Subject: Re: Re: [FFML] [fusion] idea
From: "B Jones" <>
Date: 5/4/1998, 9:26 PM

On  4 May 98 at 15:52, Jason Liao wrote:
I'd thought of something like this, but how do you reconcile Akane
with the 'most lecherous man in the universe'?  Also, I can't really
see Ranma firing a lightning bolt while shouting 'DAHLING NO BAKA!'
Considering that many of the UY TV episodes revolve around Ataru's
lecherousness and Lum's indignation, this is more than a piddling

It might work if Ataru = Ranma and Lum = Shampoo.
Cherry = Happosai?  <shudder>

Nope, see below.

Ryouga, as Akane's jealous would-be boyfriend (a la Shinobu.)

Shinobu generally attacked Ataru, not Lum.  Unless you think Ryouga
should smack Akane around?  This is not a generally accepted thing.
Shinobu = Akane

I did a web page on this once. (It's not on my site right now, but I may reintroduce it.)  Here goes:

UY                    Ranma 1/2
------------          ------------
Ataru                 Ranma
Lum                   Shampoo
Battle for the earth  Battle on the log
Shinobu               Akane
Rei                   Mousse
Kintaro and Ten       Ryouga and P-chan
Mendo                 Kuno
Cherry                Insane Monk (from "Faster 
                      Kasumi! Kill! Kill!")
Double-mirror demon   Happosai
Megane & Lum's        Hiroshi and Daisuke, Akane's 
  Stormtroopers         pre-Ranma morning battle foes
Elle (movie 2)        Ukyou
the planet Neptune    Joketsuzoku
Sakura                Miss Hinako
Sakura's mother       Cologne
Mr. Moroboshi         Soun Tendo a few others I've forgotten.


Here's a fic idea...
    "Oh, too bad, you fall in spring of drowned 
    wizard.  Now you small-breasted red-head girl."

    "Hey, buddy you didn't you say anything about 
    this before! DRAGON SLAVE! <*FOOM*>"
    And we see a heavily singed Jusenkyo guide.
...maybe not. ^_^

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