Subject: Re: [FFML] On Self Insertion
From: Edward Becerra
Date: 9/18/1998, 2:56 AM
To: "Christopher Angel" <>, <>
CC: David Johnston <>,

	I don't really know why I chose to reply to this thread, except that
several people insist on telling me that I'm a writer, when I feel in my
soul that I'm no more than a hack. Chris Angel happens to be one of these
people who insist that they enjoy my stories, (god knows why), and so I

At 06:31 PM 9/17/98 -0600, Christopher Angel wrote:

You know, it's not true that SIs are "usually godlike".  At this point
there are plenty of SIs about ordinary goofs who for some reason become
instant friends with the heros of the series and get to date Nabiki or
become the fifth Knight Saber...

I beg to differ.  As much as it tries to achieve that, it doesn't quite
succeed.  Of the major SI's I've seen, it's rarely if ever that the SI
character is ordinary.  Look at Hopelessly Lost and BGZone: Gryphon,
Megazone, and Bert all end up being (somewhat) brilliant hardsuit designers.

	My character? God like levels of power, but only inasmuch as nothing can
injure him physically. As far as anything and everything else goes, he's no
more, and no less than I am. No smarter, no wiser, no braver, and certainly
no more noble than I am.

The simple truth is that ordinary goofs are usually cannon fodder.

	I can speak to this directly. I *was* cannon fodder in the truest sense.
Eleven years as a gunsmith and common infantryman in the US Army is
_exactly_ what the term 'cannon fodder' was coined to describe.

That being the case, I wish self inserters would stop putting that
silly, "Unlike the others my character will not be godlike" disclaimer

Heh.  I think I did this once, and then said "screw it, my character IS a
god, deal."

	I'm no god, and never wanted to be, not even on a fictional basis. I've
seen too many people die, and been both helpless to prevent it, yet
remained responsible for it. Quite frankly, if I ever ended up with a godly
level of responsibility, my reaction would be to take my own life as
quickly as possible.

Case in point: Twister.

Typically a Self Insert is given
slightly more power than the average major character (but frequently not
more than the lead), is pampered by having all of his favourite
characters instantly like him as much as he likes them and can use his
omniscient knowledge of the people and events of the series to twist
them as he desires.

	ALmost none of the characters like me, several resent me, and Lord knows I
have enough self-hatred to carry everyone else in the fic along by sheer

You know, this is the one thing that irritates me, and that I've tried to
address in God's Toy.  SI's are more fun if your SI is just as clueless as
the rest of the cast, is just a character in the mix.  (But then, that's my

	Now this is true, and in point of fact, both of the only two women who
have ever loved me have also noted that I could give Ranma Saotome lessons
in clueless social behavior. (Not that they used that particular metaphore,
but you get the idea..)

Why do people dislike this?  The Self Inserter is obviously fond of
himself and will frequently distort character and plot to make himself
the center of attention, rather than concentrating on writing good
character and plot.

	Fond of myself, David? I don't think so. I once stood to one side and
watched a dozen or more innocent people die. I could have prevented their
deaths, but I did not. I hid behind the excuse that I was obeyiing the
orders given to me by the officers lawfully appointed over me. Trust me on
this. I do not like myself.

Just a point here: the SI character IS the center of attention, more often
than not. :)

	Mea culpa (my fault). In this I agree.. I have made my character the
center of my fic. Why? I don't really know. And I suppose that in a very
real way, I'm afraid to ask.

Further, all too often, the Self Inserter simply is
not a good character in his own right, perhaps because he's basicly
dull, or because the Self Inserter isn't prepared to reveal his
character in sufficient depth to make himself a good character.

	Can't respond to that statement. Claiming that I'm NOT dull, or shallow,
would be the hight of arrogance. Only others can make that claim for me. It
is, after all, a judgement of myself by others.

There's a good reason for this: it's REALLY hard to reveal the things about
yourself that gives your character more depth.  It involves bringing things
to light that you'd rather forget, or rather not have people know.  This is
often overcome by coming up with (possibly) false angst.  Bah.  Make it
real, people.  Your SI is YOU, he/she should have your regrets and neuroses.
Bring those in, and your character really comes to life.

	False angst? Lad, tell that to the dead. They'll listen quietly to you. I
know. I see them every night in my dreams. The people who died on the
Berlin Wall. The friends I lost in the Gander Island airline crash. My
mother who died of pancreatic cancer. All the other people I could have
saved, and failed to.

	You're a fortunate person, David. I've seen more than I care to, and I'm
told it is reflected in my stories. I try not to think about it. Be
grateful that you've been spared. Innocence is a gift beyond price. Don't
squander it, lad. Keep it safe, and honor it.

Bubblegum Zone, that Gaffney Crystal Tokyo thing, and some of
Godboy's series

Awwww....shucks.  <blush>

(although I think it's a smidgeon on the aimless side,
so is a great deal of OMG)

Why thank you.  I think.  I'm working on a short plotline now, since I have
all the setup over and done with.  I think you saw the start of that in the
(new) 8th chapter.

	Chris, don't knock yourself. Your works are not only entertaining, they
are fun. And there is little enough of that in this sad world already.
Anyone who can add to the world's supply of fun is to be honored and

 There are a couple of others, where
character inserted is more like Everyfan than the author that aren't

Huh?  I'm missing the meaning of this sentence.  Could you try again.

	Perhaps he means someone like Ian, the star of the 'Books' fanfic. Ian has
no advance info, no powers, no nothing. Not even a good working knowledge
of the animes he's fallen into. Joe Sixpack, in other words.

All in all thought, too many self-inserters never stop to wonder "Am I a
good character?", and "Are people reacting believable to me?"

	I don't do so, David, but then, I'm not writing for the readers, I'm
writing to keep from the need to stick the muzzle of a .38 Special in my
mouth and pulling the trigger. I write as therapy, trying to deal with the
nights when every dream is the same one. The dream where all the people I
failed try to tell me it really wasn't my fault, and I know it was.

	Not all of us write because we what people to go 'Whooo-pee! Lookat the
world's greatest fanfic writer!' Yeah, some of us want the adulation. Some
of us want the glory. Some want the fame.

	Some just need to write. Whether it's guilt, or the pressure of the muse,
or any of a dozen different reasons, there ARE those of us who write for
the writing.

	Just as some musicians hear a mystical call that PULLS them to the music,
so some of us are called to write. Sounds like a load of crud, I know, yet
it's true.

That's usually because most of us don't want to re-write a whole rather
entertaining section we just wrote.  I do it anyway, which is why it's
taking me so damn long to get Ch 9 out.  I get out about 1k/week...but then,
I'm writing from Urd's POV.

	Well, that, and the fact that we're lazy, Chris. ^_^

Christopher Angel

	I suppose that's all I have to say for the moment on this subject. It's
late, I'm tired, and should I try to go on, it's quite likely I'll manage
to put my foot in my mouth up to the hip. So thank you all for taking the
time to read this, and I'll see you all later.

	In parting, I leave you all with this thought by the Danish
poet/scientist/architect, Piet Hein.

	Long-winded writers I abhor,
		and glib, prolific chatters;
	give me the ones who tear and gnaw
		their hair and pens to tatters:
	who find their writing such a chore
		they only write what matters.

	Edward Becerra

	"Dreamers may die, but the Dream is eternal.."