Subject: [FFML][Ranma][Fanfic][DragDawn][Draft] Shampoo's Quest 3
From: Wesley Bridges
Date: 8/8/1998, 3:17 AM

Ok, a couple of things I want to say:

This fic does require the reader to have some knowledge of the Dragon's
Dawning Fanfic, this series's predesessor, in order to understand some of
the character changes within it. Yes, new chars were added too, but you
won't meet them until Episode 5. If you want to take a look at the Dragon's
Dawning series, it is archived at:

At least, that's the gate to the archive. You may find the archive of this
fanfic at the same location.


Ranma 1/2: Shampoo's Quest
part of the Dragon's Dawning Fanfic Series
by Wesley Bridges and Samuel Gonhue
based on the characters by Rumiko Takahashi

Episode 3: Big Trouble From Down Under
	Notes: I am introducing a temporary character in this fic. If
	you read the title, it should be obvious where he's from. I am
	attempting to write a British/Aussie accent out for him. If 
	you have trouble understanding, I will be happy to send you
	a translation of the mumbo jumbo upon your request. I don't
	think it'll be to hard to understand, though.

	Assume all conversation by Bruce is in English. If anyone
	is communicating directly to him, assume it is also in
	English. Shampoo and the Ninja speak multiple languages. I
	will place what language they're speaking in <>s. Ex. if there
	is a part with <Shampoo=Chinese (mandarain)> that means unless
	otherwise noted, Shampoo speaks Manderain for the duration of
	the conversation. The next one, however, defaults to Japanese.


	In the early morning stillness, a large scale operation was 
	halted. In a moderately forested area, a large group of tents
	and machinery were grouped, just awakening from their nighttime
	pause. From a large tent, emerged a tall, slender man of perhaps
	35 years old, with a long moustache, dusty blond hair and green
	eyes. He was not of Asian decent, and looked more like a 
	westerner. The man looked around and spied his counerpart, a
	japanese ninja, a couple inches shorter than he, going about
	some business around the camp's perimiter.

Man:	(in English, with a thick accent) Checking yoir traps again,

Ninja:	(in English) Yes, master Bruce. They are all in working order,

Bruce:	That's good ta hear, now would you moind tellin' me whoi this
	'ere map is incorrect past the third marker?

Ninja:	(nervous) Ah, well, you see, master Bruce, the Japanese text
	may have been mistranslated from the original Mandarian text,
	it could be their fault, not you humble servant's.

Bruce:	But, don't you speak Mandarin, mate?

Ninja:	Huh? Ah, well, a little, but I was not presented with the... ah,
	opportunity to get my hands on an original copy.

Bruce:	Alright, then. By tomorrow mornin' I want this 'ere map to be
	accurate. I belive that would be more than enough time for a
	bloke such as yourself ta locate one.

Ninja:	But... but...

Bruce:	No buts, now. I want the Tear of tha Golden Heart within two
	days time, ya hear?!

Ninja:	Yes, sir. I won't fail you sir!

	Bruce walked back into his tent.

Ninja:	(sigh) If only master Bruce knew how rare the original Mandarin
	texts were. It's not everyday you happen to stumble upon 
	someone with a copy...

	Shampoo awoke to the morning sunrise refreshed and ready to go
	after her trying encounter through the Shrine of Lost Tears.
	Her memories flooded with the scene she saw in the pool. 

Shampoo: (thinking) At long last. Ranma become all Shampoo's!

	The thoughts warmed her throughout and sent shivers of 
	anticipation up and down her spine. It felt so good to think
	about, she almost forgot about everything, but soon reality
	set back in play, and she packed her things and moved onward.

	Mousse never could have known that he made up almost an entire
	day on Shampoo just by flying over the Shrine of Lost Tears.
	He awoke just after sunrise, but with a new sense of joy in 
	knowing that he would catch up with Shampoo. Only a few mere
	hours behind her, Mousse packed his things and pressed onward.

	A few hours into her journey, Shampoo entered a patch of 
	moderately dense forest. According to her map, the next landmark
	was somewhere nearby. A stone statue of a crying dragon, she
	summed up from the map. Continuing onward, Shampoo felt a small
	amount of pressure on her right leg. She looked down, but never
	saw what happened next.

	Shampoo found herself flying through the air in some kind of
	net, as the net stopped its upward trajectory, it triggered 
	another wire and a barrage of darts flew from several 
	strategically placed blowdart-like weapons. Many of the arrows
	missed, but five or so got into Shampoo. Fighting with all
	her might was not enough, Shampoo eventually found herself
	drifting off into a deep sleep.

	As Mousse trudged on, he looked into the morning sky wishing
	for all it was worth that Shampoo was nearby, and safe. His 
	heart ached from the memories of how Shampoo left for China,
	but warmed with pleasure in his own words of encouragement that
	he would indeed get Shampoo back, no matter what the consequence.

	When he reached the top of a small hill on the edge of a steep 
	cliff, Mousse tripped on a small rock and went tumbling down the
	slope flying off of a rock and crashing into a tree. Blood came
	from a newly opened wound trickling down his face. He bandaged
	it up, but soon found himself faint from the impact and loss of
	the more than small amount of blood.

	Back at the escavation site, Tsurun, Bruce's ninja, entered 
	the main camp tent. Inside Bruce was puzzling over a map of
	China and the small map from the legend, which was now useless
	to him since the fourth marker was not in the proper location.

	<dialogue in English>

Tsurun:	Master Bruce!

Bruce: 	Not now, mate, can't you see oi'm tryin' ta figure out this
	'ere map you made a mess of?

Tsurun:	But, it's important!

Bruce:	Whot can possibly be that bloody important?

Tsurun: I have captured someone trying to enter our encampment.

Bruce:	So your traps are actually warth somethin', eh? Who'd ya get?

Tsurun: Some woman. We don't know who she is.

Bruce:	A shela, eh? Well, now, we must not keep a lady waitin' now 
	should we?

Tsurun: But, she's asleep right now.

Bruce:	Then tell me tha minute she wakes oop!

Tsurun:	As you wish, master.

	Shampoo awoke with a very unpleasant feeling. As her vision
	became unblurred, she looked around to discover she was in
	a cage within a large tent. Her equipment and weapons were near
	the entrance of the tent. She rattled the metal cage bars trying	
	to free herself, and made much noise in doing so. Soon, a man
	dressed in ninja garb entered.

	<all=chinese (mand.)>

Tsurun:	You awake?

Shampoo: Let me out of here!

Tsurun:	No do that.

	Shampoo looked puzzled, but before she could ask anything else
	he left. Several minutes later he came back with another man.

Bruce:	Ah, so this is the Shela you found, eh? Shoulda told me souner
	she's quite a catch, n't (isn't) she?

	<Tsurun, Shampoo=Chinese, mand.>

Shampoo: Let me out before you regret keeping me here.

Bruce:	Whot she say?

Tsurun:	Uh, she said If we don't let her out, the tent is going to

Bruce:	Huh? Are you sure?

Tsurun:	Kinda.

Bruce:	Awlright, tell her oi am Bruniyaxice Donwell Jenkins, professor
	in archaology.

Tsurun:	Very well, (to Shampoo in Chinese) He is Bruniyaxice Donwell
	Jenkins, a big hairy gorilla who constantly eats tomatos.

	Shampoo couldn't help but laugh at the comment.

Shampoo: (laughing) He is so stupid!

Bruce:	Whot she say, mate?

Tsurun:	She said she thinks you're cute.

	Shampoo didn't understand a lot of English, but cute was one 
	word she did know. At the mention of it, her face grew dim and

Bruce:	Are they always like that when they troi to pick oop men?

Tsurun:	No, that usually means they're about to kill someone.

Bruce:	Well, who's she troin' to kill?

Tsurun:	Both of it from the looks of it.

Bruce:	(approaching the cage: To Shampoo) Now, there, there, missy, 
	oi ain't gonna let no one get their hands on ya.

	When he got close enough, Shampoo reached through the bars and	
	grabbed Bruce and pounded him against the cage. In her struggle
	Shampoo's map fell from her sleeve.

Bruce:	Don't just stand there, mate, DO somethin'!

Tsurun:	Yes, sir!

	Tsurun shot a dart of sleeping agent at Shampoo. Shampoo released 
	her grip on Bruce, and caught the dart and threw it back at him.
	After a short time, Tsurun fell to the ground asleep.

Bruce:	Now that wasn't very nice, miss. (pours some champaigne) 'ere
	have a glass of bubbly.

	Shampoo spilled the glass over him knocking it to the ground.

Shampoo: Hmph! Shampoo want nothing to do with you!

Bruce:	I don't know whot you're sayin', but you needn't be that way.
	Don't worry. (seeing her map) Hello, whot's this?

Bruce:	(looking at the map) Well, Oi'll be. This is just loik our map,	
	but it looks like tha fouth marker and the others are placed
	differently. This'll get us there in no toim!
	A groggy Tsurun finally got to his feet. Bruce helped him and
	shoved the map in his face.

	<tsurun, Shampoo=Japanese>

Bruce:	You can read this, roit?

Tsurun:	Of course... I... can.

Bruce: 	You know I can't understand when you speak that mumbo jumbo.	
	Now talk to me.

Tsurun:	(English, waking up) Oh, sorry, master Bruce. I can read it
	a little, but she'll do a better job.

Bruce:	Will she cooperate, ya think?

Tsurun:	I can try... (to Shampoo, in Chinese) Us pig farmers would like
	you to help us slip on the thin ice that formed over our lake
	of boiling water.

Shampoo: (in Japanese) Shampoo rather die than help stupid pig farmer,
	but so you know, Shampoo Japanese much better than you

	Tsurun was shocked at her use of Japanese, since it never dawned
	on him to attempt it in conversation. He relayed the message
	to Bruce who was less than thrilled at it.

	<to save space and avoid repetition, assume Tsurun properly 
	translates since he can speak Japanese. Any wrong 
	translations will be written out for your amusement>

Bruce:	Now, now, Oi'm not tha kind ta go about and kill people. All I
	want is your help.

Shampoo: Hmph! Shampoo no interested.

Bruce:	Well that's a bloomin' shame. We can follow the map without her,
	so let's get a move on. Tha vehicles should be ready ta go.

Tsurun:	What about her?

Bruce:	Take her with us. She'll snap outta it eventually.

	Mousse exited the forest just in time to see a convoy of 
	vehicles leave an encampment. The vehicles didn't interest him
	as much as one of the things he saw on the vehilces. A cage,
	with Shampoo inside! Mousse mustered up all the energy he could
	and dashed after them hoping to reach them in time.

	After a good hour of running, the convoy set up another 
	encampment near two large dragon-like pillars. Mousse took
	a look at the map. The fourth marker, and technically the last
	for the fifth was a few hundred feet beyond them. A rock entrance
	to the Temple of the Golden Heart. Fortunately for him, they
	could not read the map's directions to get in.

	Mousse had to rescue Shampoo. And he was determined to do so
	at no cost. He rushed down to the encampment, and several guards
	came to stop him. Mousse threw several daggers at their legs
	causing them to fall and be unable to impede him. He began 
	causing quite a commotion, and soon was blocked in by crew 
	and a few guards. 

	Bruce pushed his way through as did Tsurun.

Mousse:	(Jap.) Give back Shampoo, you bride nappers!

Tsurun:	Bride nappers?

Shampoo: Mousse?! What you doing here?

Mousse:	Fear not Shampoo. I shall free you from these cretons!

Bruce:	What'd he say?!

	<assume translations again>

Mousse:	Give me back Shampoo!

Bruce:	Oh come now, we just need her help, that's all.

Mousse:	If you don't give her back I'll take her from you!

Bruce:	You're outnumbered, heavily. Be reasonable. You can't defeat
	all of us.

Mousse: We shall see about that!

	Mousse launched chains in all directions catching everyone off
	guard. Bruce dropped a set of keys from the impact, and Mousse
	hurried to them. He tossed them to Shampoo.

Mousse:	Shampoo, get out of here. Leave them to me!

	Shampoo had no arguements. She grabbed the keys, fumbled for the
	right ones, grabbed her gear and left. She darted through the
	crowd and to the stone marker some 300 feet away. Having almost
	memorized the directions, she opened the seal and climbed down
	the ladder that appeared below her.

	In the camp, the surprise wore off as Mousse went after Shampoo.
Bruce:	Now hold on a minute, there mate.

Mousse:	I am not here to be chummy!

Bruce:	I can't let you get away with out a fight, now.

Mousse:	very well then. Feel the power of a technique of a school so 
	secret, only one of every 10 schools finds a student worthy of
	it being passed on. Flight of the Silver Hawks!

	A fan of blue energy streaked out from Mousse's outstretched
	hands. The energy surrounded everything in its wake causing
	a wind tunnel almost blowing everyone over. From Mousse's sleves
	came a barrage of weapons from throwing stars, to daggers to
	short swords. After it was over, most had minor to medium injuries
	while some unfortunate ones beared severe ones. No fatalities.
	Mousse then rushed after Shampoo.

	Deep inside the temple, some 450 feet below the ground surface,
	Shampoo walked into the main chamber where a lit alter stood
	in the middle of the room. The room was large and had doors on
	one side, the side she came through on. On the alter were three
	pieces of the Tear of the Golden Heart. Shampoo walked up, and
	put the pieces together very carefully. They shone brightly
	and the amulet formed.

	Shampoo took it in her hands and examined it gently. She thought
	of happy momnets she would soon share with Ranma, and the 	
	happiness that soon awaited them. With that she put the amulet 
	on, but as she did, Mousse came charging through the door.

	Shampoo looked at Mousse, angry for his interruption, and Mousse
	gazed back. The amulet shone with a purple glow as its power
	unleashed itself. All of the impatience, anger, and dislike
	Shampoo felt for Mousse entered Mousse's heart. The anger filtered
	out his inbed love for her. No one spoke until the process was

Shampoo: What you doing here, Mousse? Go home!

Mousse:	Shampoo... after I came all this way to find you, defeated 
	Ranma after grueling training not once but twice for your
	affection, to come here and her you tell me to go home... I 
	can't stand it any longer!

	Shampoo hardly listened to his words until the dagger embedded
	itself a mere three inches from her in the alter. Shampoo looked
	up and for once saw the anger welling up in Mousse. She didn't
	quite know how to react.

Shampoo: Mousse, what you think you doing?!

End Episode 3

Trailer to Epsiode 4:

Ling-Ling: Lung-Lung.
Lung-Lung: What is it, Ling-Ling?
Ling-Ling: We get another strange story.
Lung-Lung: Again? What this one say?
Ling-Ling: Trailer to Episode 4.
Lung-Lung: We read it, yes?
Ling-Ling: Ok. It say big sister Shampoo fight with blind Mousse.
Lung-Lung: Not him again. Big sister Shampoo always win!
Ling-Ling: It not say in story, though.
Lung-Lung: It also say... AIYA! Why big sister all of sudden like blind
Ling-Ling: She no like him so much, do she, Lung-Lung?
Lung-Lung: Story no say.
Ling-Ling: Maybe we find out in Episode 4: Let My Love Be Free
Lung-Lung: Bye!


Bloke: Australian term for a male.
Shela: Australian term for a female.
