Subject: [FFML] [Starcraft][Ranma][X-Com][x-over]One War, Three Sisters - Chapter 9: Homecoming
From: "Adam Brown" <>
Date: 12/4/2000, 6:56 PM
To: "FFML" <>

Yes!  It's finally out!  I'd like to give huge thanks to Kevin D. Hammel, Zalabar (A.K.A. Lone Wolf), and Joel Sas (who none of you know but is writing a Star Wars fic which is posted on my website) for pre-reading this chapter for me and catching all my stupid (and not so stupid) errors.

I don't know about you, but two of my three pre-readers have said that this chapter is the best to date, and you know what?  I have to agree with them.  :) 


If anyone thinks that Starcraft, Ranma 1/2, or X-Com belong to me, next time you want to buy something of theirs, just send me your cheque.  Oh, I also have some swamp land in Flordia to sell you.  NOT! :)

Chapter 9: Homecoming

        Lieutenant Harper stepped quietly into the hospital room.  She

went to the single occupant, and looked down at the sleeping man.

Darryl's face was pale, and he had deep circles under his eyes. She was

torn between letting him sleep and her need to get the information the

General required, but the decision was taken out of her hands when he


        "I see the General's lapdog is here," he said whispered

hoarsely.  He opened his eyes and glared at Harper.

        She could feel her face heat up as she blushed.  Almost a year

and a half ago, the two of them had become involved.  The relationship

lasted a year, until Harper had been promoted and given the job of being

the General's aide.  Because of that promotion, according to military

etiquette, it became 'improper' for the two of them to see each other.

She broke off the relationship, and they had been living for the past

six months as strained acquaintances.

        "That's not fair, Darryl, and you know it!" she flared.  "I

remember the look in your eyes when we were at the academy together and

you and your sister were chosen for the Ghost program.  You were

ecstatic.  I felt the same way when I was assigned to the General."

        "We still could have stayed together!"

        "No, we couldn't have!  You know the Service's view of officer

relationships under the same command!"  Harper bit back another angry

retort.  Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself.  Or she tried to,

anyway.  "Look, I didn't come here for this.  The General needs to know

what happened, and you're the only one who's able to tell us."

        Darryl ignored her statement, and changed the subject.  "How's

my sister?  The doctors won't tell me."

        Harper sighed.  Quid pro quo, she thought.  "She's in a coma.

Her body seems fine, but they're not registering any brain activity."

        Darryl's next question surprised her.  "And what about Kasumi?"

        "She's in the same boat.  The only difference is that her brain

activity is off the charts."

        "That's what I thought," he said.  He tried to hold it in, but a

sob escaped his lips.  "Oh God, what are we going to do?"  He tried to

hold them back, but tears began to run down his face, and he turned his

head away from Harper.  She took his hand, trying to comfort him.  He

tried to pull away, but she held tight.

        "Darryl, just because I broke up with you didn't mean I stopped


        They stayed there for awhile, one mourning for his sister, the

other for her friend.  Eventually, Deanna pulled away and got back to

work.  "Darryl, what happened?"

        "You know those Van der Graff generators that generate static

electricity?  You stand on some insulation, put your hand on the silver

ball and your hair stands on end?"  She nodded.  "Jes was that machine,

and Kasumi had her mental 'hands' on her.  Astral energy was flowing

from Jes to Kasumi.  Now, imagine if the electricity in the ball was

increased by several thousand times."

        "Depending on the energy," Deanna replied, "Kasumi's hands would

lock around the ball, or she'd be blown off her feet."

        Darryl nodded.  "When that...blast hit us, Kasumi's mental hands

locked around Jes's mind.  Kasumi and Jes both tried to break the

connection, but Kasumi couldn't let go.  She pulled and pulled,

until...pop.  Kasumi tore the silver ball off the mount."

        Deanna gasped.  "You mean she...pulled Jes's mind out of her


        "Yes.  Kasumi's a much more powerful telepath than either of us,

maybe even both of us together.  If anyone could do it, she could.  So

now Jes's mind is in Kasumi."

        "Can we separate them?"

        Darryl shook his head.  "I don't know."

        Ranma groaned and opened his eyes.  Big mistake.  His temples

throbbed painfully as the ceiling lights stabbed into his eyes.

Massaging his head, he sat up and looked around.

        I'm in a detention cell, he thought.  Great.  Then he noticed

his cell-mates.  Correction:  *We're* in a detention cell.

        He moved slowly over to the slumbering forms of his parents,

which were lying on the bunk opposite to his.  Their breathing was

steady, but Ranma could see lines of pain etched into their expressions.

        If they feel like I feel, he thought, they won't enjoy waking


        Ranma collapsed back on to his bed, praying alternatively for

his pain to subside, and for whoever was going to interrogate him to

arrive and get it over with.

        Sure enough, fifteen minutes later, as Genma was just rousing,

the door hissed open and General Moroto stormed in.

        "Hey, General!" Ranma tried to say cheerfully.  It ended up

coming out somewhat wary and strained.  "How's it going?"

        Moroto bristled visibly.  "Cut the small talk, Saotome!  What

the hell did you do to Phoenix?  We almost had a war in the conference

room when she blew her psychic top."

        Ranma winced, both at the volume and the tone of the General's

voice.  "Hey, could you keep it down?  My head is killing me."

        "Quit your whining!  If you think you've got problems, then you

might want to think about this:  according to Lieutenant Harper, Jes is

in a coma, and it's probably your fault!  Start talking, Captain!"

        Ranma's blood chilled.  "Is she going to be okay?"

"I'm the one asking the questions!  Now will you start talking?!  Or do

I have to ask Genma?"

        Ranma looked at his dazed father, who was barely keeping track

of the conversation.  Genma would spill everything and, given his social

skills, end up putting it in the worst possible light.  His only hope

was to tell the truth, his way.

        "All right, all right, I'll talk.  Nabiki and I think that

Phoenix is actually her younger sister Akane, that she was modified by

the Protoss, and her memory erased or suppressed.  When Nabiki invaded

the Protoss base, she was trying to rescue her.  When Phoenix 'blew her

psychic top,' I was trying to break her conditioning.  Obviously, it

didn't work."

        "Yes, it didn't work, did it?" responded Moroto scathingly.

"Not only that, it cost us a treaty with the Protoss and one of our best

telepaths!  Is there anything else you haven't told me about?"

        "Not that I can think of."

        Moroto glared down at Ranma, then sighed tiredly.  "Ranma, if I

didn't need every psionically aware person to fight the Zerg, I'd court

martial you and your wife.  But as it is, I'm relieving you of duty and

placing you under house arrest until I can think of what to do with you.

You'd better hope Jes lives, because if she doesn't, you'll be facing


        "Can I see my wife?"

        "Are you out of your mind!?"  The General's face darkened with

rage.  "You and your wife have cost us everything!  All the lives we

lost, the time spent trying to reason with the Protoss, everything!

They don't even want to talk to us, let alone meet again!  What makes

you think I'd let the two of you be at the same base, much less in the

same room?"

        Ranma's embarrassed expression vanished and was replaced by one

of cold determination.  He stood up and faced Moroto defiantly.  "You

know you couldn't stop me if I forced the issue," he said quietly.

        Breathing heavily, Moroto nodded.  "I know.  Are you going to?"

        Ranma thought about it for a moment, then nodded.  "Yeah, I

think I am."

        Moroto growled.  "Damn you, Saotome!  Fine!  Go and see her.

Plot your little conspiracies while the Zerg knock down our door."

        "Thank you, General."

        "Shut up, Ranma.  And get a guard on your way out.  He'll be

your escort.  I can't stop you, but I can have you detailed."

        Nabiki looked up from the manga she was reading.  "Hey, you,"

she said smiling.

        Ranma gave her a tired smile.  "Hey yourself."

        Nabiki then noticed the guard step as unobtrusively as possible

into the room.  "What are you doing here?"

        "I've been ordered to escort the Captain while he's here, sir."

        "What do you need an escort for?  Has Shampoo decided to dump

Mousse and make another try for you again?"

        Ranma looked at her soberly.  "Nabiki, the game's up.  The

General knows about Akane."

        "You told him?!  Why?"

        "There wasn't much I could do."  He launched into an explanation

of the Protoss's visit, of Phoenix, and his abortive attempt to crack

her conditioning.

        "So that's what hit me," she said.  "Good thing I was practicing

my shielding."

        "Yeah.  Well, after that, the General knew something was up, and

he was going to try to get the story out of Pop, and you know what would

have happened."

        "He'd put himself in the best possible light, even if it made us

look worse."

        "Right.  So I decided to tell the truth.  Besides, you know what

a terrible liar I am."

        "I know.  It's one of the reasons I married you."  He glared

down at her, while she smiled impishly back.  "Is Akane okay?"

        "I don't know.  The Protoss took her back to their base."

Nabiki was silent for several moments.  "I hope she's all right.  It

sounds like that blast really hurt her.  Oh, speaking of the blast, I

overheard a couple of nurses talking.  They were saying that Ryoga's out

of his coma.  The doctors think the psionic blast snapped him out of


        Ranma stared at Nabiki.  "Ryoga?  He's awake?  That's great!"

Ranma jumped up and went to leave, and his escort moved to follow.

        "Hey!  Where're you going?" asked Nabiki.

        "To see Ryoga.  I gotta tell him that Akane's alive before he

blows up the hospital."

        Ranma opened the door to Ryoga's hospital room.  Poking his head

inside he gave the occupant a big cheery smile.  "Hey, Ryoga!  Great to

see you up and about again!"  It took him a moment to register Ryoga's


        Ryoga looked like he'd been in a fight with Mrs. Hinako and

lost.  His body was a shriveled mess, and his skin was a pale grey.

Ranma was pretty sure Ryoga would be here for a long time.

        Despite his weakness, Ryoga still had the strength to give his

old enemy a sneer.

        "Go away Ranma," said Ryoga weakly.

        "Hey, is that any way to treat a friend?"  replied Ranma.  He

stepped into the room and went to Ryoga's side.  His detail stopped at

the door.  "Especially when he's got some great news?"

        "I don't care, Ranma.  Akane's dead and no amount of good news

can make me feel better."

        "But that is the good news!  Akane *isn't* dead!  We found out

Akane was alive less than an hour after we told you she wasn't."  Ranma

launched into the story of how Akane was probably rescued by the

Protoss, altered, and use to fight the Zerg.

        "Ranma, you're a terrible liar."  However, Ryoga could not but

keep a small note of hope alive in his voice.

        "It's true, man!  You can ask Nabiki.  That is, you could ask

her if she wasn't in a hospital bed three doors down."

        "If she's alive, then we have to rescue her!"  Ryoga began

struggling with his bed sheets, but he was so weak he could not even

manage to get them off.

        Ranma pushed Ryoga back into the bed.  "Hey, slow down there!

Nabiki already tried that, and got put in the hospital for her troubles.

And you're hardly any condition to go anywhere.  Besides, even if we did

try to rescue her, she doesn't have any idea who she really is anyway."

        "So what do we do?"

        "You're asking me?  Nabiki's the brains of the outfit.  I don't

have any idea how we're suppose to get Akane back."

        Ka'Dalanis helped Phoenix out of the Regen tank.  Taking a

towel, she began drying off excess regeneration fluid from Phoenix's


        [How are you feeling?] she asked.

        Phoenix shook her head, her long wet hair whipping around her.

[A little tired, I guess.]

        [What happened to you?  You're brain and mind were in such a

mess when you arrived I was worried that you wouldn't make it...]

        [I-I don't remember.]

        Now for the crucial part.  [What was the last thing you


        Phoenix thought hard.  [I was being given a tour by a Captain

Ranma Saotome.  I remember there was something about him that angered



        [I don't-]

        The world faded from Phoenix's awareness and she...remembered.

        Phoenix walked into a small room with a sliding door at the

other end.  Inside the room was a sink, some bins and other

miscellaneous storage areas.  Looking down in one of the bins, she saw a

red shirt and a set of black pants.

        "I guess we can both take our baths," she heard herself say.

She untied the ribbon binding her hair and stripped off the sweat soaked

gi.  Grabbing a towel, she walked over to the sliding door and opened


        Just in time to see a naked Ranma step out of the bathtub.  She

watched as his expression changed from confusion to alarm.  Her eyes

glanced down, and confirmed that this was the male Ranma she was looking

at.  She stepped back out of the bathroom and closed the door.  Picking

up her shirt she put it on, and left the room and closed the door behind


        "YAAAAAAAH!!"  Phoenix bolted down the hallway to...

        Phoenix was startled back to the real world, and became aware

that Ka'Dalanis was shaking her gently.

        [Phoenix?  Phoenix, can you hear me?]

        Phoenix took a deep breath.  [Y-Yes, I can.  What happened?]

        [I don't know.  I asked you a question and you faded out in the

middle of the answer.  I could not get any response from you for several

minutes.  What happened?]

        [I'm not sure.]  She described what she had seen.

        [I see.  Was there anything...unusual about this vision?]

        Phoenix analyzed the vision.  Now that she thought about it,

several things were strange.  First, her skin had been a light brown

colour.  Also, Ranma had appeared to be younger than when she had first

seen him.  And third...

        [I spoke!]


        [In the vision, I spoke!  I didn't use telepathy.  I spoke,

using my lips!]  She put her fingers to her lips and touched them

lightly.  [Healer, what happened?]

        Ka'Dalanis stepped back and looked down at her charge with a

feeling of satisfaction.  [What I was hoping to happen.  Your memories

are returning.]

        Phoenix stared at Ka'Dalanis like she had grown a pair of horns.

[Memories?  But clones don't have memories.]

        [Yes, you are correct.  Clones do not have memories.]

        [But that would mean that I'm not a...]

        [Not a what?]

        [ can't be.  It's impossible!  I'm a clone.  You said

so!]  Phoenix glared at her caretaker accusingly.

        Ka'Dalanis lowered her head and looked away from the young

woman.  [No, Phoenix.  I've said many things over the past five years,

and most of them were lies.  I'm sick of lying, Phoenix, sick to death

of it.  Now is the time for the truth.  You are not a clone.  We rescued

you five years ago when the Zerg invaded this planet.  You would have

died, but because of your innate ability to channel astral energy, Halos

ordered me to alter your DNA, to splice Protoss DNA with yours to

increase the amount of energy you could use.  We also suppressed your

memories, and implanted conditioning into your mind so that you would

have no memory of your past life and be loyal only to us.]


        [We stole your life from you and turned you into the warrior



        [You are not a clone.  You are the human called Akane.]

        [NO!]  Phoenix stepped forward and lashed out at her Healer.

Phoenix's fist struck the large Protoss in the chest, and Ka'Dalanis

flew back and fell to the floor.  Phoenix stared at her fist in horror,

then looked at the fallen Protoss, who was now rising to a sitting


        [H-healer, I'm so sorry-]

        Ka'Dalanis waved her to silence.  [No, Phoenix.  It is I who

should be sorry.  For making you in the first place, for not telling you

the truth sooner.  No, I have much more to be sorry for than you.]

        [I'm not human.]

        [Yes, you are.  Or, should I say, were, until I changed you.

And that was my greatest sin.]

        [You gave me life!  You have no reason to be sorry-]

        [Yes, I gave you life.  I also took your old one away.  Phoenix,

we did not even ask if you were willing to fight for us before we

changed you.  Don't you understand?  You were a sentient being, and we

manipulated and altered you to our own ends.  Protoss do not do such

things, only the Zerg do!]  Ka'Dalanis put her face in her hands.  [And

we became no better than they...]

        Phoenix ran over to her caretaker.  [Healer, no!  The Protoss

are far above the Zerg-]

        Ka'Dalanis pushed Phoenix away.  [*The* Protoss, yes.]  She

tapped one finger against her chest.  [But *this* Protoss...]  She shook

her head.  [But I see you still do not believe me.  Go, get your

skinsuit on, while I bring up some evidence to convince you.]

        After Phoenix had dressed, she went over to Ka'Dalanis, who had

seated herself at her console.  [Now, you know that a Healer's records

must be truthful, and cannot be altered once entered, yes?]

        [Yes.  A Healer's records are checked by a Judicator to ensure

accurate healing knowledge is passed on to future generations.]

        [Here are my records concerning your creation.  Read them, and

finally know the truth of what you are.]

        As time passed, Ka'Dalanis watched Phoenix's expression change

from one of fearful concentration to horror.  When Phoenix was done, she

stepped back away from the screen and stared at nothing.  Every few

minutes, a tear would make its way down Phoenix's blue-grey cheek and

fall to the floor.

        [Phoenix...] said Ka'Dalanis tenatively.

        Phoenix's face twisted into an expression of intense rage.

Balling her hands into fists, she struck the thing that had revealed the

truth to her.  Metal and crystal flew as Phoenix turned the medical

console into scrap.  Ka'Dalanis stepped back fearfully.  When Phoenix

was done, she stepped back and fell to her hands and knees, her hair

spilling around her.

        [How could you?!  How could you do that to me?!]  Her shoulders

began to heave and she was crying freely.  [You took away years of my

life, and for what?  Because I was a 'challenge?'  Because Halos told

you to?  Why?]

        [You had so much potential, so much power!  We needed that

power, that strength, to fight the Zerg.]

        [Then why are you telling me this?  Why now?  Why not sooner?

Why tell me at all?]

        [Several reasons, the first of which is Halos.  He doesn't see

you as a person, just some sort of 'thing'.  He would use you until you

died, then complain about what a poor weapon you were.  Second, they are

replacing me.  In a few hours, I will no longer be your Healer.  Halos

wants someone more controllable.  Pranala will be your Healer, and I

will be her assistant until she is trained.]

        [Pranala?  But she's nothing but a Field Healer.]

        [I know.  I could not leave you in such poor hands.  And third,

I could not bear to live this lie any longer.  You have become the child

I never had.  Knowing the wrongs I have done to you, knowing what I have

stolen from you, I could not let it continue.  I could not live with

myself seeing you as you are: unfulfilled, incomplete.  Phoenix, once,

as a Dark Templar, I lived to take life.  I reveled in it as much as any

other Protoss warrior.  But I became sick of it, the killing, the pain,

the fear I saw in other races as they saw my distorted form bear down on

them.  I quit and became a Healer, in the hopes that by restoring life,

I would somehow atone for the lives I had taken.  But with you, I

failed.  I took your old life, as surely as though I had taken my Warp

Blade and cut you in two.  Now, though, I am making a decision that was

similar to the one that drove me to be a Healer.  I wish to return life

to what was lifeless, to right the wrongs that I have done.  Phoenix, I

want you to know who you are.  The question now is, do you?]

        Ka'Dalanis helped Phoenix to her feet.  She saw the tears that

had stained Phoenix's face and wiped them away with her gentle fingers.

[Oh, Phoenix, even now it injures my heart to see you in such pain.  You

must work past it and make a decision, for Pranala will be here soon,

and if you wish to know who you are, then we have preparations to make.

If you decide to stay...]  Ka'Dalanis fell to her knees and looked up at

Phoenix with an anguished expression.  [I ask that you kill me.]

        Phoenix stepped away from Ka'Dalanis in horror.  [What?!]

        [Please, Phoenix, if you wish to stay here, kill me.  My heart

could not bear to see you being used by the likes of Halos.  I could not

live knowing what I have done to you, and knowing that your days would

be numbered.  Please, kill me if you stay, because I can not bear to be

alive when you die!]

        [Healer...]  Phoenix turned away from the heartsick Healer.

What did she want?  Was she happy here, among the Protoss, killing Zerg?

What was her purpose?  She looked down at her blue-grey hands,

remembering the brown skin from her memory, the sound of her voice, the

boy that had grown to become a man...

        Who was she?  And did she want to know?

        [Healer...] she said.


        [I could no more hurt you, than you could hurt me.  Besides,]

she said wryly, [if I killed you, they'd probably kill me as well.] She

turned back to Ka'Dalanis and helped her to her feet.  [I want to know

who I am.]


        The aging engineer looked up from his latest set of calculations

and saw Healer Ka'Dalanis and Phoenix approaching.  Ka'Dalanis was

wearing a Zealot suit and Phoenix was in her standard armor.  Unlike

other Protoss, Jorias admired Phoenix rather than despised her origins,

more for the technical expertise that was needed to create her than as a

person herself.

        [Ah, Healer!  I don't often see you here in the Robotics Support

Bay.  And at such an early hour, too.  How may I be of service?]

        [Actually, I was wondering how I may be of service to you.  I

received a report from the Praetor concerning the number of hours you

have been working-]

        As Ka'Dalanis went on, Phoenix nonchalantly made her way up

behind the engineer, pretending to look at some of the data-crystals he

had on a shelf behind him.  Waiting for a moment when he was completely

attentive to the Healer's words, she extended a glowing red psi-blade,

and thrust it into his body.  Jorias jerked once, then collapsed against

his desk.  Ka'Dalanis arranged his unconscious body to look like he had

fallen asleep.

        [He has a reputation for overworking,] explained the Healer.  [I

am hoping it will be several hours before he awakens.  Come, we must

move quickly!]

        The pair ran into the large service bay, where new technology

was researched and old ships upgraded.  There were several shuttles

being serviced, but only one was in one piece, the Aiur's Glory.  Other

than Ka'Dalanis and Phoenix, there were only a few other technicians and

researchers, who seemingly had the same dedication to their duty as

Jorias.  Hoping that they would not be noticed, the two went to the

shuttle, and Ka'Dalanis keyed the entry sequence.  Teleporting inside

the cockpit, they began to cycle up the shuttle's engines.

        [I am very glad that the Praetor ordered the shuttles to be

upgraded first so they could have a better chance an running the

Terran's blockade of the island.  Nothing else will be able to outrun us

once we get up to speed.]

        The engines were almost ready, when a lone technician came to

see who was powering up a shuttle this early in the morning.

        [Someone's coming!] said Phoenix.

        [Never mind him, we're leaving.]  Ka'Dalanis slowly began to

guide the shuttle out of the docking bay.  Alarms started blaring both

in and outside the ship.  [The docking clamps!  I forgot!]  Ka'Dalanis

began pushing buttons frantically, trying to get the clamps to let go of

the shuttle.  After several agonizing moments, she hit the controls in

frustration.  [I can't override the clamps!  That's what I get for being

a Healer and not...wait.]  She turned to Phoenix.  [Phoenix, I need you

to destroy the storage crystals.]

        [What for?]

        [Not now, just do it!]

        Phoenix ran to the rear of the shuttle and stared at the storage

crystals, large crystals able to hold enough energy to store one person.

Destroy the storage crystals?  She did not know the first thing about

them.  Shrugging, she decided to do what she did best.  Touching each

crystal, she focused astral energy at their weakest point.  The crystals

detonated violently, and only Pheonix's forcefield saved her from the

storm of crystalline shards.

        The Breaking Point Technique, she thought to herself.  I wonder

where Ka'Dalanis got that from?

        Even before she made it back to the cockpit, she could feel the

shuttle moving.  When she arrived, the shuttle had cleared the inner

defenses and was quickly heading for the outer wall.

        [What happened?]

        [When the storage crystals were destroyed, I faked a signal to

the automated systems simulating a medical emergency, and it let us go.

Now we'll see if the outer defenses have been put on alert.]  There was

a tense moment as the shuttle flew over the outer Photon Cannons, but

the defense programs identified the shuttle as friendly and did not


        [We made it!] exclaimed Phoenix.

        [Yes we did,] replied Ka'Dalanis.  She maneuvered the shuttle so

it was going south towards the X-Com base.  Suddenly, the ship shook as

missiles impacted on the side.  [Perhaps we thought too soon.]

        Phoenix consulted the ship's sensors.  [It's one of ours.  A


        [Shuttle Aiur's Glory, you are making an unregistered flight,]

said the pilot of the Scout.  [You are ordered to return to base

immediately or I will continue to fire.]

        [What do we do?] asked Phoenix.

        [Ignore him.  We'll be out of range soon.]

        Several more shots hit the shuttle, rocking the inhabitants


        [The shields are almost gone!] said Phoenix.  Another hit.  [The

shields are down!]  Another hit.  [We're taking damage!  The port

stabilizer is inoperative!]

        [Phoenix, open the top emergency hatch and hit him with your

energy blast!  Make him veer away!]

        Phoenix opened the top hatch and pulled herself out.  She could

see the Scout, which was slowly losing ground to the faster shuttle, but

not fast enough.  Cupping her hands, a glowing yellow ball formed

between them.  The ball grew, then became a beam of light directed at

the Scout.  Its shields flared a brilliant blue-green as the beam tore

across the ship.  The pilot was so surprised to be attacked by a

supposedly unarmed shuttle that he did not even try to dodge.  A second

shot quickly convinced him that, yes indeed, the shuttle was firing on

his ship.  He veered away, and was quickly out of range.  Phoenix

dropped back down into the cockpit.

        [Now we made it,] said Ka'Dalanis.  Phoenix nodded in agreement.

        The two renegades flew south for several hours.  Pheonix was

starting to get nervous.  When she had come here the first time, the

humans had reacted much sooner to their presence.  What was going on?

Where were they?

        Suddenly, the alarms in shuttle went wild as several hostile

ships appeared practically on top of them.  Interceptors bearing the X-

Com insignia blew past the shuttle at close range.

        [Fascinating,] said Ka'Dalanis.  [Advance cloaking technology,

and good enough to fool even our sensors.  I didn't know humans were so

technologically advanced.]

        "Unknown Protoss shuttle, you have entered X-Com airspace.

Declare your intentions or be shot down.  I repeat..."

        [Phoenix, would you do the honors of letting them know who we


        Pheonix nodded.  [This is the shuttle Aiur's Glory with Pilot

Ka'Dalanis and Co-Pilot Phoenix requesting asylum.  I repeat-]  She

stopped as Ka'Dalanis raised a hand.

        [No, tell them who you really are.]

        Phoenix stared at the Healer for a long moment then nodded.

        [This is the shuttle Aiur's Glory with Pilot Ka'Dalanis and Co-

Pilot...Akane Tendo requesting asylum.  I repeat, this is the shuttle

Aiur's Glory with Pilot Ka'Dalanis and Co-Pilot Akane Tendo requesting


End Chapter 9

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Also, this chapter will be posted at my website very soon.


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