Subject: [FFML] [Teaser/Idea] A Real Megacrossover
From: Chris Davies
Date: 10/14/1998, 6:49 PM
CC: Torrance <>

[Every now and again, I get to thinking about the stories I'd *really* like
to do.  A continuation of "Castle Cagliostro", for example, or a crossover
of Bubblegum Crisis and Silent Mobius.  Or ones in which all the characters
by a certain author -- Shirow or Takahashi, usually -- meet and hold
converse (among other things).  And every now and again during these every
now and again moments, I think up something *completely* excessive.  Himura
Kenshin meeting the Lone Ranger.  Miki and Yuu moving into Room 5 of Maison
Ikkoku.  The Together Again universe.  <g>]

[What I've come up with *this* time is maybe just a little bit excessive,
even for me.  Actually ... I suspect it may be a little bit excessive, even
for *Eyrie* ... but it might entertain you, so here it is.]

(Excerpted from the records of the archaeological examination of Dyson
Sphere Zeta Andromedae, concerning an apparently mythological sequence of 
events which took place there some millenia earlier.]

	"Well, these words -- Arcadia and Esmeraldas -- they pretty much
speak for themselves, don't they?"

	"And likewise the three nines."

	"Yes, but ... I'm not sure about this reference to a Super
Dimensional Fortress.  What could they have meant by that?"

	"It could be talking about the two ships.  They are very large
'fortresses', after a fashion."

	"But it's saying, 'as well as', right after naming the Arcadia."

	"What puzzles me is the mention of the Army.  These are astro-
nautical references, for the most part, and ..."

	"Army?  What Army?"

	"Right there.  That means --"

	"That's not 'Army', you fool.  It's some nonsense word.  I can't
quite make it out.  Not 'Gu-n-da-n', but ... 'Gu-n-da-mu'?

	"I find this reference to 'Japan' being there far more puzzing.
This was after Earth's destruction, remember.  'Japan' had ceased to exist
well before that, and I hardly think that there would have been enough
space, even inside this Dyson Sphere, for everyone in the galaxy who
claimed Japanese ancestry or cultural identity."

	"That's not exactly a common usage of that word in this period ..."

	"Japan, Nihon, Yamato ... what's the difference?"

                      Some Stories Should Never End.
                    (Of Course, The People *In* These 
                       Stories May Have *Different* 
                         Thoughts On The Matter.)

		            Galaxy Express 999
                    Superdimensional Fortress Macross
                              (and Friends)
                            Mobile Suit Gundam
                         Space Battleship Yamato

                       "When We Say Megacrossover,
                        We *Mean* Megacrossover."

                           Potentially Coming.

                           Minmei Not Included

[Yes, by the way, the "friends of Macross" *are* "Superdimensional Cavalry
Southern Cross" and "Genesis Climber Mospeada".  Complain, and I will most
certainly mix Megazone 23 in there as well.]