Subject: [FFML][Fic][R1/2][FTA] The Love That Survived Hate {Tenative title}
Date: 2/27/1999, 5:12 AM

Ok, here it is. The fixed version of The Love That Survived Hate. Hopefully
the title isn't as bad as I think it is. If I get a suggestion that's better
or think of something better myself it will be changed. If there are still any
problems please let me know privately. If you're looking forward to part
two..{I can dream can't I?}'ll be a little while. I want to write a
prologue explaining the OOCness of Ranma and Ryouga before I move on and
probably the first chapter of something else I'd like to write set in the
Pokemon universe. The talk of Dark Pokemon got me thinking..Hopefully it'll
actually be dark. ^_^; If not at least enjoyable. Now, on to the fic!

Copyright Disclaimer - I own none of these characters. I do not claim to.
Please don't sue me. If you want to go ahead and distribute this all you want
just don't change it or sell it.

First Time Author Disclaimer - This is my first attempt at a fanfiction so
please be kind if you decide to rip it to shreds in the form of C&C.

Alternate Universe Warning - Ranma and Ryouga are definitely going to be OOC.
Hope no one else follows them

"The Love That Survived Hate"
     by: Mike Malaspina

	As Ryouga prepared to attack Ranma he was stopped short...Not by a counter
attack or by anything of the like. He was stopped by what he saw. Ranma in
girl form on his knees crying in the middle of the dojo floor. Now it wasn't
just that it was Ranma crying but a girl crying as well. After a few moments
of indecision he decided to find out what was wrong. "Err, Ranma? What's the
	Ranma managed to calm himself long enough to say, "She's dead." in a calm
voice before losing control again.
	Ryouga had gotten the news of Akane's death months ago and had almost died
from the energy his depression and anger had spawned. As a matter of fact he
knew had he held it in one more second than he had he would have died. He had
immediately blamed Ranma for not protecting her but on his way to Tokyo he
found his way back to the same electronics store where he first heard of
Akane's death on the News. He stayed to watch deciding to get a few more
details so he could kill Ranma accordingly. You know slow, quick or really,
really slow. But what he found out froze his heart. Ranma could not have had
anything to do with her death. She had died of a rare disease which is why it
made it onto the news so far away from Nerima. So, he could no longer blame
Ranma for Akane's death but he did still blame Ranma for his curse among other
things. Thus his 'Die Ranma' entrance. The fact that Ranma was still this
depressed over Akane's death shocked Ryouga. While he knew that Ranma would be
as sad and depressed as he was he thought he'd have already begun to move on.
He himself had started moving on three and a half weeks after her death. But
here was Ranma still totally out of it over her. Ryouga missed her and mourned
her still but was able to function. Yet Ranma, who always managed to beat him
in combat wasn't. "I...I know Ranma..I..I.I." stuttered Ryouga. *I know he
loved her but could he have actually loved Akane as much as I did? Or..or even
more?* thought Ryouga to himself while he tried to think of something to say.
	Ranma slowly began to return to himself. When he finally did another three
minutes had passed. Ranma broke the silence his banished sobs left. "Ryouga,
if you want a fight find it someplace else. I ain't in the mood."
	"I can tell....I guess I'm not either...really." Ryouga replied feeling the
pangs of pain the memories of Akane caused begin to creep upon him. He willed
them away though not wanting to show weakness in front of his rival. Though
when he thought about it, the real anger he felt for Ranma had drained away
long ago. Now, or before Akane had passed on, he had been able to keep his
anger burning with a fever by blaming Ranma for everything that put Akane in
the least of distress. No matter how much he had to twist the facts to suit
his needs. Except for this last ultimate distress. Which try as he might he
could not blame on Ranma.
	"Could you please leave. I'd like to be alone right now." Ranma asked.
	"I don't think you should be alone." Ryouga quickly answered surprising
himself. *Were did that come from?* He asked himself mentally.
	"What's it to you!?" Ranma shot back beginning to get angry. *What business
is it of Ryouga's to decide when I should be alone? Especially when I'm still
mourning the only woman I ever l..lo..loved! Aarrgggghhhh!* Even now he still
had problems admitting to himself that he did in fact love Akane. Which made
him very angry as he thought it cheapened the memory of Akane. Still not able
to be open with himself let alone her even after she was gone.
	"I......I don't want you to die by anyone's hands but my own! That's all."
Ryouga said. Ranma was visibly taken aback.
	"What do you mean by that?" Ranma questioned confusedly.

     "Well,..I mean..that, um, I'm...uh, worried that you..might.....," Ryouga
swallowed heavily before continuing. "Might ki..kill yourself."
	Ranma was beside himself. Ryouga, worried that he might kill himself? The
thought of suicide had fought with his mind quite a few times over the past
few months but never once had it even gained an upper hand. Except on the few
days much like this one where the thought of living without Akane brought him
so close to actually doing it that he had twice held a tanto to his stomach.
But both times he had just broke down crying. On the other days Ranma's
masculinity for one kept it bay. Also his sense that the Tendo's needed him.
But more than anything the hope that maybe it was some terrible nightmare
stopped him from ending it all. "Ryouga, I...I do...I don't know what to
	A silence again befell the two boys and left them to their thoughts. Ryouga's
were taking a turn that they hadn't for many, many years. They were beginning
to worry about Ranma not because he wanted to gain his revenge for himself but
because he _didn't_ want harm to come to Ranma. It was strange after all these
years to feel true concern for Ranma again. Ranma's thoughts were also taking
unexpected turns. First shock that Ryouga was showing any concern, second he
began to wonder if perhaps Ryouga had forgiven him and cared for him again.
Maybe he had cared for Ranma again for a while but just kept up the feud for
the purpose of pride. Or maybe because he didn't want to be hurt if Ranma
didn't feel that way anymore. It was all very confusing and when Ranma's
thoughts strayed to Akane he couldn't handle it. He once again broke down
	Ryouga resisted the urge to move too Ranma. He felt himself beginning to
weaken. He squeezed his eyes shut hoping to squelch any tears that had not yet
formed in his eyes. Better safe than sorry he thought. At least when it came
to his pride. Any other time he would have said to hell with it. But this was
emotions. The all mighty arch nemesis of masculinity. Unless those emotions
were lust, blood lust or ego. When he was sure he had himself under complete
control he let himself walk over to Ranma. Strangely the feeling that he'd
know what to do disappeared as he approached Ranma. By the time he had taken
the thirteen or so steps he was clueless. More so than on a road trip. All he
could do was stand there. Desperately he tried to think of what to do. Finally
he decided to just sit down and wait.
	Ranma had been crying for a while and Ryouga had been just been sitting there
next to him. Finally Ryouga decided to do something. He hesitantly reached out
to put his hand on Ranma's shoulder not sure if he should. He paused inches
away before finding the resolve to follow through and make one of the first
acts of physical contact not related to violence aimed at Ranma in a long
	As Ranma felt Ryouga's hand rest gingerly on his shoulder he first thought
*Defend!* but the notion left his mind faster than it had entered. And almost
as fast as that quick exchange took place he was falling into Ryouga's chest.
Not of his own volition. He needed to be comforted right now and he didn't
care what weakness he showed or who he showed them too. Besides he'd already
been crying here in front of Ryouga for....He didn't know how long. For a
moment he was wary as to whether Ryouga would accept him but he thought if he
didn't maybe he could build up the courage to kill himself once he admitted to
himself deep down that this wasn't possibly a dream.

	At first Ryouga went rigid but he forced him self to relax. He gently put his
arms around Ranma in a loose hug. Ranma began crying even harder glad Ryouga
hadn't jumped back or pushed him away. Ryouga felt his own tears beginning to
form. This time he didn't stop them. He instead let them flow freely down his
face. The tears wore new paths in his dusty face the old ones long gone. He
felt Ranma place his arms around him and his tears rapidly increased in number
until he was weeping as much as Ranma. Ryouga unlike Ranma didn't think he was
crying because of Akane. Strangely enough since he had began what had seemed
like a long trek across the dojo to Ranma, Akane had not once entered his
mind. He in truth had no idea why he was crying. *It just feels right.* he
thought to himself.
	It was a long time before they stopped crying and an even longer time before
either spoke a word. So, here they were sitting on the floor holding each
other in silence. It brought back bitter sweet memories for both. Memories
they both had many times tried to forget....
	Ranma and Ryouga were sitting in a field much like they currently were in the
dojo with the exception of the smiles on their faces, their age, Ranma's sex
and the look in their eyes. "Ranma, will you promise me something?" Ryouga
asked breaking the serenity of the scene.
	"Depends on what it is Ryo-chan." replied Ranma smiling cutely.
	"I'm trying to be serious, just tell me. Will you promise me something?"
Ryouga said, a trace of annoyance in his voice.
	Ranma's smile changed ever so slightly as he replied. "Of course I will
Ryouga. You know I'd do anything for you."
	Ryouga smiled at the man he loved and thought how lucky he was. *If only my
Dad, not to mention Mr. Saotome, wasn't so prejudice against homosexuality my
life'd be perfect* "Ran-chan," began Ryouga lightening the mood with the use
of their pet names."I want you to promise me that you'll never leave me or
stop loving me. Do you promise?"
	Ranma almost laughed out loud but could sense Ryouga was insecure and held
it. Barely. "OF course I do! Ryouga, promising you that is almost redundant."
	"Re dun dant, it means saying the same thing in, like a different way. I
learned it in class today." Ranma explained. Ryouga nodded silently and then
smiled. Ranma and Ryouga looked into each other's eyes and moved in for a
passionate kiss.
 <End Flashback.>
	"Kinda makes you miss those days we spent together. Doesn't it?" Ryouga was
as startled as Ranma to hear his voice say those words. 
	Ranma started looking wistful as he quietly replied. "I always missed them."
	Ryouga wasn't sure how to respond to this. Lucky for him he didn't have too.
Ranma looked up to him and they made eye contact. They shared a look and then
slowly moved there heads towards each other's. Ranma turned his head and they
kissed deeply and passionately *It's so different from when Ranma's a man.*
thought Ryouga. He then thought to himself that it was strange he'd notice
that in the heat of this moment. 
	*It's so different when I'm a girl!* thought Ranma wondering why he thought
it. Then lost all thought as the passion overswept him. After a few minutes
they broke the kiss. Both, for no good reason, were a little nervous fearing
perhaps the other might not have liked it and would reject them at any moment.
Neither of their fears came about. Again the two sat in silence for a long
time. This time Ranma broke it. "Ryouga I'm so sorry! I never should have let
Pop drag me off to China without you!"
	"No, it's all right Ranma, I should have stayed with you instead of trying to
go home and pack first!" said Ryouga.
	"No, this is not your fault. It's all my fault. Everything. If I hadn't let
Pop drag me off I would've been there at that vacant lot and you wouldn't have
followed me seeking revenge and gotten cursed!" Ranma did his best to take the
	"Ranma, this is ridiculous. If we keep this up we'll be at each other's
throats again and I don't want to loose you a second time. Once was enough for
this lifetime Ran-chan. Let's just say, no one was at fault and forget it."
said Ryouga stopping all further discussion.
	Ranma smiled. "I know what you mean Ryo-chan and I totally agree with you.
Once was too much." The two shared another kiss. "Think we could try and solve
all our other problems like this?"
	"Sounds good to me." Ryouga replied smiling ear to ear. He was glad that they
were able to have solved a problem, especially the way they had hoping the
bigger the problem the bigger the solution, but he was more than a little
worried. Because he had a feeling in his gut a lot of people weren't gonna
like Ranma's choice of a love interest. Especially not a certain Amazon,
Elder, Chef, Gymnast, Mother, Panda and Dojo Owner and adding them into the
mix promised to intensify their already existing problems and add many, many
new ones.

Send all C&C, title suggestions, flames or any of that stuff to

* If I had a good quote or some nifty tag line I'd put it here *