Hatchetman had fallen onto its back, and as she crawled out 
of the hatch, she discovered why she had been unable to move. The 
Griffin lay over the top of her 'mech, its arms splayed out to either 
side of the Hatchetman's head. Her battle-spatula had cleaved through 
the bubble cockpit canopy of the enemy 'mech, and she had to look away 
at the sight of a smear of blood that trickled down the blade to wash 
away in the rain.
     Of the enemy Valkyrie, there was no sign. It must have written 
them both off for dead and left to rejoin its company. All that remained 
were the enormous footprints of its passing that filled with rainwater.
     The adrenaline of combat was starting to wear off, and she wobbled 
unsteadily on her feet. She had never fought in such an ugly, desperate 
battle before. Her days as a general in the Federated Shiratori had 
simply not prepared her for this. 
     She plopped down on the muddy ground and hugged her knees to her 
chest. The rain continued to fall as the sounds of thunder mingled with 
the sounds of battle to the north. She just needed to rest for a little 
while, she told herself, wiping the rain out of her eyes. Then she would 
go back to the fighting. 


                              Chapter Five

                               Red Leader
                            14:19 Local Time

     Akane lashed out at the Black Rose Hunchback she had let escape in 
their first encounter, clouting it with both PPC cannon arms. The squat, 
ugly war machine pitched over, its torso caved in and gouts of nitrogen 
gas from its breached cooling systems venting through rents in the armor. 
She stomped over the top of it as she drew a bead on the next enemy 'mech, 
blasting it with a double barrage of particle beam fire that plowed through

the thin rear armor of the enemy Thunderbolt. The heavy 'mech fusion
exploded with such fury that it took a wounded Rifleman with it, and ended 
the battle as abruptly as it had begun.
     She blinked away the spots that swam before her eyes. It might have 
been a foolish thing to meet the enemy charge head on, but the alternative 
was to be completely overrun. The Black Rose's troops were fighting with a 
fanaticism that she had never seen before - not even on Port Said.
     Doctor Tofu's Centurion drew a wary bead on the tree line with its 
heavy autocannon as she stomped back into cover. The cannon muzzle on his 
'mech glowed a dull red, even in the rain. Two ugly tears in his torso
made it clear that he wasn't fit to be mixing it up at close range anymore.

     Even Genma's Orion was battered. His instincts for self-preservation 
made him a poor choice for front rank duty, but she had to admit that he
a formidable mechwarrior in a pinch, having destroyed or seriously damaged 
four 'mechs single-handedly. Of course, he had been completely cut off from

help at the time and it was fight or die, but the results were still the 
     "Still no word from Ryouga or Ukyou," Doctor Tofu said to her.
     "I hope they're all right," she returned anxiously. There had been 
no word from Ryouga, and Ukyou had gone silent after her last transmission 
begging for help. Ranma wasn't answering the commo, though the reasons for 
this weren't clear. The situation did not look good for them, even with the

Orochi network bombarding the Musk Dynasty positions and keeping them busy.
     "I'm almost out of ammunition," Tofu added. "One shell left in the 
gun; no missiles."
     "I'm out of missiles *and* shells," Genma chimed in.
     "All right," Akane panted. "We'll fall back to rearm. I want to see 
if we can link up with Ukyou, or at least find out what happened to her, 
so we'll take the southern route back to the DropShip. Keep an eye out for 
Black Rose units along the way."
     The three battlemechs formed up into a loose wedge and moved out.

                           *       *       *

              Test Area North, near the Orochi Control Bunker
                            14:18 Local Time

     Shampoo was a hunter. Next to a lightning fast raid, she preferred 
nothing more than stalking her prey unawares. It was even more enjoyable 
for her when her prey belonged to the traitorous Musk Dynasty. 
     She could see them moving through the rainy gloom. The Orochi network 
had been unleashing deathbolts from orbit on their positions for forty-five

minutes now, and they were too busy keeping one eye on the sky to watch out

for a lone Panther with a mistress that was out for blood. She hadn't 
bothered to tell anyone at the bunker that she was leaving. In fact, she 
was rather concerned about becoming the victim of orbital bombardment 
herself, and standing next to a target like that was asking to get killed.
     Now she was free. Free to hunt her clan's enemies. Free to take 
revenge on Mousse for his betrayal. He was out there somewhere, commanding 
the troops that had come to make Ryuugenzawa theirs, and she would kill
     The Musk Dynasty 'mechs were much closer now. Their radars probed the 
woods around them, but with the heavy rainfall and all of the trees, it was

doubtful that they could see her. Thermal sensors were almost useless. 
     She kept her Panther's reactor powered down anyway, content to let 
the lance of 'mechs pass her by. They trudged past from a distance of one 
hundred meters, dark shapes moving through the woods oblivious to the 
source of their own deaths. She breathed a silent prayer to the gods of 
war, then flicked the combat start-up switch for the reactor.
     The fusion plant came to life with a low rumble. Two weak plumes of 
steam vented from her Panther's heat sinks in response. She waited until 
the plumes disappated, then moved forward at a crawl. 
     The Musk Dynasty Dragon at the rear of the file did not detect her 
approach. She followed it as quietly as a 35 ton war machine could, which 
when matching the Dragon's footsteps with her own, was silent indeed. As 
she closed the range, her PPC arm rose slowly to target a known weak spot 
in the battlemech's armor. It was too small for an average mechwarrior to 
target in the heat of battle, but for a skilled mechwarrior such as 
herself with the element of surprise for an ally, it was no challenge.
     The PPC erupted at the touch of the trigger, sending a ball of 
blue-white lightning into the Dragon's back. The battlemech lurched with 
the hit as it annihilated the thin rear armor and blasted deep into the 
internals. The Dragon's autocannon ammunition exploded an instant later, 
gutting the 'mech in a shower of green and orange flame.
     Shampoo leaped her Panther to the side, taking advantage of the steam 
clouds produced by the bolt and by the rain to conceal her. The other 
Musk Dynasty 'mechs spun around to face the apparent direction of the 
attack. One even began firing blindly with its autocannon. Tracers lit up 
the gloom as she circled around behind them once more.
     She aimed once again for the weak spot, smiling to herself at how 
easy this was. Were these not the greatest men in the Inner Sphere? She 
had to laugh as she touched the trigger and obliterated another Dragon. 
Fools. Pretentious upstarts with no conception of what true skill in 
battle meant.
     Again the surviving Dragons spun to face their attacker. She could 
almost hear their panicked cries over the radio, and was tempted to tune 
her commo array to their tac-net channels. Again she slipped around to 
attack them from another direction. 
     Autocannon fire streamed from their guns as they fired wildly into 
the surrounding woods. Several shells spanged off her armor, but she did 
not react with answering fire. Crouching her Panther to practically crawl 
through the muddy undergrowth, she crept slowly into position, and waited 
for them to run out of ammunition.
     They were wary now, turning in slow circles that denied her a clear 
shot at their weak spots. Undaunted, she twisted her torso to the side 
while keeping her PPC arm levelled at the closer of the two. From the 
chest of her 'mech erupted a volley of four short range missiles. They 
were Streak SRMs, which was a pity to waste under the circumstances, but 
they had their desired effect. 
     As the missiles exploded into the trees, the Dragon pilots turned to 
face the blasts. Shampoo aimed carefully for the cockpit, which was no 
easy shot given the protective cover of the 'mech's oversized shoulder 
armor, and fired. The bolt grazed the canopy, blinding the mechwarrior, 
and giving her time to jet into the air.
     Laser and autocannon fire pounded her late position as she sailed 
over their unsuspecting heads to land on the opposite side. The crash of 
the trees alerted them, and they lumbered around to face her once more. 
Shampoo was ready for them, aiming once more for the cockpit, and was 
quickly rewarded with the sight of one of the two turning right into her 
gunsight. The thick-barrelled autocannon of the Dragon spat out a single 
shell before running dry, a shot that carromed off her armor as she blew 
the cockpit to smithereens.
     The last Dragon lurched after her, intent on clubbing her to the 
ground with its depleted autocannon. Shampoo stood her Panther up, and 
let the charging Dragon have a bellyfull of SRMs before jetting clear. 
The missiles cratered the 'mech's thick frontal armor, and the blasts 
obscured her from sight.
     She let the foolish Dragon pilot thrash around in the woods. He 
would have called for help by now, and she was late to set up her ambush 
of the relieving forces. With luck, perhaps Mousse would be leading them.

                           *       *       *

                Headquarters Lance, Black Rose Terror Regiment
                          South of the Starport
                            14:20 Local Time

     Kodachi's Marauder broke out of the treeline to see the ruins of 
the colony town laid out before her. The place had been destroyed over 
a century ago, and the prolific plant life of Ryuugenzawa had quickly 
moved in. There was good cover here, which concerned her. It was an 
ideal spot for an ambush.
     "What is it?" Tarou asked her. 
     "It's nothing," she replied. Ever since the _Thorn_ had been 
attacked by an unknown LAM with SLDF markings, she had been on edge. 
She was here to kill Akane Tendo, not tangle with the locals in a 
turf war.
     The most curious aspect of her brief campaign was knowing that her 
hated rival was somewhere close at hand. Her SIGINT people had been able 
to identify her voice on several occasions during the past hour, and the 
limited Direction Finder fixes they had obtained seemed to indicate that 
she was east of the starport proper - where Captain Lassiter had suffered 
his first defeat, and then, if the lack of signals from him was any 
indication, his death.
     In trying to reconcile the mystery of the Star League battlemechs 
that had mauled her precious regiment with Akane Tendo, she could only 
conclude that the Tendo witch had found the 'mechs in the ruins. Tarou 
had obviously come to the same conclusion, for he had become increasingly 
bold as they neared the starport. Her lover wanted a share of the spoils, 
and if only Akane Tendo and a rag-tag handful of Confederation pilots 
stood in the way, there was nothing to be feared.
     "Advance," she ordered her troops. Akane Tendo and her men were 
too far north to reach the ruined colony town in time to set up an 
ambush for her. 
     Tarou stomped out onto the cracked pavement of the colony town's 
main drag. He passed several deep pools of water, taking care to note 
their tactical use in case they ended up having to fight in this area. 
He did not know that they were craters formed by orbital bombardment at 
the time of the town's destruction, nor would he have cared. The Orochi 
network was preoccupied with the Commonwealth landing zones, as the 
regular flashes of light and dull booms of thunder on the horizon 
     As he thought warm thoughts of the Commonwealth's annihilation, 
the sight of a Locust tromping past his Hunchback drew him up short. 
The pilot of the light 'mech had apparently missed seeing him as it 
rounded the corner of a ruined building. From the battlemech's distinct 
loping gait, and the fact that a Cameron Star was crudely painted on 
its hull, he decided that it could belong to only one person.
     "HAPPOUSAI!!!" he roared at the Locust, and fired his monstrous 
Tomodzuru Type 20 autocannon. The depleted uranium dart punched a 
neat hole through one of the SRM launcher pods projecting from the 
tub-like hull, and the force of the impact blasted it into glowing 
shards of hot metal.
     The Locust staggered with the hit, but did not fall over. It turned 
to face him as Kodachi and the rest of the lance moved to join him.
     "Well, I'll be!" Happousai replied over the commo. "Fancy meeting 
you here, eh, Monster Boy?"
     The use of Ryouga's hated sobriquet for him made his blood boil 
even hotter than before.
     "I'm here to kill you, Happousai!" he shouted back.
     The Locust darted off into the ruins. "Take a number and stand in 
line, loser!" Happousai cackled.
     Kodachi's Marauder fired a twin blast of PPC bolts at the fleeing 
Locust. The bolts burst apart a low wall just short of their target. Tarou 
stomped off in pursuit as she drew up alongside him.
     "Is this the man you were talking about earlier, lover?" she inquired 
sweetly of him.
     "The same," Tarou grunted. 
     "Would you mind if I tagged along?" she asked, eying him with an 
expression of faint amusement. 
     "Be my guest," Tarou replied tersely. "But remember that the final 
blow must come from me!"
     She cooed huskily. "You know how hot it makes me when you talk to me 
like that, my dear." She then gave a shrill laugh at the prospect of 
fighting a master mechwarrior. "Charge into battle, my dears!" she called 
to her 'mechs.


                       END OF PART TWENTY-EIGHT

Author's Notes:

Nope, not quite there yet. Maybe by next installment(!). I decided to 
put out what I had rather than hold off any longer, as it's been about a 
month since the last time I posted an installment, and 102KB makes for a 
decent length. For everyone who has read this 'fic from the beginning 
(thirteen months ago?! o_O), I thank you for your patience, and want you 
to know that the end is indeed in sight.

Sir Desaix, member # 116 of the Knights of the True Fiancee           
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