Subject: [FFML] [FANFIC] NARRABUNDAH 1/2 - Volume III, chapter 4...
From: Ratbat
Date: 2/19/1999, 11:00 AM

Here it is at last...Nicole managed to tear herself away from that
medical degree hobby of hers, and finish off her last chapter before
Urac Daria Sigma comes back... is this conclusion worth the wait? You
decide! (Guess ye'll just hafta comment to let us know, yes? ;)  )

                       NARRABUNDAH 1/2              
           created by Urac Daria Sigma and Suzy Styles
                  Volume III, chapter four
            Tasukete! Nusumigiki no Sanningumi!
                      by Nicole Wylie
                    CAST OF CHARACTERS
                     SIGMATOME RATBAT
                       Very worried
                        TENDO SUZY
                     Also very worried
                        TENDO NIKI
                        TOBOKI EUAN
                      KOUNJI COLLEEN
                     SIGMATOME NICOLE
                       Also suspect
                        TENDO BOBBI
                       SIGMATOME LEN
                      Also oblivious
                        TENDO FIONA
                         Maybe not
                        YUKA LOUISE
                      Definitely not

             TITLE SEQUENCE.

             [Opening   theme:   Hentai!  Finishes   with   an
             appropriate   art-card  and  a  voice-over   from

SUZY [VO]:   Tasukete! Nusumigiki no Sanningumi![1]

[1] Help! A trio of eavesdroppers!

             1. OUTSIDE DOJO.

             [Establishing  shot. It is  the  day  after  last

             2. LIVING ROOM.

             [Ratbat-chan  is sprawled on the floor,   reading
             a  manga.   Bobbi and Len ,  who is in his  panda
             form,  are  drinking  scotch  and  playing  shogi
             [surprise,  surprise]  Niki is in a  corner  with
             an    accountant's   calculator   and   a    smug
             expression.   Nicole is curled  up  in  a  chair,
             absorbed in what seems to be a textbook  of  some

             [Cut  to  the doorway,  where Fiona is  standing,
             with  a fresh pot of tea.  She enters, and begins
             refilling  cups.  She comes to stand  by  Nicole,
             who is still engrossed.]

FIONA:       My,  Sigmatome-san,   I  didn't   know  you  were
             studying  ancient Chinese, Narrabundah must  have
             a more broad spectrum curriculum than I thought.

NICOLE:      Urk!

             [As  you  may have guessed,  Nicole was a  little
             startled  by  the  interruption.   Once  she  has
             climbed down off the ceiling lamp, however,   she
             is  her usual, reasonably calm fourteen year  old
             self.   Fiona doesn't seem to have noticed.]

RATBAT:      Ano, dooshite?  Why study ancient Chinese?

NICOLE:      I  can  actually read it a bit already,  but  I'm
             brushing   up   on   it.   I   found   a   really
             interesting book in the National Library today  -
             an  ancient Chinese novel.  But before I  try  to
             get  into  it, I want to make sure my reading  is
             good  enough that I don't need to stop  and  look
             up  a  character. [Self] Though I might  want  to
             look up an old flame of a character...[2]

RATBAT [self]:    I knew the wrong parent took me to China.

NICOLE:      And  anyhow, it'll prove useful when we  go  back
             to  Jusenkyou to do something about  your  curse,

             [Ratbat  gets  that hunted look.   You  know  the

RATBAT:      Umm...right. The curse.

             [At   this  point,  Nicole  turns  back  to   her
             textbook,   oblivious  to  Ratti's  sudden   cold

FIONA:       Are  you feeling all right, Ratbat-chan? you look
             a little pale.

             [Nicole turns around,  and sees Ratti.]

NICOLE [concerned]:      You  are  rather  pale...    Anything

RATBAT:      Nonononono, nothing, I... urk!

NICOLE [more cheerful]:  Oh,  I'm  sorry  my  son,  I   didn't
             realize  it was that time of the month.  Shall  I
             get  you  some  hot  water? or would  you  prefer
             evening primrose oil?

             [At  this very sincere offer, Ratbat face  faults
             and  keels  over.   Before  either  of  the  well
             intentioned  females  can  do  anything  further,
             Suzy  enters.   Obviously distressed,  she starts
             picking  things up, looking under them, and  then
             throwing  them over her shoulder.  She does  this
             to Ratbat.]

RATBAT [VO]: For  once, I'm actually glad she did that. Owtch.
             [Beat] Masochist.

SUZY [sniffs]:    I can't . . . I just can't . . .

RATBAT:      Suzy-kun! What's the matter?

SUZY:        I  just  can't  find  B-Chan. [sniffs  again]  He
             wouldn't have run away! I know he wouldn't.

RATBAT:      Maybe  Eu-- er,  B-Chan  got  lost. He's  as  bad
             as Euan at that.

[2] Curious? see the upcoming OAVs. Plug, plug.

             3. OUTSIDE DOJO.

             [There  is a scream as Ratbat exits the  house  -
             through the roof.]
SUZY [VO]:   B-Chan is not bad!

             4. LIVING ROOM.

             [Suzy  slumps into a chair. At this point, B-chan
             cheerfully,  if  a little tiredly,  wanders  into
             the room and curls up on Suzy's lap.]

SUZY:        B-chan! you're not lost after all!

NIKI [from doorway]:    That'll  be  the  day.   [to  self]  I
             wonder   where he stashed his clothes this  time.
             There could be a profit in this . . .

             [The camera follows Niki as she exits.]

             5. HALLWAY.

             [Niki walks along the wall until she hits a  door
             with  a  sign  on  it.   The  Sign  reads  'Broom
             Cupboard. NOT Dojo Student Toilet.' Niki takes  a
             look in either direction and then, seeing no  one
             about,  grins ferally, opens the door  and  walks

             [Fiona walks by, smiling sweetly.]

FIONA:       How  nice.  Niki's finally beginning to  show  an
             interest in learning how to run a household.   Or
             a  small  nuclear powered country. I'd  best  not
             disturb  her,  she might be embarrassed. [Giggles
             to herself]

             6. 'BROOM CUPBOARD'.

             [Niki   has  just  finished  shutting  the  door.
             Track  on  her as she turns around and  looks  at
             the  room.   Yes folks, that's right,  the  Broom
             Cupboard  is actually a moderately large room,[3]
             crammed    to    the   limits   with   monitoring
             technology.[4]  Sitting in the chair facing these
             screens  is  Yuka  Louise.  She spins  the  chair
             around  until she  is facing Niki.[5]  She has  a
             troubled expression on her face.]

YUKA:        Oh. Hey, Niki. All right?

NIKI [Distracted]: More than a bit nauseous, actually...

YUKA:        Sorry?

             [Niki shakes it off.]

NIKI:        Never  mind.  I've  been listening  to  too  much
             gossip  about  myself. Always worrying  when  I'm
             not the one who made it up.

             [Yuka stopped paying attention ages ago.]

YUKA:        Han. Fine, good... Glad you're here, actually.

NIKI:        Dooshite?  Something really juicy come  up?  Nice
             friendly  blackmail material  like  the  stuff  I
             used to get you to do part time work here?

YUKA:        Hmmph.    I  only  work  here  because  'Computer
             monitoring  and data analysis' looks really  good
             on a CV.

NIKI:        Hai, hai. What've you got?

YUKA [Resuming her worried look]:Get this.

             [Louise  taps some keys on the board in front  of
             her.  Looking over the girls' shoulders we see  a
             screen  showing the Dojo kitchen  go  blank,  and
             then  red  text  flashes  up  briefly.  It  reads
             'Repeated  material'  and  gives  the  time   and
             location  of the shots.  The first shows Colleen,
             entering  the  dojo,  removing  her  sandals  and
             slipping on a pair of the slippers kept for  dojo
             guests. She is wearing a pair of shorts.]

YUKA:        This  was just after the whole seppuku drama.  As
             was this.

             [A  shot of Euan, tired and travelworn in a  pair
             of   denim  cut  offs,  removing  his  boots.  He
             sniffs his socks, makes a face, and removes  them
             too.  He then puts on the same style slippers  as
             Colleen, and moves towards the dojo proper.[6]]

NIKI:        And the point is...?

YUKA:        Watch. This's the same time as the others.

             [Third  shot  is of Nicole, just walking  out  of
             her  room. She has removed her formal Kimono  and
             is  in  her  uniform, minus the knee high  socks.
             She is also wearing the Dojo slippers.]

             [Cut to Louise's and Niki's faces.]

YUKA:        And now for the piece de resistance . . .

             [Both intently watch the screen.]

NIKI:        Oh shit.

             [Fade to black.]

[3] Doncha just loove the way there's no designated floor plan
for this house yet? I do.
[4] Rather a lot like the Batcave in Kingdom Come, actually.
[5] Given the propensity of these chairs to spin, this takes her
several tries.
[6] For the sake of the story, I'll tell you now that he is
actually heading in the right direction. For once.

             7. SUZY'S ZONE.

             [When we fade in again it is Suzy's bedroom.  She
             and  Ratbat-chan are sitting on the bed and floor
             respectively watching an anime.]

SUZY:        See?  I'm telling you, Dirty Pair would win hands

RATBAT:      No  way! MKR are too kawaii to lose to that kowai
             pair! 'sides, they've got Mokona.

             [Suzy  is about to continue the age-old[7] debate,
             but  is  interrupted by the appearance  of  Niki,
             looking very pale.  She walks into the room   and
             switches off the video they're watching.]

SUZY & RATBAT:    HEY! What're you doing!??!

             [Niki  inserts a video tape she is carrying  with
             her. (Inserts it into the VCR,  you hentai!)]

NIKI:        Trust me. You don't want to see this...

             [Suzy and Ratti look confused.]

NIKI:        ...but you have to.

             [All  turn  to  the  TV screen,  which  naturally
             enough  now  takes  up  the  whole  of  our  (the
             audience's) screen.]

             [Watching  the  screen we see the  shots  of  the
             three  other  people as before,  then  the  image
             switches over to one that appears to be from  the
             camera installed in the hallway next to the  door
             leading  to  the  Dojo's  training  hall[8].  The
             little  time-date  thingy on  the  bottom  corner
             sets  it  as  during Ratti and Suzys'  discussion
             last   episode.[9]  On  screen there are  several
             thumps as of something hitting the wall.  In  the
             background  we  hear two voices,  muffled.   They
             seem  to  be  coming from inside  the  hall.  The
             thumps continue, jarring the camera.]

             [There  is a final thump, louder than the others.
             The   camera,  unhinged,  falls  to  the  ground,
             showing  a skewed image of the floor.  Two  feet,
             encased  in  the standard slippers of  the  dojo,
             walk  into  the  shot.  Just as in last  episode.
             And  also as in last episode, the owner of  those
             two  feet  slumps  against the wall  for  support
             after  hearing  something from  inside  the  dojo
             training hall.]

             [Niki  stops  the VCR and inserts a second  tape,
             this  time  the  screen shows the inside  of  the
             dojo  training  hall, it is the same  scene  from
             last episode, and the clock at the bottom of  the
             screen  shows it is at the same time as the  last

SUZY [on video]:  Once Nicole figures what out?

RATBAT [on video]:That  this  female body is  more  than  just
             skin deep. That it's the real me.

             [The  camera  pulls back, onto Ratti  and  Suzy's
             identical face faulting visages.]

NIKI:        And  due  to a certain mallet-ly endowed female's
             destructive  tendencies,  the  identity  of   the
             eavesdropper has not been established.

SUZY & RATBAT:    Huh?

NIKI [impatient]:  I  mean, you twits, that 'cos Suzy's mallet
             knocked  down  my camera, we don't know  who  was
             listening   in  on  your  little  heart-to-heart!
             There  are  three  possible viewers,  and  you've
             given one of them your sworn promise to become  a
             man or die!

             [By this stage all three are sweat beading.]

SUZY:        Who was that promise thing with again?

             [Ratti   and   Niki  collapse,  Ratti  recovering

RATBAT:      What're  we  gonna do? We'll have to  figure  out
             who knows.

SUZY:        Now there's a plan.

             [Despite   the   obvious   sarcasm,   Ratti    is

RATBAT:      I'll  just  go ask Nicole if she's  the  one  who
             listened  in and now knows my secret, knows  that
             I'm really a girl!

             [Moves  toward the door but before  she  can  get
             even close, Suzy and Niki pounce on her.]

SUZY & NIKI: BAKA!!! you'd find out by telling her!?! What  if
             she isn't the one who already knows!

SUZY:        Niki,  could  you  please find  out  among  those
             three  which  one  knows - and do  it  tactfully.
             I'm  going  to  keep an eye on  Stupid  here  and
             stop  her  from  swallowing her foot  up  to  the

NIKI [Pouts):Why  should I? I've already shown you  the  video
             gratis.   No, you have to pay me whether  or  not
             I'm tactful.

RATBAT:      Look  at  it  this way - if you help  me  without
             blowing  the  information,  you  can  collect   a
             reward  for  it  from me.  If you blow  it,  then
             I'll  be dead and you'll have to collect from  my

NIKI:        ...but  you don't have heirs...yet.  Unless  you  and
             Suzy...impossible.  I  would  have  known.  So,  no

RATBAT:      Precisely.

             [Niki realises she has been outmanoeuvred.]

NIKI:        Fine.  But  I  do  this my way. I'll  take  Euan,
             assuming he isn't lost again yet.

             [Sudden lightbulb flashes over her head.]

NIKI:        And  earn two paychecks with one job! This  could
             work out nicely.

             [Leaving   Suzy   and  Ratti  to  wonder   where,
             precisely,  Niki  is  going  to  get  the   other
             paycheck from, Niki leaves.]

RATBAT:        I  wonder  what  she meant, she'd  have  known?
             [dismisses  the thought]  Well, I guess  it's  up
             to  us  to  find and surreptitiously  interrogate
             the other two.

SUZY:        Hai, but you come with me,  I don't want you  out
             of my sight. You'll do something stupid.

RATBAT [miffed]:   I'd  probably do something stupid  in  your
             sight too, so what's the fuss?

             [The  two  exit,  bickering.  As  they  do,   the
             clothes hamper gets up and walks out after  them.
             Fade to black.]

[7] Well, series-old, then.
[8] Phew. Try typing that five times fast.
[9] Well it doesn't actually say that literally,
get the idea.

             8. NIKI'S LAIR.

             [Establishing   shot:  a  single  straight-backed
             swivel-chair[10] in Niki's bedroom, at the moment
             occupied  by  Euan.  There is  a  single  ceiling
             light   illuminating  the  chair.   Upon   closer
             observation,  we  see Euan  is  stripped  to  the
             waist  and  tied to the chair. He is sweatbeading
             rather badly.]

EUAN:        I  don't  see  why all this is really  necessary,
             after all...

             [A  Silhouetted Niki approaches bearing an object
             that  is   (logically) silhouetted in her  hands.
             It has a spiky end.]

EUAN:        ...surely  you  could practice your stage make-up
             skills  on  someone  else. Like  the  actor.  And
             what's with the rope anyway?

             [Niki  comes  into the light, and is  carrying  a
             make-up  set, the spiky bit being a brush  handle
             sticking out from the top of the set.]

NIKI [ignoring  the  first  part  of Euan's  comment]:     The
             rope's  to stop you wandering off to the bathroom
             and  ending  up in Uganda. I'll let you  go  when
             I'm done.

             [Starts  applying  the  make-up  to  Euan.  She's
             good.  Soon  an entire monster face  is  applied.
             Niki  looks critically at her work, and then rubs
             it off.]

NIKI:        The  things  I  have to do to earn a  decent  fee
             these days.

             [She starts reapplying the makeup.  This time  it
             is  a  cutesy  teddy bear face that  is  created.
             Suzy  and Ratti enter. Euan doesn't see  them  as
             they enter from behind him.]

SUZY:        We  couldn't find Nicole or Colleen.  We're gonna
             try Kochan's next, unless . . .

             [She looks at Niki hopefully.]

             [Niki   winks   conspiratorially,   mouthing   'I
             haven't  asked' at Suzy, who sighs, and turns  to
             leave.  Niki  rubs off the Teddy bear  and  keeps

SUZY:        Well, I leave him to you, Ratti and I will...

EUAN:        Ratbat!  Where is that fiend, that false  friend,
             that trickster!

             [At  this, the other three start to look worried.
             Euan  is now wearing gingerbread man makeup. Niki
             wipes it off.]

RATBAT:      I'm right here. What's up?

EUAN:        You deceiver! I challenge you to Mortal Combat!!

             [By  this  stage,  Ratti is  obviously  convinced
             that  Euan  is the one who heard. The  last  bit,
             however,  really shakes her up. Euan's makeup  is
             now  that  of a ghost. Well, it is briefly  until
             Niki wipes it off again.]

RATBAT:      Han?  you wanna kill me over this little  .  .  .

EUAN:        MISUNDERSTANDING! Suzy, I'll have you  know  that
             this  lying man you are so wrongfully engaged  to
             sent  me  in the opposite direction of  the  dojo
             when I asked for directions!

             [This  time  it  is  an indignant  Jack-o-lantern

RATBAT [Narked]:   Of course I did! Why do you think you  made
             it here! Gah! why do I bother?!

SUZY [Quietly]:   He said 'man'...

RATBAT:      I  don't care what he said, he challenged  me  to

             [Ratti  realises what this means . . . both  then
             look  relieved. Then Ratbat looks worried  again.
             Niki's latest creation on Euan's face is that  of
             a robot's visage.]

EUAN:        Well!? You must accept the challenge! I just  got
             the second hook-up so that two of us can play  at

             [Waves   around  two  playstation  hand   control
             thingies.  No, I don't know where he pulled  them
             from.  Ratti face-faults.]

RATBAT:      Nani?

EUAN:        Well,   you   are  an   'anything  goes   martial
             artist',  aren't you? Well? too  good  for  video

RATBAT:      Maybe later, okay?

EUAN:        Oh. Okay.

             [By  this stage all three have caught on.   Ratti
             and  Suzy  turn to leave in search  of  the  next
             person   to  question.  Suddenly  Ratti   pauses.
             Turning, she addresses Euan's back, which she  is
             currently  facing  as  she  is  about  to   leave
             through the doorway[11]. Niki is still working on
             the next face.]

RATBAT:      One question, Euan...

EUAN:        Yeah?

RATBAT:      Do  you  know  the  difference between  boys  and

EUAN:        Of course I do...

             [Niki  spins  him around in the  chair  until  he
             faces  Ratbat and Suzy. This paint job  is of  an
             incredibly  cute  idol singer  face.  Euan  looks
             alarmingly good in it, especially with  his  hair
             out  of  its'  pony  tail. Niki grins,  obviously
             satisfied with her work . . . both parts of it.]

EUAN:        ...girls are the ones with long hair and makeup!

             [Niki, Suzy and Ratti facefault.]

NIKI:        Well, let's find the next one.

             [They leave.]

EUAN:        Heeeeyyyy! Niki! I'm still tied up! Lemme go!

             [This  looks incredibly cute coming from an  idol
             singer lookalike.  Fade to black.]

[10] Yes, there are  a lot of them in the dojo.
[11] It being a little hard for her to leave through any other
means not involving mass destruction.

             9. KOCHAN'S.

             [As  Suzy, Niki and Ratti enter, it becomes clear
             that  the  place  is, for once, virtually  empty.
             Colleen  is behind the counter talking animatedly
             to Nicole.  Both are drinking tea.]

SUZY:        Uh-oh.  [To  Nicole]  What're  you  doing   here,

NICOLE:      Oh,  I'm just making sure I've met all of Ratti's
             fianc�e's.   At  least those that  are  currently
             around the place, anyhow.

             [Suzy  is  at  a total loss for words.  Ratti  is
             panicking. As we cue in on Ratti's face, we  hear
             a voice over from earlier this episode:]

SUZY & NIKI [VO]:'d  find out if your  mother  knows  by
             telling her!?!

RATBAT [VO]: Not quite...

RATBAT:      Soooo.   Checking out the female halves  of  this
             proposed  marriage.  [Laughs in  a  very  put  on
             manner]  what would you do if I told  you  I  was
             the female?

             [Suzy   collapses.  Niki  facefaults,   as   does
             Colleen.   Nicole  is  perfectly  calm   as   she
             considers this.]

NICOLE:      Well,  I  guess then Suzy, as a bit of a  tomboy,
             would  be  a perfect match for you. See? arranged
             marriages  do  work out sometimes  [laughs]  What
             would  I  do?  Hmm  .  . . I  don't  know,  maybe
             seppuku, maybe not. What do you think, Colleen?

COLLEEN:     I  don't think Ratti would do that to me. I  mean
             think  about  it;  that  would  mean  she'd  have
             stolen  my  femininity for no  reason.  Not  only
             that, it would mean she didn't bother to tell  me
             about  this  gender thing when we met  again,  an
             ideal  reason  why I should have had  it  back  a
             long  time ago.  I'd have wasted years of my life
             feeling   terrible  and  dressing   worse,   just
             because  she  didn't feel like talking.  No,  she
             wouldn't  pull a stunt like that,  not  one  that
             would ruin my whole life.

             [At   this   stage  Ratti  is  looking  verrrrrry

NICOLE:      Mmmm. Well, I'd better go. I told Fiona I'd  cook
             dinner  so  she  could go out.  My  boy  being  a
             girl.  What a bizarre notion. [Shakes  her  head]
             I'll see you two later then. Ja neeeee!

             [Nicole  exits the shop, skipping  along  in  her
             school  uniform, having apparently put the gender
             notion  out  of her mind as much less interesting
             than  dinner, in true Miaka form. Niki  seems  to
             think of something as she goes.]

SUZY:        Did you hear that?

             [Suzy  and  Ratbat  are no longer  within  Niki's
             attention  range:  She  decides  something,  then
             heads off after Nicole.]

RATBAT:      Yeah!  Okaasan called me her boy! She  isn't  the
             one who knows!

NIKI [OOV, off]:     Sigmatome-san...can   I   ask   you   about

RATBAT:      Waitaminit... Col-chan said  'she', and  she's  the
             third of the candidates...

             [Ratti  turns  to face Colleen, only  to  meet  a
             roundhouse slap coming the other way.]

COLLEEN:     You bastard! How could you!?

             [Fade to black.]

             END CREDITS.

             [With the ending theme Friends.]

                       Sigmatome Ratbat
                       URAC DARIA SIGMA
                          Tendo Suzy
                          SUZY STYLES
                       Sigmatome Nicole
                         NICOLE WYLIE
                          Tendo Niki
                         NIKI O'BRIEN
                          Toboki Euan
                          EUAN BOWEN
                        Kuonji Colleen
                         COLLEEN HICK
                          Yuka Louise
                     LOUISE DOUGLAS-MAJOR
                          Tendo Fiona
                        FIONA McCULLOCH
EUAN [VO]:   Hey  Niki! Suzy? Ratbat? Anyone?  I gotta  go  to
             the bathroom. And Uganda! Heeeeeelp!

                          Written by
                         NICOLE WYLIE
                Lingual assistance and editing
                       URAC DARIA SIGMA
                       Series created by
                       URAC DARIA SIGMA
                          SUZY STYLES
                       with apologies to
                       TAKAHASHI RUMIKO
                          CHUCK DIXON
                       (amongst others)
     A Coyote Ink Risis production, in conjunction with a
                   Recycladelic Cacti effort
         (c) Coyote Ink Risis/Recycladelic Cacti MCMXCIX

|   'Batman's "The Dark Knight". Superman's "The Man of Steel". If   |
| I'm not careful I'll be Starman "the hero who gets knocked out and |
| tied up a lot".'                                     - Jack Knight |
+------- The Ratcave --------+
| Urac Daria 'Ratbat' Sigma, the Green Flame |

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