Subject: [FFML] [MST] [REPOST] MLT3K: The Story of Q
From: "Rob Kelly" <>
Date: 12/24/1999, 5:15 PM

The Story of Q
A Gundam Wing Yaoi  Lemon
By Amaranth
MSTed by Rob "Suzaku Soldier" Kelly

Warning: Only people who know what a lemon is can read this. Oh, and this maybe my weakest MST yet... And sorry for not writing the Love Letter string yet, so it'll be in the next MST...

Cue Mystery Lemon Theatre Opening� Now.

One handed typing is disallowed.

In the not too distant future,
Somewhere in time and space,
Four anime boys in their Queen of Hearts,
Are caught in an endless chase.

Nakago and Tomo are aboard a ship,
Piloted by fangirls who made 'em sick.
They found a teen that was dumb, they deemed,
So they took him by force to carry out their schemes!

(Rob) GET... ME... DOWN!

(Nakago) We'll send them crappy lemons, The worst we can find. (Lalala)
(Tomo) The boys will sit and watch them all, And we'll monitor their minds! (Lalala)  Now keep in mind that Rob controls, Where the lemons begin or end, (lalala)
The guys have got to keep their sanity,
Or they'll be used on our friends!

Ranma! (Red or Dead!!)
Yaten! (Enjoy Refreshing Time!?)
Tamahome! (Get him away!)
Heerooo! (Why me..?)

(Rob) And if you're wondering how we eat or breathe And other science fact, (lalala) Repeat to yourself "It's just a file, I should really just relax",
For Mystery Lemon Theatre 3000!

*Guitar twangs*
(Door 6)
(Door 5)
(Door 4)
(Door 3)
(Door 2)
(Door 1)

Ranma entered the control room with a smile on his face and a pile 'o food in his hands. This was the first time he cooked in general, so it was a momentous time for him.
Thought it was a time for lament for the other riffers. Heero had found out that Ranma was usually too lazy to make his own dinner, and bailed out the house when Akane cooked. So the excitement levels on the ship were naturally low.
Tamahome was the first "victim" to try out the dish. The face he made was not one of satisfaction. He only managed to squeak out "I think it was better when I ate plates." before falling to the floor unconscious.
Suddenly, the fanfic alarms went off. "What, now?!" Heero exclaimed over the noise. "We haven't even been told what it is?"


~Door 1: A telephone box. You lament the absence of the Shower then continue.
~Door 2: A wall entirely constructed from CATS plushies. You knock it down with a rocket launcher, then continue.
~Door 3: The front of a swish hotel. As you enter, you realise that the front's actually a cardboard mock-up.
~Door 4: A ruin. when you run under it, it falls towards you missing you by inches.
~Door 5: A workers' entrance with punch clock. You punch in to continue.
~Door 6: The Tubes.


Heero: God, is he ever low, that Nakago!
Ranma: He makes ants shit their pants!
Yaten: He inconsiderate, inconferate...
Tamahome: Uh, guys, I can't think of a rhyme right now, I'll get back to you.

Warning: The following story contains scenes of graphic sexual interaction.

Ranma: That's a fancy way of saying it.

Please do not read if you may be offended by: homosexual interaction and >relationships, or graphic sex.

Yaten: Unfortunately we _have_ to.

THE STORY OF Q: An odyssey of sexual misadventures.

Ranma: An odyssey of what?
Yaten: I don't like that.

Part 1: Captured and Claimed

Tamahome (claimer): I got dibs on him!

It has been three days of smooth sailing

Heero: This is going to be bad, I know it.
Ranma: Any story that names itself after The Story of O would be bad.
Yaten: In more ways than one.

and I am very relieved. Stormy weather is the last thing I need, not now, not when I >am so close to my beloved, Trowa Barton.

Tamahome: Trowa?
Heero: As in "Gundam Heavyarms" Trowa? Now I know this is a Gundam Wing fic.
Tamahome (Trowa): Ah, I never knew that I loved him...  Never knew I was gay either...

I sail there to join him, to be with him forever. . . I can hardly wait. Sitting in my small cabin, I try to read, but I find that

Ranma (Narrator/Quatre?): The black painted walls are closing in on me, so I must retreat outside.
Heero: That sounds scary.
Tamahome: Gettin' squeamish now, are we?

my thoughts wander to the island paradise that awaits me. I daydream of beautiful >waterfalls. . . of moonlit swims in the bay. . . of kisses from Trowa. . .

Yaten (Quatre): Of nights of wild, passionate sex...
Ranma: OY!
Heero: If you can't stand the heat...
Ranma: Hey, I can stand it!

Suddenly, from above, I hear the Captain shout: "Everyone alert!" Curious, I exit the >cabin and go above.

Tamahome: Right in the lit cannon's path.
Ranma: BOOM!
Heero: Tamahome...

"Captain, is there a problem?" I ask. "Yes, Quatre sir. . . we are in dangerous waters.  >this is an area notorious for pirates, and I've heard the most dangerous pirate of them >all is in the area. . . "

Yaten: If he hs a hook for a left hand and is plauged by ticking clocks, I'm leaving.

I shiver with dread. I know the pirate that he refers to--Hiro, the terror of the south >seas...

(Heero splutters)
Tamahome:You? A pirate?! The mind boggles!
Heero: ^~^ No shit. It's just as well the name spelt H-double E-R-O.
Yaten: You would look cute in buccaneer clothing and an eyepatch though... <3-<3

I rush back to my cabin, hoping that there will be no trouble. Lying in bed, I try not >to be frightened, and I drift off to sleep...

Tamahome: Shipwreck ahoy!

I am awakened by a large jolt!

Ranma: Has Jaime Jeans been on Miracle-Gro?
Heero: Wrong Jolt.

It feels as if another ship has rammed against ours! I peep out the window to see >what is happening, and I find that I am face to face with the side of another ship!

Tamahome: What the hell were you expecting? An iceberg?

I hear the sounds of fighting above. . . I am terrified. . . I run to bar the door, but I >am too late. The door bangs open, and *He* enters.

(Heero shrinks in his seat)

He is dressed in all black, and around his lean hips hangs a dangerous looking sabre.

Ranma (Heero): I've pleasured many men and women with this sabre, now it's your turn.
Heero: Ranma...
Yaten: Two Heeros. Twice the pleasure!
(Heero blushes as red as a poppy)

His eyes trail over my body in a way that makes me shudder. . . somehow, I did not >picture the pirate to be quite so handsome. . .

Heero: I look handsome? Not really a pirate requsite. Unless you're into one of those bodice ripper stylings.

what am I saying! This is the man that stands in the way of my reunion with my >beloved!

Heero: I'm just standing between you and the doorway.

Hiro moves forward, and I move back with each step he takes, until I feel the back of >my legs hit the bed. "You're a cute little thing, aren't you?" Hiro reaches out to touch your blond hair, and you jerk your head away.

All: Us?
Yaten: Me?
Ranma: It should be "me" not "you."
Tamahome: Must we go into details?

"Feisty, too! I suggest you don't struggle, because the harder you struggle, the more >I'll

Heero: Feel nauseuos with the idea that I'm seeing myself do this.

want you. Take off your clothes." Shocked and terrified, I was glued to the spot.

Tamahome (Quatre): Damn superglue, it's spilt everywhere!

What he was suggesting. . . it sent shivers down my spine, and not entirely caused by >disgust. But I couldn't!

Tamahome: Yes, you could! All you need is...
Ranma: No!

I had to remember the one who was waiting for me at the end of the voyage. . . my >hand slipped behind me to the knife I keep sheathed and tucked into the back of my >pants.

Ranma: Yeah, someone thought of us!
Heero: I don't think that...
Ranma: Shut up and let me revel in this.

I raise the knife high, ready to slash downwards, but lightning quick he grabs my >hand and twists it painfully behind my back. I drop the knife and fall to my knees, tears pooling in my eyes.

Ranma: Drop him in the pool!
Tamahome: He's playing Vampire Saviour again, hasn't he?

I keep my eyes to the floor, not daring to look up. I wait, dreading what he would do >now that I have disobeyed.

Yaten: Us too.
Tamahome: Hopefully he'll get off with a warning.

Hiro takes his sabre from his sheathe and puts the tip underneath my chin, pushing >my chin up to meet his stony gaze. "I warned you, fiery one. . . but I'm glad that you showed some life. It will make this >much more fun."

Heero: At least until I get my throat slit.

Hiro lowers the sabre to my shirt, and proceeds to cut off all the buttons. The chilly >sea breeze from the window hits the slit of bare skin

Tamahome (Wind): Squeal, lil piggy, sqeual!
Ranma: Damn winds whacking off in my...
Heero: Shut up.

that is revealed, and I shiver, partly from the cold, partly from anticipation. Hiro uses >the sabre to push the silk from my shoulders, revealing my puckered nipples

Tamahome: Puckered? They want a kiss.
Yaten: Pucker up kiddies.

to his ravenous eyes. He gives a soft murmur of approval. "Hmmm. . . nice. . . your skin looks very soft. . . it's been a while since I've seen such >tender skin. . . "

Heero: How long was it since the last 1x2 lemon?
Ranma: Maybe we shold break this fic up. Let's go.


<Reverse Door Sequence>

Heero looked confused.
How come Nakago didn't contact them when they sent the fic? Why didn't they tell them? His pondering was interrupted by the mad light flashing...
"Hello there, my little pimples of doom," Nakago said with a put on cheeriness. "Care to see a little secret I've been working on?" Heero glared. "How come you sent the fic without us knowing it?"
"Oh, it was just a tryout... I just thought that I can break you if you didn't know when the fic came."
"You do that again, and I'll kill you." Heero was in one of his serious manners on this one.
"Oh, no, not before I show you my pride and joy of the genetics programme!" Nakago said in a sarcastic way. He then motioned towards a large box- or at least it _looked_ like a box-covered with a large cloth. "Those other scientists may have cloned a sheep, but I managed to not only clone one of your biggest admirers in Gundam W, but also altered their way of thinking! The only drawback was that they're chibi-clones, childlike versions of the real thing, BUT STILL! Presenting..." He said, pulling the cloth off...
"Ultra-Hentai Chibi-Relenas!" Heero's eyes bugged. The box was actually a cage, filled with, like Nakago said, chibi-Relena "freakin'" Peacecrafts!
At the sight of Nakago, the Relenas suddendly rushed in his direction, screaming random Japanese words of affection towards him. "See, I'm a hit already!" Nakago implored with a smile. "This is genuis of the highest level to keep you in that theatre, as the depressurisation function has been f--ked up, because when you leave, I'll send these cute little pervos down to glomp on you, rendering your incapable of moving, and..." He said this with a maniacal giggle. "Give you a little 'pleasure' in the bargain!" He burst into mad laughter at this point, not noticing the cage teetering on the edge... Heero looked oddly nervous now(for him). "Uh... We'll be getting back in the theatre now.. RANMA! YATEN-KUN! TAMAHOME! WE'RE GOING BACK IN!
He heard a collective moan of pain as the three entered. Ranma was the first to see why Heero had called them in. "HOLKY FREEOLA! That's..."
"I know." Heero hissed. "And if we don't get back in there, they're gonna be all over us!"
The others blanched, then ran into the theatre. They heard a crash and screaming behind as the cage hit the floor...
<Door sequence as before...>

Ranma: Think he'll survive?
Yaten: I dunno...

He reaches out and plucks

Heero (in fic): Impressive, I can play Greensleeves on this.

lightly on my left nipple. I gasp at the tingling that sends shocks down my spine and >lower...

Ranma: Heero's got electric fingers!

I am embarrassed that I could become aroused by the touch of such a monster.

Heero: I'm disturbed you could, Quatre.

Oh, Trowa, I think, if I ever see you again. . . I hope you can forgive me. . . Hiro puts his sabre away, undoing the belt and placing the sabre onto the table. He >begins to undo the laces of his black sating shirt, pulling the edges from his tight >breeches. He pulls the shirt over his head, and I admire his sinewy physique.

Yaten: He does'nt look fragile...
Heero: Sinewy is sexy, kinda.
Yaten: Oh.

What has come over me, I wonder, I actually want Hiro to touch me! What have I >become?! Hiro lifts me up into his arms and puts me on the bed. I shut my eyes >tightly and lay prone on the bed, trying as hard as possible not to move.

Tamahome: Screw it, ram his nuts! (Heero cringes) Sorry, man.

I am confused by these new feelings of restlessness inside me, but I know that it is >wrong to feel this way about Hiro; and yet, I can't resist. . . Hiro grabs me and slaps >me lightly in the face, forcing me to look at him. " I think that you would look even prettier with some red marks marring that perfect skin. . . I think that I'm going to bind >and gag you."

Heero: If that's what I think, I would shoot myself.

The thought of being bound and gagged. . . to be in the utter mercy of this wickedly >divine creature, revolted me and excited me at the same time. It was as if he knew >what I thought.

Heero ("Hiro"): I can read your mind... So there's no escape...

Hiro smiled as he removed his belt, gathering my wrists together and lacing them >tightly, then bringing my hands above my head and securing the belt to the bedpost >above me.

Heero: God, I'm evil.
Yaten: It's only a mutant Heero-kun. An OOC idiot who's only there to go thourgh with a twisted fantasy like this.
Heero (eerily calm): Arigato.

He reaches down and grabs my white shirt, the white shirt that Trowa had given me, >and he rips a strip of white silk to tie my mouth with. He gags me, and I feel hot tears >of shame and rage threaten to overflow from my eyes.

Tamahome (chanting like a satanist): BURN HIM! BURN HIM! BURN HIM! BURN HIM!
Ranma: Do I have to live with him?

I will not cry, I think, I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I close my >eyes tightly again, trying to block out the image of Hiro between my legs. When he >begins to caress my chest lightly, my entire body tenses in shock. . . I did not expect >such tender ministrations. . .

Ranma (singing): Tender is the ghost, the ghost I love the most...
Yaten: Note the use of triple periods in the fic.

his fingers trail lightly over my abdomen to the fastenings of my breeches. . . one, >two, three buttons undone, and he reaches inside for my shuddering member. . .

Tamahome (member): Geez, I'm freezin' my balls off here!

I shout against the gag, my mind a haze of pleasure and distress that I could betray >the one I love in this way. I feel his finger at the tip of my cock, gently stabbing at the >hole, and my muffled cries echo through the whole room, loud despite the gag in my >mouth.

Ranma ("Hiro"): Crap, I put a microphone in his mouth!

Hiro leans down to lick the tears that I could not prevent, and his tongue finds my >ear, flicking the lobe lightly, biting it gently. . . "You like it, don't you, boy. . . you >want more. . . "

Heero: But _I_ don't.

I shake my head from side to side, denying what I know to be true, deep in my heart, >trying to convince myself that I hate what he is doing to me. Hiro, suddenly violent, >grabs my shaft in his palm, and squeezes it hard.

(Everyone cringes.)
Ranma: ARGH! No thank YOU!
Heero: That hurts like hell.
Yaten: NOT an image I want in my head.

I gasp in pain and pleasure! Hiro undoes my gag and places a hard kiss on your >unyielding lips. "Maybe you prefer that I take you roughly, little boy. Is that what >turns you on?"

All: Just say NO!

I shut my eyes tightly, trying to block out the sound of his voice. . . but he waits for >my answer. My mind screams for him to just continue, to leave me to my fantasy of >my mind being separate from this act, but he will not. I decide that I want what >happens here to be as far removed from my gentle love with Trowa. I nod my head >shamefully.

Heero: No, you brainless idiot, not that!
Yaten: Heero, do you want a time out?
Heero:....yeah. (Walks to a corner of the theater.)

Hiro throws his head back and laughs, still keeping a firm grip on my arousal. "So >that's the way your bread is buttered, eh? Well, I'm glad, because I prefer it rough. >And when I'm done here, so will you." He squeezes my erection once more, and I >almost faint.


How can something that hurts so much make me feel so good? He begins to rub my >shaft roughly up and down, my pants still around my hips, my back arched up off the >bed, my mouth open, panting. . . My whole body writhes with his rough motions, my >hips twisting on the bed. I am so ashamed, humiliated, and Hiro knows, as he >watches me ,

Ranma: No he's not.
Tamahome: The _Hiro_ in the fic.
Ranma; Yare yare, I know.

a knowing grin on his face. Finally, my body tenses, I strain against the bonds that >hold me, hips off the bed, feet planted firmly against the mattress as I come, biting my >lip to keep from screaming. A thousand little shocks run up and down my spine; I >have never come this hard before, not even with Trowa. . . what has become of me >now?

Yaten: Blame the bastard who wrote this.
Ranma: Uh, Yaten, author _flames!_

Finally, I relax, lying back down on the bed. My head is turned away and I know my >face is red, but I don't want Hiro to see me, I don't want to see him. He grabs my face >roughly, and he kisses me on the mouth once more, lightly biting my lower lip, >roughly enough to make it bleed.

Tamahome: If he wants the guy, he should be more gentle.
Ranma: Wishful thinking.

"I enjoy watching you come, boy, but I'm going to love it even more when you make >me come. So where do you want it? Up the ass or in the mouth? What do you think? >Do you want to taste me?"

(Heero comes back to his seat.)
Heero(Quatre): How 'bout I give you the Finger(Flips the birdie), and you let me go?
Ranma: Wasn't that the part where his mouth sealed up and the agents planted the "bug" in him?
Yaten: EEW! Don't remind me!

His mocking laughter rings through my ears, and I ignore is question, knowing it was >not meant to be answered, only posed to make me more afraid. He moves to stand >over me, straddling my body, totally unmoved by my tears, like a Roman gladiator >towering in victory over his latest conquest. He touches the bulge in the front of his >breeches, caressing it,

Ranma: Don't fight, man, _caress it!_
Heero: In times of crisis, always count on Ranma to make a risque and/or obscure riff.

a smile on his face as he watches me watching his actions. I am disgusted and excited >at the same time. . . I close my eyes and try to think of my beloved, but the only face >that comes to my mind is that of the wicked pirate that towers over me. I sob, >straining against my bonds, listening to Hiro laugh wickedly.

Heero: MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAaaaa! *koff koff*

He nudges my chest with his foot. "Look at me, boy, I want you to see this. . . " I >refuse to open my eyes, and I shut them even tighter. I feel the bed move as he leans >down and grabs a hank of my hair, tilting my head up and licking my neck. . . "I said >open your eyes, little one. . . " Little One! That is what Trowa calls me!

Taamhome: Why do I think there's a link between Heero and Trowa?

I open my eyes in shock to hear what was a sweet endearment, now rendered so foul >by the man who was making such thorough use of me. I look up and I see him smile >that wicked smile, I follow as his hands begin to undo his breeches, one button at a >time. . . He reaches inside his breeches and pulls out his very erect member, red, >shuddering, and very large.

Heero: I hope it's not _extra_ long...
Tamahome: DAMN YOU CATS!

"All this," he says, "I'm saving for you. . . " he laughs his taunting laugh once again. >He moves once more to the edge of the bed, pulling off my breeches. I know that I >could struggle, I could fight, but I no longer have the strength. . . and I know longer >know if I want to. . . He pulls my legs wide apart and touches the tight ring of my >anus.

Tamahome: Got any lube?
Heero (deadly serious): Omae o kuroso.
Tamahome: N-NO! I'lbegood! I'llbegood!
Heero: Hmph. And no Uranus jokes too.
Ranma: Aww.

He laughs to see that I am once again erect, moving one hand to slap my cock lightly. >I turn my head and gasp against the soft flesh of my arm. To this madman, I am >nothing but a plaything. . .

Heero: ^~^ I don't believe it. I'm thinking he's a cross between an inflatable love cow and a Furby!
Ranma: *_*

I dread and welcome what is to come next. . . He touches the tip of his cock, >rubbing the moisture that seeps from the tip all over the head so that it is very wet. >With his wet fingers, he parts my anus,

All: Uh-Oh!
Ranma: ...ulp...
Tamahome: Want to spew?

and I shudder at the intrusion of his fingers. I wince as he spreads me wide open, and >brace myself for the coming thrust. But I am still unprepared when he comes into me, >so large, so wide, like he was splitting me open!

Ranma: AAAAAAHHHHhhhhhhhh..... X_X
Heero: Ogod, he couldn't take it.
Tamahome: I think a bit of bile has caught in his throat.
Yaten: Well give him mouth-to-mouth then. I'll do CPR...
Tamahome: No!
Heero: What?
Tamahome: No CPR!
Yaten (pressing Ranma's chest.): Come ON! It's not like a real kiss, just blow into him.
Tamahome (sigh): OK.
Yaten: 1...2...3...

(While Ranma is being given CPR, I'd like to say: We at MLT3K apologise for mass cutting, but we felt that some people might get bored in reading the rest of the MST... Not to mention sickened by the utter torture of anal penartration without lubes.)

(Ranma is revived)

Ranma: Guuuuuh! Shit, that was sick, and inconsiderate.
Yaten: Uh-huh.
Tamahome: No shit.
Heero: It's still too soon guys... We'd better ease into this as much as possible.
Ranma: Uh-huh. Feel a little nauseated after that.

Somehow, he had seen past even my own deceptions to the core of the matter-->though I dreaded being passed to another as if I were some sort of exotic pet, I was >slightly titillated by the thought that Hiro's friend might be similar to him.

Heero: God, these guy's really not heathy in the mind.
Ranma: I don't think Quatre is either!
Yaten: Everyone's sick here.

He gets up and pulls on his breeches, then fastening the sabre back around his hips. >He unties your wrists and picks his shirt up from the ground, not bothering to put it >back on.

Yaten: You'll catch a chill.
Ranma: Especially with your wang dangling like that.

He doesn't ben look back at me as he exits the cabin. "Put your clothes on and fix >yourself up. We'll be arriving at the island in a few hours."

Tamahome ("Hiro"): I'll brief you in upon landing.

I bury my head in the pillow and soak the cloth with my tears. O, Trowa, I think, how >close we had come to lasting love only to find it being torn by the hands of fate.

Tamahome (God): We'll need this lasting love torn up. I'll give to the Hands of Fate, they'll do anything...

Why do I find myself so attracted to the mysterious pirate Hiro? And what fate >awaits me at the island paradise of his comrade?

Heero: Frankly, my dear, one, two, three...
Ranma: Let's bail.
(They all leave.)

<Reverse Door Sequence>
~Door 6: You walk through the door that appears behind The Tubes.
~Door 5: The workers' entrance with punch clock. You punch out to continue.
~Door 4: You negotiate through the remnants of the collapsed ruin.
~Door 3: You knock down the cardboard hotel mock-up
~Door 2: You round up all the burining plushies and pour vodka over the pile.
~Door 1: You exit through the telephone box.

Tamahome was busy nailing shut the Umbillicus, which kept a link between Slick and the QoH. In case the Ultra-Hentai Chibi-Relenas decide to visit, the boys have decided to keep connection between Slick and the Qoh as little as possible.
"Is the Umbilicus locked up, Tamahome?" Ranma asked. "Sure, just give me a little longer to shut it off" he replied. Just then, Ranma noticed the mad light flashing on the console...

The viewscreen in the Slick Control Room flickered on revealing Ranma's face. "Yeah, what is it?" he asked. "Surivived the fic?" Rob asked. "Yah, yah, it's was pretty simple anyways..." He replied, before noticing that the usual team-up of Nakago and Tomo was absent.
"What happened to Nakago and Tomo?" Rob tried to hold back from laughter before telling him. "Tomo's bailed to the BLG's harem, wailing 'bout 'fear in the head', and Nakago still has some Chibi's on him... Shall I push the Button?"
All Ranma said was "Please do" and Rob was happy to oblige...





Rob: Now that was _little bit_ overblown...

Next Episode: Ranma gets a love letter from an unknown source, and freaks out when he finds out  the a) he's a man and b) a transvestite. In the fic, Nodoka is made a woman by none other than Kuno-sempai in Martin L. Metke's "Nodoka in Love"...

(Cue End credits...)


Riffers: Ranma Saotome [Ranma 1/2] ("Especially with your wang dangling like that.")
Tamahome [Fushigi Yuugi] ("Uh, guys, I can't think of a rhyme right now, I'll get back to you.")
Yaten Kou [Sailor Moon Stars] ("Blame the bastard who wrote this.")
Heero Yuy [Gundam Wing] ("MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAaaaa! *koff koff*")

Nakago [Fushigi Yuugi] ("The only drawback was that they're chibi-clones, childlike versions of the real thing, BUT STILL! ")
Tomo [Fushigi Yuugi] ("bailed to the BLG's harem, wailing 'bout 'fear in the head'")
Mads' Reluctant Assistant: Rob Kelly [IRL] ("Now that was _little bit_ overblown...")

Disclaimer Time!
Sailor Moon is Naoko Takeuchi's copyright.
Ranma 1/2 belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.
Fushigi Yuugi is property of Watase Yuu.
Gundam Wing from Sunrise.
I partly own MLT3K, 'cuz it's inspired by MST3K (in particular, Season 8) which is property of Best Brains Inc.
I created Rob, the BLG and the mecha.
The Story of Q comes from the nutso noggin of Amaranth and S/HE CAN HAVE IT!
The Riffers' Holocabana is supplied by 6.7 Industries.
Think of the MST is funny C&C.
Keep circulating the fanfics, MSTs and lemons (not to mention the tapes)...

And now, the Stinger...
and I shudder at the intrusion of his fingers. I wince as he spreads me wide open, and >brace myself for the coming thrust. But I am still unprepared when he comes into me, >so large, so wide, like he was splitting me open!

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