Subject: [FFML] [Fanfic][multiverse]One
From: Liath Shadow
Date: 1/14/1999, 3:52 PM

A little bit more from when I sent it a few days ago.

Thank you to everyone who sent ideas for the Anime series.

As I'm not at my home computer (where the names of the people who sent
ideas so far) I won't be able to thank them personally for a bit...but I
will thank them in the next version :)

By Liath Shadow

"One." he calls me.

It is hard to wake up from my's so cold...

"One."  Again he calls me.  Why does he call me that?

My hands twitch, I am warming up now...the blood of life starts flowing
in my veins.

"One.  Awaken."  A command.  To me.   I should be angry, but I'm not.

Ice cracks away from my skin as I lift my arms, pushing myself upwards.

"Open your eyes, One."

I open my eyes.  At first, shards of ice block my vision, but then they
crack, and allow me to see, finally...after so very long...

The man in front of me gazes on my form.  He smiles, and then steps
backwards, motioning me.

"Awaken, One, from your slumber.  It is time."


My eyes are closed.


Movement at my side...

Something larger than me.

A sense, in my mind, of something.

Something long forgotten.

I try to stretch...try to move.

A voice.


I don't know that voice.

More movement beside me.

Something flows.

Something beats.

More feeling returns.

"One"  that voice again.

Beating..thumping.  Inside me.

My heart.

"One, awaken."  That voice again...who is it?

Anger, but not.  Not mine.

The one's beside me.

Something falls.  Cracks.  Cold.

Water.  Ice.

I try to raise myself.

"Open your eyes, One."

The voice compells action.  My eyes twitch open.

More ice.

I watch curiously as the frozen water cracks, falls away.

The something beside me.  Big.  Huge.


Something in my mind twitches.  Grabs hold.


I lift my paws.  Trying to move towards the familiar figure.

"Awaken, One, from your slumber.  It is time."

The familiar figure moves.  I cry out, come back!


Don't leave me here!


The familiar figure turns...looks at me.

Picks me up from the ice surrounding me.

Holds me to her chest.

Holds me to her heart.

"mew..."  I love you.

The figure smiles at me.  Replies, whispering.

"I love you too."


"Doctor, the tests on One are complete.  She's in perfect health, but
has one problem.  She's lost her memory." one technician calls out.

I nod, looking at the displays.  One, and her kitten, are doing fine.
They might, or might not regain their memory.  It doesn't matter.  They
just need to harness their power.

"Bring up the displays for Two." I call out.

"Two displays up, sir."

Two.  Ironic name, to be sure.

In the capsule labelled "two" is two people.

Both female.

"Wake them up." I call.


"Two"  I hear.

I shiver a bit.  Ice falls around me.

A circle of metal surrounds one of my fingers.

A ring.

"Two."  I remember that voice.  A doctor.

"Let me sleep...just another five minutes..."  from beside me.

I remember that voice, too.  I don't remember actions...or names.

Perhaps that is for the better, a voice in my mind says.

I open my eyes, looking upon the red haired girl beside me.

Ice.  Frost.  Covering both me and her.

Need to wake her up.

I lean forward.  Place my lips on her.

Kiss her awake.

Her eyes open, surprised.

She looks at me, uncomprehending.

Melts into the kiss.

"Time to get up, Two."

A warm glow.  Around both of us.

Ice turns to water.

Turns to steam.

I sit up, pulling the other girl with me.

Look down.  Naked.

We both yell at the man.  "Hentai!!!"

Waves of anger, confidence.  forming in my hands.  A ball.

We both toss the balls of energy at the man.

A hologram.

An illusion.

He can't really see us.

I blush, then leave the coffin we were in.


"That was mean, Doctor."

I grin.

"They show more signs of remembering, than One did.  But they still
don't remember everything."

I nod, and reply, "Perhaps that is for the best.  They nearly destroyed
the site before we froze them."

I look at the displays of One and Two. All of them are in fine shape.

I glance at the scoreboard that was made, the time they were all frozen.

Number   |
Score    |1  |2a |2b |3  |4  |5  |
Strength |5  |7  |9.5|4.5|10 |3  |
Strength |10 |3  |3.5|9  |8  |1  |
Talent   |10 |5  |1  |7  |9  |1  |
Skill    |9.5|1  |1  |10 |3  |1  |
Strength |4  |2  |5  |6  |9  |10 |
Ability  |5  |2  |6  |9  |9  |10 |
Strength |4  |8  |8  |3  |10 |7  |
Strength |10 |10 |10 |10 |10 |10 |

One  :Half human. Other half unidentified.
One  :Familiar:  Half cat (kitten).  Other half unidentified.
Two-a:Human-Jusenkyou cursed.
Four :Demon-God (female)
Five :Human

I stare at the listings for all of them.  Only Two-b and Five making any
sense to me.

"Wake the rest" I tell the techs.

They nod, and set about their task.

I whisper to myself, "Kami-sama, please let us win this.   Let us
survive Armageddon."


Each of these was an idea given by the people that commented.

Most, if not all people can guess at least two of the people. =^_^=  All
the main players have been chosen, now.  Who thinks they know them all?
=^_^= (private guesses, if you do guess :)

All of these are from series' that I have actually watched, so that I
can actually write those parts out :)

Please send any C&C privately.

Liath Shadow
Liath Corrine Hidson
Shadow Dancer

"It is not life that writes our history, it is us that writes
ourselves.  History just happens."