Subject: [Try out][fanfic]short fic
From: Elsa Bibat
Date: 10/30/1997, 12:42 AM
To: "''" <>

I'm in a damn creative mood today it seems.
This scene is _not_ part of the what I shall
now call the 'Koji chronicles'.
I haven't decided what setting for this fic is yet 
so help me find the woman reffered to in the story.
I also haven't decided if I'll write it so anyone is
welcome to start on it right away. Just say my name
in the credits and I'm happy.

Prophecy's beginning 

        The man wiped the child's blood off his wicked
looking sword as he approached the robed man 
on the dais. ' Hey, Seer, aren't you gonna at least
try to blast me ? I did chop your son's head and all ?'
he said with a grin plastered on his face.

        ' Ha, Wanderer, we both know that my son would
just get his head back where you threw it and put it on
his head again like he does everytime. ' the Seer
answered,grinning in response to the man he called
Wanderer. He was dressed in normal clothes but all
in black.

        ' So, Seer you have told me that I am immortal
and that I wander through the worlds of space and time.
Both are true, now what prophecy do yo have for me that
the Dragon himself sent me hurtling through the omniverse,
to this backwater dimension you call home.' he said
impatiently as he put his sword back into it's scabbard.

      ' It concerns your death Immortal Wanderer.'
      ' Death ? Ha, surely you jest ! That's why they put
the Immortal in the Immortal Wanderer ! I can't be killed !'
the black-clothed man said ruefully. <No, matter how much 
I want to.> he added in his mind.

       ' Then listen to this song that I heard from the beatiful 
lips of Death, Wanderer !' his friend said as he began to sing.

         Wanderer forever , heart as hard as stone
          Wanderer forever , heart as cold as ice
           He will not die by the arrow that flies by night
               nor the bullet that comes by day
         No sword nor scythe can cleave his soul
           No plague or sickness can weaken  his stone heart
             No poison can destroy his insides
           Magecraft and power may not harm his invincible form
        But he will die by his emotions
           Not the fires of wrath nor the pain of despair     
             nor the green eyes of envy nor the gentle hands of peace
          He will die by the four letters of the greatest passion
            He will die of Love
         He will find a woman that would shatter his heart
             find a maiden who melts his icy heart 
         He will die for the love of a maiden 
              who's beauty is both of body and soul
            with a mind as sharp as the blade he bears
          He cannot say his love until the very end when the
             maiden lies holding his dying form on the
               battlefield's waste.
          Lo, Wanderer and beware for Love shall
                lay you the last of all warriors.

        The Wanderer clapped his hands. 'Nice voice,Seer.'                      
The older looking man looked at his friend in surprise.
'You are not afraid ?' 

          ' Me afraid of a woman that cannot exist ? No woman
can break my heart,Seer. Me who has killed innocents many times
over. Me who killed all his friends in laughing madness. Ha,
Death lies friend, now I must go. This has delayed the battle
that I fight.' With that the Wanderer black cloak flaring behind him
opened a portal and jumped in.

So, now fellow FFMLers, I want you to send me any
prospective 'breaker of hearts of stone'. And I mean
anywhere in the Anime Multiverse. 
If you want to make a fic of this idea , go ahead.
Just put me in the credits.