Subject: [FFML] [EVA] Questions...
From: Shizen
Date: 4/12/1998, 2:18 AM

First, I'd just like to let you all know, I'm new, and would appreciate 
any help concerning thhe most efficient and proper use of this system.
Second, as my first post, I have a few Eva questions. Mainly because I'm 
24 episodes into the series, and after 17, I got lost.
Right now, I only want to know what Rei's purpose is. I'll have finished 
watching the series tomorrow, so I hope 80% of my questions will be 
The series went from awesome action, little symbolism, to total sybolism 
and confusing plots. I appreciate anyone who can save me from 
experiencing a mental breackdown similar to Asuka's, heh.
