Subject: [so beta that I'm not sure about this]Antithesis, part III
From: Zenki
Date: 5/4/1997, 4:13 AM

The final part to Antithesis.  This ending ended up too weird for me so
I'm currently thinking of a new one.  Amazing, eh?  My first finished fic
that breaks the 100 page barrier.  For me, it's a big step.

Chapter 10

    Ranko dashed down the stairs.  "Oh great!  I'm going to be 

    Nodoka shouted.  "Don't stay out too late!  You still have to 
do your work!"  Ranko almost grimaced as soon as Nodoka mentioned 
school work, and she ran out the door.

    However, normally she would continue through the yard, out the 
front gate, and proceed down the street, but today was different.  
As Ranko passed the front door, she turned her head in time to see 
Ranma staring outside as if he didn't have a reason to go out at 
all.  She did have to admit, recently Ranma was more depressed than 
usual, and as a caring and concerned sister, she reversed gears and 
entered the house again.

    "Say Ranma, do you want to come out with Ryoga and me?"  Ranko 
looked at her brother who stared at nothing in particular.

    "No thanks."  Ranma didn't even bother to turn his head.

    Ranko suddenly got one of those determined looked on her face, 
and she walked up to her brother, grabbed his arm, and yanked.  
"You're coming along with me now.  No reason keeping you in the 
house all day!"

* * *
    Ranma sighed as he watched his sister kidding around with Ryoga.
  There were moments in his life, he wished that he could just redo 
over, and remove those mistakes.  One of those moments was twelve 
years ago, he wished that he didn't wander into that cave.  But as 
he thought about it, questions entered his head.  'Then, what kind 
of person I would be like?'

    "Hey Ranma, are you coming or what?"  Ranma's head looked up, 
and he realized that while thinking, he had been standing still 
while Ranko covered a block with Ryoga.

    Ranma mentally slapped himself, it wasn't like him not to pay 
attention to what was happening.  He started to walk, but even as 
he began his step, he could hear something.  In a unready position, 
he decided perhaps it was better to dodge backwards, and with all 
his energy, he fell backwards.

    It was fortunate as a spiked ball crashed into the ground, 
throwing bits of cement everywhere.  "Ranma Saotome, I, Mousse, 
challenge you for the right to married your sister."

    Ranma barely gasped as the giant ball basically had scared his 
skeleton out of him.  "And who said that I have to right to choose 
whom my sister marries?"

    Mousse didn't answer, instead a long wicked blade slide out of 
sleeves and into his hand.  "Well, in that case, prepare to die!"  
Ranma rolled out of the way, allowing the blade to pass him and 
split the concrete beneath him.

    Ranko stood shocked at a boy with long hair who had appeared 
practically out of nowhere and had attacked her brother without 
provocation.  She clenched her fists.  "You asshole!"  

    Mousse turned around, and managed to finally see Ranko for once.
  His great-grandmother hadn't been joking when she said Ranko had 
Amazon qualities.  She was slim and beautiful, and she did seem 
somewhat angry at the moment.  However, it is not good to direct 
your attention elsewhere in a fight, as Ranma pushed himself off 
the ground towards Mousse.

    Mousse heard the rush of air, but it was too late.  Whipping 
his head back, Mousse saw Ranma stab at his chest with four fingers.
  Mousse had to snicker at the feebleness of his attack.  'What 
does he think he is?  I barely felt that.'  Mousse tried to attack, 
but suddenly realized with horror that his entire body had locked 

    Ranko charged Mousse, and she leaped up high into the air.  
Ranma heard his sister jump, and realizing what she intended to do, 
Ranma rolled away to the side as Ranko landed on Mousse, driving 
his face into the ground.

    "And nobody, nobody ever picks on my brother like that!  You 
hear me!"  Ranko leaped off Mousse's head, and helped pull Ranma to 
his feet.  "Ranma, are you ok?"  Ranko seemed extremely concerned 
as she quickly looked over Ranma.

    Ranma did have to give the boy on the ground some credit.  
"Thanks Ranko, if you weren't here, I probably wouldn't be standing 

    Ranko nodded.  "That was some cool move you did.  What happened 
to him?  He didn't even bother to dodge my attack!"

    Ranma shrugged his shoulders.  "It was something that 
Grandfather had been teaching me."  Ranma looked at Mousse, who was 
barely moving, and then he looked at his hands.  "I'd never thought 
it would be so effective."  For once, he felt grateful for his 
Grandfather's drilling.  After a week and a half of training, Ranma 
was surprised when he had almost reacted on instinct.

    "Yeah, watching him try to move gives me the creeps.  Come on 
Ranma."  Ranko grabbed Ranma, and dragged him away.

    As soon as Ranko, Ranma, and Ryoga disappeared into the 
distance, and old woman landed next to Mousse.  "Mousse, you ought 
to be ashamed of yourself!  A nearly crippled boy bested you!"  
Grumbling furiously, Cologne flipped Mousse onto his back, and 
poked at various points on his body.

    Mouse could finally move his body again.  "Great-grandmother, 
what did he do?"

    Cologne seemed contemplative.  "So even when he couldn't 
continue to study the art, he found something else to study.  
Interesting indeed.  This almost changes the picture, Mousse.  Come 

* * *

    "Who is Mousse?"  Ranma asked Ranko.  "He seemed a little too 
eager to marry you."

    Ranko shrugged her shoulders.  "How am I supposed to know?"  
After the brief confrontation with Mousse, Ranma and Ranko both 
stopped by Ryoga's home to drop him off before continuing on to 
their home.  Unknown to both of then, a hooded figure was trailing 

    Ranko slammed the front door open.  "Taidama!" she shouted as 
she walked into the Saotome home.  Ranma was right after her, his 
ears still ringing because Ranko had really shouted rather loud.

    Nodoka walked out of the kitchen to welcome her children home.  
"Ranko, Ranma.  Did you have a nice afternoon?  Ranko, please set 
the dinner table.  Dinner is just about ready.

* * *

    Ranma stared at the table, noticing the absence of Grandfather 
Happosai.  "Where is Grandfather?"  Nodoka seemed nervous for a 

    "Well grandfather had some business to take care of, so he 
won't be able to stay at our house for awhile.  He'll be staying at 
a local hotel."  Ranma shrugged his shoulders.

    Ranko muttered.  "No, it just that he went into hiding 
elsewhere so people won't be tearing this house down."

    Ranma managed to force down a few bites, when his stomach just 
couldn't take it anymore.  No, it wasn't the food, as Nodoka did 
know how to prepare a good dish.  Rather, Ranma wasn't feeling 
particularily good that day.  Perhaps it had to do with Nabiki.

    "Mother, I'm full now."  Ranma stood up, and opening the back 
door, he went to the backporch.  In fact Ranma seemed to like the 
backporch a lot as it was place he could get a lot of inspiration 
and revelations.

    Ranko sighed for a bit.  Nodoka looked at Ranko.  "What is 
making Ranma feel so low?"

    "Oh, he's having problems with a girl.  He told me."  Ranko 
started on her second bowl of rice.  "I think he can't admit that 
he likes her."

    Nodoka had to smile, as it seemed a positive thing for Ranma to 
actually start looking at girls.  But then again, since it was 
making Ranma depressed, the smile quickly wanned.  "I hope Ranma 
learns not to take everything too seriously."

* * *

    Ranko sighed as she walked up the stairs.  It seemed that 
everything Ranma had to do, worried her.  But somehow, somehow she 
was amazed with Ranma.  As she reached to top, she thought about 
the days events, Ranma doing something to Mousse, so he couldn't 
move, even after getting his face shoved into the ground.

    'How did Ranma ever learn to do that?  He said grandfather 
taught him.'  Ranko sighed as she reached her door, and carefully 
opened it.  'I hope I could learn that.  It would be a nice trick.' 

    "You will die!"  Ranko looked into her room, and found a 
cloaked figure, carrying two bonbori, waiting to ambush her.  The 
unknown figure charged Ranko, and Ranko easily ducked her attacks.  
'Damn she's good.  I'd better do something quickly...'

    Ranko backflipped, and whipped her legs through the air.  Her 
assailant was forced to stop, as Ranko's feet whizzed by the 
person's face by mere inches.  Ranko took advantage of the 
distraction, and she pounded the person with punches, kicks, and 
pushed him out the window.

    "Don't people have the decency to pick a fight elsewhere?"  
Ranko clapped her hands clean and locked the window.

* * *

    Ranma heard a cry and a splash behind him.  Sitting up, Ranma 
looked at the pond in the backyard, and he could barely make out 
something struggling in the pond.  With a complete disregard for 
the fact that it was raining, Ranma allowed his curiosity to get 
the better of him, and he walked out into the yard.

    Wiping back his hair, which had drooped down to cover his front 
eyes.  Ranma looked in the pond, and found a rather cute cat 
struggling to keep it's head above the surface.  Ranma felt sorry 
as he watched the cat fight a losing battle against drowning, and 
out of sympathy, Ranma grabbed the cold cat.

    Immediately the cat tried to claw at him, but Ranma didn't care,
 kneeling on the ground, Ranma held up the cat and looked at it 
closely.  "You're cute."  Noticing that no one was watching him, 
Ranma briefly smiled at the cat before taking it into the house.

    Fortunately no one was paying attention to Ranma, and Ranma, 
holding the cat tightly, partially to warm it up, partially to hide 
it, and partially to keep it from clawing him, walked up the stairs.
  Reaching the second floor, Ranma looked around and was satisfied 
that Ranko's bedroom door was closed.  Ranma opened the bathroom 
door, and grabbed a towel, before disappearing into his room.

    Once Ranma had closed and locked his door, Ranma proceeded to 
dry off the cat with the towel.  In the better light, Ranma had a 
chance to better examine the cat.  Apparently it was a female cat 
with a nice flowing hair.  Two hair ornaments were in the cat's 
hair, and Ranma had to smile as the they shook about, reflecting 
light in a peculiar way.

    Fortunately for Ranma, the cat seemed to realize that Ranma 
didn't mean any wrong doing, and it allowed Ranma to look at it.

    The cat meowed at Ranma.  Ranma looked at the cat.  "What's 
wrong?  Are you hungry?"  The cat meowed again, somewhat more 
intensely.  Ranma figured that the cat meant yes.  Placing the cat 
on his bed, Ranma walked up to the door.  "I'll be back.  Stay 

    The cat watched as Ranma exited the room, and tried to follow 
him out the door, but Ranma shut the door before the cat could get 
out.  With a desolate meow, the cat looked all over the room.  It 
just seemed rather spartan, nothing much impressive.  There were a 
ton of photographs everywhere, but nothing much else.

    Ranma carefully padded down the stairs, and walked into the 
kitchen.  Opening the refrigerator, Ranma looked at the rather wide 
selection of food.  There was some left over fish, and some other 
stuff that seemed rather decent.  Shrugging his shoulders, Ranma 
decided that it was best to get a wide variety of stuff for his new 

    Ranma stopped himself, as he stared out the window.  'My pet?  
The cat probably already has an owner.  But, I can't explain why I 
like it.'  Ranma sighed.

    The cat sighed, or meowed, desolately before settling her head 
on the soft bedspread.  Suddenly, the doornob turned, and in came 
Ranma.  But to the cat's disappointment, Ranma closed the door 
behind him.  Well, it wasn't a complete disappointment, as the cat 
could see that Ranma had brought a nice selection of food.

    "Ok, Cat, I just couldn't decide what to get, but I got you a 
little sampler."  Ranma set a dish filled with various food on the 
floor, and he set a small bowl of milk next to it.  The cat 
cautiously walked up to the food and sniffed it.  After the initial 
examination, the cat took it's first bite, and then launched into a 

    Ranma smiled again, as he had to respect the cat.  The cat 
seemed not to have a single care in the world as it ate.  Ranma 
took off his outer clothes and such, and laid on bed.  He felt 
something soft land on his bed, and Ranma reached down to pet the 
cat.  "What would I give to be like you.  Without a single care in 
the world."  Ranma looked down at the cat, and scratched it behind 
the ears.  "Of course, you couldn't possible understand what I'm 
saying.  Goodnight I guess."  Ranma reached over, and turned off 
his desklamp.

* * *

    A little boy stared at his surroundings, absolutely terrified.  
He seemed to not be in a recognizable place, all around him were 
smaller huts and other nonpermanent structures.  The boy tried to 
move his legs, or to be more specific, move in general, but found 
that he couldn't.  Immediately, panic seized him, and turning his 
head around, the boy could focus on people.  They all spoke in a 
language he could not understand.

    He felt something land on his chest, and directing his 
attention upwards, he could see an old withered woman looking down 
at him.  She seemed to be speaking Japanese, but given the state of 
shock, the boy couldn't understand at all.

    The lady grabbed him, and with he index finger and middle 
finger, stabbed at some point on Ranma's chest.  As soon as she 
poked at those locations, Ranma felt all of his nerves burn alive, 
and all of the pain that had built up in his legs flashed through 
into his head.  But at the same time, he felt that he had lost 

* * *

    Ranma reached over, and slammed the alarm.  It wasn't even the 
next day, it was only 11 at night.  With a groan, he scratched 
himself, and carefully, without disturbing the cat, he went to take 
a bath.

    After Ranma showered his body clean and settled into the tub, 
he couldn't help but think about Nabiki.  'Why can't I admit that 
I'm at least interested in her.'  With a sigh, he sank as deep as 
he could into the tub without drowning, allowing the hot water to 
wash over as much of his body as possible.

    Suddenly he heard screaming.  "Yah!  It's a cat!"  It was Ranko.
  Ranma grumbled as it was apparent that Ranko had gone to his room 
and disturbed the cat.  Climbing out of the tub, Ranma carefully 
dried himself off and dressed up in some clothes before opening the 

    He had to laugh.  Ranko was running like wild up and down the 
hall with the cat chasing after her.  Without provocation, Ranko 
leaped into Ranma's arms, and pointed at the cat.  "Make that cat 
go away!!"

    "Sure, Sure thing."  As Ranma dropped Ranko on the ground, he 
couldn't help but notice the cat baring it's teeth at Ranko.  Ranma 
picked up the cat, and as soon as the cat saw Ranma, a look of 
reluctance passed over its face.  "Please don't pick on my sister?  
She doesn't like cats."  Ranma placed the cat on his shoulder, and 
he went into his room.

    Ranko was virtually paralyzed, as Ranma placed the cat on his 
shoulder, the cat had turned its head and gave her the most 
chilling stare ever.  'I can't believe Ranma actually likes that 

* * *

   Mousse stood across from Cologne.  "But Great-grandmother, how 
am I to win if Ranma can stop me just by touching me?"  Mousse had 
expected an easy win that day, but after watching Ranma stop him 
with a total of four fingers, Mousse was developing a healthy 
respect for Ranma's capabilities.

    Cologne knocked her great-grandson on the head.  "You idiot, 
all you need to do is find something to neutralize Ranma's 
effectiveness, and I just have the perfect idea in mind."  

    "How is that?"  Mousse asked.  Cologne sighed, silently 
wondered where Mousse had inherited his lack of intelligence from.

    "All you need to do is prevent Ranma from getting close to you, 
then his attacks are useless.  Mousse, all you need to do is to 
attack him from afar.  Then your victory is certain."  A smile 
surfaced on Mousse's face.

    "Then I win the right to be betrothed to Ranko?"  Mousse had to 
admit, he did like Ranko, a lot.  For him, it was the combination 
of a rather good figure, excellent skill in the martial arts.  "And 
boy, she actually looks beautiful."

    Cologne had to smile, at least Ranko would be able to take her 
great-grandson's mind off of other less capable Amazons.

* * *

    The next day in the afternoon, Soun actually felt something 
strange was happening. His home was too quiet.  Putting down his 
newspaper, he slowly wandered from room to room perhaps trying to 
find some sign of life.  He walked to the kitchen.  No one was 
there.  He tried the dining room.  There was no indication that 
someone was there recently.

    Soun looked into the backyard, and there was nobody.  'Hmmm, I 
wonder where is everyone?'  Just at that moment, Nabiki calmly 
walked down the stairs.  "Ah, Nabiki, you wouldn't happen to know 
where Kasumi and Akane are?"

    Nabiki grimaced for a moment.  "Sure thing, Kasumi's out with 
Tofu, and Akane is somewhere in a fancy restaurant with Kuno."  
Nabiki opened the closet, and took out her jacket.

    "And where are you going?"  Soun didn't relish the idea of 
fending for himself for dinner.  "What am I going to do for 

    "I'm going out.  Well, maybe you could go ask Mrs. Saotome for 
help."  Nabiki ran out the door.

    Soun watched Nabiki walk out into the rain.  Looking up at the 
sky, Soun couldn't help but notice the rain clouds on the horizon.  
He tried to tell Nabiki to bring an umbrella, but he realized she 
was gone.  'Well, no harm done.'  He walked into the house to use 
the telephone.

* * *

    Ranma looked at his planner on his desk, when he noticed that 
he had a monster essay to finish in three days.  'Great, I 
completely forgot about that.'  Ranma petted the cat, who was 
cleaning itself on his desk.  "Well, I think a trip to the library 
is about due."  Ranma paused, listening to the raindrops crash into 
the roof.  "But, I'd wish that it wouldn't rain."

    Ranma slowly put on his jacket, and was about to leave, when on 
second thought he grabbed the cat and placed it in his jacket.  "I 
guess it would be mean of me to keep you cooped up in this room all 
day."  Ranma walked downstairs, and grabbed an umbrella from the 
closet.  He then made his way to the library.

    The trip wasn't so bad, although Ranma had to admit, it was a 
funny feeling to have a cat moving around in his jacket.  Ranma 
pulled down the zipper far enough so the cat could at least get 
some air and look outside.  Ranma paused outside of the library to 
transfer his cat into his satchel.  "Sorry, but the guards here do 
not like cats.  Try to be quiet."

    It amazed Ranma when the cat seemed to understand him, and it 
remained quiet in his satchel as he calmly walked past the guards 
and the librarians.  As soon as Ranma made it past the reading room 
into the stalls, Ranma placed him satchel on the desk, and allowed 
the cat to come out.

    "I'll be right back, so don't try to get into trouble."  Ranma 
scratched the cat affectionately.  For some reason, Ranma found it 
easier to relate his emotions to the cat, rather than other people. 
 Ranma was quite surprised when the cat settled down, and scarcely 
made a noise.  Ranma headed off to the stacks to do some research 
for his essay.

    With a sigh, Ranma looked at the total of three books that he 
had found for his subject.  'Well, it isn't that bad.  If I get 
creative enough, I probably can b.s. the rest of the essay.'  Ranma 
leafed through the first book, when he accidentally bumped into 
someone.  Ranma's first instinct was to protest the other person's 
obvious mistake.

    "Hey, why don't you..."  Ranma found himself looking at Nabiki. 
 "Oh, sorry."  Ranma finished off sheepishly.  Ranma bent down, and 
collected his books.  "I guess I should have been more careful."  
Ranma stood up, and looking at Nabiki again, he noticed that she 
was sort of wet.

    "Oh, that's no problem."  Nabiki walked past Ranma.  Ranma 
continued on his way.  Settling down at his desk, Ranma dropped his 
books on the table, and started to skim them.  However, Ranma found 
out that he couldn't study at all.  Sighing rather loudly, Ranma 
leaned back in his chair, and allowed his mind to wander.

    Forty minutes was more than agonizing for Ranma, and grabbing 
the books, and placing the cat into his satchel, Ranma decided it 
was time that he left the library.  Sure the library had been quiet,
 but it was quiet to the point of being unearthly silent.  With 
books in one hand, and satchel slung over his shoulder, Ranma was 
disheartened to see that the rain was coming down, as heavy as ever.

    Ranma went outside, and right outside the door, he quickly 
transferred the cat onto his shoulder and the books into his 
satchel.  Ranma looked took out his umbrella, and opened it.  "A 
cute cat, Ranma.  Is it yours?"  Ranma turned around to find Nabiki 
standing behind him.

    Nabiki was amazed to actually see Ranma smile as he reached up 
to touch the cat.  "Yeah, it's temporary.  I guess, that is, until 
my mother finds out I have a cat.  I guess she would freak out if I 
actually took in a stray."

    "Well that's nice, I guess I'll go home."  Nabiki closed her 
satchel, and walked into the rain.  Ranma stood there for a moment, 
watching Nabiki gradually get wet.  With a grumble, Ranma raised 
his umbrella and followed Nabiki.

    Nabiki muttered to herself.  "Just great.  I'm going to look as 
if I went swimming.  I'll probably get a cold..."  At that moment, 
Nabiki suddenly realized that something was on top of her.  Looking 
to her side quickly, she noticed Ranma standing there with an 
exasperated look on his face.

    "I guess since your home is on the way to my home, might as 
well share the umbrella with you."  Nabiki gave Ranma a shocked 
look, as it was quite obvious that he was trying hard to sound 

    Nabiki pointed over her shoulder.  "Um Ranma, your house is 
back there, down that street."

    Ranma sigh.  "Very well.  Here."  Ranma pressed the umbrella 
into Nabiki's hands and walked off.  "See you tomorrow."

    Nabiki watched Ranma trudge off into the rain.  "Hey, wait.  I 
didn't mean for you to leave!"

    Ranma groaned as he walked into the house.  The cat leaped off 
his shoulder and shook itself dry before walking up the stairs.  
Ranma coughed a little.  "I wish I cold do that."  Ranma hanged his 
jacket in the closet and followed the cat to his room.  Dropping 
his books in the corner, Ranma felt another spasm of coughing, as 
he wiped his face dry with his sleeve.

    Ranma looked at the dresser, and he began to take off his 
clothes as he walked over to it, but something went wrong, Ranma 
felt something seize his head, and fell onto the ground.  'Shit, 
it's another migraine.'  Ranma thought as he tried to get up, but 
he was completely disorientated.  'It must have been the rain.'

    The cat seemed to know something was wrong, and it jumped onto 
Ranma's chest.  Taking a look at Ranma's face, the cat noticed that 
the door was open, and she dashed out of the room trying to find 
some help.  The door to Ranko's room was open slightly, and the cat 
poked its head in.  Ranko was in, fortunately, answering the 

    Trying to put aside it's hatred of Ranko, the cat leaped onto 
the bed next to Ranko.  "Meow."  Ranko froze and stopped talking, 
as she slowly turned her head to find herself face to face with the 
cat.  "Meow."

    Ranko screamed.  "It's a cat!!  It's a cat!!"  She then leaped 
off the bed in an attempt to get away from the feline.

    "Meow!"  Fortunately for Ranko's sake, the cat didn't feel like 
attacking her and it gave Ranko a look that conveyed the message, 
"Follow me or else," and it ran out of the room.  Ranko, by 
summoning all of her will, was able to follow the cat into her 
brother's room, where she found Ranma on the floor.

    "Ranma!"  Ranko kneeled next to Ranma.  Ranko was surprised to 
find the cat rubbing its face next to Ranma's.  "Ranma what's 

    "I'm having a migraine."  Ranma groaned as felt the migraine 
shift gears from a low continuous pain to sharp and random bursts.

    Ranko felt Ranma's head.  "Not only that, you seem to be 
getting a cold.  I'll go get mother."

* * *

    Nodoka smiled as she looked at the cat.  "What a cute cat!  And 
helpful too.  Thank you for looking after Ranma."  Surprisingly, 
she had not thrown out the cat as Ranma had feared.  "Here, why 
don't you run along and play, and I'll check Ranma."

    The cat seemed hesitant, leaped off the bed and ran out of the 

Chapter 11

    Ranma sighed as he sat in the train.  Next to him was Nabiki, 
and some how, whether through boredom, she had fallen asleep and 
was resting her head on Ranma's shoulder.  Ranma watched intently 
at Nabiki, her hair wavering as the train shot through the darkness,
 her lips and smooth skin.  Ranma sighed.  'And she had to become 
my step-sister.'  Ranma looked else where as he tried to remember 
the whole point of this little train ride.

    Nodoka had looked at her son.  "You know, I think you should 
spend your vacation over at your Aunt's home.  I'm sure that you 
would like the beach."  Ranma sighed as he watched Ranko and Ryoga, 
both quite asleep and practically on top of each other.  Akane had 
refused the trip, citing that Kuno was going to take her to some 
special place, and Kasumi was taking summer classes at her college, 
so she absolutely had no free time.

    Nabiki had been rather quick when she said that she wanted to 
go, citing that she had never been to the beach.  Ranko well, she 
had always loved swimming, and she immediately agreed, but not 
before dragging Ryoga along with her.

    Ranma grumbled a bit on the train, thinking that Nodoka was 
virtually alone with Soun.  "Damn it, mom and Mr. Tendo are going 
to have a ton of free time together.  Nothing had better happen 
when I get back..."  Ranma, although he knew that he probably 
couldn't influence the marriage anymore, knew that at least he 
could have the joy of not accepting Soun as his step-father.

    Ranma focused his attention back at Nabiki, and he noticed with 
slight mirth that a slight trail of drool was dripping down from 
her mouth.  In his lap, his cat was curled up, sleeping away the 
trip.  "I can't believe that I'm the only one awake."  He groaned 
slightly, and he reached over and wiped the drool off her face.

    Some two hours later, Ranma was distressed to notice that 
everyone was still asleep.  "Ah, we've arrived.  Get up you lazy 
girl."  Ranko's eyes fluttered as she looked at her brother who 
seemed somewhat cross.

    "Yeah, whatever."  Ranko yawned a bit, and pushed Ryoga a bit.  
Her boyfriend started to shift.  "Wake up you sleepy head!  We're 
there."  Ryoga groaned a bit before pushed himself into an upright 

    Ranma picked up his cat, and placed it on his shoulder.  "You 
know how Aunt Natsuko behaves when we're late."  The cat 
momentarily bared its fangs at Ranko, making her shiver slightly.  
Ranma tapped Nabiki.  "Hey, we're there."  Shouldering his knapsack,
 the pigtailed boy was first off the train.

    Ryoga looked at Ranko.  "What's wrong Ranko?"

    "I really have to convince my brother to get rid of that cat."  
Ranko shouldered her duffle bag.  Ryoga grabbed a couple bags for 
his girlfriend and walked off the train.  The others soon followed.

    As soon as all of them stepped off the train, they were greeted 
by Aunt Natsuko.  "Ah, Ranma!  Ranko!  It's been such awhile since 
I've seen you two!"  Natsuko hugged Ranko, and turned to Ranma.  He 
merely walked past her.

    "It's nice to meet you too."  Ranma muttered.  Aunt Natsuko 
sighed, as she had received specific orders from her older sister 
to try to be as nice to Ranma as possible.

    She glanced at Ranma as he seemingly focused his attention on 
his cat, then she turned her attention to Nabiki.  "And what might 
be your name?"  Nabiki smiled.

    "Nabiki Tendo.  Soon to be step-sister of Ranma and Ranko."  
Natsuko's eyes light up.

    "Ah, Nodoka told me all about you and your sisters.  So this is 
the first time you've been to the beach?  It's great during this 
time of year.  Come along now, I'm sure that two hours in a train 
made you all very tired."

    Natsuko eyed Ryoga for a bit.  "And what a nice looking young 
man.  I hope you haven't come here to take advantage of my favorite 

    Ryoga turned all red.  "Me?  I wouldn't want to...  I mean..."

    Ranko burst into laughter.  "Oh don't worry Aunty, you don't 
need to pull out your knives for my benefit.  If Ryoga here tries 
to take advantage of me, it'll be because I asked for it."

    Natsuko smiled somewhat.  "I'm sure, and from what I've heard 
from your mother, I'm sure you could standup for yourself easily."

* * *

    "I'm so sorry for the lack of space, but if it's not too hard 
to ask, all of you have to stay in one room.  We had to convert one 
of the guest rooms into a storage room.  I'm so sorry."  Aunt 
Natsuko led the foursome to the guest room.  Opening the door, she 
allowed her nephew, niece and their companions to settle into the 

    Ranma dropped his duffle bag on the floor, and looked around.  
'Not bad, but a little small.'  Ranko sighed.  "Only two beds.  Are 
we going to have to pair up during night?"  Ranko looked at Ryoga, 
and giggled.  Ranma sighed as he looked at Nabiki and at the two 

    "Not necessary.  I'll sleep on the floor."  Within Ranma, he 
could feel a tiny voice berating him for not taking advantage of 
the situation.  'I don't know what would happen if I got into bed 
with her.'

    Nabiki seemed somewhat put off.  "Sure Ranma, thanks."  She 
didn't know why he had shot her that glance before making his 
decision.  It sort of made her think that something was on Ranma's 

    The door behind them opened, revealing a little boy.  Ranko 
smiled, and kneeled in front of the boy.  "What's your name?"

    Ranma grinned a little bit, perhaps he had a soft spot for 
little kids.  "Hi Tadashi."

    The boy seemed amazed.  "How do you know my name?"  Ranko 
looked at Ranma as well.

    "Yeah, how did you know his name?"  Ranma shrugged his 
shoulders.  The cat leaped from the bed onto Nabiki's shoulder, and 
came to a rest on his shoulder.  The little boy's eyes opened wide 
as soon as he saw the cat.

    "A cat!  Can I play with it?  Please?  I won't hurt it!"  Ranma 
looked at his cat, and then at the little boy.

    "Sure, just don't hurt the cat."  Ranma picked up the cat, and 
placed it on the boy's head.

    "Oh yeah, Mom wanted to say that she wanted to see all of you 
having fun, so you can spend all the time you want at the beach.  
If you just need anything, you can ask her."  The boy placed the 
cat on the ground, "Let's go swimming."  He ran off with the cat 
chasing after him.

    Everyone could sort of hear Ranko breath a sigh of relief.

* * *

    Ranko looked at Ranma.  "Come on, why won't you come swimming 
with Ryoga and I?"  Ranma shrugged his shoulders as he closed his 
eyes and tried to sleep.  His sister glared at him.  "Well, I won't 
stand for it.  Ryoga!  Help me carry Ranma!"

    "What!?  Hey, let go of me!  You know I don't like to swim.  
Hey!"  Ryoga and his sister grabbed a hold of Ranma, and were 
carrying him by his hands and feet towards the water.

    "In you go!"  shouted his sister, and Ranma found himself 
unceremoniously dumped into the warm, salty water.  Everyone else 
broke into laughter.

    "Ranko!  I'll get you!"  In seconds, Ranko found herself 
briefly submerged.  She spit out a mouthful of water.

    "Hey!  That wasn't fair!"  Ranko glared at the two boys, who 
were sort of laughing.  "Hey, Nabiki!  Would you mind giving your 
step-sister a hand here?  These two morons here are picking on me!"

    A smile appeared on Nabiki face as she stood up.  "Sure."  
Ryoga could almost swear that he heard Ranma curse under his breath.

    However, that did not become a problem, as the water served to 
cool down tensions and for once, Ranko would admit, Ranma did seem 
quite happy, playing in the water, as if he didn't have a care in 
the world.

* * *

    Ranma walked out of the bathroom, with his face somewhat ashen. 
 His fun in the water had finally caught up to him, and after a day 
of lounging in the sun and getting blown by the cool breeze while 
wet, he could feel a sickness coming over him.  He looked so bad, 
that when he walked into the bedroom, three concerned people looked 
at him.

    "You don't look so hot, Ranma."  Ryoga looked at Ranma closely.

    "Yeah."  Ranko looked at him.

    "Never mind, it was too much sun.  I think I'm going to sleep." 
 Ranma unrolled the sleeping bag, and he settled into sleep.  But 
sleep was not going to last long, as there was a scream coming from 
the bathroom.

    Ryoga and Ranko were first to respond, and the two were out of 
their bed and down the hall, and into the bathroom.  There was 
Tadashi, draped in a towel, staring at the cat, which was all wet. 
The cat immediately shook itself dry, and ran out of the room.  
Ranko couldn't help but notice a trickle of red blood dripping from 
poor Tadashi's nose.

    "B-b-big o-on-ones and l-lo-long hair," said the little boy.

    Ranko kneeled down next to the boy.  "What did you see?"

   Tadashi turned to Ranko.  "I saw a woman.  I was going to wash, 
and when the cat went into the water, it turned into a girl."  He 
paused to wipe his nose dry.

    Ranko turned to Ryoga and started to laugh somewhat.  "Sure, 
Tadashi.  I'll be sure to tell that to Ranma."  As the two left the 
bathroom, she couldn't help but laugh a little.  "Ryoga, whoever 
heard of a cat turning into a woman?  Poor Tadashi must be 
suffering from heat exhaustion."

* * *

    Nabiki was awakened by the sounds of coughing.  Rolling over in 
her bed she looked down at Ranma, who was not asleep at all.  
Contrarily, he seemed to be wide awake staring at the ceiling.  
"Hey, Ranma are you ok?"  He coughed raggedly.

    "Yeah, I'm fine."

    "You are the worst liar I've ever seen.  Climb in."  Nabiki sat 
up as if she were going to go on the floor.  "I'll sleep in the 
sleeping bag.  Besides,"  she continued, "I can't sleep at all with 
you making all of that noise."

    "What do you mean?  I can't possibly do that.  Good night."  
Ranma settled back down.  Nabiki grumbled something.

    Unable to express her displeasure with his coughing, she rolled 
over and looked at him.  "You sure are stubborn."

    His eyes flashed open, and he looked straight into her eyes.  
"You are way too patronizing.  And if you excuse me, I want to get 
some sleep."

    Nabiki laid on her back, wide awake as she listened to Ranma 
cough a couple times.  Unable to bear it any longer, Nabiki rolled 
over.  "Get in, now."  Ranma's eyes opened again, and she couldn't 
help but notice a mixture of fear as well as interest in his eyes.

    "You what?"

    "You heard me.  Get in, or I'm going to spend the entire night 
listening to you cough."

    "But, I don't think it's right..."

    "Shut up, and get in.  But no funny business."  She realized 
that he hadn't moved yet.  "Get in, or I'm going to pick you up and 
put you in the bed."

    With a groan, Ranma climbed into the bed, and Nabiki rolled 
over, leaving plenty of room between the two.

* * *

    At daybreak, a pair of eyes shot open immediately.  Looking 
around, the eyes tried to determine the location.  They looked to 
the left, and found a bed some distance away.  They looked to the 
right, and found girl no more than one foot away.  Ranma 
practically leaped out of bed.

    He looked around, and had realized that he had spent the entire 
night in bed with Nabiki.  'Oh great, am I a pervert!  What would 
the others think!  Oh jeez, am I going to Hell?'  Looking around, 
there was not an indication that anyone had seen him, and with a 
sigh of relief, he grabbed his duffle bag, and began to dress.

    As sleep slowly left Ranma, details from the night before 
entered his mind.  Glancing at Nabiki, who was deep asleep, Ranma 
bent down, until there faces were no more than inches apart.  He 
tried to move forward, but he refused to do so.  Instead, he 
whispered.  "Thank you."

    He slowly pulled away.  "You're welcome."  He froze, and looked 
back.  Nabiki yawned a bit, and she slowly sat up.  "What were you 
going to do?"

    Ranma locked up for a bit, but he managed to free his tongue.  
"Nothing.  I'm going for breakfast."  Calmly he left the room.  She 

* * *

    Mousse could not believe what Cologne was telling him.  
"Great-grandmother, what do you mean?  How does kidnapping the girl 
accomplish anything?"

    Cologne knocked him over the head.  "You fool.  Once we kidnap 
the girl, all we need to do is go to China.  Ranma is sure to 
follow, and if he goes so will Ranko.  By luring the two to China, 
we will be able to claim advantage.  However, we will not act soon. 
 We must elaborate this plan before going further."

    "But, must we go through all of this trouble?  Just to get 
Ranko?  Why must we include that girl?"

    Cologne hesitated for a moment.  'I hope that Ranma wasn't the 
person written who will be the cause of my downfall.  I am almost 
certain that his sister is the one.'  The old woman turned to the 
young man.  "Because we want your marriage to Ranko to be 
legitimate.  If you do not challenge Ranma, then you may not marry 

    Cologne leaned on her stick and looked at her hands.  Her old, 
hands which had seen too much.  500 years was a long time, and 
Cologne felt that time was come that she created a suitable 
successor to her.  Ranko was the key.

Chapter 12

    Kasumi heard the door open, and turning her head she was 
greeting with the cheerful face of her sister.  "Nabiki!  You're 
home.  So how was the beach?"

    Dropping her bags, Nabiki smiled.  "It was great.  I've never 
really seen the ocean for real once.  And it felt great to swim in 
the water."

    Her older sister smiled in response as she turned back to her 
school work.  "By the way, Nabiki, would you mind if you could go 
to the store and buy so of this?  I'm so sorry, but I have an exam 
to study for tomorrow, and Akane isn't home."  She handed her 
sister a list.

    Nabiki looked at the list and smiled.  "No problem.  I should 
be back in an hour."  She walked outside, and briskly made her way 
to the gate.  Little did she know that someone was following her on 
the rooftops, as she made her way to the market.

* * *

    Nabiki noted that the street was abnormally empty as she walked 
home from the store, the groceries that Kasumi had requested.  She 
heard a loud noise behind her.  Whipping her head around, she 
caught sight of a young man wearing flowing white robes.  He 
intoned.  "Nabiki Tendo, it is within my interest to speak with you.

    Nabiki didn't like the looks of the person.  He seemed too 
menacing, and too out of place to be considered safe.  She started 
running, but the man leaped, landed on top of her, driving her into 
the ground.  There was a blow to the back of her head and all went 

    An old woman seemed to step out of the wall.  "Well done, 
Mousse.  I have taken the liberty to leave a message directed to 
Ranma in a very obvious place.  Well must go now, our flight leaves 

    "But what do we do about her?  What happens if she should wake 
up in the flight?"

    "Give her some of this."  Something launched at Mousse, and he 
intercepted it with his hand.  It was a bottle of potion.  "It 
should keep her out for a day."

* * *

    Ranma was eating dinner calmly for once, when the telephone 
started to ring.  Ranma looked at Nodoka and Ranko who had their 
mouths full, as well as Happosai happily downing the sake.  "I 
guess I'll answer the telephone."  Standing up, he made his way to 
the telephone, knowing that in the great scheme of things, it was 
most likely that the prospective caller would hang up just as he 
reached the telephone.

    With a sigh, he lifted up the receiver.  "Hello, Saotome 

    "Look, help!  You have to help me!  I haven't been able to find 
Nabiki!  And there is a letter for Ranma here.  It was placed on 
our door with a knife."  It was the panicked voice of Mr. Tendo.

    Ranma looked at everyone else who looked expectantly at him.  
"Please calm down, Mr. Tendo."  Ranma felt a knot in his stomach as 
he listened.  "Can you please read me the letter."

    There was a pause as Ranma heard some scurrying and the sounds 
of nervous hands ripping open an envelope.  He could also hear Soun 
breathing heavily and crying in the background.  "It says, 


I have taken Nabiki Tendo as insurance.  Come to China within three 
days, after which, your woman's safety will not be certain.  
Enclosed is enough money for you to buy tickets for the next flight 
to China.


    Ranma stood rooted to the spot.  "I can't believe that moron.  
He still wants to challenge me to a duel?"  He spoke into the 
telephone.  "Don't worry Mr. Tendo, I will find Nabiki Tendo.  I 
will leave for China tomorrow."  Ranma slammed the telephone down.  

    Nodoka looked at her only son.  "What's wrong?"  She eyed him 
as he was visibly beginning to get stressed out and breathing 

    "Some piece of shit asshole kidnapped Nabiki to get to me!  But 
no, that won't work.  I'll be sure to rip his scrawny ass when I 
get to him.  Mom, I have to go to China tomorrow."  The cat which 
was seated on the table suddenly stopped eating and looked at Ranma.

    " 'Rip his scrawny ass' you say?  I'm pretty sure that you can 
barely kick my ass these days."  Ranma glared at his sister.  
"That's why I'm coming.  To cover your ass."

    "There is no way that you are coming.  This is between Mousse 
and me.  You know I can't live with myself if you died."

    Ranko stood up and stared at her brother.  "Look here, I 
wouldn't be able to live if you died.  So if you go, I go.  And if 
you try to stop me, I'll break your legs so you can't go and get 
yourself killed."  This time Ranma heard the serious tone that 
Ranko had.

    "Ranma, Ranko, why the sudden death wish?"  Ranma turned to his 

    "They took Nabiki because of me, and it is my responsibility to 
rescue her."  He found his mother staring at him with a sort of 
respect.  However, Ranma felt that he couldn't explain the way that 
he felt for Nabiki.

    "If that is how you feel, then I can not stand in your way."  
Nodoka grabbed her son's hand and looked at her daughter.  "But 
promise that you two will return."  Ranma and Ranko looked at their 
mother and nodded.

* * *

    Ranma sat wary in his seat, staring out of the window at the 
clouds as they drifted below the airplane.  He looked at Ranko who 
was seated next to him with a determined look on her face.  Beside 
her was Ryoga, who had decided that if Ranko was going to somewhere 
dangerous, that he would be present to protect her.

    Ranma looked at his cat, who was even on a state of alertness 
and for once wasn't attacking Ranko.  Ranma stared out of the 
window, remembering his departure.

    Ranma had seen his mother and Mr. Tendo both crying.  Soun had 
knelt in front of Ranma.  "I am forever in debt to you for going to 
save my dear daughter."

    His mother had given him a long package.  "Consider this a gift 
from me.  Use it well, for it was your father's, and I know he 
would be proud of you."

    Ranma had looked at Soun.  "There is no need to kneel.  I have 
personal reasons for going on this flight.  Maybe some day I can 
tell you why I am going."  He then turned to his mother.  "Farewell,
 Mother."  Having had said all that he could say, Ranma turned 
around and climbed the stairs onto the aircraft.  Ranko and Ryoga 
had made longer goodbyes and soon were aboard.

    Ranma gripped the package in front of him, and couldn't help 
but think of Nabiki.  'If they even lay one finger on her, I'll cut 
out their hearts.'

* * *

    Nabiki groaned as the effects of the drug slowly wore off.  
"Where am I?"  She tried to look around, but having received a 
mega-dose of the potion, there were still some residual effects.

    "Please drink some water."  She looked in front of her to find 
the concerned face of Mousse.  He held a bowl of water for her, 
which she tried to drink, but in her current state, she was unable 
to drink without dribbling a liberal amount of water out of her 

    "Where am I?"  Nabiki noticed as she looked around, the dark, 
steamy, stale scenery around her seemed to shift in and out.

    "Welcome to China.  Want some food?"  Mousse had a bowl of rice 
and some plain looking meat.

    Nabiki found herself thinking better as the drug slowly wore 
off.  "Why am I here?"  She felt the intense heat from the place, 
and all around her she could find small pools of hot steaming water.

    "You are bait for Ranma Saotome.  He is to come here to rescue 
you, but I am supposed to kill him and thus win his sister's hand 
in marriage."  

    Mousse found a pair of eyes locked on to him.  "And what 
justifies this action?"

    "The future betterment of the Amazons is justification enough.  
To benefit the whole, sometimes sacrifices must be made."  Nabiki 
found an old woman peering at her closely.  "No doubt, Ranma, who 
is in love with you, will be consumed with hatred, and will rest at 
nothing until you are safe."

    Nabiki laughed cynically.  "And what makes you think that he 
loves me?  He has never admitted anything to me.  He even ignores 
me sometimes.  Chances are, he won't be even coming for me."

    Cologne grabbed Nabiki by the throat.  "You'd better hope that 
Ranma is coming for you, for in three days, let's say, you will 
experience an out of body experience."  With a laugh that echoed in 
the gigantic cave, she walked out leaving Mousse and Nabiki.

* * *

    Ranma sat in his seat somewhat contemplative as he had nothing 
to do.  'What will Nabiki think of me?  I am responsible for her 
kidnapping.  Will she hate me?  Will she never want to see me 

    "What do you think, kitty?"  The cat merely meowed back at him, 
its face filled with sorrow.  "I know.  You're telling me that I'm 
a coward for not telling Nabiki the truth."  His head hung low.  
"And you're right."  The cat rubbed its head against Ranma's face.

    "Thanks.  I needed that.  Remember, in China, first sign of 
trouble, I want you out of there.  Promise me."  Ranma hugged his 
long companion and stared out the window.

* * *

    "So Ranma, where do we go?"  Ryoga looked somewhat lost.  "I've 
never really been to China before."

    Ranma didn't answer as he was busy tearing open the gift from 
his mother.  Grunting slightly, he shredded the paper that 
surrounded the weird package, and it soon was apparent.  "It's 
father's sword!"  Ranma unsheathed the blade, and he stared at the 
beautiful serpentine patterns in the blade.

    Ranko stared gaping at the sword.  "What a beautiful sword."

    Ranma nodded.  "Father always wanted to give this sword to me.  
It was the first thing he taught me, swordsmanship.  But he always 
believed that the sword was only as good as the warrior who wielded 
it.  He is right."  Ranma sheathed the blade, and looked at the 
ornate sheath.  Not a single detail had been glossed over on the 

    Ryoga seemed somewhat unsure.  "Whatever, I prefer my umbrella 
to your sword."  Ranma slung the blade over his shoulder.  "I say 
that we start out.  We need to find where they are holding Nabiki 

    "That shouldn't be hard.  We need to get to the village of the 
Amazons."  Glancing around at the modernization of China, he 
muttered.  "I hope I can find them."

Chapter 13

    Searching for the village was not a hard task, as for the part 
that Ranma and his friends were traveling in had no changed in a 
long time.  Besides, the cat seemed to have an intuition or an 
uncanny luck that enabled it to divine the right route to the 
village.  As soon as Ranma and his friends arrived in the village, 
they were surrounded by a large crowd of Amazons.

    "Hey, get away from me!"  Ranma struggled a bit as the Amazons 
crowded around as if to examine him.  His sword attracted the most 
attention.  As suddenly as the crowd had formed, it dispersed 
leaving a single person in the path in front of Ranma and the 

    "Mousse!  Where is Nabiki?"  Ranko shouted as she took up a 
battle stance.

    "Hiding behind your younger sister?  What a coward.  I shall be 
waiting for you in the mountains.  I'm sure that you would know 
where to find me."  Mousse ran as fast as he could, and he 
disappeared into the forest.

    Ranma sighed.  "I guess we have to follow."  Ranma turned as if 
to follow Mousse, but he suddenly realized something.  "Hey, where 
is my cat?"

    "Excuse me, my name is Shampoo, you all certainly seem tired.  
Perhaps you want some rest?"  Everyone turned around to see a 
beautiful Amazon with purple hair.  She diverted her eyes away from 
Ranma.  "Perhaps some rest and food?"

    At the mention of food, Ranko clasped Shampoo's hands.  "Would 
you?  Of course!  Come along, I do think we need to at least get 
some rest."

    Ranma didn't seem that concerned for food.  "Where is my cat?"

    Shampoo grabbed Ranma's arm.  "Listen to your sister.  Don't 
worry about cat, they are all very good at surviving."  Ranma 
flashed Shampoo a strange look.  'How did she know Ranko was my 

    It turned out that Shampoo had a small, old, run down hut on 
the edge of the village.  "I'm so sorry, but I haven't cleaned it 
in awhile."  Awhile was a major understatement as inside the hut, 
there were major cobwebs and dust.  However, the Amazon warrioress 
seemed able to clean the hut in a few minutes, and it soon 
resembled a habitable place.

    "I thank you for your hospitality."  Ranma said as he looked at 
the rather tasty dish that she had prepared, but however good the 
smells were, he just didn't have the heart to eat a lot.  Ranko and 
Ryoga on the other hand were packing away as much as they could.

* * *

    "You not asleep?"  Ranma was seated outside staring at the sky, 
when Shampoo had walked out to check on him.  "Bed is not 
comfortable enough?"

    "It's not that, I can't sleep."

    The purple-haired girl nodded.  "Thinking about Nabiki?"  That 
was enough, Shampoo was surprised when she found Ranma's hand 
locked around her wrist and a sword pointed at her neck.

    "That's enough, I've just met you, and you already know more 
about me than what most of my friends know.  What's wrong with this 
picture?"  Shampoo eyed the sword in Ranma's hand.

    "I am just a friend.  I don't mean any harm.  I want to help."  
Ranma stared at Shampoo, and then finally released her.  She paused 
for a moment.  "Besides, Ranko told me everything."

    Ranma relaxed his grip, and sheathed the sword.  He had 
remembered trying to lift his father's sword when he was younger.  
But now, he was amazed how effortless the blade practically floated.
  "Sorry, I'm sort of nervous.  I mean, I know I love Nabiki, but I 
just guess I can't express it, and I haven't been able to tell her.
"  His voice died off.

    Shampoo nodded her head.  "I understand."

    "I can't believe that I'm telling my problems.  I mean, I guess 
it's because I miss my cat.  I usually tell it all of my problems." 
 Ranma sighed as he stared at the sky.

    "You can tell me your problems."  Shampoo settled down next to 
Ranma.  Shampoo was surprised how it different it felt to be close 
to Ranma like that.

* * *

    The next day, Shampoo was nowhere to be found, and Ranma found 
his cat sleeping in his lap.  Ranko was surprised to actually find 
Ranma smiling, however brief, in the morning.  She said to her 
brother as she stood outside, waiting for Ryoga to put his clothes 
on.  "So, Ranma what are you going to do when you meet Mousse?  Are 
you going to kill him?"

    Ranma seemed contemplative for a moment, and then he provided 
his answer.  "No."

    Ranma groaned as he looked at the fog that hung in the entire 
forest.  Visibility was so low that Ranma was surprised on numerous 
occasions by trees that seemed to pop up out of nowhere.

    "Great, Ranma, do you think we will ever find our way to the 
place?"  Ryoga asked as he crashed into yet another tree.  "I think 
that we are going to kill ourselves first before we reach the place.
  Right Ranko?"

    There was silence.

    Ranma turned around.  "Ranko?"  There still was no response.

    "Shit! We must have lost her!  I have to go find her!"  Ryoga 
turned around, and was about to randomly run off in some direction 
when he felt a hand come on his shoulder.

    "Don't go."

    "But for Christ sake, she could be alone out there!  I have to 
find her!  She's your sister!"

    "I know that, but if we stick together, we can face Mousse 
together.  Besides, Ranko is a very good martial artist.  She can 
handle almost anything."  Ranma turned around, and his cat meowed 

    Ryoga reluctantly followed, knowing all to well that Ranma's 
logic was best, and to waste energy searching for Ranko a fruitless 

* * *

    "Hey guys!  Look at what I found!"  Ranko pointed at the 
entrance to some underground passageway, when she realized that 
there was no response.  Turning around, her worst fears were 
confirmed.  She had managed to lose herself from the others.  "Oh 
great, I'm just stuck here in the wilderness with no one to back me 

    However, Ranko wasn't a fainthearted girl, and she decided to 
explore the passage herself.  Holding her breath and preparing 
herself for the worst, she entered the tunnel.  There was nothing 
dangerous, but judging from the foul, sulfurous smell coming from 
the cave, she felt that there was something down below.

    Struggling with the sharp downwards slant to the tunnel, Ranko 
half climbed down, half slid about a mile before coming to the 
center of what appeared to be a large chamber, with a small opening 
above to let in a modicum of light.

    "Greetings, we have been waiting for awhile.  I myself have 
been waiting for some 300 years for your arrival."  Ranko whirled 
around, and found herself face to face with Cologne.

    "You old hag!  What have you done with Nabiki?"

    Ranko felt a blow that propelled her a far distance.  Grumbling,
 she fought her way to her feet.  "Tsk Tsk, you'd better respect 
your elders.  As for Nabiki Tendo,"  the old woman gestured to the 
corner of the room.  "I think she enjoys her stay."

    Ranko could detect some movement from the corner of the room, 
indicating that someone was actually alive.

    "I am disappointed.  Where is you brother?  Is he going to 
forfeit the match?"

    Ranko's voice was cold.  "I don't think so."

    Cologne shrugged her shoulders.  "Perhaps it's all the best for 
me.  It'll allow me to refresh myself.  Defend yourself!"  Cologne 
rushed at Ranko, and before she could react, the old woman started 
to run so fast in circles around Ranko that Ranko began to see 
multiple copies of Cologne around her.

    A great multitude of blows rained down on Ranko.  "So, Ranko 
what shall it be first?  You see through my technique?  Or you get 
pummeled to death?"  Ranko felt another rain of blows on her body, 
and she staggered backwards.

    Ranko looked at the seemingly hopelessness of the situation.  
'Shit I don't know where to strike!'  Frustrated Ranko lashed out 
with her foot at one of the Cologne's but her feet didn't hit 
anything at all.

    'What was that quote that Ranma always liked to say?'  Ranko 
felt another barrage of blows land on her body.  'I can't keep this 
up.'  Frustrated, she started to attack in multiple directions, in 
hopes of increasing her odds of hitting the old woman.

    "Ranko, you're not even close!  You're more disappointing than 
I thought!"  Suddenly Ranko could remember.  'If one of your senses 
are useless, then ignore it.'  Ranko looked at the giant whirlwind 
around her, and she decided that it was time to fight back.

    She closed her eyes.  With her eyes closed, she found that she 
couldn't have her sight distract her.  She could hear an object 
whirling around her in a periodic, almost predictable fashion.  
Ranko pause a moment to get the rhythm down, and with a deep breath 
so launched a respectable attack.

    She felt her hands and feet impact something.  Cologne suddenly 
appeared in front of her.  "Excellent attack, I knew that you would 
be able to learn quickly.  There is no question, you indeed are the 
one."  Cologne struck Ranko with her staff, and Ranko fell over.

* * *

    Ranma and Ryoga looked around in amazement as the fog slowly 
started to dissipate, making it easier for them to travel.  
Suddenly Ryoga's eyes picked up something in the distance.  "Hey 
look Ranma!  There is an entrance over there.  Do you think it's 
the one?"

    Ranma heard the cat meow and leap off his shoulder for the cave.
  "Hey come back!"  He ran after the cat, with Ryoga not to far 
behind him.

    For some reason, the cat seemed to be able to pick the right 
path again, as the tunnel that the cat had led them through opened 
up into a large underground chamber illuminated by many torches.  
There was a slight mist as there were numerous small puddles of hot 
water from some underground spring along the circumference of the 
room.  In the center of the room was two tables on which Ranko and 
Nabiki were laid supine.



    "You've certainly took your time getting here."  Out of the 
shadows, an old woman stepped out, followed by Mousse.  

    Ranma took a ready position, and the cat leaped off his 
shoulder.  "I'm ready when you are."

    "Don't worry, I'm always ready, I'll never fall for the same 
trick twice."

* * *

    Ranma decided to go with the same routine that his Grandfather 
had drilled into him.  Charge the target, dodge his attacks, and 
attack his pressure points.  With a growl, Ranma launched himself 
at Mousse.

    Ranma immediately was greeted with an intense barrage of 
missile weapons from Mousse.  Gritting his teeth, he tried his best 
to dodge, but out of nowhere a giant mace struck him in the chest, 
throwing him backwards.

    "You see, Ranma, you are definitely no match for me.  I have 
won this duel, and now your sister is rightfully mine."  Mousse 
turned away.

    "You haven't finished the job.  Finish him off."  Cologne's 
voice echoed in the chamber.  Ryoga tried to move forwards, but a 
blade flew and imbedded itself in the wall next to him.  "You will 
not interfere."

    "But Great-grandmother, this was never in the plan."

    "Finish him off now.  You don't want to make me angry!"  Mousse 
flinched slightly, and he made his attack.  Rushing towards Ranma, 
he leaped into the air, and razor sharp talons seemingly sprouted 
from his shoes.

    'Ranma, I shall be merciful.  You will die from the first blow.
'  There was a splash of water, as Ranma's cat leaped into a hot 
water pool, and out leaped a very naked Shampoo.  "No Mousse!  
Don't listen to Cologne!"  Shampoo collided into Mousse and knocked 
him into the floor.

    Mousse managed to untangle himself from the mess, and he 
suddenly realized that there was blood all over his robes.  Look 
down, he found Shampoo shaking as one of his talons had pierced her 
smooth belly.

    "Shampoo."  Mousse whispered.  "What have I done?"

   Ranma fought his way to his feet, and he looked at Mousse 
kneeling next to Shampoo.  "Shampoo?  How did you get here?"  Ranma 
rushed to her side.

    Shampoo looked at Ranma for a moment, and smiled.  "Meow."  
Suddenly it all connected in his mind.

    "You, you were my cat?"  It was no use as Shampoo had fainted.

    Ryoga looked at her.  "That's a nasty wound."

    Ranma tore off one of his sleeves as he tried to create a 
temporary bandage to staunch the blood flow.  Ryoga offered Ranma a 
handful of bandannas, and using the materials, Ranma made a bandage.
  Ranma whispered to Shampoo.  "Thank you."

    Cologne grumbled as that foolish girl had interfered with her 
plans.  "Mousse, stop gaping at that foolish half-woman!  I want 
you to finish Ranma now!"

   Mousse immediately obeyed his great-grandmother for angering her 
was tantamount to suicide.  Mousse charged Ranma, and unleashed a 
vicious blow that knocked him against the wall.

    Ryoga pulled out his umbrella.  "Die you fiend!"  Ryoga charged 
Cologne.  He was right in assuming that Cologne was the source of 
evil, but he was just as foolish thinking that he could overwhelm 
her if he had surprised her.

    Cologne easily ducked his umbrella, grabbed on to his arm, 
causing a burning pain to shoot up his arm, and flung him at the 
wall.  Ryoga hit the wall head first, and he fell to the ground, 

    Cologne looked at hands and felt the slightest tremors within 
hand.  The time was almost soon.  "Quickly, Mousse you must take 
Ranko now."

    Mousse up to this point had been willing in listening to his 
grandmother's orders, but this order was too much for him, 
especially since what happened to Shampoo, his beloved.  "This has 
gone too far, great-grandmother!  I will not do what you have 
asked!  It is too much!"

    Cologne looked at her hand, as the slightest tint of black was 
beginning to appear.  "Mousse, you will do it now, or I will kill 

    Mousse for once was adamant.  "No, you can threaten me with 
everything, but I absolutely refuse to answer.  This was never in 
our plans."

Chapter 14

    Cologne stared at Mousse.  Her voice was unnaturally calm.  "Is 
that so?"  Before Mousse could even react, the old woman leaped at 
Mousse, and immediately jabbed at his head.  Mousse could feel a 
splitting headache as his consciousness faded.

    Cologne landed.  "Mousse, you will take her now."

    Silently, Mousse slowly walked up to Ranko, and grabbed her 
clothes.  With a violent tug, he ripped off Ranko's clothes, and he 
moved closer.

    Ranma twitched slightly as he heard his sister struggling.  
"Get away from me!  Stop!  No!"  Ranma's eye flicked open, and he 
saw Mousse climbing on top of Ranko.  Groaning, Ranma tried to move,
 and amazingly he did.  Watching Mousse attempt to ravish his 
sister despite her protests, made Ranma's blood churn and boil from 
with in.

    Ranma fingered the sword which was on his back, and summoning 
energy from some hidden reserves, he charged Mousse.  With a cry, 
the sword was drawn and in his hand.  Cologne was watching Mousse, 
when she was completely surprised by Ranma's presence.  Mousse on 
the other hand, wasn't aware as he parted his robes.

    "Get off my sister you asshole!"  With all of his strength, 
Ranma brought  the sword, still with it's sheath on, onto Mousse's 
back.  There was the sickening crunch as the sound of ribs 
splintering could be heard.  Mousse groaned as his senses returned 
to him and he landed on the floor.

    Mousse's face was filled with horror as he realized what he was 
about to do to poor Ranko, who was sobbing.  "Saotome, finish me.  
Kill me, I have sinned."  Mousse mumbled.  However, Ranma's 
attention was not on Mousse.

    "You, I want you."  Ranma pointed the sword at Cologne.  By now,
 Cologne's entire arm was blackened as 500 years of decay was 
catching up to Cologne.

    "How dare you!  I shall have your head!"  Colognes body began 
to swell as the blackness started to cover her entire body, and 
soon a black grotesque monster was standing in front of Ranma.

    "You fool, for interrupting the transfer, I shall kill you!"  
Ranma felt a large invisible force smash into him.  The force was 
so great that he flew backwards and his sword flew out of his grasp.

    "Ranma, all men have limitations to their strength.  And you 
are not an exception to the rule.  After I kill you, I will take 
over your sister's and your woman's bodies."

    "You won't touch them at all."  Slowly, Ranma ignored the 
crushed feeling in his ribs.  "You'll have to kill me first."

    Cologne laughed.  "Kill you?  You are already dead."

    "One has never truly won until his opponent is truly dead.  
That's what my father used to say."  

    Cologne laughed.  "Your father?  He is nothing but a pile of 
dust now.  And you know why he died.  It was because of you.  You 
went into some caves on day, and the cave in killed your father.  
Why should your father ever help his murderer?"

    Ranma grimaced as he tried hard not to let Cologne's words 
settle in.  "No, no, I did not kill my father!"

    Cologne let out an evil laugh.  "Oh, excuse me.  You were only 
a little gullible kid 10 years ago.  Remember the night before the 
accident, Ranma?  Remember the night?"

* * *

    A little boy was going through his kata in a forest clearing.  
As soon as he had finished, there was a clapping from the darkness.

    An old voice rang out.  "That was impressive, little boy."

    The boy smiled at the compliment.  "My father taught me."

    "And would your father happen to be a Genma Saotome?"  The 
voice sounded so old that it was ancient as the hills themselves.


    "You love your father and want to make him proud right?"  Ranma 
nodded vigorously.

    "You seem like a brave boy, Ranma.  Not to far to the east of 
here is this cave where only grown ups can go.  If you can go there,
 I'm sure you father would be most impressed."

* * *

    Ranma stared at what remained of Cologne.  "It was you!  You 
bitch!  You tricked me into going into the caves!  Why?"

    Cologne laughed evilly again, causing Ranma's heart to chill.  
Ryoga by now struggled to his feet, and he was busy untying Ranko 
and Nabiki.  "Because, surprising enough, your father had the 
potential to kill me.  And I am not ready to die after some 3000 
years of life...  Surprising, like father, like son, you too could 
have had the potential, but I was fortunate that the accident 
crippled you."

    Ranma growled.  "You have yet to see what I'm capable of 
doing!"  Cologne started at him warily.

    Ranma jerked his hand, and Cologne suddenly realized his intent.
  A thin, but strong filament had been tied from wrist to sword 
sheath.  In other words, the sword and sheath appeared in Ranma's 
hand in an instant.

    "Go to hell!"  Ranma screamed as he charged Cologne, or what 
was left of her.  Half way to Cologne, he drew his sword, and 
finally covering the distance to Cologne, he buried into Cologne's 
dark heart.  Screaming with an energy that seemed to come from 
nowhere, Ranma twisted the sword, which started to glow with some 
inner brilliance.  In Ranma's mind, he could feel his father with 
him once again.

    Cologne let out a vicious howl.  "What! This can not be!  Genma 
you bastard!"  Cologne screamed yet again, but this time Ranma felt 
something pierce his stomach.  Looking down, he realized it was one 
of Cologne's claws.  "We die together, Saotome."  The creature that 
had inhabited Cologne's body for the past some 500 years let out a 
final howl that shook the earth, and it fell over.

   Ranma pulled away from the monster, and as it's lifeless claw 
fell back, he felt a thin layer of blood wash over his body.  Ranma 
fell to his knees, but he never landed on the floor.

    Ranma tried hard to focus, then he noticed that Nabiki was 
embracing him.  "Ranma, why did you do that?  Why?"

    "I did it for myself."  Ranma paused for a moment as he felt 
his energy waning.  "And for you," he barely whispered.

    "Me?  Why me?"  Nabiki seemed shocked.

    "Ever since I've first seen you, I loved you."  Ranma shuddered 
a little.

    The emotions caught up with Nabiki, and she hugged Ranma.  For 
once, she put aside her analytical mind, her desires to analyze 
everything.  "I love you too."

    A smile surfaced onto Ranma's face, a genuine smile.  "How long 
have I waited for those words."

    Ranma started coughing, and Nabiki could see Ranma's mouth 
scarlet from his blood.  Hesitating for a moment, she kissed him.

    "Well that's the story of my life.  Say hi to mom for me."
Then Ranma sighed as he enjoyed Nabiki's embrace, her full body
pressed against his and he closed his eyes, as he savored the one
thing that he had truly desired for a long time.

T H E     E N D.....  100 pages baby!

As a standard disclaimer, this is merely the beta, not the final copy.  In
my opinion, the last couple chapters should be rewritten, after finals
when perhaps I get a cheerful view on life.


Chiaki N.- for Japanese names. (This is her real name!  She has no 
relation to Chiaki Eno... (Thank god!) )
Andrew Huang, Keener, Mike Davis-  For being rather helpful 
with comments.