Subject: Jordan (was RE: Manhood Ritual)
From: Richard Lawson
Date: 7/24/1997, 2:29 PM
To: Mike Noakes <>, Joshua Dyal <>
CC: "" <>

On Thursday, July 24, 1997 1:05 PM, Mike Noakes
[] wrote:

	As for Jordan - heh, I've never figured out why he was so well 
received; I figure it's by default or something.  Sure, he's not bad, 
but there's such a thing as overwriting - which he does in spades.  

The first three books of the Wheel of Time were wonderful - brilliant,
even.  The best epic writing since Tolkein.  Word of mouth began to
spread, and Jordan books sold like hotcakes.

And then, suddenly, the plot stopped moving.

It's as if Jordan realized what a cash cow he was riding, and started
padding his books to drag it out as long as possible.  I was quite
disillusioned with the last two books - almost *nothing* happened.
Jordan is still very far from bringing the series to a close.  It's
darned irritating.

If Jordan had kept up the style and pace of the first three books, the
WoT would have been my favorite all-time fantasy series.  Now, alas,
it's beginning to drop down to the level of Dickson or even (gasp)

And I'm still mad that we didn't get to see the wedding of Lan and
Nynaeve.  (*sigh*)  ^_^

But I guess I'm getting off topic...

Me too.  :)
	-Mike Noakes
