Subject: [FFML] The Dragon and the Ghost[Part 3][Ranma]
From: Ryoga P Hibiki
Date: 12/20/2000, 9:32 PM

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 The Dragon and the Ghost.

 Part 3

 The impossible dream.

 Ranma sat brooding across from Ryu in a run down looking tavern. The

place was sparsely populated by a few rough looking humans who sat along

the bar or at the tables that lined the walls. Smoke hung in the air from

a few patron's pipes and cigarettes. The remains of a meal was spread out

between the pair.

 "What's eating you Saotome?" said Ryu finally after a while of ignoring

the pigtailed boy.

 "That elf girl," said Ranma as he rubbed the sides of his head.

 "What about her? She paid us enough and the job is done. What, you got a

thing for her or something?" Ryu seemed slightly amused by the prospect.

 "No, it ain't that," grumbled Ranma, he sighed and looked up at his

partner. "She knows."

 Ryu sat up abruptly with an angry look in his eyes. "She knows what?"

 "She knows who we are. That whole job was some kind of test."

 "Test?" asked Ryu carefully.

 "Yeah. She wants us to do another job."

 "What job?"

 "She won't say."

 Ryu leaned back in his chair and growled. "Why didn't you tell me about


 "I'm thinking about taking her up on it."

 Kumon let out a humorless laugh. "So you do have a thing for the wench?"

 "No, she's offering ten million gold pieces."

 "So?" countered Ryu lazily.

 "You want in if I decide to go?" Ranma stared at him with a dead

seriousness in his eyes.

 "Like I would let you do something so stupid on your own," countered the

boy with another distasteful snort. He paused and turned his head away.

"Ranma, you know what we have to do to her. It can be done after the job

if you prefer."

 "Yeah, I know. She knows too much."

 The pair sat brooding and drinking for a long time after that.


 Shampoo sat in her room overlooking the canopy forest from a window

carved into the wall of the great tree. She was dressed in a long flowing

gown of deep green that spread across the ground around her. Her hair was

done up in a tight bun on top of her head and several expensive looking

jewels hung from her ears and around her neck. It was late and the moons

shone brightly in the sky above surrounded by the stars. A silver light

played across the treetops below giving the top of the forest the

appearance of a frozen sea. The door to her chambers opened and a

familiar figure walked in.

 "Shampoo, it is time."

 "I know Mousse," said the girl with a sigh. "I hate these events."

 The elven boy was dressed in robes that hung loosely off of his body.

His hands were hidden away within his sleeves and his thick glasses

rested on top of his head. He nodded and moved to help her up stumbling

across a stool that lay in the center of the room.

 "Oh! I didn't see you there!" he exclaimed as he attempted to help the

stool to its feet. "Please forgive me Shampoo!"

 The princess giggled into her hand for a moment before straightening her

face up and scowling at him. "Mousse you idiot!" She kicked him in the

face sending him sprawling across the floor of the room as she passed

him. She pointed her nose into the air and left him in the room alone.

 "She is so fierce!" he sighed. After a moment of lying love struck on

the ground he stood up and dusted himself off. He smirked and picked up

the stool before placing it back in its place and walked out of the room

after her.

 Shampoo entered the great hall and smiled as she walked up to her great

grandmother. The room was a large ballroom with a wooden floor. Torches

lined all the interior walls that were carved from the great trunk of the

tree. Several tables lined the sides of the room filled with various food

ranging from wild game, to nuts and berries. Another table had several

large kegs of wine and wooden cups. The party was attended by many people

in expensive looking clothing. Mostly elves, but with a good majority of

humans as well. Most, if not all of the people in the room were probably

nobles of some kind.

 The shrunken old woman motioned to the chair next to her and nodded. 

She was sitting on a throne that sat upon a raised platform along the

back wall of the room. "Come, Shampoo. Do try better than that. I know

you hate these parties, but they are an important part of your future


 The young elf snorted and crossed her arms. "Politics."

 "Yes, not every problem can be solved with your fists. You are the

finest warrior of your generation my dear, but that will not be enough to

rule after I have passed on."

 Shampoo felt her jaw clench at the old woman's words. She did not want

her to die, for obvious reasons of course. The fact that she had no real

desire to rule only helped her reluctance to think about it. She paused

and glanced around the room.


 "Great Grandmother. Where is Mousse?"

 "Eh?" the old woman turned her gaze onto the floor. "I don't see him

here. Why?"

 "I must have hit him harder than I thought then," replied the young girl

with a shrug.

 Cologne cackled in amusement for a moment and sighed. "I'm sure he's

fine dear."

 "Really? That's too bad," muttered Shampoo under her breath. 

 The boy in question appeared through the doors of the great hall and

wandered around a bit before engaging in conversation. Unfortunately for

him, he was talking to one of the potted plants that lined the walls

between the hanging torches.

 Cologne turned towards her granddaughter and suddenly became serious.

"Do you have any word back yet?"

 "No, nothing," replied the girl with a shrug.

 "We may be forced to proceed anyway. The dark presence within the east

only grows in power each day."

 "Do you think this will truly work?" asked the girl with a stern look on

her face.

 "It must, the Emperor has been quiet far too long. I do not believe that

the conquering of the east will be enough to sate that childish imp long.

Soon he will look towards the fertile lands we inhabit. When that

happens, it will be far too late."

 "He is powerful indeed," agreed Shampoo. "I'll crush him myself if I

have to."

 "Don't be foolish child."

 "Are you saying I'm not skilled enough to beat that child?"

 "No, you are not. His army is fearsome, and he has many powerful

servants. You would not even be able to reach him, much less fight him

yourself. It is not your destiny."

 "I see."

 Cologne sighed and shook her head. It was easy to see that she was far

from convinced.


 The party had ended a short time ago, Shampoo sighed as she entered her

room and lay out across the bed that took up most of the center of the

room. A beautifully carved wooden dresser sat along the wall opposite the

door. She sat up and looked in the large mirror that hung from the wall

just behind the dresser. After a moment she lowered her hair and walked

over to the mirror, picking up a brush from the dresser top. She sat down

in the small chair in front of it and began to brush lazily.

 After a while she stood up and went over to the window, gazing out over

the stars again. "I grow tired of waiting." She turned to the dresser

again and pulled out her nightclothes. Thinking on her position again.

The life she led was a far cry from what she truly wanted. The life of a

forest elf shouldn't have so much pageantry. She should live among the

trees, living with the flow of life. However, her station in life would

not allow that. She could feel the flow of nature still, it was strong

within her and would probably never disappear, but she knew that the

feeling was slowly fading from her. A cold wind blew into the room and

she shivered for a moment. She sighed and looked into the mirror again.

She stepped back in shock and stared at it.

 A small brown note had been stuck into the frame. It had two words

scribed inside of it.

 "Mission accepted."

 She carefully lifted the delicate note into her hands and flipped it

over a few times. She felt anger rise up inside her and threw it onto the

ground. "How dare they! Those arrogant!" She sat down again and calmed



 A strong looking figure clad in black armor kneeled before the Emperor.

The room was dark and cold, the shifty gray of marble and stone gave off

minimal light from the moonbeams that shone through the windows that were

carved high up in the walls of the great chamber. The large Dragon and

Phoenix emblem was hanging above the throne on a long tapestry that rose

to impossible heights near the ceiling. 

 "Ah, Your Majesty, how can I be of service?" The voice was young; it

seemed out of place within the frightening visage of the black metal.

 Herb stepped forward from the shadows and sneered. "Tendo, I trust you

have been well?"

 "I have," spat the voice with a hateful snarl suddenly apparent in his



 "We have a job for you."

 "Your will is mine," said the black clad figure as he bowed his head.

 "Good." another figure emerged from the shadows. The voice was feminine

and very beautiful. Her body was concealed by a long black cloak that

covered her form completely. "The Emperor wishes you to accompany him. We

will be leaving in three weeks."

 "May I ask where?" inquired the dark figure.

 "The northern country of Joketsuko."

 "Our mission?"

 "Diplomatic. He wishes to start, relations, with the king of that land.

It holds a valuable secret that could benefit us in the future."

 "I see." said the man cautiously. "My other duties? The Emperor does not

require my protection I'll wager."

 "My, but you are a sharp one! That will be revealed in time. Leave us

now, and don't forget to tell your sister I said hello, Akane." Herb

smiled as the girl growled angrily at him.

 "As you wish." Her voice dripped in venom as she bowed her head to the

man placidly.

 "My, but those Tendo girls are spirited."

 "Silence Herb. Keep your perversions to yourself in front of the

Emperor," snapped the cloaked woman.

 "Enough. Leave me," said a small voice from the throne. He was hidden

away by the shadows. 

 The pair bowed to him and backed away into the pitch-black corners of

the room.


 Herb strolled down the hallways of the palace towards his room and

snarled. "Impudent brat. I'll see him dead soon enough. Lime! Mint!

Before me!"

 A pair of young beast-men appeared out of nowhere and kneeled before

their master. One was rather like that of a tiger, short orange fur

covered his body and two fangs protruded over his lips, a long tail waged

slowly from side to side behind him. The other was a werewolf, although

his features were more human at the moment, the wolf within him was still

evident in his appearance, his fangs protruded slightly out of his mouth

and his hair was slightly more wild and grew onto his face despite his

young age. Both of their eyes were golden like those of their master and

each wore the skins of the animals they represented as clothing.

 "Yes, master?" they chimed in unison.

 "I want you two to keep an eye on Akane Tendo for a while. She's growing

dangerous. I hold her sister close to me. That should be enough to keep

her at bay for the time being. However, her anger may grow to far for

that to matter."

 "Yes master."

 Herb turned away from them with his cape billowing a little over

dramatically as he entered his chambers. He closed the heavy door behind

him and smiled. 

 The room was lavishly decorated with expensive looking furniture and

carpets. All of them had the crest of the Emperor on them. In one corner

was a large bed covered in deep red sheets made from silk and satin. A

ghostly lithe figure rose from the bed and smiled at him.

 She was dressed in a tight dark blue evening gown and wore two large red

earrings. Her lips were painted a deep red that accentuated her pale

skin. Her short brown hair fell into place around her face as she moved

towards him.

 "Ah, Nabiki. Come to visit again?" said the man casually as he sat down

on one of the large wooden chairs that rested in front of the large


 "Don't be so na�ve," laughed the woman coldly. Everything in her actions

gave way to her icy persona. "You know what I want."

 "Ah yes, power that I can provide?"

 "Maybe later, I was thinking of something more physical at the moment."

 "Perhaps. How is our young Saotome doing these days anyway?"

 "He's still a thief, and every bit as hard to track now."

 "Yes, that technique of his is very interesting."

 "I am at a loss to explain it. He seems to know when I'm watching him; I

can never get more than a moment's glance at him. He's become quite


 "Has he?" Herb's smile fell slightly.

 "Jealous?" quipped the girl. "Oh, Herb darling, you know that I'm

willing to become the Queen of Ice in more than reputation at your side."

 "Or anyone else who might be able to grant that to you," said the man

with his smug looking grin returning once again.

 "I'm not going to even try to deny that," said the woman with a sigh.

She sat down on his lap and kissed him for a moment.

 "You're cold," he commented.

 "The dragon within you appreciates that, you have no desire for warm

blood at your side."

 "Heh, I won't deny that either," said Herb lazily as she shifted in his

lap slightly. He looked at her again; the cold fire that burned in the

back of her light brown eyes caused a shiver up his spine. "You are

positively evil. What makes you think I trust you enough to make you my


 She laughed again; it was as cold and heartless as before. "You don't,

but then again, that's exactly why you will. Now come to bed." She stood

up and took his hand leading him towards the sheets. He made no move to

resist her.


 "Come out you idiots," snarled Akane as she stood on a balcony

overlooking the city below. It stretched out as far as the eye could see.

It was quite breathtaking from this height, but a closer inspection would

only reveal the dirt and grime that the rooftops hid from view.

 Lime and Mint appeared before her each growling in annoyance. "What is


 "Herb sent his two lackeys to spy on me again did he?"

 "Yes," grumbled Mint angrily.

 "Very well, if you're going to be hanging around you might as well make

yourselves useful. We leave in three weeks, and while you're here, I want

you to keep that idiot, Lord Kuno, away from me."

 "Of course," muttered the pair in unison.

 "Come on, we're going to see my father," snapped the angry sounding

woman as she stalked away. 

 The pair of beast men looked at each other and shrugged. They had been

sent to do this for their master before. Akane seemed to look at it as if

he was loaning her his two servants. They didn't mind really, it was

easier to follow her that way and keep tabs on what she was doing. She

was a much easier taskmaster than Herb anyway. Her tone was intimidating,

but she usually sounded like that, after a while they had gotten used to

her gruff nature.


 Kasumi Tendo smiled as Akane walked into the chambers of Soun Tendo. She

was dressed in long flowing white robes and had the same cheerful

disposition as always. She was a drastic contrast to the dull gray that

seemed to fill the palace. "Hello Akane, have you come to visit father?"

 "Yes, where is Lord Tendo?" said the girl with an unusual calm about


 "In his chambers with mother. Shall I call him for you?"

 "No. He is expecting me today," said the girl as she pulled off her

helmet and tucked it under her arm. Her short cut black hair was matted

from wearing the heavy armor, but she looked quite stunning without it.

The only thing that marred her was a tiny scar just under her right eye

that ran across her cheek. 

 "Oh my! It's Mister Lime and Mister Mint! How are you today?"

 "Fine Mistress Kasumi," muttered the pair in embarrassment. 

 "Would you like some tea?"

 "Boy, would I!" exclaimed Lime happily.

 Mint elbowed him in the ribs and coughed. 

 "Sorry. I mean thank you, Mistress."


 Akane walked into her father's chambers and kneeled before the man. He

was sitting on a small throne dressed in armor similar to hers, but much

lighter. He stroked at his mustache and frowned deeply. At his side a

beautiful woman of about his age sat. She was clothed in a simple dark

green dress and had a frail look about her.

 "Mother, Father," greeted the girl as she looked up at them from her


 "Tell me child, what did the Emperor want with you? If I may inquire

that is," asked Soun calmly.

 "He wished me to accompany him on his journey in three weeks. We will be

visiting the country of Joketsuko, to the north."

 "Hmm, I take it you will not be guarding him?" inquired the man further.

 "That would not be my duty, he would not say more."

 "Hmm, I see. I wish you well then."

 Akane nodded and bowed to her parents.

 As soon as she walked out the door Soun broke down into tears. "Oh! My

baby girl is growing up so fast!"

 His wife sighed and shook her head. "Idiot."


 Akane walked out into the small room where his sister served the two

beast men tea cheerfully. The scene looked somewhat ridiculous, but she

brushed it off and shook her head.

 "Come on, we're leaving."

 Lime and Mint looked up in unison and then back to one another before

standing up and following after Akane.

 "Goodbye! Thank you for visiting!" said Kasumi cheerfully as she waved

at them.

 Akane raised her hand and waved without looking back. 

 Lime looked at his companion and sighed. "She sure is a nice lady."

 "Yeah, most priestesses don't like us at all," agreed Mint.


 Ranma stood in an open field outside the forest and waited patiently.

Shampoo would be arriving soon to tell them of their objective. Ranma was

in his cursed form at the moment and was pacing about nervously. 

 "Jeez, just sit down will ya?" snorted Ryu.

 "You know how much I hate waiting," retorted the pigtailed boy as he

continued to pace.

 "The wait is over," said Ryu as he stood up and nodded towards the

approaching elves.

 "There's more than one," said Ranma as he glared down at the two figures

approaching from the bottom of the hill. One of them they recognized, the

other was a short and shriveled looking elf who was probably thousands of

years old.

 "Hello," greeted the elder as she approached them carefully.

 "Who the hell are you?" asked Ryu.

 "I am Cologne, the elder of the elven tribe within these woods. This is

my Great Granddaughter, Shampoo. We want to hire your services."

 "I know that, she told you about us?" prodded Ranma carefully.

 "No, It was my idea to seek you out. Forgive my methods, but we had to

be sure of your skill. I will pay you well, and you will save this

kingdom from ruin if you are successful."

 Ryu growled. "I hate playing hero. War is good for business."

 "As you say," agreed Cologne with a small nod. "That is one reason why

we are paying you so well."

 Shampoo looked at the old woman in surprise, but remained silent.

 "Shampoo will accompany you," started the hag.

 "Absolutely not," snapped Ranma and Ryu at the same time.

 "You are thieves, I don't trust you," said Cologne with a firmness in

her voice. 

 "You trust us enough to put her in our care though?" said Ryu with his

eyebrow raised slightly.

 "I am the greatest warrior of the village, I can take care of myself,"

snapped Shampoo.

 "As she said," agreed Cologne. "However, this is not the only reason

behind this."

 "And that is?" asked Ranma.

 "Only she may return the item to us. If you return without her, you will

not be paid. Not only that, we will destroy you."

 "I don't have time to play babysitter for no palace raised little

princess. If she goes, you're on your own," said Ranma.

 "If you go without her, you will fail," finished Cologne.

 "What do you mean?"

 "Accept my terms and I can explain to you, otherwise..."

 "No," snapped Ryu.

 "Fine, why am I taking her?" asked Ranma as he put his hands up.

 "Two main reasons, first, to be sure you do not betray us to the


 This caught both boys' attention.

 "Secondly, because only she will be able to grab hold of the prize. You

know no magic. It is her bond with nature as an elf, and her training in

sorcery that will allow her to obtain the prize."

 "You're going against the Empire?" said Ranma with a small look of

surprise evident.

 "We must, or our peace will be destroyed within a few years, if not


 "Interesting," said Ryu with his usual calm.

 "Two conditions, one is that she gets no special treatment. I'm not an

envoy; she's on her own. Second is that you tell us what this big prize

is right now."

 "Fine, you are going to obtain the staff of the Emperor."

 "What?!" Ryu jumped back. "That's impossible!"

 "No, it is not. In three weeks time, he will be in Joketsuko on a

diplomatic mission. Well, not really, but that is the outward intent of

the visit. He will be out of the palace, and he will have the staff with


 "Humph, that's one for the history books," commented Ranma.

 "Are you insane Ranma?! This is the Emperor we're talking about!"


 Ryu calmed down visibly at this. "We don't need this kind of publicity.

Wizards and mages are bad enough, but this?"

 "This'll make us the greatest thieves of all time Ryu. Don't pretend

you're not interested, or scared."

 "Who says I'm not scared? Only an idiot wouldn't be," grumbled Ryu as he

hung his head. "All right, fine."

 "Excellent. How long do you need to prepare?"

 "We're ready now," said Ranma with a snort.

 "Very well, come to the village in three days. Shampoo must prepare,

even if you are ready. There is much to do, so we'll leave you now." The

two elves turned away and started back towards their home.

 "This is another fine mess you've gotten us into Saotome," growled Ryu.

"Every two bit bounty hunter on the planet will be looking for us now!"

 "They already are. We're already the most wanted men in the world. How

much worse can it get?"

 "Every time you say that..." started Ryu.

 "Yeah, yeah, it gets worse. I know."

 "Come on, we've got a lot of gold to spend before we go. I want to be

happy one more time before I march off to my death."

 Ranma smirked at this and laughed. "Wine, women, and song then?"

 "Wine and song. Women give us headaches, you should know that by now."

 The pair turned away and began walking towards Alta city once again.


 Meanwhile, a short distance away...

 A short and burly young dwarf stalked towards the city in front of him.

He had a long and curly black beard and wore a large hammer across his

traveling pack. His chest was covered in thick iron armor, and a golden

helmet rested on his head with two long horns jutting from the sides. He

walked briskly and muttered under his breath, casually shoving aside any

travelers he came across with his massive, but stocky arms. "When I get

my hands on that Ranma runt... I'll tear him apart! The bastard! Nobody

steals from me! The nerve of that punk! I'll eat him alive! Better yet,

I'll cook him first!" He paused in the middle of the road, and roared

with laughter as he pictured the things he'd do when he finally found his

prey in the back of his mind. "Nobody messes with Good Fang the

Blacksmith!" He stopped and glanced around. The city he had been walking

towards was gone. "ARGH! Now where am I?"


 Thought I'd show what everyone else was up to with this part. Bet ya

never expected me to do that to Ryoga did ya? I'm thinking Akane was a

bit of a surprise as well. As for Nabiki, well, I like her better when

she's evil.

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