Subject: Re: [FFML] all seem to have missed the point...
From: Trom
Date: 12/22/1997, 12:05 AM
To: The Eternal Lost Lurker

The Eternal Lost Lurker wrote:

While I completely disagreed with the tone of an earlier post by Mark
Doherty, I will agree with one thing.

Folks, did anyone carefully read the message/spamfic I posted this
morning? Was the meaning clear to anyone?

Judging from the number of spamfics which popped up as a result, I
think not.

Responding to the USA Today article by writing spamfics in which you
immaturely have anime character extoll property damage or casualties
upon the offices and staff of the newspaper is hardly, by any means,
a mature response to the situation.

This is the type of situation that deserves a sophisticated approach,
not purile drivel the likes of what one would expect from...a certain
individual who shall remain nameless.

I wrote the spamfic/article to make a point. The point was: "This is
what happens when news columnists do not bother to get both sides of
the story." I, being a former editor of a small newspaper myself,
would have taken one look at that article, and thrown it in the
trash, demanding the two authors go out and check the other side of
the story. USA Today's editorial staff, if they respect any form of
true journalism whatsoever, would have done the same. This tells me
that I, as a small-town, virtually unknown editor, with a 25 cent
paper, and making no money from doing it, had more integrity about my
job than the staff of USA Today have about theirs...which is truly
I agree, as anyone who has ever written a research paper dicussing two 
points knows.  That you must go over multiple levels of your theory 
before handing it in.  Its even worse with a newspaper as thousands will 
read it and think that you know the subject as fact, not as point of 
view.  If I had done that in any of my major papers, I wouldn't have 
passed the course.  While its ok to print your point of view it is not 
ok to judge something by base limited standards.  As Lurkers fic 
dictated three hours of just certain anime is not enough to make an 
accurate descition.  Then first anime I have ever watched was Voltron, 
defender of the universe and I loved while not knowing it was anime.  
when I truly found out what anime was I got different forms of it and 
made a judgement on what type that I liked.  Not on the art in general. 
 Oh sure there is some artwork I like better, some genre.  But that 
isn't a reason to judge them all.  personally I don't care for 
beavos+butthead, although I still watched the movie. anyway I'm getting 
off the point that I think Lurker was trying to make.  Given scientific 
studies, three hours with only two people is not an addiquite form of 
research, as the viewers are bias again what they were watching over 
something that had happened somewhere else.
	A true Scientific Study would have taken multiple small groups, 
have one as a control group and subject them to the process used to come 
to a consencious.  (Sorry College has really warped my mind)Even large 
companies know this for these are the tactics they use to market their 
	Well thats my two cents.