Subject: Re: [FFML] [Help Needed] 2 try. : segmented Tangled Skeins in 24 hrs
From: Barry Cadwgan
Date: 6/12/1997, 11:12 PM
To: Edward Becerra

Edward Becerra wrote:

        I'm sending this again since the list seems back up.

Subject: [Help Needed]

<Snip.. although I really don't want to.. no disrespect intended> 

        So, with WhiteWolf's gracious permission, I'm going to be posting
the final version of Tangled Skeins to the list in one single post.
WARNING, it is over 294 kilobytes long, those of you who have per-letter
size limits won't get it. I won't have the time to individually chop it up
and mail it in pieces, so perhaps some kind soul would be willing to do
that? Or perhaps someone can put it somewhere (an archive?) where the
web-based mail customers can get to it, if they wish to read it. after
that, if the consensous is that it's a good story, I'm going to post
it to RAAC.

I posted a segmented version of it to the list just as it was going
down.. if the segmented version doesn't come thorugh in the next 24 hrs
I'll repost it, or if anyone wants it before then, I can send it.

All our best wishes Ed!  

I am sorry I can do no more.

Ironic the list is back up on Black Friday (My time..)

-- Barry Cadwgan ( BCADWGAN@FL.NET.AU ) "The end does not justify the means. The end is the sum of the means, as the road travelled determines the destination." Valijon Starbringer (Hellflower Trilogy, Eluki bes Shahar)