From: (P-R-P-Chan)
Date: 10/19/1997, 6:14 PM

well i'm posting this for Ben Kalman <> so send 
all comments his way.. or just leave them with me and i'll forward them.
doesn't really make a difference.. anyways ihave absolutely nothing
to do with this one, i enjoy it, i find it's much like a Jeff Rutsch 
fic.. specially 'Sour Milk Sea' .. but i know for a fact that he never 
read it. so anyways.. all credit goes to him, except of course for the
people who own Ranma and Trainspotting (although not much of it is used)

	By: Ben Kalman <>

	Ranma couldn't beleive his mind.  As he stared at the flashing lights and
colours surrounding him and slowly taking control of his sanity, he wondered
if life could
get any better than this.  He called Ukyo over, and she crawled to him with
a laviscious
grin spreading across her face.  She licked her lips and rolled up her
sleeve.  Ranma tied
the rubber tube off on her bicep, and slapped her forearm until a good vein
showed.  He 
cooked the heroin on a semi-charred spoon and soaked it up in a cotton ball.
The lights
reflected onto the tip of the needle as he pulled the plunger back.  It was
like a message 
of divinity, seeing the bright reflections in the gleaming metal, as it
pierced Ukyo's flesh 
and she stiffened, letting out a moan that was more passionate than any
orgasm could ever hope to 
	Ukyo lay back and stared.  She stared at the ceiling, then the fan spinning
around and around
 and around... She at the wall.  First the wall of the apartment, crumbling
paint, broken plaster.  
Then the walls of her mind.  She could see a shell around her nerve endings,
watched as it crumbled, 
and her body responded to the sensations shooting back and forth throughout,
like a bullet train 
carrying blood vessel passengers through the artery and vein tunnels.  She
could almost se each cell 
in her body multiplying as goose bumps rose on her skin and a tingling
sensation ran down her spine.
Sort of like being horny without the need for sex.  she just lay back eyes
closed, listening to Ranma's 
breathing, listening to her thundering heartbeat, wishing it would never end.

	By: Ben Kalman <>
	Chapter 1

	The voice shattered the serenity.  The stillness, once perfect, was now
broken.  Ranma's stomach heaved.  He cramped up, his stomach feeling swollen
and distended.  He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten.  He couldn't
remember where the fuck he was...maybe he should open his eyes.
	The brightness split his head open like a ginsu knife through a ripe melon.
Spots began to appear, as Ranma desperately tried to adjust to the light and
keep his stomach together at the same time.
	"Ranma, are you okay?"
	"F-fine.." Ranma croaked.  His mouth felt parched and dry.  He needed water.
	When he could finally see, he turned to see who had disturbed his blissful
slumber.  It was Akane, surprise, surprise.
	Ranma couldn't even remember how he'd gotten back from Ukyo's to the Dojo.
His toungue felt like rubber, his extremities numb.
	"You don't *look* fine.  You're really plae!"
	"I'm fine Akane, just leave me alone!"
	"Fine, then.  But don't come crawling to me when you want sympathy!"
	Akane whirled around and stormed off.  As she got through the door, she saw
Nabiki standing across the hall, with a glint in her eyes.
	"What's wrong with Ranma?" She asked.
	"I don't know, but he's in a real cranky mood.  If he thinks that I'm gonna
let him ruin my day, he's got another thing coming!"
	Nabiki just smiled, looking even more amused.  Akane just let out a squeal
of frustraion and stomped down the stairs.
	Nabiki waited until she heard the door slam, then entered Ranma's room.
	"Ranma, Ranma, Ranma.  What ever am I to do with you," Nabiki sighed as she
rolled her eyes heavenward as if in hopes of some divine inspiration.  She
got Ranma to his feet and helped him to the bathroom, where he proceeded to
kneel in extensive prayer to the porcelain gods.  He rinsed his mouth out,
then drank some water and took some aecetaminophen to ease his splitting
	"Gee, did we have ourselves a good weekend?" Nabiki said from where she sat
in the corner, an impish grin on her face.
	"I need another.. I can't take the pain.. just one hit to tide me over!"
	"Ranma, baby, I'm truly sorry, but your credit just ran out.  You owe me
big time.  Howeever there *is* one way you could pay me off."
	"What? Name it... I'll do anything!"
	"Somehow, I knew you's see it my way!"

	Akane walked into Dr.Tofu's clinic.  She was almost at the point of fuming.
How dare he!  And that sister of hers was just encouraging him!  They did it
just to annoy her.  They had to be obnoxious on the one important day of her
life, her birthday.  Somehowm she knew Dr.Tofu would make her feel better.
He always did.  Just the thought of being held by those strong arms, the
medical smell about him.  Just so long as Kasumi didn't find out, somehow
she knew it would be okay.
	"Akane! So good to see you." Dr.Tofu said as she walked in.  He closed the
ventian blinds and locked the front door, turning the sign so that it read
'closed'.  Then he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately.
	"Happy Birthday," Dr.Tofu said in a deep voice as he unzipped her dress.
She smiled happy and feeling needed, then gave herself completely.

	Ryoga put down the telephone.  Now he had his revenge on that bastard
Ranma.  He'd seen Ranma at the clubs in Tokyo the previous weekend with
Ukyo.  They were fucked out of their minds on junk.  Now he had just
arranged for Akane to find out.  Finally Akane would be his, as was
destined.  Now he just had to find his way back to Nerima.  Where was
he...Edingburgh??? How the hell did he get to Scotland?? Oh well, since he
was herem he might as well drop in on his good friend Sick Boy.  Then he'd
get back to Japan to claim his rightful prize!

	"Whaaat?!?" Soun yelled out.
	"You heard me father, we're going vegetarian.  We must protect those poor
little animals who are treated so cruelly and inhumanely!" Kasumi announced.
	"But my dear, darling, beloved Kasumi, how are we to survive without meat?
We need those enzymes and proteind..."
	"But Daddy, couldn't we try it? I think it would be fun." Akane asked.
as he backhanded Akane across the face.  His face was scarlet and his
breathing heavy.  Akane whimpered and tears started to roll down her face as
she placed her hand over the now reddened cheek.
	"Daddy, it's her birthday! Be nice, for me??" Kasumi pleaded.
	"Oh Happy Birthday Akane, Daddy's sorry, I don't know what came over me."
Soun said, his arms motioning for Akane to hug him.
	Akane turned and fled sobbing, upstairs.

	Kuno met Nabiki in a dank and musty cafe.
	"Do you have it, woman?" He demanded stiffly.
	"Kuno, baby, of course I have it!"
	She placed two packets and an envelope on the table.  Kuno opened the first
packet to see a wrapped brick of white powder.  He stuck a small knife into
the packet and tasted the powder with his pinkie.
	"Mmm, good quality, almost pure."
	"Have I ever let you down?"
	He opened the next packet, which contained three vials of clear liquid.
	"American Morphine, baby.  You won't find better!" Nabiki said, with a giggle.	
	Kuno opened the envelope.  his eyes nearly started from his head.  He
jumped up, knocking one of the vials to the floor with a crash.
	"Hey! You're paying for that!" Nabiki yelled as Kuno hurriedly hid the
other drugs in his robes.
	"How did you get these photos?" Kuno demanded.
	"A little luck and a lot of dope!"
	"I'll take the lot."
	"5,000,000 nuyen.  Take it or leave it."
	"I'll pay!" Kuno said as he handed her the money.  She counted it, then
nodded her head.
	"Can you get more pictured like this of my darling pigtailed girl?"
	"Shouldn't be a problem."
	"And 750 CC's of ether."
	"No problem.  Now, about tonight..."
	Kuno smiled and linked his arm into hers as they exited the cafe, "We shall
see, fair maiden."
	"What maiden?" Nabiki responede with a wicked smile and a wink.  Kuno just

	"Nihao, Ranma! Shampoo come sit on face?"
	Ranma woke up suddenly, in a cold sweal.  He'd been having nightmares all
week about her.  For some reason, he just couldn't get Shampoo out of his
mind.  His thoughts race back to The Boiler Room, in downtown Tokyo, a few
days ago.  He'd gone there with Ukyo.  They'd taken E, figuring that it
would keep them high until they could hit the heroin the next day.  He'd
never felt so alive.  The music was blasting.. he could feel the nergy all
the way to his chi, the centre and core of his being.  Then, as Ukyo's lips
met his in an electric bliss, with lights flashin neon and sparkles around
him, *she* showed up.  Shampoo...her blue hair glowing in the neon light.
The patterns being projected on each wall were reflected in her eyes.  He
shuddered with the recollection of these memories.  She always seemed to be
where she was least wanted.  she'd obviously been on acid again, her pupils
dilated, making them large and dark in the bright neon tube lights.  Her
mouth was stretched into an impossibly wide grin.  She reached for Ranma,
pulling him close...Ranma shuddered again as his mind jumped forward a few
hours...he was lost in his thoughts to the point that his memories seemed
all too real.  He remembered he and Ukyo, racing out of the club, laughing.
He'd finally escaped from Shampoo.  They'd caught a taxi, intending on going
back to Ukyo's to taste the heroin.  They'd been up sixteen hours at least,
and the ecstasy was just starting to wear off.  Then, all of a sudden,
Shampoo bounced gaily out of the club, only to just happend to scrunch into
the same cab as Ranma.  Coincidence? He thought not.
	Shampoo and her newly aquired raver outfits...from the track pants to the
baby doll t-shirts proudly displaying names like 'Shonen Knife' and 'Rumiko
Takahashi'.  Her pigtails, her sneakers.  She barely looked Chinese anymore.
Finally, Ukyo and Ranma were able to escape Shampoo's constant stalking.
Though unnerved, they still enjoyed two days of true ecstasy, the kind found
only through the eye of a needle.

        P-R-P-Chan's Pathetic Little Place
        The Ranma ½ Fanfic Library