Subject: {idea} Regression + Disciples..Re: [FFML] [spam] Angel, Shmangel
From: "Robyn, Duke of Amber" <>
Date: 5/12/1998, 3:15 AM
To: Chris Jones

If the creatures are named/identified as those in the Codex of Angels
they probably are....

If I actually have the gumption (and don't get an opening atmydentist near
my parent's place)  I'll take a look and see which of the "supposed"
angels actually got turfed. 
Of course all of these "angels" could be creepy-ier if they were named 
"Mark" "Luke" "John" etc. (but corny)
 That put's a new face on the one "Angel" which has the choice
of it's life or death it's "sacrifice"  if would in a
differing theological perspective.
 How the heck many Angel's were there?

 As a wacky angelic side note...
 Some time ago....
 A friend of mine did a documentory of the "hypnotic regressions" and I 
got a free  "test drive".
As part of my "regression" (of which I'm a wee bit doubious of) (ha!
Wee... Imight as wellsay I was a red haired girl who once drowned in
China. (or perhaps the guardian warrior of a girl named Miaka) (not true
but a possible fic idea.) ) I digress....

As part of this little escapade I was supposed to  "See" and ID my 
"Guardian Angel " if I so had one....
 I named two....
  Asrafel and Amber (actually before I read or heard of Zelazny's "Amber"
 I looked up both....
 Amber is an actual reference tothe entire Angelic Host.
 Asrafel... well... sort of slid outof Heavenlyoffices before the fall but
didn't quite make it down below either.... one of the " Shades of Grey"
if you will....

     Nene   Nene    Nene    Nene    Nene    Nene    Nene    Nene    Nene   
                    I met a Lady in the Meads,
                    Full beautiful, a faery's child,
                    Her hair was long, her foot was light
                    And her eyes were wild.
           Agent Of Chaos. Robyn, Duke of Amber. Unicorn Knight