Subject: Re: [FFML] [BGC/Batman:TAS] SMILE part 2 (BETA)
From: David Johnston
Date: 6/4/1998, 4:29 AM
To: RPM - acct 3/5

RPM - acct 3/5 wrote:

On Wed, 3 Jun 1998 wrote:

RpM  wrote:

No superhero, barring Superman, ever got OFFICIAL support.
Officially, everything they do is criminal. Unofficially, the
authorities are gratefull for any help they can get.

Actually that isn't quite true.  Public spirited citizens in North 
America can wear spandex and make citizens arrests if they feel like it,
provided that they don't use excessive force, commit breaking and 
entering, etcetera and so forth.  However heros who maintain a secret 
identity are legally troublesome because they are witnesses who almost
never give statements and never   


And I think you're underestimating ADP's gratitude. If somebody
stopped a rampaging boomer form turning your skull into a fine pink
mist, you'd be pretty damn gratefull.

The beat cops and folks on the street certainly would, but
not the higher ranking people and the bureocrats.

And as for open support... Leon and Daley. When the two most senior
officers on the force save the KS's leader (Red Eyes) and walk PAST
three of them to arrest the scientist they suppposedly kidnapped
(Double Vision) using officially requisitioned vehicles while on
duty both times, that's pretty damn open.

Yeah, they're the only ones.

Leon is basically a younger, sassier Jim Gordon. They even carry the
same kind of gun.

All I need now is to make Leon the commissioner.


Well, given the mess that the third A.D. Police commander made out of 
the unit, and the fact that Leon is apparently next in line (since he 
was giving orders to the entire detective force in Crash), it probably 
won't be long before he ends up in overall charge when loser boy is 
turfed for his blatant incompetence.  

 > Similarily, Batman was RARELY opposed by the Gotham Police.

 _Early_ years of Batman's career he was _very_ opposed by
 the police.

No. Nonononono. In the comics he obtained their support almost from
the get go,

No he didn't. O.o

and in the fragmentary histories occasionally offered by the anime
(I consider BTAS worthy of the title anime) he established a good
working relationship with Jim after only minor troubles.

They never did show any 'flashback' episodes to the time
that he started his career in BTAS, so I feel that's open
to interpretation.  And given that they use a lot of material
from the comics, I take in (love him or hate him) Frank Miller's

Yes, including Year One.

Might as well.  Actually Frank Miller's Superman is more like the 
animated Superman than he is like the rest of the comic book material.
Of course by this point, Supes is probably sulking at the south pole and
ignoring the world.  

You read Year One?  Bats had swat teams chasing after his butt,
hostile angry swat teams with lots of ammunition.

That's something we need.  Knight Sabres Year One.  Grand Mal was a try 
I suppose.  (Although I wish people would stop calling Priss a 
retro-thrash singer.  If she was one at that point, she certainly had 
changed styles by the time of the OAVs.)

If you kill off Bats and leave the Joker alive, I'm afraid I'm going
to have to hunt you down and cause you severe bodily harm.

You call this joker alive?

Boomers are alive.  They are a specially engineered life form designed 
to hook up with artificial parts real good.  That's why they have goo 

Besides, what about that teaser with young Sylia, Doctor Raven, and
BW wearing his Kingdom Come exosuit?

He doesn't have to be alive in 2034 at all for that to work...

 Didn't Largo have a funny little black box...?

Yes he did, and I'd like to know just how the HELL they managed
that. There was ONE black box, that which belonged to Cynthia and
was incorporated into the BU-99CX1 Superboomer from BGC 2. Unless
the damn thing is considerably more durable than it appeared to be,
it should have been destroyed when the particle sats fried the
Kawasaki lab site. There was never an explanation as to how Largo
got it.

I thought they did when a dive team went to the remains of
Aqua City and got it.  Ergo it goes to Mason, therefore to

Yes, but supposedly Mason put it in the Big Red Boomer so the Knight 
Sabres would think they'd destroyed it the second time.  Mason either 
made a second one, or the supposed Big Red Boomer box was a decoy and
Mason was operating the killer sat himself using the black box, with
Big Red relaying the signal to trick Nene.  However, I think the box 
only contained the codes for a single sat, the one we saw destroyed, 
since Largo didn't use it again when he made his farewell performance.

Episode 2, I think.

For that matter, if JOKER had it, he probably would have carved a
gigantic smiley face into the planet about five seconds after he got

You have no idea...


Say.... on a completely unrelated side note, what's the deal with
Mackie? Why did you pack him off to Germany? He was the coolest
member of the team! And you eliminated him with the same damn cheap
cop-put that Crash! used. I hate that.

It's called a cop-out.  I can't write Mackie.

Just think Robin with hormones.
