Subject: [FFML][Fanfict/Repost]:Face to Face
From: Kaintskr
Date: 5/4/1998, 8:39 PM
Okay here's the story.. I posted Opening Gambits last week, I got a couple
questions about the stories that tied into.. So, I figured since Deunan and I
are l cleaning them up anyway I would repost them.
MegaTokyo 2033
Face to Face
       A BGC Fanfiction
       by Deunan(
	So what that he was a waiter. His job was great. The wages were decent, the
tips were high, but it was the show he loved. Actually, it was more like a
play with numerous plots and subplots, with deeds both pure and foul. The
characterization and the emotional scenes were excellent. The actors and
actresses were great, even thoough  they did not act at all. For hours at a
time, he could just watch people going about their business or just enjoying
themselves.  He was by no means a voyeur. His observations were always in
public be it airports, train stations, even the mall.  
	The woman at table eight intrigued him. An air of confidence and intelligence
seemed to emanate from her. Coldly beautiful, like a well forged blade, she
sat alone. Her short hair of the bluish tint in style with the current fads;
it accented her ageless features.  -It is a crime for that woman to be alone,-
he thought. He was tempted to walk over and take her order, although it was
not his table. Then a man entered and sat down across from the woman.
	The man was tall and well built, perhaps fifty or sixty years old. His face
was jagged and rough with lines to show he had not experienced an easily life.
His snow white hair was shoulder length.  His eyes seemed 
almost predatory, hawk like.  He smiled and sat back.  The voices were too low
and the distant too great to listen, but watching was enough.

	The waiter placed the bottle of wine on the table and left them alone.  Sylia
poured herself a glass and took a sip never once taking her eyes off the her
mortal enemy.  She did not trust him for one moment, a  derringer lay in her
purse, a was snub-nosed pistol under her shirt.  She carried two knives in an
wrist and ankle sheath.  From the way he walked, he most likely was armed
	"Excellent," she commented placing the glass back onto the table.  "1999, is
it not?"
	Quincy grunted softly, "Bioengineered grapes, a new product likely to hit the
market in two weeks.  They are only about a month old."
	"Yet another economic victory for Genom," Sylia replied in disgust.  "Single-
handedly destroying the wine market."
	"It will most likely making existing bottles more valuable.  When the public
buys the cheaper biogrown, the existing vintages will become rarer and
expensive. The winegrowers will benefit greatly from this."
	"I'll have to remember to buy some shares in that stock," she said  narrowing
her gaze.  Quincy took a sip and leaned back in his chair. 
	"You make it seem that it was my fault.  Genom is not all evil.  Is that not
what you said to that girl...Lisa something or another, just last week ?"  
	"Something to that effect."  
	Quincy sighed, "Does not that hate get...tiresome?  An intellect of your
capacity is wasting its talents.  You can't defeat me without the backlash
killing thousands.  Imagine all those power hungry fools battling  for control
of my position.  Chaos not only in MegaTokyo but around the  world."
	"Unless you seek immortality you will die eventually, and those power hungry
fools will battle it out.  No matter how many artificial organs or cybernetic
limbs, the brain will wither and die."
	"Immortality?  Do you believe me to be a fool?  Mason was a fool to the end
with his damn dreams.  You were merciful to kill him.  Immortality breeds
nothing but boredom and weariness.  Better to burn brightly for a few
moments than to fade away,"  Quincy sneered.  "You gain nothing by continuing
your foolish crusade."
	Sylia smiled slightly, "I've gained more than you realize.  Power enough to
counter the corruption of your company and...,"
	"Your respect.  We are the two most powerful forces in MegaTokyo foes to the
bitter end," she stated matter-of-factly, "yet we dine together with only our
mutual respect keeping us from drawing our weapons."
	Quincy chuckled ironically. "Ironic is it not,  You interest me Sylia
Stingray.  You are not the na�ve fool that your father was.  You have a
darkness behind those eyes.  That is why I don't have you and all your friends
murdered outside their hardsuits."
	"A game is not interesting unless the players are challenging,"  She said
somewhat distantly.  "I want you crushed beneath my heel begging for your
life.  I want you to know that you are defeated before I kill you."  
Her voice was as cold and sharp as a razor, her eyes burning.
	"So the game continues both of us abiding by our unspoken rules,"  Quincy
stated intensely.  She took out a pen, and quickly scribbled on a napkin and
slid it over to him.  He nodded, and they both left.

	Quincy entered his office alone.  The size of a small auditorium and
spartanly  decorated..  Briskly, he walked over to his desk.  On it lay a
simple rosewood chessboard, hand carved.  The pieces lay all over the board
clearly indicating a match yet to be finished.  He glanced at the napkin.
Delicately, he moved the white knight into position.  
	"Check,"  He imagined her saying.  He chuckled as her reclined in his chair.
It would most certainly be a long and interesting game.  Leaning forward, he
studied the board.  It most certainly would.


-I like winning almost as much as watching you lose-

>From a t-shirt I saw