Tue, 30 Jan 2001 19:34:21 -0800
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From: "Xelan Metallium" <xelan@linainverse.com>
To: ffml@fanfic.com
Subject: [FFML] [Slayers][Fanfic] Lina. The Myth, the Legend, and her Friends
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Lina. The Myth, the Legend, and her Friends.

Another stab at Slayers fanfic writing by Xelan

<xelan@linainverse.com> <http://www.xelan.cjb.net>

(Certain characters copyright H. Kanzaka / R. Araizumi, as all fans

well know. Original characters belong to me. No copyright infringement

intended. Remember: suing people is a bad thing.) ^_^

This is not to be taken seriously and will most likely stay a one-shot

story. Beware of Spoilers for those of you that have not seen all of

Slayers Next.

-In Rentada Castle-

"Do you really think she's real," asked the princess of Skubobia.

"Of course she's real, Martina stopped by our castle asking for

assistance to destroy Lina Inverse a while back. Daddy turned her down

of course; there was no strategic benefit helping a member of the

former royal family of Xoanna. In any case, she was always acting like

she was a prissy princess or something."

Sweatdrops abounded as the princesses of the room fell from their

satin covered chairs, only to be caught by specially trained


"Umm...Christina? Maybe you've forgotten, but she was a princess."

said the princess of some small of obscure country.

"Oh yeah... she was wasn't she. Oh well, she still acted much too

prissy for my taste." stated Christina, the current heir to the royal

throne of Intransia.

Claudette the princess of the Large and powerful kingdom of Yu-es-say

rapped her tiny ceremonial mallet on the table to get the subject back

on topic. "Ahem... my dear friends, perhaps you have forgotten why

we're here. We gather every month to discuss interesting things,

however prissy princesses are not one of them!"

Several prissy princesses in attendance lowered their heads and looked

hurt. Their lips quivered just so and their eyes began the customary

glitter and tear- up effect that was so sweet it forced most peoples'

blood sugar indexes to reach danger levels.

Upon realizing their peers surrounded them they immediately stopped.

Not because they feared looking childish but because they knew it

would have no affect whatsoever.

"Anyway..." said Tabbetha of the royal kingdom of Brianara. "Like

Christina said, Lina Inverse is real. But does that mean that

everything else they say about her is real as well?"

"Umm... Tabbetha, I don't know what you've heard about Miss Lina, but

pretty much everything they say about her is real." squeaked the

slightly uncomfortable Princess Amelia Wil Tesla Sailoon. "And by the

way, Martina married and is rebuilding Xoanna."

"Oh. Okay, I hadn't heard that Martina got married. But if she's

rebuilding Xoanna then..." but Princess Kelly didn't have time to

finish her verbal thought due to the other princess that bumped her

way into the conversation.

"What!!?? Amelia, how would you know about Lina Inverse? You're a

princess just like us; we barely leave the palace to come here; so how

could you know about the world abroad?"

"uh... because I've traveled with her and she's one of my personal

friends," said Amelia with a very straight face.

"Your what??!! You are friends with Lina Inverse, The Enemy of All who

Live, the Greatest Black- Sorceress alive, the Girl even a dragon

wouldn't mess with, the Girl who faced and killed not only Shabranigdo

the God of Darkness, but also two of the Mazoku Lords: Hellmaster

Phibrizo and Demon-Dragon Gaav?


"So...it's all true then. She really did do all of the things that

Tabbetha just said?" asked a shaking Princess Veggie of the kingdom of


"Well, I do know that she killed a piece of Shabranigdo single

handedly, and she did kill The Hellmaster with a little help from the

Lord of Nightmares, but it was really Hellmaster that killed Demon

Dragon Gaav."

"L-L-L-L-O-O-O-R-R-D-D-D of N-N-NightM-M-Mares????"

"Yes...L-Sama. The Lord of Nightmares, the creator of All, the source

from which all chaos springs."

At this point all the occupants of the room save for Amelia began

quivering and shaking in fear amazed by these startling revelations.

The servants appeared unaffected but that was just amazing training.

Amelia's pageboy had once met Lina, so he at least still had control

of his upper body.

"Ah...Hello Minna-san" came a bright voice from the doorway. "Amelia;

Lina, Gourry, Zelgadis, and myself were told in Sailoon that you were

here in Rentada Castle; so we came to see if you wanted to go on a

quest to keep the power of the Pentasama Amulet from falling into the

clutches of Darkness?

"Mr. Xelloss! Sure, I'd love to go on a quest. Give me five minutes to

finish up here and fifteen minutes to gather all my belongings and we

can be off."

Xelloss smiled his most sanctimonious grin; turned and left the room.

All eyes turned to Amelia.

"LINA INVERSE is HERE!!!!???" said everyone in the room. The servants

had joined in, their Vows of Silence be damned.

"Yup, Miss Lina is here, but don't worry she probably won't blow

anything up unless she's hungry, cranky, mad, or unless she feels 

like showing off. Come to think of it, there is a very good

chance she'll blow something up, so you better go back to worrying

again." She smiled and made her way toward the door, but was stopped

when Christina asked her a question.

"Amelia, who was that Mr. Xelloss?"

"Oh, Mr. Xelloss? He's the General-Priest of the Mazoku Lord Greater

Beast Master Metallium, and he's a Mazoku, but that doesn't mean he is

not a nice person."

Amelia looked at Christina to see if that sufficiently answered her

question. Christina was shaking like a milkshake mixer and Amelia was

certain that if Xelloss was in the room right now, he'd be having a

good meal.

"He's a Mazoku?" said a still quivering Christina.

"Yup!" said a smiling Amelia.


That was the sound of every single person in the room (excluding

Amelia) hitting the floor. Even the servants face-faulted, however

some side-faulted due to the fact their legs were too stiff.

"Oi! Amelia hurry up! We have to get going soon!" came the playful yet

forceful voice of Lina Inverse.

"Hai Miss Lina! Coming!" said a broadly smiling Amelia as she sprinted

out the door.

                                  The End.

Yes, I know that this is a SHAMELESS plug of Slayers Pentasama.

This story may actually be included in a future chapter of 

SLAYERS PENTASAMA, but at this point I am unsure. If you want me to,

then please email me and voice your thoughts.


Mazoku are basically demons under Shabranigdo, the Demon king who is

himself under L-Sama, The Lord of Nightmares and creator of the whole

world. The Mazoku feed on negative emotions like anger, fear,and

hatred, that is the source of their power.

    Xelloss is a special case. As mentioned earlier, he is the

general-priest of one of the five Mazoku Demon Lords. He is unique in

that he is both the general and priest of the Beast Master Xelas Metallium,

while most other lords presumably have separate servants for each post. 

Hence, he is very powerful. He almost always appears as a smiling, 

purple-haired priest, with eyes closed. He is over 1000 years old and is 

stronger than a golden dragon.

    You may have noticed my blending of English and Japanese words is

somewhat strange. Especially when one considers that I use honorifics

in one place and none in another. This is semi-intentional. I felt

like doing it, and I think it sounds very good. So please do not email

me about not being consistent.

    This story is my third piece of 'net published work, and my second

piece of Slayers Fanfiction. I have lousy grammar, but I do try. If

you like my work and would like me to write more fiction, please email

me and encourage.

Comments of kind intent are welcome, 

comments from uncaring idiots are not.


     Mazoku = Demon Race 

     Oi! = Hey! 

     Hai = Yes; a way of saying affirmative 

     -Sama = Lord or Master, a term of respect 

     Minna-san = A way of saying 'everyone' 

     Sweatdrop = A Japanese Anime occurrence that consists of a

          surprised character displaying A small or large drop of

          sweat somewhere on their head 

     Face-fault = Another way that Anime characters show intense

          surprise is by quickly falling down on their face and

          then usually quickly rising.


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