Subject: [FFML] Youma Blues
From: Gamlain
Date: 5/16/1998, 8:12 PM

	Okay, Just so you know: I am now horribly late.

Very, very horibly late, with far to many fics...

But there is hope.  I do have Jadeite days in near complete form.

And here it comes.

Other projects I've instigated are all on indefinite hold untill Guns of
the Dark Kingdom comes out - probably in a month.  Obviously I've missed
the april deadline, but Life has interfeared with my ability to do
extensive writing. 

Nephrite days will then pick up in the aftermath of GOTDK

And there is now a tenitive 'timeline' for youma blues, as follows:

Start: 1st season
Jadeite days
	(Self insertion, Sailor Moon arc 1): Finished

	Special one: Sailor V/Gunsmith Cats
		Guns of the dark kingdom: Forthcoming

Nephrite days
	(arc 2: Plotted and awaiting production)
	Interlude one: Remeberance (SM/AMG short: Time the 'princess jewel
eppisode): Forthcoming

	Special 2: Tuxedo Kamen/Vampire Princess Miyu
		10000 Black Roses: In preplotting

Zoycite Days
	(arc 3, 75% plotted)
	Special 3:Sailor V/Devil Hunter Yohko
		Way of the World: Conceptualizing/being replotted

Kunzite Days
	(arc 4, plotted)

Season one finale:
	Endless days (Plot being worked on.)

	Sailor Moon/Battle Angel
		3000 years. (preproduction)

	Youma Blues: Eternity (finished)

Season 2

Hopefully I can actually make these plans a reality.
Gamlain, transuniversal courier & Hero for rent
Sorcerer to the three great Anime demonesses: Ryoko, Marller, and Ifruita 
"So then I shot a goon and I cut the head man's throat, and after that
things got violent." - Tarnkep Protree
Of course, my homepage is at