Subject: [ff][repost, sort of][ranma] Antithesis, part 1.
From: Key
Date: 11/10/1997, 10:44 AM

A repost indeed...  Nope, this is not a lame attempt by me to start
spreading around my fics in hopes that people would read it.  No, in fact,
as I took the time to read this story last night, (I was bored) I noticed
a few areas that I could patch up here and there.  So after changing a few
typos here and there, I got the idea to rewrite parts here and there...
Then I got the ax out and hacked out a good portion of the story...
Then...  well, never mind... life on 3 hours of sleep isn't much.

This version is merely a patched one with some typos removed.  I guess the
rewrite didn't look good before I committed the 220Kb file to 2400 baud
upload to the shell account...

So the big question is...  Will I finish this story once and for all?
Well... I'll try, but don't count on it.

Alternative Reality #2: Antithesis
New Version 
by Key
Title Credits: Andrew Huang.  (Damn it!  That was the best 
title I've ever seen.)

Yet another Alternate Reality story by moi, and an attempt 
by me to finish up old stuff.  I guess I was lying when I said 
I didn't want to write another Ranma fanfic for a 

Chapter 1: Marriage?

    "What!"  Ranma shouted at his mother.  "You're going 
to remarry!"  He stared incredulously at his mother, who 
looked slightly nervous.  Nodoka Saotome, a widow of six 
years, had finally felt that her children lacked a fatherly 
figure in their life, and she had spent a good two years 
searching for an appropriate man.  Fortunately, she had 
found one.

    But something else was more important.  "Now, Ranma, 
please calm down so I can explain."  Nodoka tried to 
soothe her only son, before anything could happen.  It was 
not safe to keep Ranma agitated for a long time, and with 
ever second spent not calm, Ranma was closer and closer 
to death.

    Ranko dumped a bucket of cold water on her older 
brother, which helped him to stop shouting.  "Hey Ranma, 
cool off, or your blood pressure's going to go too high."  
The combined efforts of his mother, sister, and the pail of 
icy cold water were effective, and Ranma silenced his 

    Nodoka sighed somewhat in relief.  The doctors had told 
her that her son's recovery from the accident was a miracle, 
but for the rest of his life, he would suffer from a weak 
constitution.  She had to admire her son's tenacity to try to 
resume a life of a martial artist.  He worked hard, he 
practiced, he trained.  

    At first, Nodoka let her son pursue his dreams of 
becoming a martial artist, but after finding him collapsed 
on the dojo floor, she was adamant in not letting him learn 
the Art.  Although he was extremely talented in the Art, 
pursuing it further was an exercise in futility.

    "Well, we are going to the Tendo's for dinner, and that's 
final.  Mr. Tendo is a good friend of your fathers and he is 
a good father as well.  I'm sure your father would be proud 
to have Mr. Tendo raise you."

    Ranma shot his mother a resentful look, before leaving 
the kitchen quickly.  Nodoka's face was that of slight 
exasperation.  There was no telling what he was capable of 
doing when angered.  Ranko smiled encouragingly to her 
mother, and followed Ranma out the door.  Well, she didn't 
have to move far, as Ranma was already leaning against the 
wall, gasping for breath.  

    Ranko tried her best to contain her anger.  "Brother, if 
you have a fascination for death, by all means, exhaust 
yourself to death.  Mother and I feel sorry for you, but don't 
think that we are going to sacrifice 100% of our lives to 
your standards.  Mom has always been there to support you, 
and I think it's about time that you helped her.  Don't blow 
it at dinner time, or ELSE."  Ranko tried her best to look 
threatening, but she failed miserably.

    Ranma his entire life had in some way or another looked 
after her.  Before the accident, he kept the bullies away 
from his sister, and on a few occasions beat the stuffing out 
boys who mocked his sister's preference for pants and 
boy's clothing.  After the accident, he helped his sister with 
her school work.  Ranma made a brief laugh, as he watched 
his sister try to be stern.

    Grumbling a bit, he looked the other way.  "Fine.  I 
won't be rude at dinner."  She smiled a bit.  "Hey, will you 
quit smiling at me? "  He grumbled even more, as he 
thought of the Herculean task of keeping his mouth shut 
during dinner.  "Well, I've got homework to do.  If you 
need any help, you know I'll be in my room."

* * *

    Soun sat uneasily at the head of the table.  He truly 
didn't know what to say, or what to expect.  During the 
past couple years, he felt guilty for lying to his children 
about his trips and such.  In truth, he was really dating 
Nodoka Saotome, the wife of his late friend who had died 
in a tragic accident.  Surprisingly, both of them found the 
other to be rather interesting and a month ago, he finally 
scraped up the courage and money to buy an engagement 

    Nabiki sounded a little impatient, but nevertheless still 
agreeable.  "Ok, what's the important news?"

    Soun started to talk.  "Well, it's about me in fact."

    "I'm home!"  Akane entered the room, and looked 
quizzically at her father seated as if he had an important 
thing to say.  Dropped off yet another gift from her 
boyfriend, she sat down next to Nabiki, who seemed to 
look enviously at her younger sister.

    "So what happened?  Tatewaki gave you a gift?"

    Akane smiled.  "Yes, it was our one year anniversary, 
and he gave me a ring and matching necklace."  She had to 
admit, it was strange that she finally agreed to date Kuno 
that fateful day, one year ago.  Before, she had merely 
thought of Kuno as a rather long winded individual, who 
was really into Shakespeare and into girls.  But surprisingly 
enough, he turned out to be an extremely faithful person.  
However, his sister, Kodachi, was a different story 
altogether, but she seemed to have settled down recently.

    Soun looked at the conversation that was developing in 
front of him, and every time he tried to speak, either Akane 
or Nabiki would cut him off.  Fortunately his oldest 
daughter came into the room with some tea.  "Please, let 
Father speak."  Immediately, Akane and Nabiki silenced.

    He found himself wishing that Akane and Nabiki had 
continued their conversation, because now, given the green 
light to tell his secret, he found himself not so sure.  "Well, 
um.  I, um."  Soun found himself stumbling over his 
words, and he looked helpless as he floundered around.

    Kasumi sighed.  "I believe, Father, that you intend to tell 
us about the Saotomes."  His face turned paper-white.  
Apparently, his well kept secret wasn't so well kept.  

    "Well, we're going to have guests over for dinner, and I 
want you all to be dressed nicely and be on your best 
behaviors."  Soun breathed a sigh of relief, as he finally 
postponed his announcement a few hours.  He knew that 
Nodoka-chan would be able to take care of everything.

    Kasumi only shook her head.

* * *

    The doorbell rang twice, in a brief succession.  Akane 
and Nabiki were both seated on the back porch, talking 
about various things.  "Nabiki, do you think they're here?"  
Akane absentmindedly fingered her necklace as they heard 
Kasumi answer the door.

    "Ah, Ms. Saotome.  Please come in."  Kasumi bowed 
very deeply to Nodoka, and allowed the Saotome family to 

    Nodoka smiled.  "You're Kasumi, right?  No need to be 
so formal.  My, I like what you've done to this home."  She 
walked into the house, but Ranma stood warily at the door.  
Somehow, he just couldn't summon the energy to lift his 
foot and go into the home.  Before he could even begin to 
deliberate whether he should go through dinner at this 
place, or go get some ramen from a restaurant, Ranko 
pushed him in the door.

    "Hurry it up, will you!"

    Nabiki turned around, and saw Kasumi leading three 
people in.  There was a rather beautiful woman, and two 
teenagers, all were obviously related.  Perhaps it was the 
eyes.  There was something about the boy that she couldn't 
quite put her finger on it.  She did see him before.

    Soun was a little bit in the quick side to rush over and 
greet the newcomers.  "Ah, Nodoka!  Welcome to our 
home.  Here are my daughters, Akane, Nabiki, and 
Kasumi."  He pointed all of his daughters out, and each was 
polite enough to say hi or wave.

    Nodoka smiled.  "What beautiful daughters."  Ranma 
almost snorted.  To him, he felt that Nodoka was trying to 
replace his father.  Ranma not remember when he last saw 
his father.  But from all accounts and his own soul, he 
knew that his father died for him.  Ranko could see Ranma 
clench his fists.

    Ranko whispered into Ranma's ears.  "What's wrong?"

    Nabiki too had reservations about having guests over.  
`Hmph, it's one of Father's attempts to find a "decent 
mother."  Great.'  Nabiki feigned a smile.

    Nodoka gestured to her children.  "These are my 
children, Ranma and Ranko."

    All seemed to work out quite nicely.  Akane and Kasumi 
were both rather friendly, but Nabiki remained aloof. "Oh 
great!  I forgot something.  Father, dinner should be ready 
in thirty minutes."  The eldest Tendo daughter rushed out 
of the room.

    Akane felt particularly cheerful that day, so she decided 
to talk a bit with Ranma and Ranko.  "Hey, so how do you 
guys feel?"

    Ranma immediately looked the other way and muttered 
something that seemed to be "I'm fine, and you?"

    Ranko elbowed her brother in the ribs, and Akane was 
surprised to see him fall back, winded.  He did seem 
visually to be in excellent shape.  Ranko practically gasped, 
and pulled her brother up.

    "So what do you two like to do?"  Akane looked at him 
and his younger sister.  Immediately Ranma shrugged his 
shoulders, but Ranko answered immediately.

    "I like martial arts."  Akane's eyebrow raised, since she 
was also interested in martial arts.  

    Akane smiled as a plan formed in her head.  "Hey, you 
two want to spar with me?"  Ranma's face twisted slightly 
while Ranko showed immediate interest.  Ranma sighed, 
and nodded, knowing that his sister would more than gladly 

* * *

    Akane stood across from Ranko, her hair slightly messy 
with a slight grin on her face.  Ranko was pretty good, in 
fact she had a vast advantage in speed.  However, she had 
the advantage in technique and training, and on numerous 
occasions she landed her blows on Ranko.  Ranko was 
breathing heavily.

    Akane quickly looked out the corner of her eye, and 
noticed Ranma looking bored, while sitting on the floor.  
He was looking intently at the fight, and during the current 
lull, he motioned to his sister, who did bear quite a 
resemblance to him.  "Ranko. Hey Ranko!  Come over 
here."  Ranko shrugged her shoulders, and broke off from 
the fight to listen to her brother.

    Akane watched him whisper something into her ear, and 
she instantly reacted as if she just realized something that 
was blatantly obvious.  Ranko nodded, and she walked 
back to the center of the Dojo, returning to sparring with 

    "Hey, Ranko.  What did he say?"  Akane was curious, as 
there was a small smile on her opponent's face.

    "Oh nothing.  Get ready!"  Ranko charged Akane, and 
Akane unleashed a barrage of attacks to notice that Ranko 
dodged under her attacks, and swept Akane's legs out from 
under her.  The entire dojo whirled as she landed on her 

    Ranko was there to help Akane to her feet.  Feeling 
sheepish, she knew that she allowed her confidence to 
overshadow her caution.  "You're pretty good, Ranko."

    Ranko giggled.  "Oh it's nothing.  My brother really beat 
you.  He told me what to do."  Akane flashed a look at 
Ranma who was breathing heavily just from standing up.  
He certainly didn't seem like a person who was good in 
martial arts.

    The door to the dojo slid open, and Nabiki leaned in the 
doorway.  "Hey, Kasumi finished cooking.  You should 
come over for dinner."

* * *

    During dinner, Ranma didn't seem to eat a lot.  Well, in 
fact, he never ate a lot.  It just that he never had a strong 
appetite, like his sister.  During dinner, everyone sat there 
watching with surprise and envy as they saw slim and 
slender Ranko consume large amounts of food.

    "May I be excused?"  Nodoka stared at Ranma who had 
barely touched anything at all, and she nodded.

    "Ranma, try to be back soon?"  Ranma nodded, and he 
walked outside, and lied down on the backporch.

    Soun looked at Nodoka.  "What's wrong?"  Nabiki bend 
down to retrieve a fallen napkin, and she couldn't help but 
notice Soun's hand holding Nodoka's.  Nabiki almost 
dropped her chopsticks.

   Nodoka shook her head.  "I'll tell you later."

    Meanwhile, Nabiki was trying to digest what was 
happening.  `So this was what Father wanted to tell us this 
morning.'  Almost immediately, Nabiki felt an anger grab a 
hold of her, but unlike Ranma, she controlled it rather well.  
`How dare Father think of marrying another woman!'

    "Well, I'm not that hungry.  I guess I'll go do 
something."  Nabiki stood up, and left the room.

    Kasumi sat down next to Akane.  "So Ms. Saotome, 
when is the ceremony?"  She looked surprised.

    "What ceremony?"  Akane chewed carefully on some 
food, while looking at her father and Nodoka.  Soun 
seemed slightly put off.

    "You didn't tell your children yet?"  Nodoka stared at 
Soun for a moment.  "Well, Akane, your Father proposed to 
me last week.  We are going to get married in three weeks."  
Akane froze, as the suddenness of the news almost 
overwhelmed her.  However, unlike Ranma or Nabiki, she 
was sort of supportive of her father.

    "That's great!"  Akane smiled at her Father, who was 
glad that none of his daughters had complained.

* * *

    Ranma sighed as he lay on the porch, trying to get some 
rest.  To no one in particular, he muttered.  "Just great.  
Mom's going to marry Mr. Tendo.  She's probably 
forgotten all about Father."  Images of a Genma Saotome 
flashed through Ranma's mind.  The extra attention his 
father gave him.  His training with his father.  His father's 
attempts to help him with school work.

    Ranma knew that his father was a good man, and for that 
fact, he knew that no other man could ever take his place.

    Meanwhile, Nabiki was having similar thoughts about 
her mother.  But at the same time, she was thinking about 
that boy.  She had remembered him from somewhere else, 
but she just couldn't put her finger on it.  She flipped pages 
in her ledger, checking for debts that people owed her.  
Then she came across an old entry which stated that she 
had her friend pay 8000 yen to a certain Ranma Saotome, 
as well as 100,000 owed to him!  `Oh great, it seems that I 
owe him money.'

    `No wonder I remember him.  It seems that I had owed 
him a debt a while ago.'  She reveled in the silence, trying 
not to think what her father was doing outside, when she 
realized that someone outside was voicing her exact same 
opinion.  Leaning out of the window, she realized that 
Ranma supine on the porch.

    A plan began to brew in her mind.  "Hey you!  Ranma!"  
Nabiki hissed loudly.  Immediately, Ranma's eyes locked 
onto Nabiki.  "Come up here.  I want to talk with you."  He 
pushed himself off the ground, paused to catch his breath, 
and he walked slowly into the house.

    He seemed monotone as he walked quietly past the 
dining room.  `Nabiki Tendo.  I believe that she still owes 
me a lot of money.'  Taking a deep breath, he looked at the 
stairs in front of him, and with a sigh he walked up.

    Nabiki sat on her bed, somewhat amazed that it could 
take a person over a minute to get to her room from 
outside.  There was a knock at her door, and in the 
background, she could hear heavy breathing.  Opening the 
door, Nabiki was greeted with the sight of Ranma, leaning 
against the wall, looking as if he had swam for hours.

    "So why did you want to see me?"  He seemed to have 
caught his breath rather quickly.

    "Let's say I have a business proposition.  One that might 
serve both of our interests, concerning our parents."  She 
noticed that he had been staring at her the entire time, 
making her rather nervous.  It seemed that Ranma had an 
ability to intimidate without really doing anything.

    "Is that so?"  He glanced at his watch.  "I certainly am 
intrigued.  You have ten minutes."  Nabiki indicated with 
her head, and he walked into the room.

* * *

    "Where is Ranma?"   Ranko peered around, semi-
worried about her brother and at the same time, somewhat 
worried that he could be doing one of his lame-brained, and 
successful, money making schemes.

    Ranko raised her voice, and rudely shouted.  "Yo, 
Ranma!  Where are you?  We're getting ready to leave!"  
Ranko looked around the silent house, as if trying to find 
some hiding space.  "Hey, Ranma!"

    There was a creak as someone walked down the stairs.  
Ranma gripped tightly onto the handrail, as if it was all that 
was keeping him from loosing his footing and falling down.  
Nabiki muttered quietly.  "It would be nice that you 

    Ranma muttered back.  "As if it were all my fault.  Be 
quiet or I'll double your debt."

    Nabiki snickered.  "Oh, you scare me."

    "I have proof that you juryrigged the kendo match last 
week.  I know tons of people won't be happy."  Ranma 
maliciously smiled at Nabiki who looked some what 

    "Me?  Of all people, rig a fight for money?"  She tried 
her hardest to look innocent, despite the fact that she knew 
that Ranma had literally hit it right on the head."

    "Yeah right."  Ranma stopped talking, and he carefully 
walked out the door, taking extra care not to trip as he 
walked down the steps.

    Nabiki spoke out loud as the door closed.  "Geesh, what 
a stiff."  However, she smiled somewhat, a new challenge 
on her mind.  `But it would be well worth it to get back at 

Chapter 2

    "So Ranma what were you doing?"  Ranko peered at her 
brother as he walked home.  Something in the back of her 
mind told her something was weird.  At school, Ranma 
would rarely ever talk to a person, unless he really had 
good reason to.  And he did spend a lot of time with Nabiki 
during dinner time.

    "It's nothing."  He continued onwards, not speaking as 

    "Oh, is that so?  May be you like Nabiki Tendo?"  Ranko 
landed playfully in front of her brother.  His face barely 
made a twitch, no doubt an infuriating quality he had.  He 
never betrayed his emotions to another.

    "Nabiki?  I'm not interested in her the slightest."  Ranma 
walked on, his breath heavy as he tried to keep a forced 
pace.  `If I keep doing this, I'll be able to endure more.'  
But even determination was not called for, as an attack of 
coughs broke through, and he bent down, trying to regain 
his breath.

    Ranko sounded angry.  "Brother, pace yourself better!  
Here, rest on my shoulder."  She stepped next to her 
brother, but was surprised when he pushed her away.

    "No.  I can do it."  Ranma took a deep breath to calm his 
composure, and he continued.

    He stumbled in the door, sighing as Ranko had spent the 
entire trip berating him for be a stubborn idiot, and for 
being too attracted to money.  "Ranma, if you weren't as 
stubborn, I'd never worry about you!  If you didn't take 
money from others, then I don't have to worry that a bunch 
of kids are going to bang you up after school."  He didn't 
bother to retort, as he learned the hard way, his sister was 
even more stubborn than him.

    Ranma had used his standard reply  "Yes, I'll do what 
you say."  She sighed, as she knew that her brother was not 
the slightest interested in changing his life style.  Ever since 
seeing him lose his strength, Ranko could feel a drastic 
change in Ranma.  He rarely smiled.  He was never happy, 
and he started to derive his joy through monetary means.  
How Ranma managed to produce money to help pay for the 
family bills, it was something that amazed Ranko.

* * *

    "Ranma, I really have a problem.  I can't scrape up the 
money to pay you!  My paycheck is due in two days.  
Please, this will be the last time."  The boy in front of 
him looked so guilty, that Ranma felt that it would be a 
crime to take advantage of him.  He gritted his teeth, and 
leaned against the tree.

    "Well, you know me.  I really need that money.  I have 
my debts."  Ranma looked squarely at the boy in the face, 
feigned a long pause, deriving pleasure from the fact that 
he was the most important thing in his client's life.  "Very 
well.  I give you a three day extension.  Don't tell anyone, 
or else."  Ranma sighed and walked away.  The boy stared 
at Ranma, with a sort of surprise.  He rarely ever relaxed 
his terms of an agreement.

    Well, in reality, Ranma did feel sorry for people who 
truly had problems in paying back, and he was quite 
flexible, contrary to public belief.  But then again, he 
became a vicious vulture if he found out that someone had 
abused his sympathies.  He did have a whit of decency 
within him, but he just didn't like to advertise it.

    As Ranma walked, a little unsteadily, through the 
schoolyard, students slowly moved out of his way, as if not 
willing to anger him.  "Ah, is this the esteemed Ranma 
Saotome?"  He stared at the "Star of Furinkan High", and 
immediately alarms rang off in his head.  `Damn it, already 
I'm at a disadvantage.'  Ranma stared envious at 
's healthy body.

    "It has come to my attention that you haven't been 
honorable to women.  Is it true that you demanded payment 
from Karin Aijima?"  Kuno pulled out a bokken at Ranma.

    "Yes it is true."  Ranma stood still.

    Kuno shouted.  "Fiend!  How dare you prey on women?"  
The swordsman shouted, and with a quickness he slashed at 
Ranma.  He had long since seen the sword coming at him.  
He slid to the side, allowing the sword to bounce 
ineffectively against the pavement.  Taking the opening, 
Ranma launched a couple blows against Kuno, and leaped 

    Already, Ranma felt his body quickly loosing its 
strength.  As he landed, he lost his footing, and fell back.  
He struggled to get to his feet, but his lungs burned as he 
tried to force air in and out of them.

    Kuno slowly approached Ranma.  "You are good.  Very 
well, I won't feel guilty when I smite thee."  He swung his 
sword mightily, and Ranma rolled out of the way.  
However, he was on top of things, and he drove his foot 
into Ranma's back.  Ranma groaned as he lay still.

* * *

    Ranma's eyes fluttered open, and he looked at his 
environs.  It was the nurse's office.  He had been here a few 
times in his high school career.  Once when he tried to 
actually participate in physical education.  Once when he 
ran up the stairs, when he was late for class.  Sitting up 
slowly, he looked around, and his eyes rested on Nabiki, 
who had a slight smile on her face.

    "Sorry to hear that you got beaten by Kuno.  He really 
hates it when other men take advantage of his favorite 
women."  The tone of Nabiki's voice clued him in.  She 
had the slightest tremor of nervousness.

    "Ah is that so?"  His voice was flat, unemotional, giving 
her not a single clue of what was on his mind.  `Yes you, 
admit that you did it.'  He continued.  "I'm late for class."  
Ranma sat up slowly, and pushed himself off the bed.

    Immediately, things went wrong.  As soon as he left the 
bed, all strength left him, and he landed on the floor.  
Nabiki looked at him, determined, slowly pushed himself 
up.  "You alright?"  Nabiki teetered nervously, as she had 
never really come into business contact with Ranma before.  
And he already seemed to have the upperhand, except for 
his apparent weakness.

    Ranma basically grunted, and he somewhat limped out 
of the room.  Nabiki sighed.  She didn't blame Ranma for 
having really bad manners.  It seemed that he didn't enjoy 

* * *

     Ranma walked down the hall, his mind furiously at 
work.  Personally, he didn't really want to take any action 
against Nabiki. at this point.  Both had somewhat struck a 
deal last night, and as a decent businessman, Ranma did 
not intend to break his end of the deal.  But that didn't 
mean that he couldn't have a little revenge on Kuno 

    Actually, revenge on Kuno wasn't so difficult.  All 
Ranma had to do was pick at Kuno's weaknesses, until he 
had to concede defeat.  Ranma looked at Kuno from the 
end of the hall, flirting with another girl.  A thin smile 
appeared on Ranma's face.  "Perhaps it's time that I 
brushed up on photography."

    Sometime later, Kuno was talking with a bunch of 
admiring girls, when he heard a soft voice behind him.  
"Hey, Kuno."

    Tatewaki turned around, "Ah, if it isn't the wretched 
Saotome.  Coming back for more, I presume"  There were 
a few giggles as a small crowd began to collect.

    "Hey, isn't Saotome going to get it this time?"  Other 
whispers could be heard.  "Yeah, I never forgave him when 
he confiscated my watch.  I hope Kuno pounds him into the 

    Ranma was grinning as if he had a cat.  With a brief 
flourish, Ranma produced a small 3x5 photograph out of 
thin air, a cheap magician's sleight of hand.  Ranma tossed 
it at Kuno.  "Tatewaki, consider this.  I'm pretty angry 
about this morning, and I demand 100000 yen as repayment 
for your deed.  Consider that as a little reminder."  Ranma 
indicated the photograph.  

    Tatewaki cautiously bent down, and retrieved the 
photograph.  A quick look was more than enough to make 
him start trembling.  "You!  You!"  Kuno's voice started 
breaking up.  "How did you get this picture!!"  Ranma 
smirked, and with a quick movement of his hands, a small, 
yet respectable stack appeared in his hands.

    "I could mail these photographs to a certain friend of 
yours."  Ranma stood there, watching Kuno grovel and 
grumble.  He laughed, a rather eerie laugh for Nabiki as she 
knew that this was a genuine laugh.  He had always found 
it strange when he derived pleasure from another's 
misfortune.  But then again, Kuno did attack him without 
provocation, so it was sort of an elaborate revenge.

* * *

    Nodoka sighed as she watched Ranma come home.  
From the distant, she could tell that Ranma didn't quite 
have a good day in school.  Well, first of all, her son was 
not quite walking normally, as his back was still somewhat 
sore.  He waved somewhat to her, tried to run to the door, 
but half way, he had to slow down.  Nodoka opened the 
door.  Ranma dumped an envelope into his mother's hands.

    "Taidama.  That should cover this month's utility bills 
and taxes."  Without another word, he slowly made his way 
up the stairs.  Nodoka stared at the bundle of bills in her 

* * *

    Nabiki grumbled as she leafed through her ledger.  He 
had managed to amaze her as he turned his loss, into a 
pretty hefty profit.  She heard that he managed to extort 
100,000 yen off Kuno.  `Darn it, with that money I could 
have at least gotten some new clothes or pay off that 
damned tax collector.'

    Leaning over her desk, she picked up her telephone, and 
dialed.  "Come on, I know you're home.  Answer the 
phone."  Nabiki listened to the telephone ring, and looked 
at the clock.  It had been an hour since her father allegedly 
went to pick up a pack of cigarettes.  `That's it.  He's gone 
out on a date.'

    The phone picked up, after endless ringing.  Someone 
sounded hoarse on the other end.  "Hello?  Saotome 

    "I want to speak with Ranma."  There was a long 
silence, and a muffled cough.

    "I'm Ranma.  Surprised you didn't recognize my voice."  
She heard more coughing.

    "Hey, is your mother home?"   Nabiki wanted to double 
check.  Chances were if Ranma's mother wasn't home as 
well. that could mean that her father ran out on a date.

    There was a bitter laugh.  "No.  Why do you think I'm 
trying to practice in the Dojo?"  Ranma started coughing 

    "Well, my father isn't home.  He left an hour ago, for 
what he said, cigarettes."  Nabiki's voice was soft, as to not 
introduce any attention.

    "Then it would seem a coincidence, or not?  My mother 
left an hour ago as well."  Nabiki listened to Ranma's 
voice, and was quite surprised that he sounded so definite.  
"I would be willing to bet that they went to some 
restaurant.  Perhaps that new French place?"

    "That would seem like a good place to start.  Tell you 
what, I'll come over to your place."  She heard the phone 
hang up on the other end.  Nabiki stared at the handset.  "I 
guess that means yes."

* * *

    Nodoka smiled as she watched Soun fidget helplessly in 
his seat.  "So what do you think about dinner, Soun?"  She 
looked at his dish which was still filled with untouched 
food, with names that absolutely seemed terrifying.  

    "Um, it's quite delicious.  Just that I can't believe that 
we are actually going to get married in three weeks."  
Nodoka's eyebrow's arched upwards as she daintily 
attacked her food.

    "Is that so?"  She placed her fork and knife on the table 
so that she could wipe her lips.  "Having second thoughts?"  
She smiled.

    He shook his head quite vigorously.  "Oh no, no.  Not 
that."  Soun began to babble, but Nodoka shushed him.

    "Don't worry, everything is going to go smoothly."  She 
smiled reassuringly at Soun who tried to relax and enjoy 
the food.

* * *

    Ranma leaned over the edge of the roof as Nabiki stared 
at the couple in the restaurant through a pair of binoculars.  
Nabiki watched, slightly sickened at her mother and father 
both laughing in the middle of a restaurant.  "For Christ 
sake, the two are acting as if they were already married."  
Ranma grabbed the binoculars from Nabiki's hand, and 
took a look.

    Nabiki scowled.  "Hey you could ask for them, you 
know."  Ranma didn't reply.  He was too busy trembling 
with anger.

    "I'm going to go down there and give them a piece of my 
mind!"  Ranma, uncharacteristically stood up quickly, and 
walked briskly to the door.

* * *

    "So have you decided who to invite to the wedding?"  
Nodoka helped herself to some wine.  Soun shook his head.

   "No, not really.  Although, I thought it would be great 
that we invited some friends."  Soun offered helpfully.  
Actually he hadn't really given a though to the guest list.

    "Well, I thought I might invite Father over.  I mean, he 
hasn't seen Ranma or Ranko in a long time."

    "You're inviting your father?"  Soun paled somewhat.

    Nodoka nodded.  "He's such a sweet, old man.  And he 
really likes children."

    Soun's mustache drooped.  "You wouldn't say."

* * *

    Ranma tugged on the door, but for some reason, the door 
wouldn't open.  Nabiki, who had retrieved her binoculars, 
spoke without taking her eyes off Soun or Nodoka.  
"Having trouble opening the door?"  Cursing out aloud, 
Ranma kicked the metal door.

    "Someone locked the door."  Ranma sighed, as he sat 
down next to Nabiki, his back against the low wall.  "I 
guess, we have to stay here for the night."  Ranma sighed, 
and muttered something about cold air.

    Nabiki too sighed.  "Great, you forgot to prop the door 

* * *

    Nodoka and Soun slowly walked home, reveling in the 
calmness that night provided.  All was still, nothing for 
endless miles stirred at all.  Just the occasional insect, or 
cat, sounded in the night.  

    "So Soun, how are you feeling about this?"  Nodoka 
smiled, as she grabbed Soun's hand.  Almost immediately, 
Soun managed to trip over nothing, as the cool, hard but 
yielding texture of Nodoka's hand shocked him.

    Soun stammered out.  "How I feel?"  Soun seemed to be 
stumbling on words, but a quick squeeze from Nodoka kept 
Soun on track.  "Well.  I feel lucky."  Soun continued 

    Nodoka seemed puzzled.  "Lucky about what?"  She had 
been expecting a more elaborate answer from Soun.

    "I feel lucky that I have nice daughters who are loving, 
and I feel lucky that I have a second chance at doing 
something right in my life for once."  Soun scraped up the 
courage to smile, and it was his turn to squeeze Nodoka's 
hand.  "Maybe I can redeem myself in this second 

    Nodoka laughed.  "Redeem?  From what I've seen of 
you, there is nothing wrong with you."  Nodoka snickered.  
"And I've seen a lot."

    Soun blushed immediately.  He hissed.  "Nodoka, not 
out in the open."  Soun looked around nervously.

    "Worried that someone will learn about our marriage?"  
Nodoka laughed, as she pulled Soun along.  "Come on!  
We'd better hurry home then, before anyone finds out!"

* * *

    Nabiki huddled up against the wall, in an attempt to fight 
off the cold night air.  `Just great, I'm going to get a cold 
before the night is up.  I just have a feeling.'  Nabiki looked 
over at Ranma who was staring at the sky.  Occasionally, 
he's stare wheezing, and would grab his jacket even closer 
to himself.  Nabiki couldn't help but shiver.

    "You cold?"  Nabiki looked at Ranma, who didn't blink 

    "Yeah, I'm cold."  Nabiki felt extremely uncomfortable 
looked at Ranma.  Fortunately, something flew in the air at 
her, and it broke the mesmerizing link between her and 
Ranma.  It landed on her.

    "You owe me."  Ranma turned over, and curled up.  
Soon he was asleep, but it wasn't restful at all.  It was filled 
with dark dreams and eternal silence.

* * *

    "Ranma, boy!  Where are you!"  A voice echoed in the 
darkness, and one point in the darkness, there was a tiny 
circle of light.   A little boy laughed.

    "I'm here Father!  I'm right here!"  The boy started to 
run towards the opening of the cave.

    "Father!  There is a beautiful lake in here!"  The joy on 
the boy's face was evident as he ran to his father.  He ran 
and ran, but for some reason, the opening of the tunnel 
never reached him.

    Genma shouted something, but that couldn't be heard, as 
his voice was drowned out as the entire world shivered and 

    All that Ranma could see was the tunnel collapsing 
around him, and there was suddenly darkness.

* * *

    The next morning, Nabiki sat up and found Ranma 
hacking his lungs out.  Every cough wracked his body, and 
he seemed to be in constant convulsions.  "Hey, are you 
fine?"  Ranma looked at Nabiki, and with great effort, he 
silences his coughs, but occasionally one would break from 
his lips.

    "I think we might be able to make it to class just on time.  
That is if someone would open that door."  Ranma, with 
great effort, fought his way to his feet, and he walked to the 
door.  Taking a deep breath, Ranma started to pound on the 
door, and in a few minutes, his efforts were paid off when 
an irate businessman yanked the door open.

    Nabiki walked behind Ranma, who seemed to be forcing 
his body to walk forwards at a high pace.  He was sweating 
profusely, and his ragged cough seemed to be getting 
worse.  "Hey, Ranma, you know you talk in your sleep?"

    Ranma shrugged his shoulders.  "I do?  So what secrets 
did I tell you?"  Ranma leaned against the wall, as he felt 
his knees give up, and he fell.  "Damn it!"

    Nabiki looked at Ranma.  "Hey you don't look so good."  
She watched Ranma as he struggled back to his feet.

    "No shit."  Ranma was more cursing himself as his lack 
of ability rather than Nabiki's pointless observation.

    "Maybe you want to see a doctor?"  As soon as Ranma 
got to his feet, he felt all strength leave his body, and he 
collapse to his knees again.

    "My doctor is half way across town.  I don't think I can 
make it there."  Ranma struggled to his feet again.  Nabiki 
surveyed the surrounds, and she grabbed Ranma and helped 
him to his feet.  "Our family doctor is around here.  I'll 
take you to him."

    Almost immediately, Nabiki felt Ranma pull his arm 
free.  "I don't need any help, I can do it myself."  Nabiki 
grumbled to himself.  `He's more stubborn than a mule.'

    Nabiki pushed open the door to the clinic, and held the 
door for Ranma.  A young man of 19 was sweeping the 
front room.  As soon as he heard the door open, he looked 
up, and carefully pushed his glasses into their proper place.  
"Nabiki!  How is Kasumi?  What brings you here?  I almost 
never get to see you."

    Nabiki smiled.  " Hi Tofu, is Uncle in?"

    Tofu smiled.  "No, Master Hirokawa is out.  He had to 
make a housecall.  Maybe I can help."

    Nabiki nodded.  "Ranma needs help."  Nabiki grabbed 
Ranma, and surprisingly found that she could easily push 
him forwards.  Tofu Ono grabbed Ranma's shoulders, and 
started to give a preliminary look over.

    "He doesn't look that good."  As if to reinforce Tofu, 
Ranma started coughing in spasms.  "Well, that cough 
doesn't sound good either."

* * *

    Tofu listened carefully with a stethoscope, and for a few 
minutes, he concentrated hard, as if trying to discern 
something.  After a few minutes, Tofu took off the 
stethoscope.  "Ranma, have you ever had any respiratory 

    Ranma nodded.  "I think I had pneumonia when I was 

    Tofu seemed to understand.  "Well, there isn't that much 
that is too bad.  Just that you have a pretty nasty cold, and 
that will definitely hamper your performance for a few 
days.  And since you had a serious illness before, the 
effects will intensify.  I think you will need bedrest."  
Ranma sighed.

    Nabiki asked Ranma as he walked home.  "You should 
know that staying on the roof last night could have killed 
you?"  Nabiki could remember what Tofu had whispered to 
her.  If Ranma was reckless with his own welfare, next 
time it could be worse.

    "Yeah, yeah.  Whatever.  I'm going home."  As Ranma 
walked off, he shouted hoarsely.  "And don't think being 
good to me will cancel your debt."

* * *

    Nabiki barely made it to school.  In fact, she was 40 
minutes late.  The teacher however was pretty 
understanding, considering the fact that the teacher's son 
owed her some 100,000 yen, and she made a deal to cut the 
debt not to be punished.  Nabiki really didn't care at all, 
since the teacher's son was addicted to gambling.  `He'll 
rack up his debts by next Friday.'

    Nabiki found that she couldn't focus on her schoolwork 
as a few things were bothering her.  For one thing, her 
father seemed to be getting too friendly with Nodoka.  
Secondly, she owed Ranma a pretty hefty sum of money.  
With these two problems on her mind, she found herself 
not focusing on schoolwork.

    Akane sat down next to her during lunch.  "So, where 
were you last night?  Father almost freaked out.  Kasumi 
and Nodoka had to restrain him from doing some weird 

    She grumbled.  "What was Nodoka doing?  Trying to 
prolong her date?"

    Akane seemed surprised.  "How did you know that 
Father had a date last night.  He only told Kasumi."  She 
leaned forwards and gave Nabiki a weird look.  "Nabiki, 
you weren't following Father around all night?"

    Nabiki nodded.  "And if Ranma wasn't stupid enough 
to.  I could have at least marching in on them, and broken 
up the date."

    "Ranma was with you?  Why wasn't he in class?  He 
never showed up today.  Even his sister didn't know where 
he was.  Ranko was practically panicking the entire 
morning."  Panicking was an understatement, as Nabiki had 
heard through the grapevine that the psychologists were 
called to sedate Ranko as she nearly trashed the girls locker 
room, looking for her brother.  Well, so much for trusting 

    "He was with me.  Let's say that he's really ill."  Akane 
nodded in agreement, she seemed to know something.  
Nabiki looked at Akane out of the corner of her eye.  
"Akane, you know something that I don't?"

    Akane leaned over, and whispered into Nabiki's ear.  
"Ranma used to be normal, but this really bad accident 
happened when he was 6.  Kasumi sort of overheard 
Nodoka taking to Father about it.  Kasumi thinks that he 
actually saw his Father die."

Chapter 3

    "Where were you Ranma, last night?  What are you 
doing out of school?"  Nodoka seemed surprised to see her 
son home, right before lunch time.  He scowled and didn't 

    "You went out on a date with Soun last night, didn't 
you?"  He stood there, staring at his mother.  Nodoka 
definitely hated it when her son acted like this.  It just 
seemed that he was unable to express any true amount of 
joy.  Sure he laughed at good jokes, but right after the joke, 
he'd return to his brooding self.  Never happy, always 
angry at something.

    Nodoka, after lots of experiences, knew that the best way 
to handle this situation was to be calm.  "Yes that's right 
Ranma.  I went out to dinner with Soun."

    Ranma shouted.  "How could you do that!"  Nodoka 
watched as her son collapsed against the wall as he started 
coughing.  "How could you betray Father like that!"  
Nodoka walked forwards, to try to help him, but he ran to 
his room.  Nodoka heard a door slammed shut, and she 
shook her head.  She knew that this marriage would be 
hardest on him.

    `How on earth did he find out about the dinner?  But 
then again, how does he come up with the money for our 

* * *

    "He saw his Father die!  That's absolutely terrible!"  
Well it would seem terrible to Nabiki.  Nabiki never truly 
saw her mother die.  She remembered being in the hospital, 
showing her mother her schoolwork, and telling her about 
class.  And thus it had went for months, when out of the 
blue, her mother had asked her not to come the next day.  
She remembered listening to her mother, and the next day, 
her dear Mother had died.

    "Yeah, I just can't help but feel sorry for him.  No 
wonder he's such a stiff.  You know, even he managed to 
scare off the teacher.  He just stared at her straight in the 
eyes, and the teacher just flew off."  Akane sighed.  "I 
guess you have to have something that bad happen to you 
to make you that messed up."

    Nabiki grabbed at her jacket next to her, when she 
realized it was really Ranma's.  "Maybe."

* * *

    Ranko ran in the door.  She saw a particularly sad look 
on her mother's face.  "Is Ranma home?"  Nodoka nodded 
in response.

    "Is he alright?"  Ranko didn't think that anything bad 
happened to him.  Nodoka nodded.  Ranko seemed 
perplexed about why Mother didn't seem that happy.  "Did 
Ranma find about the date?"   She wasn't so sure, but she 
had tried to keep it a secret from Ranma, lest he interfere.  
She had seen many times in school, when her brother 
wanted something to screw up, it really screwed up big 

    "Yes he did, and he was quite vocal about it.  Besides, he 
didn't seem to be in the best of health."  That was what 
truly bothered Nodoka, his health.  Recently, it seemed to 
be slowly waning.  And for the entire day as well, she could 
hear him coughing in his room.

    Ranko walked silently to his room, and she placed her 
ear against the door, as if to listen.  "Ranko, spying on your 
brother is not a good thing."  Ranko cursed herself.  It was 
possible that Ranma had heard the muffled squeak of the 

    Ranko opened the door, and helped herself into the 
room.  "So Ranma, Mother told me about this morning.  Do 
you want to tell me what is going on?  I've heard from 
Akane, that Nabiki was missing last night as well."  She 
thought for a moment, and her eyes narrowed as she smiled 
knowingly.  "Don't tell me.  You two are dating?  I hear 
Nabiki has a great figure."

    Ranko's enthusiasm didn't quite rub of on him.  
Considering the fact that he was in a half dazed state, and 
really wanted to cry, he did not smile.  "I'm not the 
slightest interested about Nabiki or the Tendo family.  
Especially since, she practically got Kuno to beat me up 
pretty badly."

    Ranko looked at Ranma for a bit.  "Are you sure about 

    Ranma looked at Ranko.  "The day after I formally meet 
Nabiki, Kuno finally notices me and challenges me to a 
rather pointless and one-sided dual.  I think that must be 
the lamest coincidence that I've ever seen.  But I don't 
care.  I made sure Kuno paid up.  He paid our utility bill."

    Ranko resisted the urge to give her brother a slap.  "You 
mean to say that you don't care that someone trashes you?  
That's a load of bullshit.  I mean, if I were you, I'd be 
marching over to the Kuno Estate and pounding in that 
womanizer's face."  Ranko cracked her knuckles.  There 
were plenty of times that Kuno and the school Kendo team 
tried to fondle her, and she felt it was some time for 

    Ranma frowned.  "As if I could do anything.  I can only 
last ten seconds against a martial artist of that magnitude.  
After that, I'm a goner."  Ranma sighed.  Sure, during the 
fight, he had noticed a multitude of flaws in Kuno's attack, 
but he lacked the strength and fortitude to make any 
progress against Kuno's endurance.

    Ranko grinned.  "Don't worry, big brother.  I'll be back 
soon."  Ranko closed the door.

    "Ranko, now, don't go.  I'm telling you don't go!"  
Ranma struggled out of his chair, and tried to walk briskly 
after Ranko, but his legs gave up and the most inopportune 
moment, and he went down.  Cursing his fate, Ranma 
pulled himself against the bed, and sighed.  He stared at the 
packet that was on his desk.  Should anything happen to 
Ranko, that packet was going to be in everyone's mailbox 
by tomorrow morning.

* * *

    Fortunately for Kuno's sake, Ranko did come back, 
without a single scratch.  She sat across from Ranma at 
dinner time, with a bright smile on her face.  "It was a 
cinch, Ranma.  He was completely overwhelmed with my 

    Ranma muttered.  "He was most likely stunned by your 
face."  He stared at the soup and bowl of rice in front of 
him.  Idly, he fiddled with his chopsticks, but gave up on 
the idea of eating something.  He stood up, and left the 

    Nodoka, who was sitting quietly at the head of the table, 
sighed.  "Why does Ranma have to be so difficult?"

    "At least he hasn't become a murderous rampaging 
loony."  Ranko said while she stuffed her mouth with 
heaping mounds of rice.

    Nodoka sounded harsh.  "Ranko, that is not funny."

    Ranko sighed.  "Sorry Mother."

* * *

    Darkness, and a smothering weight over him.  Ranma 
cried out as he struggled, unable to find the light.  Unable 
to find his father.  Suddenly, he heard muffled shouting.

    "Ranma!  Ranma!  My boy!  Where are you?"  There 
were the sounds of a man desperately clawing away the soil 
with his hands.  Ranma felt a need to shout, but as he 
opened his mouth, nothing came.  Nothing at all.  Instead, 
he felt a weird concentration that surfaced from his 
stomach, and up his throat, and it popped in his mouth.  It 
tasted salty.

    Ranma tried to kick his leg, but unfortunately he 
couldn't move his leg.  Well, let alone move his leg, he 
couldn't feel it completely at all.  All he could felt was a 
certain coldness that was slowly creeping up from the 
lower end of his body.

    But perhaps Fate was smiling on Ranma, or frowning, 
and after an hour of waiting in the darkness, his mind 
screaming at the loneliness, the isolation, the stale air, there 
was a shifting, and some earth slid down to reveal his 
Father furiously cleaning away the soil.  Genma looked at 
Ranma for a moment, and he spoke breathlessly.  "My 
God.  Ranma are you alright!  Ranma!"

* * *

    Ranma sat up straight in bed.  Sometimes, he felt that he 
was forced to pay a penance, forced to endure dreams filled 
with dark and unhappy memories.  He just had a feeling 
that today was going to be a bad day.  Well, to be more 
truthful, he always expected his days to be bad.

    Ranma got up, and staggered to the bathroom, where he 
took a really quick shower.  He had already bathed last 
night, but somehow, he felt a need to cleanse himself, a 
need to wash away his memories.  It seemed that when he 
was tired, his memories would surface.

    The morning was mediocre.  Ranma slowly walked 
down the stairs, after waking up his sister by pounding on 
her door.  Half way down the stairs, he had to somewhat 
smile when he heard his sister scream.  "I'm going to be 
late!"  For a girl who was a lot more active than him, she 
sure was a heavy sleeper.

    Ranma slowly ate his rice gruel, not truly hungry, but 
just out of desire to at least make his mother happy.  
Grabbing his lunch, he made it out of the door, just before 
his sister leaped down the stairs.

    As usually, his two sidekicks were waiting outside for 
Ranma.  Hiroshi used his standard greeting for Ranma.  
"Hey Ranma, you look like shit."

    Ranma as usual, used his standard response.  "I feel like 

    "Hey Ranma, so where were you yesterday?  A bunch of 
kids gave us their dues."  Daisuke handed Ranma an 
envelope.  Ranma looked at the envelope and he tossed it 
back to Daisuke.

    "Take it.  I don't feel like I want the money."  Daisuke 
looked at Ranma for a moment, and then he grabbed the 
envelope and handed Hiroshi a half of the money.

    "Hey Ranma, not feeling ok?"  he looked at Ranma.  
Well, the first thing he saw, besides the blood shot eyes and 
the dark spots under Ranma's eyes, was that Ranma's eyes 
were dim.  In short, he just looked like a walking zombie.  
"Man, is something happening?  Need any help?  Need to 
get some sex?  I know this girl in school who'd."

    Ranma grabbed Daisuke's collar, and pushed him 
against the wall.  "Stop trying to make me feel better.  Feel 
free to leave me alone."  Ranma marched off, leaving his 
friends behind.

    "If I'm not mistaken, Ranma is a little angry."  Daisuke 
commented, as he carefully placed his newly won cash into 
his wallet.  "I kind of feel sorry for boss.  You think we 
should try to cheer him up?"

    Hiroshi shook his head.  "Sometimes I just think Ranma 
likes to be depressed.  That's just the way he is.  Maybe we 
can ask his sister what's up."  He practically drooled with 
lust as he thought about Ranko, her perfect breasts, waist, 
her creamy white skin.

    Daisuke sighed.  He, unlike Hiroshi, was going steady 
with his girlfriend of two years, and he was pretty much 
devoted to her.  Although, sometimes he sort of hated her 
laugh.  Actually, he had to thank Ranma for her, since, 
well, Ranma figured a way to make her fall in love with 
him.  "Eh, she's ok.  I guess.  But you know, I think 
Kodachi has a better figure."

    Hiroshi glanced at Daisuke.  "Kodachi?  She gives me 
the chills.  Her laugh."  Hiroshi shuddered.

    Daisuke shouted.  "She's really a caring person.  Just 
that she is a little bit uninhibited."

    Hiroshi laughed.  "Yeah, where were you yesterday?  
You know, your mother said that you went out yesterday 
and never returned."  Daisuke blushed somewhat.

    He tried to change the subject.  "Well, shouldn't Ranko 
be coming around soon?"  And true to his prediction, a 
black haired beauty came charging down the street on top 
of the fence.

    Hiroshi shouted at Ranko as she passed by.  "Hey, 
Ranko!  What's wrong with Ranma?"  She managed to 
catch Hiroshi's question, and she flipped off the fence and 
landed on the ground in front of him.  Hiroshi went slightly 
numb as he watched Ranko's front heave up and down in 
an alluring pattern.

    "What was that you said?"  Hiroshi remained blank.

    Daisuke sighed and hit the back of Hiroshi's head.  
"Well, we were wondering what is wrong with Ranma?  
He's more depressed than usual."

    Ranko looked Daisuke.  "Oh.  Our mom's going to get 
married, and Ranma really doesn't like it."  Ranko looked 
at Hiroshi, whose mouth had slowly opened wide, and he 
was drooling on himself.  "Hey, what's with him?"

    Daisuke kicked Hiroshi in the shins.  "Oh, it's just his 
hormones.  Never mind him."

* * *

    Ranma walked into the school yard.  So far his entire day 
had been boring as hell, and he was already predicting 
today's lessons.  However, that was soon to change.  
Ranma could feel the hairs on the back of his neck tingling, 
and he quickly side stepped.  It was fortunate that he did, 
for a bamboo umbrella flew past him and imbedded itself 
into the concrete floor.

    "Ranma Saotome, I have traveled thousands of miles in 
hopes that one day I might stand triumphant above your 
broken body!"

    Ranma stood there for a moment, and he slowly turned 
around.  "I know that voice."  Ranma completed a 180 
degree turn, and found himself face to face with a muscular 
boy roughly his age.  Ranma quickly assessed him.  `There 
is no way I could fight my way out of this.'

    "Remember me Ranma?  Remember the pain you 
inflicted on me in first grade!"  The boy reached into his 
hair and started to fling an endless swarm of bandannas at 
Ranma.  Ranma tried his best to dodge, but after the first 
10 bandannas, he lost his footing.

    The boy picked up his umbrella, and slowly walked over 
to Ranma.  "Amazing.  You are now even more pitiful than 
what you used to be."  Ranma shrugged his shoulders.  
"Saotome, you coward!  My life has became a living hell 
because of you!  And now you go to hell!"  The boy stood 

    Ranma stared at the person who wielded an umbrella as 
a sword.  "Well isn't it Ryoga Hibiki.  It certainly has been 
awhile.  I made your life a living hell?  At least I tried to 
compensate you for the damages."

    Ryoga shouted at Ranma.  "I don't think a payment for 
all of the meals that you took is enough!  And how does 
five loaves of noodle-bread compensate for the 10 years 
wasted spent looking for you!"  Ryoga started to tremor 

    "Exactly.  Who made you go on that 10 year journey?  I 
certainly didn't ask you to come along with me."  Ryoga 
started to growl, as Ranma was slowly degenerating his 
rationalization for killing Ranma.

    Ryoga decided to revert to a more basic argument.  "You 
ran away from our duel, you coward!  Now stand like a 
man and let me kill you."

    "I in no way ran from the duel.  You never showed up at 
the appointed time and place, and I was decent enough to 
keep a three day vigil.  As for having me stand at this point, 
I don't think I can stand.  So go ahead and kill me you 
coward.  Show me your courage when you decide to kill 
someone who couldn't possible fight back."

    Ryoga screamed as he felt that all of his rationalizations 
for cold blooded murder were effectively neutralized.  
Ryoga stood there unsure what to do, but 10 years of 
wandering, without home, and starving most of the time, it 
was quite understandable when anger got the better of him.  
But as Ryoga swung his umbrella back, ready to decapitate 
Ranma, he looked into Ranma's eyes.

    Ranma barely blinked as he stared at Ryoga.  There was 
no fear of death.  Not a single ounce of emotion.  Ranma 
was effectively sitting there as if he were waiting for dinner 
or something unimportant.  He looked at Ryoga, and 
shouted.  "Will you make up your mind.  If you are going to 
kill me, do it now!"  Ryoga blinked, as he never imagined 
his final confrontation with Ranma to be something like 

    No, this was very different.  He had never expected 
Ranma to be tell him to do the deed.  He shrugged his 
shoulders, as he realized it was guilt that was preventing 
him from striking.  Looking at Ranma just helplessly sitting 
there, there was no question that he could easily kill 

    But then again, since Ranma told him to do so.  Ryoga 
stood there unable to decide. "You idiot!  Get away from 
my brother!"  He felt a strong blow to his back that sent 
him flying.  "Ranma, did he hit you?  Damn that coward!"  
Hiroshi and Daisuke pulled Ranma to his feet.

    Ryoga rolled on the ground, and he when he landed, he 
sent two bandannas flying in the general direction.  The 
rushed furiously in the air at the person who had the 
audacity to attack him.  But before they could reach their 
intended target, they were snatched out of the air.  Ranko 
looked at the bandannas, and tossed them onto the ground.

    "You beat up my older brother, and I'm going to make 
you pay."  Ryoga didn't quite respond, as he was staring at 
Ranko.  A small trail of blood trickled from his nose.

    Ranma cleared his throat.  "Sis, I think it was time that 
you started to wear a bra.  Flash those around, and you'd 
kill most men."  Ranma turned his head the other way.  
Ranko looked down, and she gasped as she tried her best to 
hide her bosom, which was showing through her torn 

    Ranma laughed.  "Sis, you are getting slower!  Heck, 
when I was five I could deflect those bandannas away 
before they got two feet from me."  Ranko stomped on 
Ranma's foot.  Ranma gritted his teeth, and tried to ignore 
the sharp pain.

    "Baka.  I think I'm going to girls locker room, and find a 
change of clothes."  Ranko looked at Ryoga who was still 
staring at her.  "You idiot!  Stop looking!"  Ranko picked 
up a rock and landed it square between Ryoga's eyes.  
Without the slightest noise, he collapsed backwards.

    "Sis, being a little harsh?  I mean, look at Hiroshi."  
Ranma indicated Hiroshi, who was still dazed.  Ranma 
took off the outermost layer of his school uniform, and 
handed it to Ranko.

    "What's this?  Defending the person who was going to 
kill you?"  Ranko accepted the jacket, and put it on.

    "He's a good person.  Just that he doesn't think before 
acting.  Anyways, he wouldn't have killed me."  Ranma 
winced as he felt the bruises and cuts on his arm.  "He's not 
that kind of person."

    Ranma picked up his school books, and left the school 
yard with his friends.  Ranko headed towards the girls 
locker room.  The small crowd that had gathered to watch 
the fight, dispersed before the first bell.  The only thing left 
in the school yard was Ryoga, who was still on the ground, 
completely unconscious.

* * *

    Lunch time was a completely different situation from 
morning.  Ranma was calmly seated alone, staring at the 
lunch his mother had prepared for him.  Unfortunately, he 
just couldn't stomach it.  The food wasn't bad, but Ranma 
just didn't feel hungry.  Someone seated on the bench next 
to him.

    Ranma didn't even bother to look up.  "Hi Ryoga.  So 
what brings you to seek a cripple like me?"  He picked up 
his bookbag.

    "That girl this morning, she's your sister, right?  She's 
beautiful."  Ranma pushed himself up, and teetered 

    "Here, have this.  Don't bother me, or ask any questions 
about my family.  It's none of your business."  He tossed 
his still-wrapped lunch at Ryoga.  "If you want to ask 
Ranko out on a date.  Ask her, I don't own her or anything.  
But believe me, if you do anything stupid, your life be 
worse than hell."

    Ryoga stared at him.  What still amazed him, was that 
Ranma was able to answer his question without even 
listening to it.  But then again, they both used to be decent 
friends, and Ranma had quite a good grasp of Ryoga's 
feelings and reactions.  Ranma also knew his sister pretty 
well.  He smirked as he tried to predict the outcome.

* * *

    "Say Brother, who was that asshole who nailed you 
today?"  Ranko walked home next to Ranma.  She just felt 
instinctively protective of her older brother.  "Maybe I 
should give him a surprise visit at his home."  Ranko 
punched her palm a few times, and tried to sound cheery.

    "Oh, he was a friend of mine."  Ranma didn't feel like 
talking a lot.

    "Some friend, he must have bruised up you arms and 
body pretty bad."  Ranko gingerly touched a spot on 
Ranma's arm.  Almost immediately Ranma twitched.  
Ranko started to growl.  "That bastard.  I'm going to pound 
his face in."

    "It's nothing.  And I don't think that you really want to 
pound his face in.  He's a pretty decent person, that is, 
when he isn't angry.  He can be quite civilized."

    "Yeah right, I'm still going to pound his face in for 
trying to pick on you."  Ranko seemed adamant.

    "Even if he was a certain Ryoga Hibiki?"  Ranma 
smirked at his sister, knowing all too well that as a child 
that Ranko had a certain crush on Ryoga.

Chapter 4

    Nodoka laughed as Soun looked befuddled.  "So, Soun, 
this is the tenth time, that I won?"  Soun stared helplessly 
at the Go board, and found that Nodoka had led him into a 
giant trap.  The four free white pieces arranged in a line 
seemed to scream at Soun.

    Soun smiled, and he poured some tea for Nodoka.  "Very 
well, eleventh time's the charm."  He cleared off the Go 
board, and waited for Nodoka to put down the first move.

    "You must have said that 10 times already."  Nodoka 
couldn't help but giggle at Soun's unwillingness to stop 
playing without winning at least once.

    "Well, I guess that's me.  I just can't stand to lose."  
Soun placed a black piece down.  "Say, how is Ranma?  He 
seemed pretty angry the last time we met."

    Some joy leaked from Nodoka's face and into the drain.  
"I don't know.  He just doesn't want us to get married.  I 
mean, he's been acting more depressed than usual.  He 
really loved his father."

    Soun nodded, as he sipped from tea.  "That is bad news.  
But don't blame your son.  Genma was a good man.  And 
especially, considering, well you know.  I don't blame 
Ranma."  Soun fell silent as he didn't want to talk about 
fallen comrades.  Nodoka rubbed her eyes with her 
forearm, trying to get rid of the tears before they could fall.

    Soun tried to comfort Nodoka.  "Don't cry.  I know that 
this is going to work out in the end."  Soun sighed.  "Well, 
school is almost over, and I'm afraid this will have to be 
our last game.  I have to teach a class in thirty minutes."

    Soun smiled encouraging at Nodoka, and he kissed 
Nodoka.  Never before in his life, except for his wife, had 
anyone truly made him feel at ease.  Marrying her was the 
right choice, there was no question about it.

    Nodoka sniffled a little, and waved goodbye.  As soon as 
she was gone, Soun walked to the Dojo to work out and 
warm up for classes.

* * *

    Ranko looked with disbelief.  "Ryoga Hibiki would 
actually stoop that low to pick on you!"  She shook her 
head as if she wasn't so sure what to believe.  "You know, I 
used to think he was a good kid."

    "No kidding, you practically got tongue-tied whenever 
he showed up at school."  Ranko half-heartedly kicked at 
her brother, who stopped just in time to let the foot pass in 
front of him.  "Well, I guess you overcame your shyness 
today.  That sure was a mean pitch to the head."

    Ranko turned and shouted.  "Ranma will you just shut up 
about Ryoga!"

    Ranma laughed bitterly.  "Ironic, isn't it?  He never 
noticed you, when you were most interested in him.  And 
now, when you want to tear his guts out, he's completely 
head-over-heels for you.  I guess that's just life.  Nothing 
seems to work the way you want it to."  Ranma went silent, 
as his mind was occupied with more pressing matters, 
primarily, the marriage.

    Ranko too didn't feel like talking.  Her mind was 
occupied filled with images of Ryoga.  He sure was nice, at 
least, the Ryoga that she remembered.

* * *

    A little girl screamed as a big dog chased her down.  
Crying, with tears streaming from her cheeks, the little girl 
shouted.  "Someone help me!  Someone help me!"  
Looking over her shoulder the large, terrifying dog was 
gradually approaching her, and the resulting burst of 
adrenaline allowed the little girl to push herself faster.

    But with her head looking over her shoulder, she 
couldn't help but notice the curb in front of her, and she 
tripped on it, landing on the ground.  There was not way 
she was going to get away from the dog.

    All of a sudden, an umbrella crashed into the dog, 
sending it whimpering off in some random direction.  A 
boy kneeled next to her.  "Hey, are you ok?  I don't think 
that mean doggie will bother you."

    The girl sat up, and tried to speak, but her mouth was 
filled with dirt and she was completely befuddled.  
However, in the end, she was able to speak.  "What's your 

    "I'm called Ryoga Hibiki."  He walked over, and easily 
picked up the umbrella.

* * *

    Ranma looked at Ranko, who seemed to be wandering in 
her dreams.  How could Ranma figure that out?:  Perhaps, 
it was the fact that Ranma had to pull Ranko to the side 
before she crashed into a tree.

    "Hey sis, you'd better pay attention before you damage 

* * *

    "What's wrong, Ranko?"  Nodoka noted that today was 
one of those rare moments that Ranko was actually 
depressed over something.  Nodoka at least knew that 
Ranko would be more able to share her feelings, unlike 
Ranma, who kept to himself.

    Ranko sighed, and started to eat some potato chips.  
Nodoka sighed.  `Oh no, she's starting to eat junk food.  
That isn't a good sign.'

    Ranko paused to swallow.  "Mother, did you ever have 
any trouble trying to decide how you feel about a boy?"  
Nodoka smiled.  `Ah, the problem isn't that hard.'  Nodoka 
had found out that she had been worrying about too much.

    Nodoka sat down next to Ranko.  "Well, Ranko, what do 
you think?"  Almost immediately Ranko grumbled about 
something, and she shoved yet another handful of potato 
chips into her mouth.  "Hey, slow down, or you're going to 
end up choking."

    Ranko swallowed a huge mass of mashed up potato 
chips.  "I don't know.  That's why I'm asking you."  
Nodoka almost laughed.

    "It's these questions that are hard to answer, because you 
have to answer them for yourself.  It has to come from your 
heart.  It isn't something that you can reason out."  Nodoka 
helped herself to a potato chip, and indulged herself on the 
deep fried, salty, sliver of potato.

    Ranko sighed, and seemed even more dejected.  Nodoka 
however wasn't finished.  "For example, take your Father, 
Genma.  I mean, at one point, I didn't know whether to 
love him or to hate him."

    Ranko seemed quite interested.  "Really?  Tell me what 

    Nodoka sighed, as she really didn't want to think about 
her husband.  "He broke Grandfather's jaw, during a 
sparring session."  Ranko seemed shocked.

    "He did!  And you still married him!"  Ranko seemed 
surprised and shocked.

    "Yes, in fact, with Grandfather's blessing.  He sure was 
adamant about our marriage.  He practically forced the two 
of us together.  And to this day, I haven't regretted the 
decision to marry.  Genma was a very good man."  Nodoka 
sighed, and grabbed a handful of potato chips.

    "So you're telling me that I should follow my heart?  I'm 
kind of surprised, because Ranma was kind of. well sort 
of telling me that it was _ok_ for me to date him."  Nodoka 
had to smile at her son's efforts at playing match maker.  
Of course, he chose not to be blatantly obvious.

    "Well, I think you should accept Ranma's suggestion, 
and go on a date with this boy.  It would solve you a lot of 
grief.  I mean, you can't make a decision without 
experience."  Ranko immediately turned flush.

    "You want me to go on a date!"  Ranko seemed 
surprised, as before, her mother had been quite 
apprehensive about letting Ranko date boys.

    "Well, you're an accomplished martial artist.  I don't 
have to worry about you.  If the boy tries to take advantage 
of you, at least you could break his arm."  Nodoka started 
to laugh.

    Ranko seemed quite put off with her mother's comment.  

* * *

    "Ranma, speak to me!"  The man furiously patted at the 
boy's face, but the boy by that time barely responded.  
"Aw, shit."  Furiously, the man began to scratch away the 
dirt and rocks that pinned Ranma down to the ground.

    The sudden movement and sounds helped the boy to 
focus his wandering mind.  "Father," the boy moaned.  "I 
can't move.  It hurts everywhere, I feel cold."  

    The man felt his throat get stuck, and he tried to swallow 
it, but it wouldn't work.  "Don't worry Ranma," the man's 
voice seemed to be falsely hopeful.  "I'll get you out of this 
mess."  Genma furiously worked hard to clear away the 
debris, and pretty soon, he had successfully dug out 
Ranma's head, all the way down to his waist.  The rest of 
his son was buried under a large slab of stone.

    "Father, what's wrong?  I can't feel my legs."  Ranma 
sounded afraid.  For the first time in his life, he was truly 
afraid.  Genma kneeled beside his son, and tried to comfort 
him by resting his hand on his son's shoulders.  

    "Nothing is wrong.  Don't worry, I'll get you out of here 
as soon as possible."  Genma looked at the stone that was 
pinning Ranma to the ground, and taking a deep breath, 
threw himself against it.  He felt his sinews stretched to 
their limit, his muscles screaming at the sudden load put on 
them, his feet slowly sinking into the ground.  Genma was 
disheartened to see that even using his full force, he was 
barely making any headway.

    Suddenly, after what seemed like an agonizingly useless 
expenditure of  energy, the rock slowly rolled back, 
seemingly resistant as it didn't want to move.

* * *

    "Ranma, you look like shit."  Hiroshi greeted Ranma at 
the usual corner.

    Ranma barely acknowledged his friend's presence.  
Daisuke was leaning against the fence, wearing a rather 
nice looking silk shirt with peculiarly strange black floral 
prints.  He patted Ranma's shoulders.  "Didn't sleep well 
last night?  Man, you should really get a girlfriend, 
someone who you can tell all your problems to."

    Hiroshi snickered.  "You mean like Kodachi."  He 
pranced up to Daisuke, and in a girly manner clasped his 
hands together.  With a false girl's voice, he intoned.  "Oh, 
Daisuke-sama!  You seemed troubled, shall I kill someone 
for you?"

    Daisuke punched Hiroshi in the stomach.  "Hey man, if 
you keep acting like that, you'd scare away girls.  Besides, 
Kodachi's really a nice person.  Right Ranma?"  Ranma 
nodded, barely.  "I mean, she's been pretty good about not 
using poison again.  I've told her to stop that."

    Hiroshi laughed.  "And she listens to you?"  Daisuke 
nodded.  "How about her laugh?"

    Daisuke had a wicked smile on his face.  "I think it's 
pretty nice that she laughs like that.  It makes her look 
sexy."  Hiroshi started to chortle at the thought since he 
knew that most people could absolutely not stand 
Kodachi's laugh.  Ranma was silent as ever.

    Hiroshi turned to Ranma.  "Yo, Ranma, do you think I 
could date your sister?"  Ranma almost felt his muscles 
tensing up.  In fact, at school, when most people talked to 
him, it was regarding permission to date Ranko.  Everyone 
knew that despite Ranko's physical superiority, she did 
respect her brother's wishes.

   Ranma shook his head.  "I don't think it would work.  
Besides, if you date my sister, chances are, she could break 
your leg if you were late or said something that came out 
the hard way."  Hiroshi's face drooped slightly.

    "Geesh man, is there something you could do?  I mean, 
you practically did the impossible by making that loony-bin 
girl fall in love with Daisuke."  Hiroshi pointed over his 
shoulder at Daisuke, who was fuming.

    "She ain't crazy, you idiot!"  Daisuke shouted at Hiroshi, 
who waved Daisuke back with his hands.

    "No, Kodachi was easy.  She's basically lived a very 
lonely life.  She just needed someone to show some 
compassion, and bam!, she is yours to keep."  Daisuke kind 
of shuddered.

    "Hey man, you'd better stop talking like that.  You're 
beginning to make me feel guilty, like I took advantage of 
Kodachi."  Suddenly there was a sprinkling of black rose 
petals from the sky, and there was a flash of black that 
materialized in front of Daisuke.

    "Daisuke, dear.  I've was so lonely last night.  I thought 
you would come as usual.  You know how I hate it when 
the bed gets cold."  Kodachi wrapped her slender arms 
around Daisuke's neck, and leaped into his arms.  "Are you 
going to be around tonight?"  Daisuke seemed to be 
blushing way past red into the infrared spectrum.

    Hiroshi was just standing there staring at Kodachi, as she 
had obviously been running.  Her breathing was heavy 
enough to make her front go up and down in a 
disconcerting sort of way.

    "I'm sorry Kodachi, I really have a killer test today, but 
today's Saturday, and I can come for dinner earlier than 
usual."  Daisuke spoke rather quietly, as if he didn't want 
anyone else to hear.

    Kodachi's eyes opened.  "Really?  Oh, fantastic!  I can't 
wait till tonight!"  Flexing her firm thighs, she leaped into 
the air, presumably off to her private school.

    Hiroshi muttered as he walked to school.  "I need at 
girlfriend.  I need a girlfriend.  Geesh, Ranma can you help 

    Ranma looked at Hiroshi.  "Look here, Daisuke was kind 
enough to tell me that he wanted Kodachi, and offered me 
a little fee for the trouble.  I gave him the standard 50% 
discount I give all my friends.  If you want me to match you 
up with someone, just give me a name and 5000 yen.  Ok?  
Consider it well spent money.  I won't go through the 
trouble of breaking your relationship later."  Ranma 
grumbled, and he marched off, leaving Hiroshi and 
Daisuke behind.

    Hiroshi looked Ranma as he tried unsuccessfully to 
march off.  Problem was, stomping his feet into the ground 
had numbed his legs, so he had to stop a block away.  
"Hey, Daisuke, who do you think would be a good match 
for me?"

    Daisuke shrugged his shoulders.  "I don't know.  You 
tend to zone out when girls are around.  That's a big turn 
off for them.  Most girls like guys who can say the right 
thing at the right time."

    Hiroshi felt his shoulders droop.  "Geesh, and I thought 
Ranma could do something about it."

    Daisuke shrugged his shoulders.  "Well, Hiroshi, it's like 
this.  Ranma kind of knows what would turn a girl on, so 
you'd better give him a name so he can make a plan for 
you.  I mean, he knew that Kodachi would permanently 
imprint on the first person to be nice to her.  Well, see you.  
I have Chemistry first period."  Daisuke ran off into the 

    Hiroshi stood there, quite confused and thinking about 
girls, when someone landed on his head, and slammed his 
face into the ground.  Understandably, he didn't stand up.  
Ranko barely even noticed Hiroshi.  "Oh, I'm going to be 
late!" she shouted as she tore into the building and zoomed 
up the stairs.

* * *

    Ranma was alone as usual during lunch.  This time he 
was seated against a tree in the schoolyard, not really doing 
anything. During class, he had received a note from 
Hiroshi, asking for Nabiki.  Ranma sighed, as he noted that 
this was definitely going to be a challenge.  As he recalled, 
Nabiki was one of the top ten most eligible girls in the 
school, provided your wallet could take the abuse.  The 
problem was that Hiroshi was a complete loser around 

    "What can I do?"  Ranma muttered to himself.  Ranma 
stopped himself from thinking any further.  `Why am I 
doing this?'  He answered himself.  `Because you want to 
feel useful.  You can't do anything else except for this.'  
Ranma sighed and he leaned against the tree.  Recently, he 
had been feeling useless, as usual.  His efforts to stop his 
mother have all but failed.  She didn't really seem to mind 
that Ranma wasn't interested in the marriage.

    Even when Ranma got nasty, and canceled dinner 
reservations, his mother and Soun went elsewhere for 
dinner.  And every time, his Mother would come home, as 
happy as ever.

    "Hey, Ranma.  Are you busy?"  Ranma looked at the 
newest student at Furinken High.  "Damn you are hard to 
find.  I must have wandered this entire school yard for 5 

    Ranma looked at Ryoga critically.  "I'm here, writing on 
paper, and otherwise not paying attention to the world 
around me.  I think that qualifies has having me busy."  
Ryoga turned to leave.  "But you broke my concentration, 
I'm free now."  Ranma's voice seemed to carry an 
undertone of `You'd better have a good reason for 
interrupting me or else.'

    Ryoga sat down next to Ranma.  "About your sister.  I 
mean, I'm not sure whether it would be right, but you 
know."  Ryoga seemed to stumble on words.

    "Let's see.  You want to date her, and you kind of want 
my blessing since you tried to kick the shit out of me the 
other day.  Absolutely no."  Ryoga stood up, and 
brandished his umbrella.  Ranma's back was to him, and 
Ryoga felt that he could get in that blow.  "That is what I 
would say to an ordinary person.  But you, I think you'd 
find it surprising to know that my sister always had a crush 
on you."  Ryoga laughed nervously, and allowed the 
umbrella to fall behind him.

    Ryoga seemed quite encouraged by that fact.  "Ranma, 
could you give this message to your sister?  I want to meet 
her in the park today after school, on the northern shore of 
the lake."  Ranma barely grunted in acknowledgment.

* * *

    Nodoka sighed as she cleaned away Ranma's 
meticulously neat room.  Actually, his practically empty 
room.  Well, to be more exact, his room wasn't that empty 
to begin with.  On the walls were photographs, of a younger 
Ranma and his father, both sparring.  Grabbing her broom, 
Nodoka swept under Ranma's futon, in an attempt to get 
rid of the dust.

    Not only did dust come out, but fragments of wood and 
metal.  Curious, Nodoka looked at the peculiar trash, and 
after comprehending what it was, she shook her head sadly.  
It was the mangled remains of one of Ranma's old Kendo 
trophies.  Looking in the trash bin, she found a photograph 
of a really happy 6 year old boy holding a small wooden 
sword and a trophy, next to a proud father.

Chapter 5

    After school, Hiroshi handed Ranma five 1000 yen bills.  
"There, have all of my savings.  So are you going to do it?"  
Ranma took the bills, and counted them briefly before 
putting them into his wallet.  Calmly, Ranma walked over 
to a public telephone, and dialed.  Hiroshi seemed quite 
angry.  "Ranma, I thought."  Ranma silenced Hiroshi 
with his hand, and for a few minutes, Ranma spoke quietly 
into the phone.

    Ranma hung up the telephone, and nodded to Hiroshi.  "I 
think we can do something.  You're coming over to my 
house now.  But we have to stop at Hikaru Gosenkugi's 
house.  I have to pick up some things from there."

    About an hour later, Ranma walked out of Hikaru's 
house, carrying a moderate sized box.  Ranma had to stop a 
couple time to catch his breath.  Hiroshi looked at Ranma.  
"Hey, what's in the box?"

    Ranma dropped the box.  "A couple transceivers and 
some observation tools."  Ranma opened the box, revealing 
various small cameras and listening devices.  Ranma pulled 
out a parabolic microphone.  "Hmmm, I always wanted one 
of these."

    Hiroshi stared at the stuff in front of him.  "So what are 
they for?"  Ranma stared at Hiroshi for a moment.

    "They are for you.  Like everyone knows, you go mute 
around girls.  I'm going to tell you what to say around 
Nabiki."  Hiroshi nodded knowingly.  Ranma took a glance 
at his watch.  "Well, knowing Nabiki, she likes to be 
punctual.  We have to hurry.  You have a business meeting 
with her back at school."  Ranma also knew that the school 
gymnastics team's practice going to be over soon.

    Ranma walked with Hiroshi into the school yard, and he 
paused to place the small ear piece into Hiroshi's ear as 
well as his own.  "Can you hear me?"  Hiroshi heard 
Ranma's voice through the ear piece.  Hiroshi nodded.  
"Ok, Nabiki should be in the back lot, waiting for you.  It's 
her standard meeting place."

    Ranma lounged around the entrance of the school, and 
within minutes of Hiroshi's departure, Ranko showed up 
with her friends.  She looked at him critically for a 
moment.  "Ranma!  What are you doing here?"

    He smirked sheepishly.  "I'm sorry, Ranko.  I forgot to 
tell you, but Ryoga wanted to meet you today in the park 
about."  He looked at his watch, and feigned surprise.  
". an hour ago.  I'm so sorry, but I completely forgot 
about that, and well, you know."  Ranma shrugged his 
shoulders at Ranko.

    Ranko grumbled internally, despite her brother's 
intelligence, he could still be such an idiot.  "No problem."  
She turned to her friends.  "Hey, I think I'm going to go for 
a jog.  So, I won't be able to go home with you.  Ok?"  
Ranko waved goodbye and she ran from a the school at a 
pace far more faster than a jog.

* * *

    Ranko paused at a tree to catch a breath.  She had 
probably combed every single inch of the park for Ryoga, 
and there was still no sign of him.  `Great, he probably 
went home or something.'  Ranko looked around, but the 
vast greenery around her didn't divulge any information 
about the whereabouts of Ryoga.  `Damn it!'  Ranko kicked 
a rather large rock, and it went sailing into the bushes.

    Seconds later, there was a thud, and the sound of a 
person collapsing onto the floor.  Ranko practically swore, 
and she tore her way through the bushes, and by some freak 
coincidence, there was Ryoga, lying on the ground, with a 
rock on his head.  Ranko didn't know whether to panic or 

* * *

    "Ok, Hiroshi.  All you need to do is walk up to Nabiki 
and sit down next to her.  Chances are, she won't know 
about you.  She probably hasn't even heard about you."  
Ranma was sitting on a bench, peering through a pair of 

    Hiroshi muttered under his breath.  "Thanks for your 
encouraging words, Ranma."

    "Remember, whatever you do, do not respond to me, or 
my questions.  The only person there is Nabiki."  Ranma 
grumbled for a moment, and refocused the binoculars

    "S."  Hiroshi had to shut himself up.

    "Great, just sit down next to Nabiki, and I'll take over 
from there.  Just remember, she isn't really into the touchy 
feely stuff.  You will not move until I tell you."  Ranma 
could see Hiroshi's head bob up and down once through 
the binoculars.  "Great, consider yourself to have a new 

* * *

    "Oh dear, Ryoga, I'm so sorry."  Ranko gingerly touched 
the bruise that was on the side of Ryoga's face.  Ryoga 
laughed nervously as he shrugged off the pain easily.

    "Oh, Ranko, it's nothing.  I'm just so happy that you 
showed up."  Ryoga sat down.  "I was worried that you'd 
never show up."  Ryoga rested his head in his hands, but he 
recoiled slightly when he touched his bruise.

    "I'm surprised that you waited for me."  Ranko 
considered whether she should tell the truth about her 
brother forgetting the message, but she decided to cover for 
her brother.  "I don't know, but Ranma told me before he 
left school, and I just forgot.  I'm so sorry."  Ranko looked 
shamefully at the ground.

    Ryoga panicked.  "Err, well,"  he started to laugh 
nervously.  "I don't mind.  The important thing was that 
you came."  Ranko had to smile.

* * *

    Nabiki looked up, and found that a boy that she had 
never seen walk up to her.  "You're Hiroshi?  Right?"  
There seemed to be a long delay before the boy actually 
acknowledged Nabiki's existence.

    "Oh yeah, I'm Hiroshi."  Hiroshi laughed nervously, 
before settling down on the bench.

    Ranma muttered.  "Baka."  He then slapped his 
forehead.  "Hiroshi, show some balls now!  Nabiki likes 
her men to at least have a little spine."  Hiroshi tightened 
up a little.

    "So what did you come here for?"  Nabiki asked Hiroshi, 
as she preyed on an apple.

    Ranma whispered carefully into the transmitter.  "I am 
interested in borrowing some money.  Well, I am more 
interested in taking back some money that you've 
wrongfully taken from me."

    Hiroshi's recitation was less than spectacular.  "I'm 
interested in. borrowing  Well, actually, 
um, I think I am more interested in taking back that you've.wrongfully taken from me."    
Ranma heard through his ear piece the choppy version that 
Hiroshi said.

    This was going to be a harder task than what he thought.

* * *

    Ranko looked at Ryoga.  "Really?  You're happy that I 
just showed up?"  Ryoga nodded furiously, like a puppy 
more than happy to see it's master.  Well sure Ranko liked 
Ryoga, but the fact that she was very important to him was 
even more of a turn on.

    "Great!"  Ranko exclaimed, but then she silenced 
herself.  "Well, it's sort of funny.  I always had a crush on 
you."  She giggled, as Ryoga turned red.

    "R-r-really?"  Ryoga had heard Ranma, but was sort of 
distrustful of Ranma.  Perhaps it was all of the rumors that 
were circulating around school about Ranma's less than 
honorable business tactics.

    Ranko too blushed.  She nodded.  Ryoga seemed quite 
surprised.  "You're really beautiful."  Unconsciously, he 
reached over, and felt Ranko's hair.  She blushed even 
more, and slapped him, knocking Ryoga on to the ground.

    "Oh, stop it, you're embarrassing me!"  Ranko's face by 
now probably had a ton of blood flowing through.

    "It's true!  I was wondering, whether you'd go out on a 
date with me.  But if you don't want to go with me, I can 
understand, because I was wrong for hitting your brother, 
and if you hate me for that."  Ranko slapped Ryoga a few 

    "Silly, Ranma practically said it was ok for me to go on a 
date with you!"  Ryoga seemed quite surprised.

    "He said that!"

    Ranko grabbed Ryoga and reeled him in.  "I don't think I 
can wait for that date.  Do you want it to start now?"  He 
nodded, as he was quite mesmerized with Ranko's beauty.  
As he stared at her face, he thought to himself.  `Ranma, I 
take back every stinking bad word I said about you in my 
entire life.'

* * *

    Nabiki seemed intrigue.  "I owe you money?  And I have 
never really made a formal agreement with you.  How 
could I possible owe you any money."

    Ranma spoke into his hand set.  "Ok, take out the tape I 
gave you.  Whatever you do, don't let Nabiki get her hands 
on it.  And say what I say now."

    Hiroshi was noticeably getting better at repeating what 
Ranma was saying.  "Let's say for starters, I've lost some 
20000 yen to you through bets.  I think I'm entitled to have 
50000 yen for damages and compensation.  This tape here 
is proof that you've rigged all of your gambling 

    Nabiki seemed extra calm.  "Is that so?  50,000 yen 
seems to be a stiff payment.  It's a good 150% interest."

    "As a result of the deals, I've lost my girlfriend, and I'm 
in debt with various other people.  I need to pay them back.  
Besides, I think I deserve a small profit for your 
deception."  Hiroshi nodded his head somewhat jerkily.

    Nabiki looked at Hiroshi rather calmly.  "And what 
should happen if I don't agree?"

    Ranma spoke.  "Ok Hiroshi, looked her straight in the 
eye."  Hiroshi looked at Nabiki, despite the fact her black 
pupils scared the hell out of him.

    "Then, shall we say, tomorrow, people will be getting a 
sampler of this tape in the mail."  Nabiki stared intrigued at 
the person across from him.  He had certainly managed to 
out think her, on this point though.  She had to think of a 
way to salvage her money, and perhaps earn something 
from him.

    "Oh great, I have to go home.  My father probably needs 
my help now."  Nabiki appeared to be thoughtful.  "You 
have presented a convincing case to me.  Meet me tonight 
at the caf‚, 8:00 pm sharp.  I think we need to have a 
serious discussion about this matter."  Hiroshi nodded his 
head, as Nabiki walked off.

* * *

    Ranma walked home in silence.  Not quite silence, 
because Hiroshi was next to him babbling like a fool.  
"That was so cool Ranma!  I think your plan is working!  
Do you think Nabiki is interested in me?"

    Ranma sighed, and shoved the rather heavy box filled 
with equipment into Hiroshi's hands.  Ranma then leaned 
against the fence and rubbed his eyes.  "Just be quiet 
Hiroshi, I have a fucking headache right now.  And to 
answer your question, yes, Nabiki is currently interested 
you on the professional level.  Tonight, if everything goes 
smoothly, you'll have her hook, line, and sinker."  Ranma 
groaned.  "I think I need to take a nap or I can't do 
anything tonight."

    Hiroshi looked at Ranma as Ranma walked home 
clutching his head.  He had to admit, his friend's plan was 
working quite perfectly.

* * *

    "Ranko!  You're home!  I was so worried about you."  
Nodoka looked at Ranko, just to make sure her daughter 
was completely safe.  Ranko didn't seem to care about her 
mother's overprotectiveness.

    "Mom, I just went on the best date today.  He was so 
sweet, and funny!"  Ranko sat down on the table, and 
sighed.  Nodoka had to smile, and she slid a cup of tea to 

    "So what happened?  You have to tell me."  Nodoka 
poured herself a cup of tea, and settled next to Ranko.  
Before Ranko could even speak, someone yanked the door 
open and walked in.

    "And in comes Hurricane Ranma."  Ranko said quite 
uninterestedly.  "What happened Ranma?"

    Ranma waved back his sister and mother.  "Don't worry.  
I think I'm going to go to my room, and collapse."  He 
seemed quite shaken as he walked up the stairs.  They 
could hear the door to his room slide shut.

    "He's been getting a lot of headaches, hasn't he?"  
Nodoka asked.  Ranko nodded.  She knew that migraines 
could easily take out a person, especially Ranma.

    Ranma settled onto his bed, and found that his vision 
was going hazy.  He felt as if he was in a thick cloud, and 
couldn't find his way out.  Lying on the bed, Ranma closed 
his eyes and tried to sleep off the migraine.

* * *

    Ranma was bothered awake by the sound of his alarm 
clock screaming wildly.  It was 6:00 pm, which meant that 
he had 2 hours to get ready.  `Shit, I overslept.'  Ranma 
stood up quickly, and felt all the blood drain from his head.  
Ranma almost fell back again.  `Damn, I still have that 
headache.'  Ranma sighed, and grabbing the bottle on the 
table next to him, he helped himself to a couple aspirins, 
which he swallowed dry.

    Ranma picked up the telephone, and quickly dialed.  He 
croaked into the phone.  "Is Hiroshi there?"  Ranma waited 
a bit, as presumably Hiroshi was given the telephone.  "Hey 
Hiroshi, are you ready?  I'm going to be over at your 

    He heard Hiroshi's voice on the other end, sounding 
rather concerned.  "Hey, Ranma you don't sound so good.  
You want to cancel tonight?  I mean if you're not up to it."

    Ranma cut him off.  "I'll be there.  And canceling the 
dinner would be suicide."  He hung up the phone, grabbed 
his satchel, and was out the door.

    Ranma rushed down the stairs, surprisingly not 
stumbling once, and was out the door, before his mother or 
Ranko could protest.  `Sorry, Ranko, Mother.'  He ran out, 
heedless of his mother's protests or Ranko's shouting.

* * *

    Ranma reached Hiroshi's house, gasping heavily for air.  
Hiroshi looked at Ranma, somewhat incredulously.  "Hey, 
man, you're going to push yourself to death.  Maybe we 
should cancel tonight."

    Ranma glared at Hiroshi.  "I told you that would be 
suicide.  Postponing the date is the same as telling Nabiki 
you don't have any balls."  Ranma handed Hiroshi an 
envelope.  "Here, 15000 yen from my personal stash.  
You'd better pay me back by the end of the year."

    Hiroshi opened the envelope and leafed the bills.  
"What's with the cash?"  Ranma practically slapped 

    "It's to impress Nabiki you dolt.  And to emphasize the 
fact that you do have a lot of capital to burn.  It's make you 
seen even more useful to Nabiki.  It's to grab her interest, 
and then once we have her interest we can play with her 
emotions."  Hiroshi looked at Ranma who seemed 
unnaturally calm.  He had to shiver slightly when Ranma 
talked about emotions in such a neutral way.

    "Geesh, you make this sound like a surgical operation."  
Hiroshi grabbed the cash, and placed it into his thin wallet.

    "It is."  Ranma walked off.  "It would be a miracle for 
Nabiki to fall in love with you."

* * *

    Nabiki sat in the tiny booth, somewhat impatient.  She 
had to admit, what she saw of Hiroshi was quite interesting.  
Despite his meek behavior, he did seem to have a rather 
interesting personality.  And plus, he managed to win in 
their first minor faceoff.  `Well not for long.  I intend to 
make a profit tonight.'

    Promptly at 8:00 pm, the door to the caf‚ swung open, 
and in came Hiroshi walking in rather confidently.  
Unknown to Nabiki, Ranma had entered the caf‚ some ten 
minutes earlier, disguised with a baseball cap and 
sunglasses.  He had ordered some cheap tea, and was 
seated about 4 chairs away from Nabiki.

    "Ok, Hiroshi, all you need to do is walk in, and sit down 
right next to Nabiki.  You just need to seem confident."  
Hiroshi did as he told.  He walked up to Nabiki, and 
without even waiting for her to invite him to site down, he 
helped himself to a chair.  "Good.  Just say hello to her."

    Hiroshi leaned back in his chair.  "Hi, Nabiki."

    Nabiki eyed Hiroshi.  "Hi, Hiroshi.  Please sit down."  
Nabiki seemed to be somewhat intrigued by the boy's 
overconfidence.  Usually, that meant that he had something 
valuable.  "So we want to talk business, right?"

    "Nod as if you are serious.  A very brief and simple up 
and down.  No tremoring."  Ranma hissed into his 
microphone.  Hiroshi did as he was told.

    "Very well, but if you want to, please indulge me.  I feel 
a need to play a bet.  Are you willing to bet that you are 
going to spend less than me tonight?"  Nabiki grinned to 
herself.  She was pretty sure that she could win.  Obviously, 
she had ordered some water, and since water was free, 
there was no way that she could loose.

    Ranma smiled ever so slightly.  "Bingo, Hiroshi, agree.  
Keep in mind, you are going to purposely loose the bet."  
Ranma quickly tabulated in his mind a menu.  "Hmmm, 
Hiroshi, just don't start ordering until I tell you.  We have 
to get this timed perfectly."

   An hour later, Nabiki found herself laughing at Hiroshi's 
rendition of a teacher's speech.  "Not only did he 
completely contradict himself in class, he made himself 
seem like an asshole to the entire PTA."  Nabiki had to 
smile somewhat, considering the amount of trouble that 
Hiroshi (in reality Ranma) had to go through to get a mean 
teacher kicked out of school.

    "Is that so?  I've never really done anything that big in 
my life.  I stick to running gambling operations.  I'm not 
really interested in messing around with others.  I guess I'm 
a true businesswoman."  Nabiki sipped some expresso, that 
Hiroshi had been kind enough to offer.

    Hiroshi looked at his watch.  "Oh my, I'd better be going 
back before my mother freaks out."  Hiroshi looked at the 
table, and smiled sheepishly.  "I guess I lost the bet.  I 
guess you'd want payment."  Hiroshi fished through his 
pockets, and tossed 10,000 yen and a small micro-cassette 
onto the table.

    Nabiki's eyes opened slightly.  This certainly was a 
strange development.  "Errr, I'd be happy with the tape 
only."  Hiroshi shrugged his shoulders.

    "You made me smile and laugh, I think the money there 
is minuscule compared to what you did for me."  Hiroshi 
left the caf‚, not after paying on the way out.  A boy 
wearing a cap soon followed Hiroshi out the door.

* * *

    "Ranma, you are amazing.  How do you know how to 
say that stuff?  And you make the perfect responses for 
everything!"  Hiroshi was completely amazed with how 
smooth the entire night had went.  "I mean, you seemed 
ready for anything."

    "Well, you paid me, so I did my research."  Ranma drank 
some of his tea, and immediately grimaced.  "I could make 
better tea."  He flung the cup into the nearest wastebasket.

    "See you tomorrow."  Hiroshi waved to Ranma.  Ranma 
just walked home.