Subject: [FFML] Re: [EVA/Lovecraft] Children of an Elder God #15
From: David Johnston
Date: 3/25/2000, 4:07 PM
To: David Johnston
CC: Rhea Seraph <>,

consciousness, she realized she was also quite naked, except
for her bra, her panties, and her socks.  What kinda weird
hospital is this?, she asked herself.

"her bra, panties and socks"

Isn't going to sleep in the Dreamlands redundant?  Wouldn't you wake up?

Does this mean that the Byahkee are going to suddenly turn into ersatz
human beings?

If I was Touji I wouldn't be able to resist asking Asuka what she saw
when she looked at me.

      "Get out of the way, your highness, or I'll poke you
with my magic spear," Touji said.  Geez, that sounds stupid,
he thought.

Spear and magic helmet!
Spear and magic helmet!
Kill the waaaabbit!

You know, now that I think about it, there's a certain resemblance
between Nyarlothotep and Bugs Bunny.

      This cell held a swarm of blue-black two-foot long
beetles, which hurled themselves futilely at the door as

Oi!  Aren't they a little behind their time?

       Across the hallway, a whirling pillar of blue-gray
mist drifted aimlessly about its cell.  Swirls and eddies

Now that guy's cool.

forms may be alien, and their minds as well in many cases,
but they are just innocent victims of the King, led astray

Uh-hunh.  You telling me that not one of those guys deliberately
tried to invoke a power beyond him out of base motivations?

       /Yes./ he replied.  /I am from Valusia./

Yeah, go ahead, free the Serpent Man.  They just luuuve helping mammals.
Um...just what exactly was the help he provided?

head.  The Audient Void.  The Audient Void.  The Star Eyed
Lord.  Nylarathotep, the Herald of the Outer Gods.  The


hand, and the fire and light were snuffed.  "Fire burns out
and light fades."  His hands twisted and the flaming sword

I suggest "Fire dies and light fades"

what a total loser you are.  Oscar's more dangerous than

I'm tired of "Oscar" references.  Why not have her refer to the weak
critter she killed?

>from the rest.  Still, Kensuke, Touji, and Cassilda kept at
it, smashing down doors and breaking up fights.

Waste of effort.  Smart thing to do would be to smash all the doors and
keep moving.  Otherwise they'd get bogged down in episodes of hostility
and mutual incomprehensibility.

Oh, I see.  They'll actually turn into Hawkmen.  But they'll worship
gods in human form...  Hmm.

       "Right now, what we've gotta do is wade through all
this water and go rescue Asuka before she drowns."

I'd put single quotes around "gotta" since it isn't her accustomed

figure riding in a sleigh shaped from a giant shell and
pulled by eight winged unicorns rode down from the heavens

Winged unicorns?  How tacky.

vanished.  "You have not won, for this is what I sought all
along.  Cherish your illusion of freedom and victory while
you can."  Touji wanted to vomit.

Reminds me of Doctor Destroyer.  "This apparent defeat was all part of
my Master Plan!  Nyah-hah-hah-hah!"

       "A congerie of bubbles ate the King in Yellow.  I
was going to go down, but then I decided to wait for the

"congerie"?  Yes, I know Lovecraft referred to Yog-Sothoth as
a congerie of bubbles, but Misato ain't no Lovecraft.

      "This bodes ill," Fuyutsuki said to Gendo across his

Gendo slaps him.  "Stop talking like 19th century horror novel

      "And the Second Sun could just be a powerful lamp.
But I doubt it."

Cthuga!  Cthuga!  What a wonderful, wonderful toy!

Hm...  The city of the Bean.  Chicago?

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