Subject: [FFML] [ranma][hexen][xover]Ch1: Untitled
From: Nighthawke
Date: 7/12/1998, 9:36 PM

C&C is most definately welcome.

Hexen is owned by...who is Hexen owned by?  I think it's Microprose.  Ranma
is owned by Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 1:

	Sandy Coleman shrank back into the shadows of the storage room.  Her
breath came in ragged gasps as she struggled to contain the blood flowing
from three ragged wounds that had penetrated her armor.  Stopping most of
the blood by drinking from a quartz flask, she stepped over the remains of
a Dragonoid, a humanoid dragon that, like its non-human counterparts,
breathed fire and were armed with large claws and a tough leathery skin.
	She peeked around the corner and saw three more Dragonoids, four Centaurs,
and a score of Ettins guarding the Gate to her assigned dimension.  Her
chain armor jingled slightly with her movement and she ducked back as one
of the Centaurs looked in her direction.  Putting away her spiked mace she
withdrew Wraithverge.  Looking into the depths of its jewel encrusted
cross, she gave a brief prayer to her god and leader, Logarth.  "Logarth,
master, let your powers of good be with your faithful servant and may I one
day be worthy this holy weapon you entrusted to me."  She kissed the large
amber jewel in the cross�s center and wiped the sweat from her forehead.
Her leather gauntlets creaked as she held Wraithverge in a tight grip.
Taking  a deep breath, she charged.
	"Spirits of my ancestors," she cried, "come to me in my time of need and
destroy my enemies!  Shiar Antus Logarth!"  A white mist gathered on the
tip of Wraithverge and  a ball of white power blasted outward towards the
monsters.  The Centaur that was closest to her managed to raise his shield
just as the energy struck him.  The ball exploded into half a dozen ghosts
which immediately attacked anything they could get their claws on.  Sandy
fired three more times then dropped a green bottle in front of her and
backed away.  The potion exploded into a green cloud of poisonous gas.  She
watched as the spirits tore apart most of the ettins and two of the
Dragonoids.  The Centaurs were almost completely unaffected, using their
mystic shields to defend against the attacks.  One Centaur broke away from
the fight and charged Sandy.  As he entered the gas cloud, his face turned
pale, and he began to cough uncontrollably.  Moments later he was dead.
	Sandy turned away from the bloodbath.  This was her first mission, and she
was already sick of it.  She thought seeing the servants of the Dark God
die horribly would lessen the pain in her breast, but all it did was sicken
	A blast of energy struck her from behind.  She fell to her knees and
looked back.  The gas cloud was still present but one of the two surviving
Centaurs was holding up his shield and pointing it in her direction.  A
moment later a blue bolt of magic shot from the shield.  Sandy rolled to
the side just in time.  The bolt hit the floor and exploded.  She coughed
as acrid fumes washed over her.  She scrambled to her feet just in time to
see the gas cloud dissipate.  The second Centaur stepped through the
passageway into the corridor, drawing his serrated sword.
	Sandy slung Wraithverge across her back and held up her hands.  The
creature gave a growling laugh.  "You give up already?" it asked.
	Sandy grinned.  "Vas Cathorus!"  She pointed at the Centaur, her palms
pointed outward.  A path of white hot flame erupted from the ground at her
feet and closed the distance between her and him in a blink of an eye.
Flames erupted around him.  He cried out in pain and desperately raised his
shield.  She saw the pale golden glow of his energy shield activate, but
even his shield could not protect him completely.  The clawed wounds given
to him by the ghosts and the inferno he was now in was too much.  With a
guttural cry of dispair, he expired, burning to blood, ash and bone.
	A much more human sounding laugh echoed down the hallway.  "Very good
little one, very good.  How about facing me now?"  The Centaur that had
fired the blue bolts stepped into the hallway.  Sandy�s mouth went dry.  He
was a Centaur Mage, one of the few creatures in the Dark God�s army who had
the intelligence enough to wield magical power.  Centaur Mages were
smarter, tougher and quicker than the other centaurs, in addition to being
able to use magic.  In desperation, Sandy used the one thing that she knew
that centaurs were extremely vulnerable against.  Poison.  Taking out
another green bottle, she brought fourth another poisonous cloud.  "Now try
and get me monster!"
	The centaur merely smiled behind its helm.  "You don�t look very old,"  he
said as he inspected the cloud.  "You can�t be over seventeen winters old."
 He sighed.  "Such a pity you work for Logarth.  I don�t suppose you�d
consider changing sides?  Traitors with valuable information get premium
treatment from the Dark Lord."
"I�ll never join you, you abomination!"  She hit him with a blast of fire
which his shield easily deflected.
The centaur smiled.  "Then you�re all mine."  He raised his shield and
began firing bolt after bolt of energy.  Sandy realized her mistake in
summoning the gas cloud.  All it did was block her passage while he was
still able to attack her.  She dodged frantically, searching for some
cover.  A bolt struck her in the shoulder, and another in her chest.  She
fell to the floor, writhing in agony for a few moments before becoming still.
The gas cloud soon dissipated, and the centaur advanced.  "Oh, you can�t be
dead already, can you?  We were going to have so much fun together�"  He
stopped and nudged Sandy with a foreleg.  "Looks like all I get to do now
is dismember you and send you back to your comrades piece by piece.  Ah
well.  What a waste."  He sheath his sword and pulled her up by her golden
locks.  "Should I send the head or maybe an arm first to build up their
anxiety?  Or maybe I�ll lop off her breasts and send them.  I�m sure they�d
get a good shock at finding a pair of seventeen year old breasts in a sack
on their doorstep."
Sandy�s eyes snapped open.  The centaur jerked his head back in surprise.
"I�m sixteen, bastard.  And I�m sending you to the ether!"  Taking a small
red and white cross from her belt, she pressed it against his chest.  The
centaur gave a high pitched shriek before he vanished, sent back to the
ethereal plane from which he had been created.
Sandy staggered to her feet and walked slowly towards the glowing portal.
Her vision glazed over with the pain of her wounds, so she did not see the
remaining Dragonoid hiding at the side of the entrance until it was too
late.  The large green creature grabbed Sandy with both hands and
practically swallowed her upper body.  Its teeth penetrated her armor and
bit deeply into her flesh, even as its claws tore into her arms and waist.
She screamed in terror and grabbed her Snake Staff.  She jabbed it into the
torso of the Dragonoid and began to drain the creatures life force.  The
Dragonoid knew immediately what she was doing and prepared a devastating
blast of fire.  Her wounds were healed by the life energy drained from the
Dragonoid almost as fast as it could cause them.  The creature quickly
became too weak to hold on to Sandy.  She extracted herself from its mouth
and continued to drain its life force.  The Dragonoids blast of fire was
expelled as a weak trickle of flame as it died.
Feeling only slightly worse thanks to the absorbed energy from the
Dragonoid, Sandy went to the portal, which was glowing a dark red.  Noting
where she would place the wards, she began the work of sealing the portal
against the servants of the Dark God.  She was almost complete when a
guttural cry caused her to look back.
Five ettins were running towards her, weapons held high.  Taking
Wraithverge, she shot once.  The spirits flew among the ettins, tearing
deep bloody gashes in their flesh.  She turned back to attach the final
ward to the gate which was now dark except for slight reddish cast to the
stone.  She could hear the sounds of the ettins dying, but paid it no
attention.  Therefore she did not see then blow that sent her flying
forward into the gate where she vanished in a flash of light.

Ranma Saotome of the Saotome School of Anything Goes  Martial Arts laid
back on the roof and looked up at the stars.  For the first time since
arriving at the Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts, he had some
peace and quiet.  Akane was not trying to pound or argue with him.
Happosai was not trying to get him to wear a bra in his female form.  Even
Kudachi, Shampoo, and Ukyo had seen fit for some strange reason not to
bother him tonight.  He lay there for awhile, enjoying the silence.
He quickly became uneasy.  Ranma was a man of action and not one for deep
contemplation.  Not doing anything, meant he had to think about his
problems instead of reacting to them.  He sighed and scowled at the
beautiful night time vista before him.
"I�m bored.  Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored."  He sighed again.  "I wish
something would happen."
Twenty feet above him, a blazing red portal opened.  He stared at it in
amazement.  Suddenly, a shadow fell out of the portal and down towards him.
 Frozen in shock, Ranma could not move as the figure hurdled towards him.
One hundred and seventy pounds of girl, weapons and equipment slammed into
him, driving both of them through the roof into the attic.
Ranma moaned.  "I�m in pain.  Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain�"

*	*	*	*

End of Part 1

Okay, y�all, nows the time for you to all let loose on your excellent
insight and tell me what you think.  Any C&C is welcome.  Also, while I
appreciate people telling me what they think is wrong, I like hearing what
is good too.  Then I know what to keep in my revisions and am able to write
more of what readers want.


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