Subject: Re: [FFML][XOVER]PokeKombat: Death of All Pokemon
From: Rhea Seraph
Date: 9/4/1999, 10:08 PM
To: Frank Rice

On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Frank Rice wrote:

Bailesu:  To the Comments Cave!


Bailesu:  I'll try not to.
God Like Voice: This is the end of all pokemon.  The last battle to decide 

Bailesu:  God-like

their fate.  Once a generation pokemon meet to fight another dimensions 

Bailesu:  generation, 

Ami:  dimension's

fighters in a fight to the death.  However, no one ever leaves alive from 
these fights, so there is no record of it.  The fighters that go against the 

Bailesu:  Not even the final winner?

Camera (It's duck taped back together.  Thanks to MacGyver for the tape.): 
Fade out.

Bailesu:  The camera speaks and says 'Fade out'?

Ranma: I know somethings got to happen.  My life is never this boring.  Wait 
a minute WTF is that?

Bailesu:  minute.  WTF

Camera: Ranma runs away (I caught myself with the cat.  Wow!).

Bailesu:  Mrr?
Shang-Mew: Good he's afraid of cat's this will make things easier.

Bailesu:  Good, he's afraid of cats.  This will

other threats to the universe have happened recently.  In other words, its 
pretty damn dull in the Slayers world.

Ami:  it's 

Zelgadis: Great, we've had no leads, no fights, no jobs, and were almost out 
of money.  Of course we wouldn't be out of money if Lina hadn't eaten the 
prized cow of that last kingdom.

Bailesu:  That wouldn't happen to be Chelsea the cow?  Better watch out
for someone armed with a +12 Hackmaster...

Lina: Hey! I thought it would taste good barbecued.

Camera: Dimensional gate opens.

Bailesu:  I suggest changing the camera cues so they don't look like

Shang-Mew: Same thing.  Why did you bring a woman with you Ranma?

Bailesu:  you, Ranma?  And why doesn't Shang know where she came from?  He
brought Ranma here, not vice versa.

Shang-Mew: Very well.  The first fight will be against Bulbusaur and Lina 
Inverse.  The rest of you will take place in your matches afterwards.

Bailesu:  between a Bulbusaur and
Ami:  Given there's more than one Bulbusaur in the universe.

Announcers Voice: Now in ring number 43 Shellder will be fighting Akane 

Bailesu:  Announcer's Voice:  Now in ring number 43, Shellder will

Crowd: SHELLDER!! SHELLDER!! etc....

Akane: I'm supposed to fight a tounge, and a shell?  Is this a joke?

Bailesu:  tongue

Shang-Mew: Next up will be Butterfree VS. Zelgadis!

Zelgadis: Okay, here it is my chance.  My cure is almost in sight.

Anouncer: Buttefree is now being released.

Bailesu:  Butterfree

Lina: Wow Zel's really out.  Now thats rare.

Bailesu:  Wow, Zel's

Camera: We see Ranma in his usual red outfit waiting for the match to begin.

Shang-Mew: Okay, Wartortle I need you to expoit his weakness.

Bailesu:  exploit

Ranma: This is taking a while.  Usually there is always an elaborate plot 
before I start a fight.  Oh well this works.

Bailesu:  Oh, well.  This works.

Female Voice: We are experincing techincal difficulties please wait.  We are 
sorry for this interuption of serv...

Bailesu:  experiencing technical difficulties.  Please wait.  

Ranma: Now your spitting at me.  Great.

Bailesu:  you're 

Ranma-Chan: Hey, don't you know its in evil villans contracts to say stuff 
like that.

Bailesu:  it's in evil villains' contracts 

As the group is traveling through the gateway they see what they have caused 
for all pokemon kind. They are now inslaved and are being used by children 
to fight with.

Bailesu:  enslaved

Fade out.

Fade in on the exit of dimensional gate.

Zelgadis: Well, don't look a gift horse in the mouth in we go!

Everyone jumps in.

As the group is traveling through the gateway they see what they have caused 
for all pokemon kind. They are now inslaved and are being used by children 
to fight with.  They are also stupid, and ignorant of their previous 

Bailesu:  This mostly repeats the above bit


John Biles
Emperor of all He Surveys

"He who breaks a thing to find out what it is, has left the path of