Subject: [FFML] Repost: Illuminations, Chapter 15/?[Dark][Lime]
From: Freemage
Date: 6/14/1999, 5:56 PM

Today is two-for-one!

  DiScLaImEr:  Rumiko Takahashi and a bunch of rich corporations own
all the characters in this fic.  My use of them in no way is meant to
undermine those claims, and suing me would be a huge waste of time.
If, for some reason, you actually think this meager tribute to RT's
genius deserves to be further distributed, you may do so, so long as
you: a) reprint this disclaimer; b) give me credit (blame?) for the
story and; c) don't actually sell it (Yeah, like that's a concern!).
And now, on with the fic.

* Illuminations *

* A Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction *

* By Freemage *

*Author's Note:  This story draws on both the anime and the manga.

 This is a dark story, with several sexually suggestive scenes,
 although no outright Lemon scenes.  If such material offends or
 disturbs you, please consider not reading this story--Unless, of
 course, you like being offended and/or disturbed....

 Also, if you are bothered by scenes of Panda abuse, you may wish
 to skip the next couple of chapters....

  Thoughts are denoted by {X}, text/Panda signs by [X].*

                       * Chapter Fifteen *
                       * Rising Storms   *

    Ranma-chan and Akane arrived home just as Kasumi was coming
 out.  She looked at them and smiled.  "Oh, wonderful.  _Ranko_,"
 she said, stressing the pseudonym just enough so that they would
 know who was still within earshot, "you're just in time.  Nabiki
 called, and said that Ryouga was visiting her at the hospital. 
 She asked if you could go and pick him up.  I guess he asked to
 stay in the Dojo tonight."  She handed him one of Ryouga's

    Ranma-chan shrugged.  "Sure, I guess I could do that.  Um...
 Do either of you... That is, I was wondering if you could think
 of...."  Her voice failing, Ranma-chan just looked at the urn
 she had carried back from the crematoria.

    Akane spoke up.  "We can put it in a place of honor in the
 Dojo.  That way, I know you'll get to visit it at least once a

    Ranma-chan nodded.  "Umm... Thanks, Akane.  I, well, I
 appreciate all you've done, ya' know?"

    Smiling softly, the youngest Tendou responded, "You're
 welcome.  She was my friend, too.  Do you want me to come with
 you to the hospital?"

    The redhead looked thoughtful for a moment.  "No, that's OK.
 I think I could use a little time alone, actually.  Could
 you...?"  She left the question unfinished, but again, Akane
 understood immediately.

    "Sure.  I'll have it set up by the time you two get back. 
 I'm sure Ryouga wants to pay his respects, too."

    "Thanks, again."  Handing the urn to her fiancee, Ranma-chan
 turned back to the dusk and headed for the hospital.

    As they headed for the Dojo, Akane asked Kasumi, "Why did you
 give Ra-Ranko Ryouga's clothes, if he's coming back here,

    "I'm not sure, Nabiki told me to send them.  When I asked her
 why, she just started snickering and saying something about a



    After they finished setting up the small shrine in the Dojo
 (which included a spatula-filled bandolier Kasumi had found on
 the floor of Ranma's room the night Ukyou had been injured), the
 two sisters returned to the house.

    Just as they entered the family room, Nodoka Saotome entered
 from the kitchen, bearing a tray laden with a teapot and cups. 
 "Ah, just in time."  She paused, looking at Soun and "Mr. Panda"
 at the Go board.  "You know, I would almost think Mr. Panda knew
 the rules."

    Soun laughed with more enthusiasm than the situation called
 for.  "Oh, no, Nodoka, my dear lady.  This poor, dumb beast just
 mimics what the person sitting opposite of him does.  Why, watch
 this--" he stopped speaking for a moment as he rearranged the
 pieces, in a manner that greatly improved his own position. 
 "See?  The pathetic animal doesn't have the slightest clue about
 how the game is really played.  Why, I doubt he has the
 intelligence of a common houseplant, really."

    He leaned over the board and gripped both of Genma-Panda's
 cheeks, like some sort demented aunt visiting her spoiled
 nephew.  "Isn't that right, you overgrown tub of lard and fur?"

    Akane's eyes widened.  {I've never heard Dad go off on Mr.
 Saotome like that before.  Maybe he's just tired.}

    Nodoka returned her attention to serving tea to the humans in
 the room.  After she finished pouring, she turned to Genma-Panda
 with a smile.  "I have a special treat for you, Mr. Panda," she
 said, causing the beast's ears to prick up.  Lightning-quick,
 she drew her katana and brought it slashing down....

    ... on the bamboo shoots she had pulled from the apron she
 had borrowed from Kasumi.  "There you go, Mr. Panda.  Enjoy." 
 She smiled on him dotingly.

    Genma-Panda, meanwhile, struggled gamely to act enthused
 about his "treat", while hoping his wife didn't hear the way his
 heart seemed to be trying to bust through his ribs.

    Akane realized that she had only half-finished her last
 swallow of tea and coughed, loudly, drawing the room's attention
 back to her.

    "Oh, dear, are you okay?" Kasumi asked, concern evident in
 her voice.

    Gasping slightly, Akane replied, with a feeble nod of her
 head, "Ye-yeah, 'Sumi, I'm alright.  Tea just went down the
 wrong windpipe, is all."  Clearing her throat once more, she
 gave her older sister a reassuring smile, all time thinking,
 {Please, Kami, no more shocks like that one tonight.  I don't
 know how much more I can take...}

    Nodoka took her place at the table and sipped at her tea.  No
 one said much of anything for awhile.  The gentle ringing of the
 chime echoed in the faint evening breeze.

    Nodoka turned to Akane, who was watching the Go game with a
 disinterested look.  "So, dear, have you and my son set a date,

    Akane sprayed a mouthful of tea all over her father, then
 looked at Nodoka in shock.  {Thanks, Kami, for nothing.}


    Ranma-chan walked into the hospital, her thoughts in a slow
 whirl.  She was dissatisfied with how little she had been able
 to focus on her problems during the walk over there.  {Too much,
 too fast,} she decided, {I'll think about it some more

    Stepping into Nabiki's room, she saw the Lost One sitting on
 one of the vinyl seats, wearing a hospital gown.  "Oh, that is
 you, Ryouga," she teased.

    "Shut up, Ranma," Ryouga snarled, standing to face his rival,
 "Nabiki's been giving me enough of that, already."

    "Hey, Hibiki-chan," Nabiki called from the bed behind Ryouga,
 "If you keep giving shows like this, I'm gonna have to send
 Ranma back for my camera...."

    Ryouga dashed into the bathroom, snagging the clothes from
 Ranma-chan as he passed.  "Nabiki!"

    The two girls burst out into a fit of giggles.

    "Say, Nabiki, does that thermos have hot water in it?"

    "Why, yes it does.  Go ahead, it's on the house."

    "Heh. Thanks."  The change effected, Ranma set the thermos
 back down.  "Mom's still at the house, and I think she's gonna
 spend the night, so this is my last chance to be a guy for a


    "Excuse me?"  Akane still couldn't believe what she had just

    "Well, dear, I don't see any reason for further delays, do
 you?  With both Ukyou and that horrid Kodachi creature dead, and
 with Shampoo out of my son's life for good, from what your
 father was telling me, it would appear that yours is the only
 claim left on him.  If we proceed quickly enough, we can have
 the ceremony accomplished before any further... complications

    Akane racked her brain, trying desperately to think of a way
 to stop this nightmare.  "Ummm... Well, you see, I-I don't...,"
 she stammered, before inspiration struck.  She took a deep
 breath, and spoke slowly so she could consider her words before
 they could trap her.  "I think others might consider it...
 unseemly... for us to be married too soon after Ukyou's death. 
 There is the honor of the School to think of, after all.  A
 martial arts Dojo which has... lost face in the eyes of the
 public would find itself lacking students, don't you agree?"

    Nodoka considered, carefully.  "Hmmm... Yes, I believe you
 may be right about that.  Very well, then.  We shall wait until
 after the interment of the ashes.  Is the end of next month good
 for you, Tendou-san?"

    Soun smiled widely.  "I think that would be perfect, Nodoka.
 I'll start making the arrangements tomorrow."

    Akane just looked back and forth between the two adults in
 unconcealed horror.  {Ranma's going to flip.  We're not ready to
 get mar... I mean, we don't want...  I mean... Oh, fuck it, I
 don't know what I mean!  I just know this is a _bad_ idea....}

    Kasumi stood gracefully.  "Auntie Saotome, would you like a
 bath?  I'm going to pour one for myself."

    Nodoka smiled at her.  "That would be lovely, dear.  I'd be
 delighted.  Thank you."

    Kasumi looked to Akane.  "Would you like to come, too, or do
 you want to be down here in case Ranko and Ryouga get back."

    Akane thought furiously, then smiled back at her sister.  "I
 think I should wait.  You two go on ahead.  It's been a long

    Soun said from behind her, "Yes, please, both of you, take
 your time, enjoy yourselves...."

    Only a frantic Panda noticed the gleam in the Tendou
 patriarch's eyes as he said those words.


    "Okay, Nabiki, we'll see you later," Ranma called over his

    "Just remember.  You two have two days before I get home.  I
 suggest you come up with something."

    "Yeah, yeah, we'll figure out something.  C'mon, P-Chan."

    "Don't.  Just don't, okay?"


    {Hmmm... I suspected Saotome to put up more of a resistance
 than this, but there's no sign of him,} thought Soun Tendou to
 himself as he lowered the staircase that led up to the attic. 
 {Perhaps he has finally come to realize that I only wish to
 carry on the Master's work, in my own way.}

    He looked up and saw Genma-Panda's foot just before it struck
 his jaw.  {Then again, maybe not,} he thought as he picked
 himself up off the floor.

    [I will not allow this to occur!]  Genma-Panda's free paw was
 held in a defensive posture, one that Soun realized could be
 turned into a vicious strike at a moment's notice.

    He spoke in low, even tones, to ensure that his voice would
 not carry into the bathroom.  "You cannot stop me, Saotome. 
 Already I have grown far more powerful than you could hope to

    Genma-Panda felt a cold sweat form under his fur. 
 [Impossible.  I kept you chained whenever Kasumi bathed.]

    Soun adopted a condescending manner.  "Yes, but you forgot
 about when she got dressed.  And when she got ready for bed. 
 The sights I have seen--the curvature of her breasts, the gentle
 rounding of her buttocks, the inviting warmth of that soft
 thatch of hair--have empowered me to the point where you will
 not be able to stand against me.  Now, stand aside.  I have
 wonders to behold."

    Genma-Panda cursed himself for a thrice-damned fool.  {Still,
 I cannot allow Tendou to do this.  I must hold my ground, no
 matter how powerful he is.}  [You shall not pass.]

    "Oh, but I will, Saotome, I will."  Soun charged the hulking
 beast blocking the stairs.

    Genma-Panda saw the attack coming, and braced himself for the
 terrible blow....

    Which never came.

    Instead, a feather-light footstep landed on his head, before
 Soun propelled himself onto the bottom few steps.  "Sorry,
 Saotome, you lose."  Tendou turned from mocking his oldest
 friend and started up the stairs.

    {NO!!  I will not fail again!!!!}  With this single thought
 clouding his mind Genma spun and leapt on Soun's back, causing
 both of them to go crashing to the floor.

    The two old friends exchanged blows.  Genma-Panda realized,
 with great relief, that Soun must have been lying about having
 managed to feed the demon inside him.

    Genma-Panda scored with a powerful swipe, knocking Soun to
 the ground with a set of claw marks raking his chest.  Nodoka
 chose that moment to exit the bathroom, katana drawn.  The sight
 of that much-feared blade sent "Mr. Panda" into a state of
 paralytic shock, while the view afforded by Nodoka's hastily
 donned robe had a similar effect on Soun. {If she would only
 shift that leg just a little more....}

    "What is going on out here?!"

    Soun was faster to recover than Genma-Panda.  "The beast
 attacked me!  I think he's gone rabid."

    "Oh, how sad."  Turning her attention to the animal, Nodoka
 continued, "Do not worry, you unfortunate creature.  I will make
 the end quick for you."

    Genma-Panda remained rooted to the spot in mortal terror.  He
 couldn't even summon up enough thought to pull out a sign
 protesting his innocence.  He could only watch as she moved the
 blade into position for a final strike.

    "Auntie Saotome, wait!  What's going on up here?!"  Akane's
 frantic cry brought Nodoka's actions to a halt.

    "Child, it would be best if you did not see this.  The animal
 has gone mad, and even attacked your father.  I see no recourse
 but to put him down."

    Akane wasn't sure what was going on, but she realized
 something had to be done.  "No, wait!" she cried, running
 forward and throwing her arms around Genma-Panda's neck. 
 "He's... he's a family pet.  Ranko would never forgive us if we
 destroyed him!  And he's never done anything like this
 before...."  Even as she spoke, Akane offered up a silent

    Nodoka paused, considering.  "Very well, child, but we can no
 longer trust this animal in the house.  You will need to chain
 it in the yard."

    Akane tried to think.  "Wouldn't it be better... more humane,
 I mean, to put him in the Dojo?"

    "I don't think so.  If he has gone mad, then he might damage
 the building.  And of course, there's Ukyou's shrine to
 consider.  No, it would be best for all of us if he stay in the
 yard.  If this _is_ just an isolated incident, then a night in
 the yard will teach him to behave.  Remember, my dear, you have
 to be firm with dumb animals."

    Akane sighed with visible relief.  "You're right, Auntie
 Saotome.  I'll take care of it."

    As Akane led Genma-Panda down the stairs, Nodoka adjusted her
 robe to a more snug fit.  "Kasumi, why don't you come out, now.
 The danger is past, and your father will need to use the sink."

    "Okay, Auntie Saotome."  The sound of water shifting and bare
 feet on wet wood echoed from the bathroom, and then Kasumi
 emerged, also wearing a bathrobe.  "Well, I guess we should all
 go to... Oh, dear, Father, are you all right?"

    Soun felt frustration overtake him.  "Err... Yes, yes,
 Kasumi, just a bit of an accident.  I'll take care of these,
 nothing but scratches, really."

    "Oh, alright then.  Good night."

    After Kasumi had gone into her room, Nodoka gave Soun an
 appraising look.  "Are you sure you're okay?"

    "Yes, I'm sure, why do you ask?"

    "Well, it's just that you're clenching your teeth so hard I
 can hear it."

    Soun laughed nervously and quickly disappeared into the


    Akane looped the heavy chain around the tree and Panda,
 tightly, and secured it with a padlock, then paused to wipe the
 drizzle from her face.

    "There.  That oughtta hold you.  As soon as your wife is
 gone, 'Mr. Panda', I'm gonna change you back.  And if you don't
 have a fully satisfactory explanation for attacking my father,
 I'm gonna change you back again and make Nabiki a Panda-skin
 blanket for her coming-home present.  Got it?  Good."

    Akane turned and went into the house, leaving behind a Panda
 to weep until his face was soaked with rainwater and tears.


    Ranma-chan poured the contents of the of the thermos over the
 piglet, and then waited patiently while Ryouga got dressed.

    "Good thing Nabiki gave us the rest of the hot water, eh,

    Ryouga snarled in response, "Don't start with that again,
 Ranma.  I've got a lot on my mind right now."

    Ranma-chan held back the first ten responses she came up with
 before saying, "Yeah, I know.  Tell you what.  Truce, until we
 get this business with Akane straightened out, OK?"  After
 Ryouga nodded, he continued, "Now, Ukyou's shrine is over there,
 why don't you pay your respects.  I'm gonna go over to the house
 and see how things are going.  If you like, I can bring her over
 here tonight, and we can get this over with."

    "Umm... I'd rather not, Ranma.  How about we do it tomorrow."

    "Oh, all right.  But you'd better not get lost, or I'll hafta
 tell Akane myself.  Promise or no promise, I ain't letting
 Nabiki be the one to spill the beans, got it?"

    Ryouga nodded again.  "Don't worry, I won't leave the Dojo."

    "Okay."  Ranma-chan left the Dojo and started running to the
 house before she saw something that she had to investigate.

    Walking up to the bound Panda, she looked him up and down
 with a smirk on her face.  She frowned as she saw him try to
 bring up a sign with his bound forearm.

    "Forget it, old man.  I ain't interested.  In fact, I think I
 kinda prefer you like this.  See ya in the morning!"  With a
 flippant wave, she headed back through the increasingly heavy
 rain and into the house.

    As soon as she entered, Akane ran up and collapsed against
 her.  "I'm so glad you're home!  Everything's been going crazy
 around here."

    "Hey, hey, Akane, take it easy.  It can't be that bad...." 
 Ranma-chan looked around nervously, but then realized that
 everyone else must have gone to bed.

    Akane looked at her, eyes flashing with barely restrained
 rage and frustration.  "Oh, no?  Then tell me, how would you
 describe it?  Your father tried to disembowel mine for no
 apparent reason and almost got his head whacked off by your
 mother's katana, and of course that was only after our folks
 decided you and I should get married now that most of our
 friends are dead or missing...."  Her voice trailed off into a
 choked sob.

    Ranma-chan held her fiancee gently.  "Okay, so maybe it is
 that bad.  Gettin' all upset about it isn't gonna fix anything.
 I'm gonna need you to be level-headed if we're going to get
 outta this, got it?"

    Akane nodded, then looked at Ranma-chan.  "Do you really
 think we can do something about all this?"

    The redhead nodded.  "Yeah.  Yeah, Akane, I do.  Now, why
 don't you get some sleep, and we'll have a little strategy
 session tomorrow, okay?"

    Akane gave her a weak smile and stepped away.  "Yeah, sure. 
 I'll see you in the morning."

    "Okay, Akane."


                        End Chapter 15

As always, C&C, MSTs, even some flames fervently requested, either to
the list or directly to me.  (Okay, you can send it to Hoboken, but it
won't do a whole lotta good, there.)


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