Subject: [C&C] TRIO (chap. 27)
From: Christopher Angel
Date: 10/30/1997, 12:29 AM

[Scene opens on a theatre.  In some seats near the center, we see the
Norns.  But they look...different.  Urd looks sexy, but evil.  Belldandy
looks pretty, domestic, and evil.  Skuld looks cute, and evil.

Christopher Angel, God of Moments, walks in.  He's wearing his usual black
and green outfit.]

Chris: [looking at the Norns] What happened to you three?
Dark Queen Skuld:[spooning ice cream into her mouth between words] He's
been reading Biles again.
Chris: [whining] Lemon Sherbert?  [sighs] MAKEUP!

[A huge black cloud flies in the theatre, obscuring Chris.  Seconds later,
it leaves, leaving Chris in a white and orange.]

DQ Belldandy: [blinks] White and orange?
DQ Urd: [laughing] You look!
Dark King Chris: [grumpily] Look, the good me wears black, the bad me
wears white, got it?
DQ Skuld:
DK Chris: THAT I'm fixing. [walks over to the side of the theatre, there's
stabs at an intercom button.  From the intercom female voices are heard.]

Female Voice 1: Chriiiiisss-kuuunn!
Female Voice 2: Chris-sama is kissing me!
Female Voice 3: No, me!

DK Chris: What the hell? [pause] You've GOT to be kidding me.  Skuld, come
DQ Skuld: [walking over] I'm not your servant!
DK Chris: I'm bigger than you...just do me a favor.  Squeak.

[DQ Skuld looks at DK Chris like he's insane, but does as he asks.]

Male Voice: DAMN IT, who did that?  It was just getting fun.
Female Voice 1: Mouse-kun?
Female Voice 3: Rats! Where! Keep them away!

DK Chris: [stabbing the intercom button] What are you doing with the Saber
Marionettes up there?
Male Voice: [petulant tone] If Biles can do it, so can I.  Now, leave me
alone and get reviewing, or I'll make you life even more lousy.  [pause] 
And get out of that uniform.  We look lousy in white. [pause]
was Lime's turn last time I checked...

[Chris frantically releases the button]

DK Chris: He has GOT to get out more.  MAKEUP!

[In moments, all of them are back to normal.]


Chris: As the sh*t hits the fan...

	Ami smiled as Gohan, Ranma and Usagi had shown up at the airport to 
see her off.  Dr. Tofu smiled and said as he shook hands with Ranma, 
"It's good to know you're alive.  I promise that I'll let your family 
and friends know you're alive."

[Chris and Skuld exchange a look.]

Chris/Skuld: BAD plan.

	Ranma replied, "I'd like that."

Skuld: You won't when Akane finds out.
Chris: Or Shampoo...
Urd: Or Ukyo...
Belldandy: Or Kodachi... 

[Belldandy and Skuld blush as Chris looks at them in suprise.]

Chris: And I thought you two didn't like my anime collection.
	Ami said as she and Usagi gave each other a final hug, "The other 
Senshi are going to be so glad that you're still with us.  I know I 

Urd: And I can think of one guy who'll be ecstatic.

	Usagi smiled and replied, "I hope that I'll be returning soon."

	Gohan let out a depressed sigh.  Usagi looked at him and asked, 
"What's wrong?"

	Gohan replied, "No offence, but you two are so lucky.  You've found 
out about your friends and families, but I've only learned that I'm 
from the future.  I just wish that I knew SOMETHING about the other 
people in my life."

	Ami smiled up at him and, giving in to a mischievous impulse, threw 
her arms around his neck and gave him a small peck on the cheek.  "If 
you're any indication," she said, "then you must know some of the 
nicest people on Earth."

Chris: Ami and Gohan sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Urd: Must you act so...juvenille about it.
Chris: [shrugging] Worked for me so far.
Skuld: [retching sound]

	With that, Ami and Dr. Tofu left, while Usagi and Ranma laughed 
their heads off at the stunned expression on Gohans face.

	Two days later....

	Ami awoke to what she thought was the rising sun.  She looked at the 
clock on her bed side table.  The time was 6:30 PM.  "New York was 
nice," Ami thought as she yawned, stretched and pulled the covers up 
over her head, "but this jet lag is going to be the death of me."

	A beeping sound made the blue haired girl sit up, throwing off the 
covers and turn her head back to her table.  It was her communicator. 
 The sound made Ami fully wake up and she grabbed the beeping object. 
 She looked down uncomprehendingly as Makoto appeared on the view 
screen.  "Sorry," Makoto said, "I know you're still getting over your 
trip, but we need your help."

Chris: Of course they need her help.  She's the only one with brains in
her head.
Skuld: I thought you liked Rei-chan.
Chris: That was Crimson.  [pause] I wonder if he's done being evil yet.

	"What's going on?" Ami asked.

	"A new enemy showed up when you left for America.  We've been able 
to hold him off but having you along might be able to allow us to 
defeat him for good."

	"Right.  I'll be there as soon as possible."

	A quick transformation and an even quicker journey to the other 
Senshi later....

	Sailor Mercury arrived on the scene of battle as the remaining 
Senshi battled their latest nemesis.  He was a grey skinned man with 
long hair the same blue color as Mercury's, tied off in a long pony 
tail, and wearing a pure black version of a Dark Kingdom uniform, 
with two gold stars on each side of the collar and a black, M. Bison 
style hat on his head.  He laughed as he saw Sailor Mercury and said, 
"Oh, so one of your missing number returns.  If you think that four 
instead of three Senshi are going to stop the mighty Raksis, you've 
got another thing coming to you."

	"I don't know about that," Mars shot back as she got to her feet, 
the cast on her right arm slightly scorched from an attack that 
Mercury had not been present for, "the three of us have done a good 
job of beating you."

	Raksis snarled, "We'll see about that."

	The villain reached into an unseen pocket and pulled out a small, 
purple, oval shaped object.  He threw it and when it landed, the 
object grew to human size, grew arms and legs, and a demon face 
appeared on the little LCD screen in the middle.  "Tamaganchin," 
Raksis ordered, "ATTACK!"

Chris: KILL IT!
Urd: I think I'm going to be ill.
Belldandy: [frowning] Those things are so annoying.
SKuld: [sniffs] Cheaply made pieces of junk. [cheers] I'll invent
something better!
Chris/Urd: NO!

	"Change my diaper," Tamaganchin whined, "Play with me!  Take me for 
a walk!"

	The Senshi looked at Raksis incredulously as he rubbed the back of 
his head, laughed nervously and said, "He requires a vast amount of 
attention, but it was either him or a rocking horse."

	To his monster, he said, "Now you know our deal young man.  Attack 
who I tell you to attack first and THEN I'll take care of you."

	"Yes master," Tamaganchin replied as he leaped for the Senshi.

	"SUPREME THUNDER!" Jupiter cried as she called down lightning from 
the sky and used it to fry the monsters circuits.

	As Tamaganchin fell to the ground, Venus cried, "CRESCENT BEAM!"

	The yellow ray that came forth from Venus's extended finger, struck 
Tamaganchin in the chest and disintegrated it.  "Oh, fiddle sticks," 
Raksis grumbled as his latest creation was destroyed in near record 

Chris:  You know, they just don't make monsters like they used to.
Skuld: I could make some better ones!
Urd: Why build when you can conjure?

[Urd and SKuld glower at each other]

Chris: [groaning] Why me?

	"Don't feel so bad," Venus taunted, "It lasted longer then that 
Slinky Snake you made last week."

	"Why you..." Raksis growled, "Very well.  Now you face ME!"

	Mercury noticed the others roll their eyes.  "Oh come on," Mars 
groaned, "you haven't learned your lesson yet?"

	Raksis grit his teeth and aimed his hands at the Senshi.  His right 
glowed red and the left glowed blue.  He let out a wordless roar of 
fury and fired twin streams of fire and ice from his hands.  The 
attacks were so slow however, that the Senshi were able to dodge them 
with ease.  "YES," the arrogant demon crowed, "see how you Senshi try 
to evade my assaults, never admitting that it's hopeless."

	"You are..." Venus said as he landed in front of Raksis.

	"... the one..." Jupiter continued as she landed to Raksis's left.

	"... who is..." Mercury added as she landed to his right.

	"... hopeless!" Mars finished as she landed behind Raksis.

	"Oh no," Raksis moaned, "not again."



Belldandy: He's not very good at this, is he?
Chris: [shaking his head] Nope.
Urd: They let anyone in these days....

	Raksis staggered around, scorch marks all over his face and uniform. 
 Raksis managed to shake out his head and he swore, "You may have 
gained the upper hand this time but I'll be back."

	With that, he teleported away.  "I guess," Sailor Neptune said as 
she and Sailor Uranus arrived, and just before they left, "he saw us.

Chris/Skuld/Urd/Belldandy: Huh?

	Later, at Harakawa Shrine....

	"Let me guess," Ami sighed, "he only stays to fight until the Outer 
Senshi appear."

C/S/B/U: Oh.

	"Yes," Luna replied, "we don't know what his motives are but he 
always shows up every two days or so, steals toys and turns them into 

Chris: If this is a replacement for R and S....I like it. Anything to kill
Super S.
Skuld: What's wrong with SuperS.
Chris: Two words.  Chibi. Usa.
Urd: Better not let those four guys hear that.

	Artimis added, "We don't think he has any connection to the Dark 
Kingdom.  Most likely, he just thought they had good fashion sense."

	Rei grumbled as she shifted her left arm in the sling, "First that 
insanity in Nemira, where I still own that bimbo with the spatula for 
this," she indicated the wounded arm, "and now this guy."

	Ami nodded as she remembered how Rei had gotten injured.  They had 
gone to Nemira a month ago because of news reports that a Minotaur 
like monster had been sighted.  After searching the district for the 
whole day, they had ended up at a restaurant that served okinomiyaki 
and decided to have dinner there.

Chris: Saw that coming? [Everyone's hand goes up.]
	While eating, their conversation had accidently drifted to Usagis' 
"death".  The owner of the restaurant had overheard them and grumbled 
something about how their loss didn't matter because of her loss.  
Unfortunately, Rei had heard her and the two of them got into an 
argument that had ended with the shop owner losing her temper and 
belting Rei in the stomach with the flat end of a giant spatula.

	Rei was knocked for a loop and she landed on her arm, breaking it 
several inches below the elbow.  The woman with the spatula had 
turned pale when she realized what she had done and profusely 
apologized, but Rei was not in the mood to accept.

	However, the womans attack must have been a signal for every maniac 
in town as a crazy gymnast, a Chinese amazon, a woman with a REALLY 
big mallet, the Minotaur monster that the Senshi had been searching 
for and many other beings of varying power, started to rip Nemira 
apart in their search for an individual named....


Chris: Hmm...they all think he's dead, don't they?
Urd: That Ryouga creep must have told them.
Belldandy: If he found the Dojo.
Chris: HEY! Stop picking on Ryouga!

	Amis' sudden outburst made the others look at her with confusion and 
Makoto asked, "Come again?"

Urd: I thought she liked Gohan.
Belldandy: [blushing] Urd...
Chris: [shaking his head in dismay] Urd, that was really perverted, and
really obscure.  [smirks] Well done.
Skuld: [confused] Huh?

	Ami realized that she had spoken her thought aloud and, after a long 
pause, she said, "Everyone... there's something I want to tell you.  
I wanted to prepare you for it better, but I guess I've got no choice 

	"What is it?" Minako asked as she stood.

	"Please," Ami continued, "you should be sitting down for this."

Chris: Understatement?
Skuld: [nodding] Understatement.

	As soon as Minako was sitting and she was certain that she had the 
attention of all three girls and the two cats, she took a deep breath 
and said, "When I was in New York, I ran into a Ranma Saotome, most 
likely the one that everyone was looking for, and there were two 
people with him...." Ami paused as she tried to figure out how to 
word what she had to say next.

	"And this is important because..." Makoto added helpfully.

	"Because," Ami licked her lips, "one of those people was Usagi."

Urd: I thought she would have liked her lips at Gohan...
Chris: Urd, get off that already!

	The silence that followed, remained unbroken until Minako asked, 
"You're serious?  No joke?"

	Ami nodded and then the girls all turned at a sobbing sound.  Luna 
used her front paws to wipe the tears out of her eyes and she 
explained, "I'm sorry.  It's just that... I can't believe... I..."

	Artimis let Luna sob on her shoulder as the black cat let out her 
tears of joy.  Silence returned for a brief period of time and then, 
the shock wore off as Makoto leaped to her feet and yelled, "THAT'S 

Chris: [holds handkerchief to Belldandy] Here.
Belldandy: [sniffles] Thank you.

	"Well?" she asked, "What are we waiting for?  We gotta tell 

	"If we can find him," Rei added bitterly, "ever since Usagi die... 
disappeared, we haven't seen him since."

	"Hold on a second," Minako added, "just one question.  How in the 
WORLD did Usagi get to New York?!"

	"Long story," Ami replied, "Setsuna explained it to me, but I think 
we'd better find Mamoru first, so I can explain it to all of you at 

	A few hours later....

	Sailor Jupiter was frustrated.  She and the others must have already 
searched half of Tokyo and no sign of Mamoru.  Not even a single rose 
petal.  She thought, "Where could he be?  We've checked everywhere.  
His apartment, his collage, his job... everywhere."

	On an impulse, she looked down and noticed the building across the 

	It was a bar.

Chris: Oh PLEASE.  Just because Mamoru is of drinking age, why does
everyone think every time something goes wrong in his life he gets drunk? 
I don't think he'd EVER drink.
Urd: Umm....Chris...he thinks Usagi's dead.
Chris: [sighs] Look, if one of you died, or Rachel, or Ami, I wouldn't go
drinking.  [pause] But then, I don't drink.  [long pause, shakes his head]
There are other ways to deal with sadness than alcohol.

	"Maybe not everywhere," Jupiter thought as she jumped down to street 
level and powered down.

Urd: [smirk] Smart girl.

	She crossed the street and entered the bar, counting on her size to 
protect her from any questions of age.  Not that she wanted to drink 
in any case.

	The place was dark, with smoke clinging to the ceiling like paint.  
Wooden tables dotted the room and a big oak bar sat far in the back.  
Makoto waited for her eyes to adjust to the dimmer light and she 
began her search.  She frowned as she saw a familiar green tweed 
overcoat, attached to a familiar body, that had a familiar head, that 
was currently face down on one of the tables.  "Hey," she shook the 
person roughly, "Mamoru!  Wake up!  We gotta talk!"

	Mamoru slowly lifted his head off the table and rested unfocused 
eyes on Makoto.  "Hi ya Mashoto," he slurred, "funny to shee you here.

Chris: [whistling] WHoo he tanked.

	*Thump.*  His head fell back onto the table.

	"Damn," Makoto thought, "he's really wasted."

	Makoto shook him again and he raised his head again. "Go 'way," he 
moaned, "can't ya shee 'm mournin'."

	"By drinking yourself to death like this?  Yeah.  Usagi would REALLY 

	"SHU' UP!" Makoto backed away from the sudden violence in Mamorus
voice, then she edged closer as he started to sob, "Sh.. shhee was 
the mosht important thing in my life.  The only thing 'n my life.  I 
didn' have anything before her.  I wash alone.  Shhe wash my 'Ushako'.
  Now I've losht her... an' it'sh all my fault.  'm shpposed to be 
her protector... shome job I did.

	"The thing ish though... every now 'n then.  I get that ol' feelin'. 
 Like shhe'sh in danger.  I change and go lookin' but then... I... 
remember that..."

Chris: [holds another handkerchief out to Belldandy] Here.
Belldandy: [takes it, sniffles into it.] Thank you, Chris.
Chris: [holds another handkerchief out to Skuld] Here.
Skuld: [takes it, sniffles into it.] Thank you, Oniichan.
Chris: [holds another handkerchief out to Urd] Here.
Urd: [takes it, sniffles into it.] Thanks, 'Niichan.

[Chris takes yet another handkerchief and sniffles into it.]
	Mamoru broke down completely at this point.  Makoto could only look 
on in fascination.  She had never seen him like this.  "Mamoru!" 
Makoto snapped, "Listen to me very, very carefully.  Hey!  I said 

	Mamorus' head had fallen back on the table and he raised it slowly 
again as he whined, "I'm lisnen."

	"Then you better hear this," Makoto stressed the next three words, 
"Usagi... is... ALIVE."

	Mamoru looked up at her, his eyes filled with disbelief, he sat in 
stunned silence, then, he started to laugh, "Well, thanksh for the 
cheer up Misshh Halushinashion.... good night."

	His head flopped back down on the table.  Makoto sighed and leaned 
down.  She threw his left arm around her shoulders and lifted him up 
to his feet.  "Come on," she groaned as she moved him to the door, 
"you've had enough."

	A man at another table sighed as he watched them leave.  "Oh well 
young man," the man thought, "even though you don't realize it yet, 
you have your happiness back."

	The man sighed again as he looked down into the amber liquid that 
was in the glass in front of him, "I, on the other hand.... have no 
hope for the future of my dojo.  Now that Ranma is gone..."

	The man burst into tears and people at the tables around him backed 
away from the extreme velocity of water that came out of the eyes of 
Soun Tendo.

Chris: Well that answers that question.  Ryouga hasn't made it there.
Urd: Or he's gone pig.
Belldandy: Or he can't tell Akane.
Skuld:  Or he's waiting for Ranma to come back so he can dishonor him.
Chris: HEY! So the guy has a few problems. [pause] Skuld, I thought you
liked Ryouga.
Skuld: [disgusted] He pretends to be Akane's pet pig.  He SLEEPS with her.
 He's a creep!
Chris: [pouting] No one understands him...

	The next day at the shrine...

	"So it wasn't a hallucination?" Mamoru asked hopefully.

	"No," Ami replied, "Usagi is alive and well, except that she doesn't 
have her memories.  She's needed to fight a grave evil and she won't 
be returning until it's defeated.  Once it is though, she'll be back.

	"That's wonderful!" Minako chirped.

	"OW!" Mamoru groaned as he grabbed his head, "Please don't yell, I'm 
still hung over," he smiled, "I'd probably still be in that bar if I 
didn't know that she was coming back to me."

	Ami decided, then and there, not to mention what was happening with 

Belldandy: Wise decision.
Urd: Smart girl.
Skuld: Very smart girl.
Chris: [smirks] Hey, I told you, she's the brains of that outfit.

	"So," Makoto asked, "what are these other guys Usagi is with like?"

	"Well," Ami replied, "there's Ranma.  He's a nice guy, an 
outstanding fighter.  I think Usagi is learning martial arts from him.

	"Usagi and martial arts?" Rei asked incredulously, before she 
snorted and added sarcastically,  "THAT'S something I'd like to see.

Chris: I want to see Usagi kick Rei's butt!

[A small statue appears above Chris and lands on him]

Voice: Watch it, boyo...*I* happen to like Rei.

	Ami cleared her throat and continued, "The other person is Gohan.  
He's got super strength, speed and agility.  He can fly.  He shoots 
these strange type of energy balls," Ami paused as she blushed 
slightly, "and he's a pretty nice guy too."

	Minako noticed the blush and added, "From your reaction, I'd say 
that's pretty accurate."

Chris: Ami's in love! Ami's in love!
UIrd: [disgusted] I don't know what they see in you, 'Niichan.

	Ami blushed further but all three girls looked up as Mamoru 
exclaimed, "So what are we waiting around here for?!  Let's teleport 
to New York and help her!"

	"I am afraid," a new voice, that came from the person who entered 
the room said, "that is not possible."

[the goddesses growl]
Chris: You have to admit, she knows how to make an entrance.

	All four people and the two cats looked up to regard the latest 
arrival.  "Setsuna," Makoto asked, "what are you talking about?"

	Setsuna replied, "The enemy that Sailor Moon and her friends face 
are much too powerful for you."

Chris: No doubt! If they need a Sayajin to fight it, it's pretty mean.

	"They can't be THAT powerful if Usagi and two other guys we've never 
heard of before are holding them off," Rei argued.

Chris: As much as I dislike Rei...she has a point.

	Setsuna shook her head and said, "As much as I would like for you to 
be reunited with your leader, the battle which takes place in America 
is not yours to take part in.  Your presence, would throw a delicate 
balance into chaos... and ruin a very important part of history."

	Inwardly, Setsuna added, "At least to me, it is important."

Chris: You don't think...her and Trunks?

[Chris and the goddesses exchange a look]


	Aloud, she said, "Besides, there is an enemy here that you must deal 

	"Raksis," the remaining Inner Senshi groaned.

	"He's a putz," Mako grumbled, "but we can't just let him run free 
over Tokyo."

	The others nodded in agreement and Mamoru said, "I have been lax in 
my duties.  You're Usako's friends, she would probably throw a fit if 
she ever found out that I didn't do all that I could to protect you 
as well.  If you need me, call and I'll be there."

Urd: Go lift weights. Get a tattoo. You're on vacation!
Chris: THis is Sailor Moon, not the Merchant Marines.

	Elsewhere, in an abandoned toy factory....

	"I hate this," Raksis grumbled, "that's ten times in two weeks those 
Senshi have made a fool out of me."

	Raksis sat in a large, black leather chair, his toy "minions" 
gathered around him.  He held his head in his hands, then he stood, 
walked over to the nearest wall and started to beat his head against 

	"WHY?!" THUD! "WHY?!" THUD! "WHY?!" THUD! "WHY?!" THUD!

Chris: Let me field this one.: 'Cuz you suck!

	Raksis continued to slam his head into the wall, in tempo to his 
shouts of "WHY," until a little voice behind him sqeeked, "Lord 

	The demon turned around and looked down.  He observed the little 
wind up mouse which had spoken to him.  He asked the toy, "What is it 

	The "toy" replied, "The master wishes to see you."

	Raksis sighed, "Okay, patch it through to the monitor in here."

	"No," Mouzie replied, "you don't understand.  The master wishes to 
SEE you."

	Raksis grew pale as the meaning behind the emphasis on the word 
"see" hit home.  "You mean... he's HERE."

Skuld: [giggling] He's in trouble! He's in trouble!
Belldandy: Skuld, don't pick up bad habits from Chris.
Chris: HEY!

	Mouzie moved forward an inch and then backward one, his equivalent 
of a nod.  Raksis then asked, "Where?"

	"In the main area."

	Raksis gulped and then moved towards the door.  "I hope," he thought,
 "this means what I think it means."

	He opened the door and when he entered the almost pitch black room, 
he kneeled before the figure on the golden leather throne and said, 
"It is an honor for one as high as yourself to visit one as low as 
myself.  Hail the Eclipse."

	Eclipse Lord looked down at his servant and said, "You grovel well.  
What do you wish to ask of me?"

Chris: [nodding] Nothing worse than minions that grovel poorly.
Urd: Yes there is.
Chris: [arches an eyebrow] Hmm?
Urd: Read Lemon Sherbert. [shudders] Fabioite?

	Raksis flinched slightly and replied, "As always master, you always 
demand that your servants be quick and to the point. Demanding 
nothing less then...."


	Raksis shut up.

Belldandy: Obedient, but not competent.  [sighs]  The quality of villians
these days.
Chris: We already did that.
	Eclipse Lord looked at him with a norrow gaze and said, "I have come 
to receive a status report.  How goes the battle against the Senshi?

	Raksis grimaced as if he had swallowed something bitter and answered,
 "All goes well.  The Senshi are distracted and thus, now that they 
know of their friends plight, they are to busy to be of aid."

	Eclipse Lord nodded in satisfaction.  "My Lord?" Raksis asked, "I am 
curious.  Normally, you would simply contact me by an intimediary 
means, why have you decided to grace me with your presence now?"

	The leader of the Eclipse Syndicate gripped the arm rests of his 
throne tightly and replied, "The battle with the Trio has taken... 
unexpected twists."

	"I see," Raksis said, even though he didn't.  For, he knew better 
then to ask.

	"Master," Raksis continued, "I must ask you one favor."

	"What is it?"

	Raksis threw himself at Eclipse Lords feet as he whined, 
"PLLLLEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEE!  Let me use my full power!  I can 

U/S/B: .....
Urd: You mean...
Belldandy:...he's been purposefully that useless?

	Raksis started to kiss Eclipse Lords feet and the head of the 
Eclipse Syndicate blasted his servant away with a bolt of purple 
lightning.  Raksis slammed into the far wall and as he slid down, 
Eclipse Lord replied, "No.  I do not doubt that it is possible for 
you to kill them.  However, they have their parts to play in this war 
and for now, I simply want them kept on the sidelines.  Do you 

	Raksis got back up to a kneeling position and lowered his head as he 
said, "Yes master... I understand."

	"Good.  Now, I must leave, I have business in Nemira that need 
attending too."

Chris: COOL! The Nerima crew get trashed!

[they all stand]

Belldandy:  Very interesting reading.
Urd: I still think they need my help...
C/B/S: NO.
Skuld: I hope Ranma-kun and Usagi-chan stay together. They're a much nicer
couple than Usagi-chan and Mamoru-kun.
Chris: Good work, Flashman.

[They leave.  A few moments later, the intercom cracks to life.]

Voice: [breathless] Uhh...girls...gimme a break here...
Female Voice 1: But's it's my turn!

Christopher "God-boy" Angel
"Love is stronger than justice."
-The Munificent Seven by Sting