Subject: [FFML] Just a few undeveloped ideas.
From: Brendan
Date: 4/7/1999, 1:42 AM

	Greetings, I have no intention of doing anything with these 
quick concepts, feel free to use, mock, fold spindle or mutilate these 
quick thoughts however you wish.

1 Ranma starts having bizarre dreams drawing him to a volcanic island. 
 It turns out that there's a dragon's egg hidden there, and its soul is 
"Incubating" in Ranma.  That is to say, Dragons lay eggs, however the 
souls of the unborn dragons need to develop within other beings, sort 
of acting as passengers and growing as their host grows.  Ranma has had 
his for a while and has grown in ability to the point where the soul is 
ready to return to its body.  Which means that Ranma has to return it.

2 Alternate Universe, When Ranma and Genma get to Jusenkyo the guide 
tells them that the training ground is closed.  He takes them up a 
cliff to reveal why; it is a rare astrological conjunction, which 
triggers all the pools to flood creating a lake filling the valley.  
The guide explains that it will be a few days before the lake drains 
and a few months before the springs stabilize.  Ranma however hears 
something from the lake, walks too close to the edge and falls in.  The 
revelation is the true origin of Jusenkyo, it was once the lake where a 
dragon drowned.  The dragon's power infused the lake and the springs 
that fed it, and when the lake dried up remnants of the dragon's 
shapechanging power reacted to form the curses.  On that rare day of 
amplified mystic energy though, the original like reformed and if 
anyone who was sufficiently compatible fell in, they were given the 
form of a dragon.  Enter Ranma.

3 Ranma gets tired of being so afraid of cats, and resorts to reading 
through a book on phobias.  Systematic desensitization is easy enough 
for him to understand, so he invents a treatment based on it.  First he 
throws together the most sedate relaxing kata he can imagine.  He puts 
blurred pictures of cats on the Dojo walls, and performs the Kata until 
he can do it to full relaxation.  Then he replaces the pictures with 
sharp cat images, then adds tape recordings of cats yowling, working 
his way up to where he can stay relaxed with a dozen cats loose in the 
Dojo with him.  After a week or two he's lost his fear but has started 
having vivid dreams of being a cat.  Then in a big fight where he 
wishes he could still use the Nekoken, he gets strong flashbacks of the 
dream, and figures out that he could voluntarily enter the Nekoken 
state by focusing his mind on the dreams.

4 Another supreme Ranma type alternate, this one would involve Ranma 
being thrown backward in time 13000 years, landing in an alchemists lab 
in Egypt, and dumping an incomplete preservation potion over himself.  
The interactions of potion and curse leave Ranma "Preserved", he 
doesn't age, his wounds repair themselves fast, and his physical 
condition never improves or deteriorates.  Which means that as Ranma 
enters the world of the oldest martial arts, including the original 
Nekoken, he's forced to rely on his capacity for learning and 
innovation.  After a fair time period the alchemists society he crash 
landed at figures out a way to precisely time a magic potion to put him 
into hibernation so he will wake right after he fell through the time 

1 Tenchi is the one who gets captured this time, and Ryoko has to go 
after him and tap her full capability to save him.  (Basically a fict 
built around a situation where Ryoko would actually use her full powers 
which have been hinted at but never shown in the Anime.)

Pretty Sammy:
1 Rumia's little brother feels sorry for Michelle, and modifies her 
transformation spell so that each time she transforms to and from Pixy 
Misa, she keeps a little more of Misa's vitality.  Naturally both Misa 
and Michelle start getting more than what was planed from each other.

2 The appearance of Tokimi's analog.  Perhaps Earth and Juraihelm were 
originally the same place, however for unknown reasons they split into 
different worlds.  In the Original world Tokimi was a queen with her 
two sisters Washu and Tsunami, however during the split her sisters 
both became part of the newly formed worlds, with their avatars 
constantly reincarnating themselves through different lives.  Tokimi 
however remained in the few places between where the separation didn't 
happen, and she periodically appears in one or the other world to 
perform mysterious plots that no one else understands.  

1 Miz gets upset about Fujisawa repeatedly going mountain climbing when 
she's trying to schedule a wedding with him, so she decides their going 
to climb a mountain together, and she wouln't take no for an answer.  
They climb one of the less challenging ones Fujisawa had his eye on, 
and manage to reach the summit after a long day of hard work by both of 
them.  Then they manage to get the camp set up just in time to sit down 
and watch the sunset together.

2 Lemon concept: Makoto and Iffurita assuming that Makoto's power would 
be semi active the whole time allowing both of them to feel the 
sensations of the other.

1 Partially inspired by some of the debates about the chest sizes of 
various anime characters.  Idea:  Lina and Gaury are pursuing a 
fugitive who among other skills is a master of the magical equivalent 
of cosmetic surgery.  He wants to distract them so he can get away, but 
he doesn't want to risk hurting them without knowing it would finish 
the job.  (If their annoyed they'll give up sooner than if they want 
revenge.) So he hits Lina with a breast enhancement spell.  How would 
Lina react to suddenly being better built than Naga?  How would 
everyone react to her differently?

Urusei Yatsura:
1 Coyote arrives in town.   (Despite being a protector, his practical 
joking tendency turns out to periodically turn everyone he protects 
against him.  When this happens he generally takes a leisurely trip 
around the world, and by the time he gets back the people who got so 
mad at him are usually praying for him to return and deal with some 
problem they can't understand how to handle.)  His behavior causes 
people meeting him to initially mistake him for Ataru, so he decides to 
visit him and ends up masquerading as his cousin.

2 Lemon idea: Sakura receives a call from a shrine that Tomobiki high 
had visited several weeks ago.  It turns out that while the shrine 
discovered that one of the evil spirit containment vessels had broken 
at the time and they suspected the spirit might have possessed one of 
the students.  (They only just discovered the loss because it was a 
fairly low powered spirit)  Sakura's investigation quickly spots it 
inhabiting Ataru, who has no problems doing whatever Sakura asks of 
him.  (Except not trying to grope her)  What no one had planned on is 
the fact that the evil spirit was a minor spirit of lust and lechery, 
and possessing the most lecherous being in the universe proved to have 
complications.  When Sakura tried driving the demon out, she triggered 
an enormous release of lust energy from Ataru, sort of like an N2 sex 

Anime Non anime xovers.

A crossover between Ranma and the movie Specter:
In actuality there's not that much for a basis except the scene between 
Sebastion and Ham at the beginning
HAM:  I'm here because I got you're telegram, you did send it didn't 
Takes out telegram.
HAM: "I need you" Victor Sebastion.  Three words and I race halfway 
across the country and why?  Because I know your ego.  For you to admit 
you need anyone must mean your in desperate trouble.

Battlestar Galactica:
1 A friend of mine once commented that while the original show was ok, 
when they did the earth 1980 storyline it really took a nosedive.  
Perhaps have them arrive at a different earth.  A more straightforward 
version would mix in Bublegum crisis or another near future one, but 
how about a Galactica Slayers xover.  The Galactica reaches earth, only 
to discover that the lost tribe took a very different turn a long time 
back and instead of developing advanced technology developed magic.

Devil Hunter Yohko, Buffy the vampire slayer:  Buffy is given the 
opportunity to go to Japan, and meets Yohko.  Lucky thing too, since a 
group of vampires have arrived as well and Yohko has trouble handling 
them.  (Yes Vampires are less powerful than the demon's Yohko fights, 
just remember that, unlike the demon's she fought they live here on 
earth and so have the time to plan and prepare themselves so as to make 
the most of their strengths.)  The leader is the only vampire slayer to 
ever become a vampire, and no vampire has ever tried it again because 
she's as insane as she is powerful.  Recently though she has had help 
from a lesser demon who stabilized her mind, now that she's just 
emotionally unstable rather then jumping from delusion to delusion 
she's contemplating a ritual to become dramatically stronger which 
requires the blood of the active Devil Hunter.

Anime Marvel xovers.

Tenchi and Silver Surfer:
Basically beginning with the assumption that the two continuums are 
separate, this story starts in Marvel where Galactus summons his 
ex-herald to him because.  Basically Galactus has long been aware that 
his appetite has slowly grown over the millennia, and despite constant 
study has not been able to stop it.  Now however he has acquired a clue 
about Washu's existence, and wants his first herald to track her down 
and get her help in figuring out how to overcome the problem of his 
growing hunger.

SpiderMan and Bublegum Crisis:
1 Sylia and Makie attending a symposium to see about new advances in 
Boomer Technology.  There is however a demonstration of Neogenics, and 
an accidentally irradiated spider managed to bite Makie.  He later 
started researching Neogenics and Spiders online, and he discovers work 
being done on synthetic spider silk, and learned about a super strong 
mixture which was flawed by the fact that it evaporated.

2 Nene's mother is actually the daughter of Peter Parker and Mary Jane.

3 A container holding Venom's symbiot is smuggled into Tokyo, only to 
break in a ADP raid.

Alternative to spring of drowned hero fict:
Instead of Ranma falling into the spring where the Mandarin drowned 
Captain America, he falls into the spring where Dr. Doom was drowned.  
The combination of egos would be a frightening thing, but forget about 
inventing the concept of advanced robots after a few days of being 
board in science class.  Think rather about the result of combining 
Ranma's ability to learn martial art techniques incredibly fast and 
well and combine it with Doom's genius.  And then pray the Mandarin has 
invested in a good health insurance policy.

Anime WOD xovers
1 Who in Ranma corresponds best to what?
Akane- I'd say an Ahron of the Children of Gaia.  Think about it.  
She's full of rage, but when she's not acting on that rage she's kind, 
she's forgiving, she's compassionate and trusting.
Ranma- Akashik Brother.  
Genma- An Akashik Brother, though he'd be one who's Arete never rose 
past 2 despite years of training and dozens of seekings.  When Ranma 
awoke at the age of five, he initiated his plan to start the long 
training trip.  He didn't understand magic very well, but he believed 
he could teach his son.
Ryouga- Well, there's lots of possibilities, (a good thing about White 
Wolf's games is the fact that there's so much you can do with a little 
creativity).  A Brujah vampire is obvious, likewise an Ahroun get of 
Fenris or an Eshu or Redcap from Changeling.  (Though if he's a cursed 
Dauntain, no then Ranma would have to be a changeling and Ryouga would 
have to be dedicated to killing him rather than just fighting and 
defeating him.)
The Kuno's are probably either Marauders or Silver fangs who're REALLY 
exhibiting the effects of inbreeding.

2 Tenchi WOD:WtA:  Tenchi's paternal grandmother shows up at the 
shrine, A real wild old lady in more ways than one, she and Katsuhito 
don't get along at all.  Eventual revelations show that she's a 
werewolf, also that Tsunami had been subtly manipulating each 
generation of the royal Jurai family to create a champion with the 
power of the lighthawk wings, but when Yosho's daughter married 
Noboyuki she was still expecting it to take five to six more 
generations.  However something unusual about Noboyuki's 
bloodline(Werewolf kinfolk) enabled her to complete her goal with 
Tenchi.  He could as a result wield the lighthawk wings, but when that 
ability awoke within him, his Garou bloodline and ancestral Rage also 
began to awaken.

Sailor Moon WOD(Sort of)  Instead of a direct crossover, contemplate a 
Mage scenario involving two Marauders who's quiet is based on the 
Sailor Moon animated series.