Subject: [FFML] [FFML][Fanfic][SM/Guyver Fusion] Molly's Secret. Part 2
Date: 3/2/2000, 2:13 AM

Heh heh, Whoops! Forgot to add the fic there.

::Copies and Pastes::


I know all the people who've been waiting for part two of Molly's Secret, 
(and I'm talkin to both of you here =) ) are wondering when its gonna be 
done. Well here it is. 

Working on Chapter 3,

Part 2

"So you're some sort of biological armor?" Molly asked as she stepped out of 
the shower. Over the past hour, between bites of sausage, pancakes, and all 
through the shower, Molly's new friend had explained, in painstaking detail, 
exactly what he was.

That's one way of putting it.

"But why did these Aliens-"

The Advent

"The Advent then. Why did the Advent build the Guyvers in the first place?"

They wanted Justice. The Advent believed that there was no order in the 
universe save that which was imposed.

"And since no one else wanted the job, they took it?"

After the first Guyver Units stopped a war, nobody really wanted to argue.

"How did they stop it?"

They killed the leaders of both sides until they agreed to a truce.

"A truce? They didn't conquer them?"

Why would they? The Advent simply wanted the war to stop. The Guyver Units 
were so effective, the Advent built more and sent them out on ships to every 
star with a celestial body capable of supporting matter based sentient life.

"That's a lot of planets." Molly said as she laid out the shaving supplies. 
Though there were electric razors, Molly, like her mother, preferred the old 
fashioned way.

Its a big universe. Was the casual reply.

"The whole universe?" Molly sputtered then swore as the razor nicked her leg.

Why so surprised?

"A few star systems I can see, a whole sector of the Galaxy yeah, but the 
whole freakin universe?"

They aren't the sort to do things by halves.

"No kidding." Molly muttered.

It was perhaps five minutes later that Molly had a thought.

"Hey. If you're a suit of armor, and the other Guyvers are suits of armor, 
does that mean there's a bunch of other people walking around with voices in 
their heads?"

Of course not. The Guyver Units aren't sentient. There was a long pause.

Several minutes passed.

"Yes?" Molly asked, unable to take the silence anymore.

I believe the phrase is, "Oh Shit".
"Look." Molly said as she laced up her boots. "Its no big deal, I go to the 
meeting, then afterwards we go back to the park to have a look around that 

If we must.

"You're not taking this very well." She noted as she stuffed the Mandai 
Memorials cap into her jacket pocket.

I have just had my existence called into question.

"I've just had my sanity called into question." Molly retorted as she scooped 
up her keys, wallet, and, almost as an afterthought, her camera.

As I recall, you have been questioning your sanity all morning. Was the reply.
Senshi meetings took place at the Cherry Hill Temple, a minor Shinto shrine 
located in Tokyo's prosperous Kiyon District. Run by an aged Shinto Priest 
with a weakness for female flesh and his granddaughter, the Temple catered to 
the spiritual needs of all who entered its gates.

Unknowingly to the rest of Tokyo, It also served as the meeting place of the 
Inner Senshi. The Outer Senshi, despite an open invitation, did not attend 
these meetings for reasons of their own.

Therefore, grouped around a table in the back of the living quarters, sat 
five girls and two cats. One cat was all black, one was all white.

These weren't ordinary cats, mind you, these cats talked.

"I thought you said she would be here." Said the black one.

"Aw calm down Luna." Said her counterpart, who was named Artemis. "Molly's 
still new to being included in Senshi meetings."

"The least she could do is be punctual." Luna snapped. Artemis sighed. Luna 
was overly concerned with propriety and tardiness offended her deeply.

"Relax." Said Serena. "She probably got stuck in traffic."

"What Traffic? Ever since she won that Motorcycle--"

"She's had to deal with bugs in her teeth." Interrupted the blonde sitting 
next to Serena. "What?" She asked when everyone glared at her.

"Must you?" Raye Hino asked.

"What?" Asked the blonde again, innocence all over her face. Raye rolled her 
eyes. That was Mina's one character flaw. She thought she was funny.
Tokyo Mall was a relatively new addition to the city skyline. Built partially 
on the bay, the mall contained a freeway that ran along the shallow bay 
bottom and then up through the mall before dipping back towards the city. It 
was relatively deserted since most people were apprehensive about driving 
underwater protected by only a heavy glass tunnel roof.

Molly loved it.

Grinning behind her helmet, she weaved in and between the cars with practiced 
ease. She loved riding. The feeling of freedom, the roar of the engine, and 
though she would never admit it, she liked the vibration of the steel frame 
beneath her.

Is this risky behavior really nessacary?

"C'mon," Molly said, haven't you ever done something for the sheer thrill of 

Not that I can recall

"Didn't your last host do anything for fun?"

I. . .don't remember.

"No?" Molly asked as they roared into what she called Malltown. It was 
actually the section of the road that ran through the mall, but like most, 
she had her own name for it.

My first memory is encountering you and the one called Melvin. I tried to 
choose between you and he begged me to save you. So I did.

"He sacrificed himself to save me?"

Apparently. My contact with his mind was brief. I do know that he loved you. 
It was foremost in his mind,

"And I love him." She whispered, suddenly painfully aware of the cool metal 
against her skin that was the ring on its gold chain under her clothes.

Setting her jaw, she twisted the throttle as high as it would go.

The youma would pay.

Every last one.

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