Subject: Re: [C&C][FFML] Dance of Shiva
From: "Ranma Al'Thor" <>
Date: 9/23/1997, 10:42 PM
To: Fanfic Mailing List

On Tue, 23 Sep 1997, R. D. Beaubien wrote:

Hmm..Just remembered one small question I need to ask you. When
Kumagami-san started talking about her past boyfriends, you didn't talk
about Utsumi/Richard Won. Did you leave this out on purpose, or did she
leave it on purpose? Or am I missing something in the Patlabor
timeline...(Never heard of Daisuke before....)

I left this out by forgetting :)

John Walter Biles :  MA-History, Ph.D Wannabe at U. Kansas    

      It sought to scour him to ash, but he would not burn.  It tried to 
crush him, but he would not be broken.  It tried to blow him away, but he 
would not move.  He locked his mind around it and struck back with his 
anger, binding it with the power within himself.  He had gone beyond 
rage, into the calm at the heart of the hurricane of his anger.  By 
turning his anger outward, he mastered it, and now he did the same for 
the power.

                                   --from 'Power', the first third of my
unfinished story, 'Parallel Lives'.