Subject: Re: [C&C]100% Woman & Insignificant
From: Eric Adams
Date: 9/5/1997, 12:33 AM
To: Mark Doherty <>, The Mother of All Fanfic Mailing Lists <>

Still I always liked Ukyou best so i may be biased on that.

Ever notice how it's often the ones who like her best who put her
through the worst time?

Ahem.... *shuffling of feet* 

This is almost to juicy to pass up.  

Why is that?

When I wrote Insignificant i did it for a variety of reasons, one of
them being cathartic, another because I like Ukyou and want to see her
be a whole person.  To me Ukyou has the greatest capacity for despair
and self loathing.  Ukyou is one of the most tragic characters in
Ranma,  and so I think many of the people who like her do so out of a
feeling for kindred spirits.  The trials that Ukyou goes through
sometimes becomes a way of living vicariously an attempt to understand
ourselves.  How many people have suffered unrequited love and how do we
sometimes survive?  But Ukyou isnt just about unrequited love, its also
about living for someone else that you lose a sensse of who you are.  It
is Ukyou capacity for self loathing, destruction and despair that draw
so many too her.  

Then again maybe we all want to save her and in so doing save ourselves.

-- "I always hated stories that ended poorly. I always felt cheated. But you can't feel cheated forever. And then she woke up... I suppose there are worse endings." --Rose Walker, Lost Hearts