Subject: Fwd: Re: [FFML] [FANFIC][C&C] Together Again: 2937 Chapter (Act IV)
From: "Christian Clark" <>
Date: 5/3/1997, 2:54 AM

                              TOGETHER AGAIN

                               2937 Chapter

                                 ACT FOUR

	Hmm... Lemme start by saying... no... umm...

	Its like this... no.... um.m....
	Kinda like......uhh....

	Oy! Sometimes the best complements that one can give are the ones
that can never be voiced.

	Eeep, I better put something of value in this letter. Okay, then.

	From the perspective of a person who has never seen a single episode
of Ranma�, I must say that this whole Ranma, Shampoo, Raye Hino thing
is very very interesting.  I'd say well thought out and planned,
however, those comments are respective of your very name.

	Geeze your putting it hard on Jupiter. Heck, everyone in this fanfic
is having a hard time. Your premier character (Raye) seems to be the
only one who's come to grips with life.

	Umm... the Rat.... explain to me please.  I have an idea, but I
don't want to sound like a fool by voicing it.

	The song... I've always felt that music was the best way to tell a
story.  Twisted and perverted to sell a few bucks, it becomes Rap or
hard rock, Overly calm about the worst, it becomes country or jazz. 
Music that is only to tell a story as it comes, to show what your
thinking, that is what becomes *Classic*.
	There's never enough classic music to go around.

	Don't have much to say in the means of Criticism, this is probably
due to the fact that I've never seen any Ranma�, but otherwise this
is turning out well.

All I can say is that with all the many (and I do mean MANY) different series 
here, the only thing I can say is......

Where's Teknoman?

::Then, Chibi-saber hop beside him and baps him on the head, knocking him out.::

Chibi-Saber: Sorry folks, he forgot to take his nap today.

::Saber then drags him out.::

Shiroi-kuma sama
aka Chrisitian Clark

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