Subject: [FFML] [Ranma] False Pretenses
From: Brian
Date: 7/3/1998, 3:16 AM

This is the kind of thing that gets written after reading WAY to many
Ranma/Akane fics.
The quote at the end helps explain it too.

False Pretenses:  A Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction by Brian

Author's note: C sharp, B natural

Warning: New character fic (sorta) ahead... beware.
Disclamation:  Rumiko Takahashi owns everyone and everything in this

Without much further ado...

False Pretenses

	The phone rang in the Tendo training hall.  It was answered by Kasumi
Tendo, wearing a soft yellow housedress with a ribbon tying her hair
into a ponytail.  "Hello?"
	The voice on the other end of the line was slightly muffled, but
sounded male.  "Hello, could I speak with Soun Tendo please?  It is a
matter of some urgency."
	"Oh my, of course.  Wait just a moment."
	Setting the phone on the table Kasumi walked out to the garden where
Soun Tendo and Genma, who was a panda once more, were playing a game of
	"Excuse me Father.  But there seems to be someone on the telephone. 
They wish to speak with you.   They said that it was urgent."
	Soun looked up at Kasumi as though he were about to ask a question, but
thought better of it.  Genma moved the pieces around to give himself a
better position on the board.
	"Thank you, Kasumi.  Could you watch the  board for me for a moment
while I speak with whoever it is that's on the phone?"
	"Of course, father."  Kasumi took her father's place across from
Genma.  She made a move.
	"Rook takes pawn... checkmate."  She smiled happily.  The panda looked


	Soun wandered into the hallway to pick-up the telephone, at the same
time he heard an anguished growl from the backyard.  <Ah, Kasumi must be
scolding him for attempting to cheat me.  As if he could ever win fair
and square.>  He picked up the telephone.  "Hello?  This is Soun Tendo. 
May I help you?"
	"Isamu-kun?  Is that you?"
	"You bet your life it is.  I am coming to follow through with the
agreement.  Make certain that everything is ready, you have five days."
	"O-of c-course Isamu-kun... It will be ready."
	"Goodbye."  There was a click from the other end of the line.
	Soun hung up the phone and simply stared into space for a few seconds
before his face took on a manic expression.  He ran out into the yard


The following day...

	Hinako-sensei stood at the front of the class next to a man who looked
to be somewhere between twenty and thirty.  The class was trying as hard
as possible not to do anything to make Miss Hinako mad.  She introduced
them to the person who was standing next to her.
	"Class, this is Mr, um, what was your name again?"
	"Masaki, Katsuhito Masaki."
	"Katsuhito Masaki, for the next five days he will be observing our
class so that he can better explain our culture to american students
	Katsuhito walked to the back of the classroom and took a seat in the
corner, one that offered him a perfect view of the entire classroom.  He
whipped out a notepad and a pen and began scribbling things.
	Akane watched Ranma throughout the day, he was squirming, and it bugged
her.  She turned to glare at him.  "Will you knock that OFF?"
	"Stuff it Akane, that Katsuhito guy's been starin' at me all day.  It's
getting on my nerves."
	"Well stop squirming!  YOU're getting on MY nerves."
	"It's nice to know you care.  Flat-chested uncute violent maniac."
	"Don't make me hurt you Ranma... because it's really tempting."
	The man called Katsuhito watched the entire exchange, occasionally
stopping to take notes.


Five days have passed...

	Ranma and Akane were walking home from school.  Ranma on the fence,
Akane on the sidewalk.  Ranma was practically doing cartwheels.
	Akane was looked up at him in annoyance.  "Will you stop that.  What do
you have to be so happy about anyway?"
	"Oh come on Akane, you had to have noticed.  That observer wierdo's
gone.  The entire time he was here he was staring at me, or you, or
Ucchan.  I mean, me I can understand, I'm the best martial artist in
	Akane was boiling as she muttered under her breath.  "You never let us
forget it either."
	"And Ucchan I can understand, even in boy's clothing she's still pretty
	Akane was steaming.
	"But why on Earth would he be staring at an uncute, sexless, violent
tomboy like you?"
	Akane reached critical.  "RANMA NO BAKA!"  Pulling a mallet from her
schoolbag,  Akane proceeded to pound Ranma to a fine mesh on the
ground.  Akane stormed off, fuming at her misfortune for being engaged
to someone who was just so... so... Ranma!
	Ranma made sort of a half-twitching gesture before full unconsciousness
enveloped him.  He was later scraped off the sidewalk by a large spatula
and hauled into the Ucchan's


	Soun Tendo wandered through the Tendo household, searching for his
daughters.  "Kasumi, Nabiki, Akane.  If I could speak with you please."
	In short order, the three Tendo daughters found themselves sitting in
the parlor as Soun paced on the other side of the table.  He looked up
to see Kasumi and Nabiki sitting there quietly, as Akane glowed a bright
blue.  "Where is Ranma?  He must be present for this."
	Nabiki was the first to respond.  "I'll call the Nekohanten, and the
Ucchan.  He's probably at one of those places."
	Akane began glowing brighter.  "I'll bet."
	Nabiki walked over to the telephone and dialed the number for the
Ucchan.  Ukyo answered and various clatters as she spoke.  "Ucchan's,
This is Ukyo speaking.  How may I help you today?"
	"Hi Ukyo, it's Nabiki."
	"To what do I owe this honor oh yen yearning one?"
	Nabiki was not amused.  "Ha ha ha, funny.  We're looking for Ranma have
you seen him today?  We need him here."
	"Sure have, I scraped him off the sidewalk a little while ago. 
Apparently Akane was less than pleased with him about something.  He
barely qualified as a solid when I found him.  I'm trying to nurse him
back to health as I speak.  If you will excuse me."
	"Of course."  Nabiki hung up the phone.


	In the Ucchan, Ukyo had just gotten off the phone with Nabiki when
their was a scuffling sound from her back room.  She turned around to
find Ranma looking her in the face.  A bit worse for wear, but overall
in good condition.
	He looked around slightly bewildered for a few moments before coming to
a stop facing towards her.  "Say Ucchan, how'd I get here?"
	"I found you unconscious on the street, apparently Akane decided to
pound on you a little extra hard today."
	"Big surprise."
	"You're also wanted back at the dojo for something, that was Nabiki on
the phone."  Ukyo looked at Ranma, she had a pleading look in her eyes
that suggested she wanted him to stay.
	"Well then, I guess I'd better get back there."  Ranma headed for the
door leaving Ukyo to watch him go.  "Thanks for fixing me up, Ucchan!"
	Ukyo stared at the entryway as he left.  <JACKASS!>


	Ranma arrived at the dojo to find all three Tendo daughters sitting at
the table in the parlor with Soun sitting on the other side.  Ranma's
father was in panda form huddled in the corner.  One thought ran through
Ranma's head, <This can't be good.>
	Soun looked up at his entrance.  "Ah Ranma, good.  You're here. Sit." 
Ranma complied.  Soun looked across the table at his daughter's.  He
knew that they were unprepared for the news that was about to be
revealed, and he wanted them to remain as rational as possible.  "Some
time ago, a bargain was struck between me and another man concerning
	Akane mind went into absolute and total shock at this.  <Oh no, what
did he DO?>  While Ranma went through a rather basic thought process. 
<I don't know what Mr. Tendo's planning but I don't like it.>
	Soun continued.  "This agreement, concerning him..."  Soun pointed
towards the doorway, from which emerged a good-looking young man wearing
a sweatshirt and jeans.  He waved a hand at the four kids lined up at
the table, "Hihi."
	Soun began again.  "...concerning a promise of marriage between him and
Akane.  His name is Isamu Hoshi, he is eighteen.  Akane, you and he are
now engaged."
	Akane was the first to react.  "Dad!  I'm engaged to Ranma.."  She
didn't get the chance to finish however, as Isamu began speaking. 
"Sorry to point this out to you Akane, but MY claim supercedes Ranma's. 
Even if it isn't as old."
	Kasumi reacted next.  "Oh my!"
	Now it was Ranma's turn to talk.  "And how would THAT be?"
	The look Isamu turned on him would make a normal man turn to stone. 
Luckily, this was Ranma.  "MY claim is the hand in marriage of Akane
Tendo.  Your claim is the hand in marriage of one of Soun Tendo's
daughters.  Think about it.  Just consider yourself lucky I don't want
the engagement.  I still may have to marry her though."  Pulling a
cigarette from his pocket, Isamu placed it in his mouth.
	Ranma grabbed Isamu by the collar of his sweatshirt.  "If you don't
want the engagement, why in the hell would you have to marry her?"  The
pig-tailed martial artist was visibly shaken by the concrete lock that
Isamu had on Akane's hand.
	"My mother is a very honorable person Ranma.  If I don't marry Akane I
could wind up commiting seppuku.  That isn't a step I'm prepared to
take.  Besides, from what I hear you've got three other fiancee's who
would die for you.  Go live with one of them."  Isamu struck a match
along one fingernail, lighting it, and lifted to his cigarette.
	"The only loophole in the agreement is if she's already married by the
time I show up."
	"But she's engaged to ME!  Isn't that enough?"
	Isamu looked Ranma straight in the eye.  "No.  My mother is arriving in
one week.  I can keep her from finding out that you aren't married until
then, but if you people can't put a legal, binding wedding together
within that time.  My mother will take Akane, we will go to my home, and
we will be married.  End of story."
	"Can't I just challenge you to a martial-arts competition for this,
that's how it usually works."
	Isamu looked Ranma in the eyes, and seeing nothing but pure sincerity,
burst out laughing.  "HAHAHAHAHAhahahha, you think.. that... you can
convince.. MY mother.. just because.. you can beat me up?"  Isamu
resumed his giggling, taking almost a full five minutes to settle down. 
"Heheh, *ahem* sorry, I just, ahehheh...  You were serious when you said
that and I couldn't help it."  Isamu turned to Soun, putting on a mask
of pure seriousness.  "Now then, Tendo-san, how quickly can you organize
a wedding.  No flowers, no band, no sake, no reception.  Bare minimum."
	Nabiki stood up as the talk changed to money and costs.  "I think,
Isamu, that you talk to me on this one."
	Isamu arched an eyebrow at the brunette he was facing.  "Fine.  You put
together the wedding, I'll take care of my mother.  You have a week...


	Later that night, Isamu was sitting on one of the rocks by the Tendo
pond.  He was staring into the water with glazed over eyes.  He didn't
even have a chance to be surprised when Ranma landed beside him and
began speaking.  "So..."
	Isamu turned to look at his fiancee's fiancee, "So..."
	"Why are you doing this?"
	"Why am I doing what?"
	"Why are you forcing me into this marriage with Akane?"
	"Because I don't want to marry her.  Besides, she doesn't have to marry
you, or didn't you realize that.  She could just as easily marry that
Kuno guy, or that... whatshisname... Ryoga fellow.  I personally don't
care what happens to her, I just don't want to be the one that gets
stuck with her.  If I do marry her I will make her life a living hell. 
That's the kind of guy I am."
	"So just declare the engagment invalid."
	"My mother would kill me... literally.  I don't know about you but I'm
not prepared to die."
	Isamu stood up and walked into the house, leaving Ranma alone by the
pond to consider what Isamu had said.  <How did he know about Kuno and


	The following day found Ranma doing his best to try and explain the
event that would occur tomorrow to his best friend.  Ukyo was less than
	"Ucchan, please, if I don't do this Akane'll have to marry that Isamu
guy.  He'll ruin her life.  I can't let that happen."
	"Ran-chan, I understand that much.  But why can't she just marry Ryoga
or Kuno?  You know they both love her."
	"Ucchan... I... I do too."  Ranma finished his sentence looking at the
floor, afterwards there was a loud creaking sound.  Ranma looked to find
Ukyo's spatula with a ninety-degree bend in it.  Dropping it on the
floor of the resturant, Ukyo turned and began walking towards the back.
	"Ucchan, I'm sorry."  He called after her.
	She turned her head only slightly to respond.  "Yes, Ranma.  You are." 
She sighed.  "Just gimme some time.  I'll get over it."


	Ukyo was looking out the window on the second floor of her restaurant
as she watched Ranma walk away.  Tears fell from her eyes as she watched
him head towards the dojo.  "Maybe ten years or so."


The following night, Ranma sat on the roof of the dojo contemplating the
choice that he had made.  Was it really the best one?  To marry Akane
and not know how she felt about him?  His thoughts were interuppted by a
familiar set of footsteps.  Akane was coming to join him, that was
something he had not expected.  The last he'd seen her she was being
fitted for a wedding dress by his mother and Kasumi.  She sat down next
to him and began staring off into space as well.  Unable to take the
silence, she finally started talking to him.
	He turned to face her, disbeleiving at her behaviour.  "Well, what?"
	"Ranma... do you even WANT to marry me?  Or are you just doing this
because you feel sorry for me?"
	Ranma shifted to a kneeling position and grasped Akane's hand. 
"Akane... if I were just doing this because I felt sorry for you, I
would let Kuno or Ryoga marry you.  Akane... I... I"  He stopped and
took a deep breath.  "Ah, hell.  Akane I love you, I've loved you for a
long time.  I want to marry you.  I just want to know one thing.  Do you
love me?"
	Akane stared at Ranma in shock. <He actually said it.  He loves me.  He
really, really loves me.>  Ranma took Akane's silence as a rejection, he
stood and began to walk away.  Akane glomped Ranma from behind and
started crying.  "Oh, Ranma, I love you too."  Ranma was speechless.


	The wedding was held in the dojo.  Ukyo was Ranma's best man, and it
was obvious to everyone there that she wasn't happy.  It even broke
through Ranma's incredible aura of obliviousness.  It was what Ranma
wanted, and she acknowledged that much.
	The ceremony was short, sweet, and to the point.  Somehow managing get
through the whole thing without one person crashing through a wall. 
There was no reception, there was only the wedding followed by a cake. 
Ukyo disappeared shortly after the ceremony, going to open up the
restaurant she said.  Kasumi watched her disappear over the horizon with
a forlorn look in her eyes, she knew they would be lucky if they ever
saw her again.



	Nabiki entered the house of Nodoka and Genma Saotome.  The Tendo's were
going to stay there for about a week while Ranma and Akane had their
honeymoon.  The last she had seen of the married couple Ranma was
fending off Akane's mallet while Shampoo refused to admit that Ranma had
even gotten married.
	She entered into the main parlor and was struck beyond speechless by
what she saw there.  Her father was handing over a large sum of money to
that Isamu person.  Nabiki hid herself behind the doorframe and began
observing everything.  Nabiki watched as Isamu pulled a briefcase from
nowhere and began packing the money into it.
	Soun reached across the table and shook Isamu's hand.
	"Thank you, Isamu-kun.  You have done for me a service that can never
fully be repaid."
	Isamu looked up at Soun with a glint in his eye as he closed the
briefcase.  He patted the leather casing with one hand.  "Well, Soun,
you've certainly done an excellent job here.  I'm impressed that you
managed to come up with the money.  I trust that it's all here?"
	"Every last yen."
	As Isamu stood to leave, Soun stopped him and voiced a question. 
"Isamu-kun, if I may ask..."
	"Of course."
	"How did you know that your plan would get Ranma to admit his feelings
for Akane?"
	Isamu changed the timbre of his voice and chuckled a rather evil
chuckle.  "I didn't, you payed me to get Akane married.  You just got
lucky that it turned out the way you wanted.  I remember the contract
quite well."  Isamu chuckled again.  Nabiki recognized that voice, that
was the voice of the man who'd been observing at Furinkan the past week.
	As Soun remained frozen in his kneeling position, Isamu exited the
parlor.  He turned to Nabiki with an almost feral look in his eyes. 
"It's amazing isn't it?   The lengths to which people will go to get
what they want."  Isamu removed the mask that he was wearing, revealing
himself to be, in fact, Tsubasa Kurenai.
	As he left the house Nabiki could only stare after him in utter

The End

"It's amazing what the mind can drill out at four in the morning after
almost two days with no sleep."


Brian, singing off...