Subject: [FFML] [C&C] Sukeban Sehshi
From: "kuro taka" <>
Date: 3/17/1999, 1:07 PM

    "An interesting proposal." Beryl nodded thoughtfully.
"However We are puzzled by a few things. Sailorpluto guards the
Gate-of-Time, and while she can not leave the time gate neither can
we approach without her permission.  Unless of course you intend
to awaken the outer senshi." Beryl turned a basilisk gaze on
Kunzite. "We can of course see how awaking Sailorneptune,
Sailoruranus and of course Sailorsaturn will help Our cause. Most
especially waking Sailorsaturn and the Silence-fucking-Glave." 
This last was said in such a conversational voice that Kunzite did at
first not understand her words. He could not misunderstand the
rage in Beryl's eyes.

Sailor Pluto; Sailor Neptune; Sailor Uranus; Sailor Saturn.
Don't forget the spacebar.  (An invention I really wish the Japanese 
people would adopt. ^_- )

Kunzite stood in his laboratory with Queen Beryl. To be more
precise, Kunzite lay on his belly;  Beryl stood, her booted heel
grinding into Kunzites spine. He could feel her mental hand around
his heart, waiting for him to misstep. If he were lucky and Beryl
were feeling charitable she would rip his heart from his chest and
choke him with it.  If she were feeling otherwise he might live for
centuries, regretting that his grandparents had ever met each other.

Kunzite's  otherwise nicely put.
    "As you know Berylsama, Serenity" Kunzite winced as
several vertebra suffered catastrophic compression under Beryl's
heel. "Serenity the Usurper" the pressure lessened "Serenity the
Thief, Coward and Back-stabber." Kunzite suppressed a groan of
relief as the pressure against spine and heart lessened and almost
disappeared. Almost.  
    "As you know when  S. . .as you know when the Nameless
One and her Moon Devils 

I can't put my finger on it, but something here just doesn't sound 
right.  The wording I mean.  but that's just my opinion.

The tiny pop of displaced air was inaudible over the hum of tires.
Materializing within millimeters of it's target the small insect sank
its stinger deep into Tsukino Kenji's left eye. Kenji screamed and
involuntarily jerked the wheel as he clasped both hands to his face
as the poison sac pumped formic acid directly into his eye.
Usagi was just adjusting the blanket around her sleeping brother
when her papa screamed. She jerked around, eyes wide and
uncomprehending. She had a brief vision of her father clutching his
head in pain. Her mother's desperate grab for the steering wheel.
The world became a mad strobe of moonlight and dark . . .light . .
.dark . . .light . . .dark, as the car tumbled down the cliff and 
Usagi bounced and tumbled inside the car until the world ended with a
screaming smash of metal, flesh and bone.
Usagi swam through a thick mud of pain, fear and loss until she
reached a light. Not her warm comforting light, but a cold bloodless
light of deep shadow and anemic black and white images. The nasty
hiss and pop of cooling metal was a ghastly counterpoint to the
horribly normal whir and buzz of night flying insects. Usagi
struggled to get up and fell back in a sudden blaze of pain. Half
blinded by pain and nausea she  looked down to see her smashed
legs, splintered bone gleaming whitely against the black of blood
soaked clothes. The fact she could see out of only one eye went
almost unnoticed against her other hurts.

Well written.  I can see it all clearly.

It was late the next day before someone noticed the broken guard
rail, and several hours after that before rescuers could reach the car
at the bottom of the ravine. When they did reach bottom they were
amazed and horrified. Amazed that anyone at all had survived,
horrified at the injuries the surviving children had sustained. 
They couldn't pry Usagi loose from her baby brother. Awake, she
fought them so desperately they were afraid she'd kill herself. And
drugged into unconsciousness she still held onto her brother as if
glued to him. They finally had to treat her injuries at the bottom of
the ravine even as they cut Shingo from the wreck. They had to
carry them to the top together and transport them together to the
hospital. It took a hospital administrator, far more clever than a
mere medical technician, to think of dislocating her fingers to
loosen her grip.

 <whine> it's not done yet. <sniff> now I hafta wait for more. 

Overall, nicely done.  I'd give it an A-  (Sorry, but I reserve A+ for 
epics and extremely sad storied by glatialy slow authors)

                                                KT out

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