Subject: RE: [FFML] [Teaser][X-over}"The Will of the People"
From: Helen Szeto
Date: 5/14/1998, 2:29 PM
To: "' '" <>, "'Matthew Campbell '" <>

This title and the story reminds me of the ...

American Woman by Antarctic Comics...

Been readin' too much OMG! and Witchblade this week,

Helen :)      

From: Matthew Campbell
Sent: 5/14/98 1:56 AM
Subject:[FFML] [Teaser][X-over}"The Will of the People"

Fade in to black screen.  The only thing visible is a tiny pinpoint of 
light that glimmers in the void.

VOICE: "A thousand years ago, in a land across the sea, there was 
an age of heroes.  Great and noble warriors fought for the right and 
lived by a code of honor."

VOICE: "Then there was a betrayal and a great battle.  Most of the 
warriors died, and those that survived were broken in spirit.  Their 
leader, a man of legendary courage and wisdom, vanished during 
the fighting.  Some say he died.  But others..... say differently."

The pinpoint of light has been growing steadily closer.  It is now 
recognizable as a disc of some sort, rotating end over end.  Each 
time it fully faces the camera, there is a flash of light.  Every time
is edge-on to the camera, the disc nearly seems to disappear.

VOICE: "They say that he has merely left us for a time.  They say 
that in time of greatest need, the hero will return.  He will summon 
the heroes once more, and in the cause of justice will wield his 
legendary.... shield?!"

The disk is quickly growing closer now.  It's slightly concave, and 
one side has straps attached.  The other side is painted.  A ring of 
red traces the outer edge.  Inside the outer ring is a ring of white, 
and then another ring of red.  The center of the shield, for that is 
what it is, is painted a deep blue.  This patch of blue is filled by a 
white, five pointed star.

The shield has spun close enough to fill our entire field of vision.  
Just as it is about to hit the camera, the entire screen is filled with
flash of blinding light.

A new scene appears.  It is a gleaming city, full of crystalline 
buildings.  Everywhere we look, we can see movement and light.  
At the bottom of the screen appear the words, *Crystal Tokyo- 
3000AD*  The words linger only long enough to be read, then 
swiftly fade away.

The focus of the camera swiftly pulls in on one of the buildings that 
seems larger than the others.  Accelerating as it goes, the screen 
seems to rush towards the wall of the building.  We can see the 
texture of the wall in minute detail for a fraction of a second, and 
then the camera passes through the wall and enters the chamber.

The room is filled by a round table, around which SERENITY, 
JUPITER, and SAILOR VENUS are seated.  They are spaced far 
enough apart to completely fill the table, which is about fifteen feet 

A soft light white, coming from no apparent source, fills the room.  
The floor is of gleaming crystal, and looked rather hard.  The walls, 
however, are covered with wallpaper.  The pattern is of cute, fuzzy 
ducklings.  The room's occupants are engaged in intense discussion.

SAILOR MARS: (Looking very concerned.)  "Serenity, listen to 
me.  We can't just ignore this.  People are saying...."

SERENITY: (interrupts firmly, but politely) "It doesn't matter Rei.  
Let them be excited.  I'm excited too!  You know the situation we 
are in.  We can use all the help we can get."

SAILOR MARS: (looking skeptical)  "Oh come on.  He seems like 
a nice guy and all, but he's just an ordinary man.  He doesn't have 
any powers, right Ami?"

SAILOR MERCURY nods in the affirmative.

SAILOR JUPITER: "You didn't see him in action, way back when.  
I did.  Ordinary men who lose their heart crystals just lie there and 
die.  Ordinary men do not get up and start beating on the Daimon 
that stole it!"

SAILOR VENUS: "Yes!  Just talk to the man for a while!  He's... 
he's....."  (trails off with a dreamy look in her eyes)

The others look at her with exasperated expressions on their faces.  
SAILOR VENUS notices, her face suddenly hardening and taking 
on a much more serious expression.

SAILOR VENUS: "Rei, he's not just a man.  He's-"

The scene suddenly shifts, and someone else finishes the sentence.

MALE VOICE: "...not Captain America.  Not anymore."

The speaker is a blond-haired man with blue eyes.  He's incredibly 
well-built without seeming overly muscular.  He's wearing a light 
blue robe and appears quite relaxed.  He's sipping from a cup of tea 
that he hold in his right hand.  From his left forearm hangs the 
shield we saw earlier.

The blond man is talking to someone offscreen, whose face we 
cannot see.

MAN: "The United States has been dead for nearly a thousand 
years.  Now I'm just a man named Steve Rogers.

The scene shifts again.  This time we see a fabulous hall, filled with 
men and women dressed in antiquated clothing.  Swords and 
daggers hang from many of their belts.  The people all seem to have 
some subtle larger-than-life feel to them.

At one end of the hall is an enormous throne.  Upon it sits an 
enormous man, who has a full beard of light blond hair.  The man is 
dressed in the regalia of a king, and idly spinning a powerful war 
hammer in one hand, apparently as a nervous gesture.  
ENDYMION is addressing the man.

ENDYMION: "Thor, I have to be sure.  Can we count on your 
support in this coming struggle?"

THOR: "Thou mayst ever count on the friendship of the Lord of 
the Golden Realm.  Though our worlds have grown ever further 
apart with the passage of centuries, I shalt not abandon Midgard in 
thy hour of need!"

The scene shifts again.  We see a clean-shaven man dressed in a 
white lab coat, pacing back and forth across a featureless white 
surface.  He has brown hair that's standing on end, as if the victim 
of static electricity.  The man's face has a peculiar ageless look to

FEMALE VOICE: (from offscreen)  "Peter!  Get down right now."

The camera rotates and pulls back.  The woman who spoke is 
revealed to be SAILOR MERCURY.  The surface that PETER was 
walking on is revealed to be the room's ceiling.  His hair was being 
pulled down by the force of gravity.

PETER grins sheepishly at MERCURY.

PETER: "Sorry."

He drops to the ground, twisting effortlessly in mid-air, and landing 
gracefully on his feet.

SAILOR MERCURY: "You haven't done that in..... well, longer 
than I can remember."

PETER's grin fades.

PETER: "Stressful times bring back old habits, I guess."

Scene shifts yet again. Rubble and ruin lie everywhere.  We seem to 
have dropped in the middle of some great battle.  A large green 
man stands in the middle of it all, looking at some foe offscreen.  
The green man is over seven feet tall, and has muscles bulging on 
top of muscles.  The air around him seems to shimmer with his 
sheer physical power.

GREEN MAN: "I never thought I'd say this again, but... HULK 
SMASH!"  (he leaps offscreen)

We see a door.  The nameplate on it reads *Dr. Karla Sofen*.  A 
white-gloved hand reaches out and pushes it open.  Our viewpoint 
swivels around, and we can see the intruder is VENUS, dressed in 
full super-sailor uniform.

In the room is a desk, and behind the desk sits a woman with long 
blond hair, presumably DR. SOFEN.

SOFEN: "Hello Venus.  Come for some therapy?  I'll give you a 

VENUS: "Therapy requires trust, and I wouldn't trust you with my 
grocery list..... Moonstone."

SOFEN tries to force a laugh, but it seems to choke in her throat.

SOFEN: "Now, now.  You know I've put all that behind me.  I'm 
just a humble psychiatrist these days.  Ministering to the needs of 
those few citizens of our beloved paradise who require therapy."  
(she smirks a bit when coming to the words 'beloved paradise')

VENUS: (scowling) "I think you know why I'm here.... 

SOFEN: "Hoping to recruit me for this coming battle, I take it.  
You must be quite desperate for super-human assistance to come to 
me.  A former super-villain and all.  I'm sorry to disappoint you, but 
I have no desire to risk my life like that."

VENUS: "It's your neck on the line as much as anyone's."

SOFEN: "Oh I'll survive.  I always do.  But then, you'd know all 
about survival, wouldn't you..... Minako."

A pained expression crosses VENUS's face as we fade out.

The screen is black.  Then a spotlight springs forth, illuminating a 
figure.  It is SAILOR PLUTO.  The rest of the area remains as dark 
as ever.  PLUTO is all we can see.

PLUTO is facing us.  Her head is hung forward, and her hair hides 
her face.  She slowly lifts her head, and her hair falls to either side,

until we can finally see her face.  PLUTO's eyes are cold and dead.  
She opens her lips and speaks in a flat, emotionless voice.

PLUTO: "Galactus is coming."

The spotlight slowly dims.  The last thing we can see before the 
darkness claims her entirely are PLUTO's eyes.  There is still no life 
in them.

"THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE"  A Sailor Moon/ Marvel Universe 
X-over.  Coming sometime before 1999.