Subject: RE: [FFML] [FF][SM] Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Orion 302
From: Helen Szeto
Date: 5/8/1998, 8:21 AM
To: "'LeVar Bouyer '" <>
CC: "'' ' '" <>


From: LeVar Bouyer
To: Helen Szeto
Cc: ' '; ' '
Sent: 5/7/98 9:50 PM
Subject:RE: [FFML] [FF][SM] Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Orion 302

On Thu, 7 May 1998, Helen Szeto wrote:

	She watched the anime exported from Crystal Tokyo, a children's 
show that purported to show the day-to-day life and misadventures of
Neo-Queen herself, along with the darling of the Western Hemisphere, 
Sailor America.  It was wildly popular among American children (and in

all the other nations it was shown in, except for Japan itself: it 
wasn't shown there), and the related merchandise sold like hotcakes.

It would be safe to say that their popularity exceeded that of the 
current president, David Ronowski.

Don't tell me....the anime was 'dubbed' by Dic.

I never said that. :)  DIC is dead and gone by now, I imagine.

<begins a prayer session> May it be from your mouth to the Lord! ^_^

	Serenity's smile had been especially big as she looked upon
uniforms: more modest versions of the sailor fuku worn by her 
protectors, with skirts that reached down to the knees, and without
tiara.  Jupiter had insisted that it was a mockery of the Sailor

but Serenity didn't mind too much.  In her opinion, it was better than

burning them in effigy, which had been known to happen before.

Why Jupiter ? She's got beautiful legs... ^^

Why not Jupiter?  She's one of the more hard-line senshi, I would think,
and second in command to boot.  Serenity certainly isn't going to be
snooty about it.


picky ? ^^; Serenity not get picky about the skirts...b'sides, if it
too drafty....wellll....cloaking ? ^^

	On the screen, the image of Serenity walked down the steps,
waving happily and dressed in her formal white dress.  She had reached
bottom of the steps, where she had met the President.  The
had smiled and bowed in the Japanese style, which managed to win a
from Mercury.  Serenity had bowed slightly as well, and then surprised
President as well by taking his right hand and shaking it firmly.

Oooh oohh! Looks like the AC prez is 'bowing' to Serenity ne ? 

Yep.  It always looks nice on television to see the President
the foreigners and their quaint customs. condescending of the AC Pres....

	"As do I.  I must be off.  Sayonara."  He bowed, pivoted, and 
walked out.  His black-suited bodyguards bowed as well and left.

Hmmmm...can heads of State do that ? It would seem that Serenity, as
Queen and head of State, the protocol might call for her to nod, and
the room first (leaving the President to stew in his anger for a
while ^^)

I'm no expert on how heads of state behave around ech other; a lot of
is off the top of my head.  Even if it would be more proper for Serenity
to leave first, Ronowski has the excuse of other business to attend to.
There's no reason for either to antagonize the other.

Still...protocol would dictate that she leave first or else appearance 
wise 'dismiss' or 'release' him from her presence

	Then again, with the painstaking effort put into security, it
unlikely anyone within a kilometer had so much as a water gun

That went for the President's security detail as well, a detail that

been argued over for the past year.  The senshi had been adamant; it 
would only take one psychotic security guard with a bullet and a clear

shot, and then all bets were off.

As long as there isn't a theater or a book depository nearby,
safe. book depositories that I know of.  Perhaps she could watch a
later, though....

Plays of Henry ? Richard III ?

	It was the most secret room in the world, or at least as secret
anything could be in the world of the 31st century.  Of course the 
planners had known that the location would be found out; it would be 
underestimating any potential enemies to assume otherwise.  So they
taken a further precaution and lined the entire thing with layer after

layer of concrete, lead, rock, water, and whatever could be found to 
insulate against any imaginable force.

....and there's a sign outside saying: Secret Room #4 ^_^;

And perhaps a "do not disturb" placard on top as well.  did I overdo

nope.  I just took a drawing out of Rumic World Trilogy #2 as well
as John Biles' Lemon Sherbert...

	"Good.  I hear Calgary has some nice local restaurants?"

	Lewin, a Calgary native, smiled.  "Best in the world, sir.  
Barbecue that has to be tasted to be believed."

Levar ! I like Calgary! Don't do tooooo much damage.

I make no promises.  I was unable to find any particular dish Calgary
famous for, however, so I went the route of the rodeo and barbeque.  Is
this acceptable? :)

Don't ask me ^^; I dun live in Calgary.  I'm where Victor is...

	"Yes, sir.  You don't suppose anything's gone wrong?"

	The general stood and walked briskly out the door and down the 
hall, with a speed that made him seem younger than his sixty-two

"Of course something's gone wrong," said Black to his adjutant, who
struggling to keep up.  "You know those scientists: never happy unless

they're screwing things up!"

You mean that he didn't know of Murphy's corollary ?
If you're on a roll...nothing ever stops for you!

I thought the corollary was that Murphy was an optimist?  Or can there

heehehehehe I made that one up... I am not Murphy <brown or otherwise>

Hmmmmm....the three series already has 301 and 302....will this
be another weekly release Levar ?

Yes, assuming I keep my wits throughout.  Apparently I didn't learn my
lesson from last summer....

LeVar Bouyer -oh yes, I know what I did last summer.

So do we all...

Next target on the review listings...Levar!


Helen :)