Subject: Re: [FFML] [Fanfic][SM]Help the Senshi
From: Mark Doherty
Date: 10/31/1997, 6:32 PM

At 12:46 PM 31/10/97 PST, Soren Smith wrote:
Help the Senshi
by Mark Doherty (

C&C, please.

Not too much, other than a comment that I am really enjoying this whole 
series, and look forward to the possibility of other POV stories to 
accompany IHTH.  

Waha! A scene I did in (currently, although it could get pulled back a 
chapter) chapter 4 has forced my hand, if nothing else there will be a POV 
story from Sapphire. Besides her, up to 2 more for the rebels, 2 more for
the side of the Senshi(not the Senshi themselves, some of them get entries
in {currently} chapter 5 of IHtH), and 1 that is not on either side. That
should give a decent balance.

However, I've got one little...caveat:


The Great Ice was... horrible. It was like a slow-motion dream, 
and feelings warped to a terrible slowness, as cold seeped, seemingly
permanently, into your limbs. When Serenity freed us from that, it was 
something... a deed for which I can't even begin to describe how 
I was. She had a vision of a future, a better future, free from 
monsters such 
as the ones that had brought about the Ice in the first place.

  And this is it.  You've worked hard in IHTH to establish a certain 
ambiguity related to Serenity's rise to power--``Nameless'' is convinced 
that the Great Ice was her doing.  Now we have a second testimony that 
it was the monsters who did it.  

But can she be believed, anymore than the other side? How does she know, did
she hear it or did she see? I shall clarify in a revision that she didn't see, 
she heard. That doesn't mean she's wrong, of course, it just puts her beliefs
in the same grey shadow as the youma killer's.

Even if you never settle the matter, 
the reader can thrust the question of who is right and who is wrong onto 
whether or not they are correct about that one issue.  If ``Nameless'' 
is right, and Serenity did the Big Freeze, then his antagonism is 
justified.  OTOH, if Sailor Wannabe is right, then Nameless is just a 
more tragic/sympathetic antagonist.

Is he? The Great Ice is by no means his only (possibly reasonable) reason for 
hating Serenity, there is also the question of this 'purification' as well,
(and her ruling of Earth, for that matter). Did it do as he believes, and 
brainwashed humanity, wiping their free will to choose right and wrong? Or 
is he wrong, and did it just heal the spirit of the people, allowing for a 
peace and tranquility not seen since the Silver Millenium?

It shows how people _need_ to polarise things. Someone has to be right,
someone has to be wrong. Maybe they're both right, in their own way.
Still, I'll clarify it, to show that she, unlike him, *wasn't* near
the Senshi in the final fight, to keep that element of uncertainty.

Not sure where I'm going with this, I'll have to see future installments 
first (So get back to work!!! ;>)

Give me some time, give me some time. It usually takes me a month to motivate
myself into writing a chapter of something(let's not even talk about chapter
3 of 100%), and I've managed to get three chapters and a side-story done in 
a month-and-a-half this time. I'm positively speeding by my standards.


Mark Doherty  -
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"Time grows short, but I remain tall."