Subject: [retry][xover] Jyusenkyou Ball episode 1
Date: 4/26/1997, 8:26 PM

Gomen if you get this twice, but evil evil mail server say it no go 
through first time I send.

The Eternal Lost Lurker (

AUTHOR'S FOREWORD--relax, this will only appear once.

I'm probably going to be lynched for writing this one.
Okay...this is the first episode of an enormous fusion project I've 
decided to undertake. This is no mere crossover. A crossover implies 
characters from two series meet and interact in one or more anime 
This is a complete and total fusion of two series, and two stories.
Characters from both series will appear, as some of the characters 
could not be easily replaced with others from the other series.
This is episode one. A very familiar story, done slightly differently.
 This does not mean that all episodes will match up to events from 
the original story. It should go quite a different path by the time 
I'm on to the good stuff.
Also, many of the characters are NOT going to be entirely in 
character. It would be completely impossible to preserve everything 
with the changes being made to the story. Also, many characters who 
are supposed to be related or have other relationships will not have 
these relationships. Again, a neccessary casualty of war.

Well, you've been warned. And now, for the disclaimers...

Ranma 1/2 characters and situations are property of Takahashi Rumiko, 
Kitty Film, VIZ Communications, Shogakukan, Weekly Shonen. Used 
without permission.
Dragonball characters and situations are property of Toriyama Akira, 
Toei, Bandai, FUNimation, and Pioneer, and are used without 
Anything that doesn't look familiar is property of Robert Morrison, 
and you will be skinned alive if you steal it. ^_^

     Long ago, seven spheres of crystal were forged and scattered     
     throughout the world.
     These magical spheres, when brought together, would summon the
     Eternal Dragon, who would grant the summoner any single wish.
     But at a cost--for each of the seven balls bears a curse.
     And when the Dragon is summoned, the curses are passed on to
     seven individuals...

                     J Y U S E N K Y O U   B A L L 

          Episode One: The cat-tailed kid! A partnership formed.

   A young woman driving a landrover checked a small device mounted 
on the dashboard, and veered onto a wooded trail.
  "There's another one. At this rate, that wish will be all mine soon.
  Chuckling, the girl brushed a stray lock of her short brown hair 
out of her face, and drove onward towards the source of the signal.

  Deep in a secluded forest, at the base of a cliff with a sparkling 
waterfall, sat a small, comfortable-looking house. Small animals of 
the forest fluttered and scampered, chittered and chirped, in the 
surrounding woodland. 
  In a modest clearing behind the house, a young boy was doing an 
impressive kata. He began slowly, his white gi and short, black 
pigtail rippling in the breeze as he threw punches, performed sharp 
kicks, and grunted in rhythm. He sped up the kata, and anyone 
watching would soon be unable to follow his movements unless they 
themselves were highly skilled martial artists.
  Bringing his kata to a stop, the blue-eyed, pigtailed boy stretched 
out his muscles, and grinned. "Yeah, now it's time to go get 
something to eat."
  He walked into the house, grabbing a towel from nearby the door. As 
he wiped sweat from his forehead, something sparkling in the bright 
morning sunlight caught his attention. Smiling, he walked over to a 
small family shrine, upon which sat a small, aquamarine crystal 
sphere. The sphere itself was flawless, which would probably make it 
very valuable. Oddly, it bore upon its surface a dark blue character, 
the kanji for "girl". 
  Kneeling before the shrine and closing his eyes, the boy said 
softly, "'s been a long time since I talked to you last, 
but I wanted you to know...I'm keeping up with my training, father, 
just like you told me. I'm getting really good. I could probably take 
you, if...if..." He trailed off. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he 
continued, "Anyway, I'm doing well, and I'm happy, and I hope 
wherever you are, you're proud of me." 
  With that, he rose to his feet, turned, and sprinted out the door, 
laughing as he stripped off his gi and plunged into the river.

  "Should be right up...aha!" 
  The girl grinned as she pulled into a large clearing beside a river.
 Small animals chittered curiously at her from the safety of their 
treetop homes. Detaching the small tracker from the dashboard, she 
just started to get out of the car when...
  "KYAAA!!!" She suddenly found herself staring eye-to-eye with the 
meter-wide eye of an enormous fish. 
  The beast in question floundered frantically on the river bank. She 
estimated it to be about fifteen meters long. 
  "How in the hell..."
  Something small, and shouting, slammed into the side of the 
landrover. "Alright you stupid monster, back off! This is *my* fish! 
Get your own!"
  The girl blinked. Standing in a ready stance a short distance from 
the vehicle, glaring warily at her, was a short kid in a white gi. 
His blue eyes blazed with intensity, and his short black pigtail hung 
over one shoulder.
  "You heard me, ya big jerk! Get lost! Before I get mad!"
  "Hey, you!" the girl said, opening the door. The kid jumped back a 
few steps, and coiled for an attack. Exiting the car, she held up her 
hands. "Take it easy! I'm not a monster!"
  "You--you're just sayin' that. I don't believe you," the kid said 
nervously, prodding the landrover with a short wooden staff. Looking 
her over, he said, "What are you?"
  Not sure if she should be offended, she said, "I'm just a human 
being, like you."
  "Human?" He squinted at her. "I dunno, you sure look different..."
  Is this kid for real? she thought. "That's because I'm a girl, kid,
" she said. "You know? A female?"
  "A girl huh? My dad told me about girls, but I've never seen one 
  "You're kidding, right?"
  "Nope," the kid said. "I've never left this forest all my life."
  The kid began prodding the landrover again. "You sure this isn't a 
  "No way, kid! It's a car!"
  "Okay. If you say so. Just so long as it doesn't want my fish." 
With that, he began dragging said fish deeper into the clearing. Over 
his shoulder, he called, "Say, if you want, you can come by my house, 
see where I live. It's not much, but it's home."
  This kid *could* have the ball I've been tracking, she thought. 
"Okay kid, I'll come along." 
  As they walked, the boy dragging the giant fish as though it 
weighed nothing, the teenaged girl said, "So kid...what's your name?
  "Hmm? I'm Saotome Ranma."
  "I'm Darura. Nice to meet you."
  Darura looked Ranma over. He's built like a brick, she thought. I 
bet he's gonna be cute when he's older though... 
  With that thought, she suddenly noticed something emerging from the 
boy's pants, and yelped. "What--what the hell is that?" she gasped.
  "What's what?" Ranma asked, blinking. 
  "That--that THING! On your seat..."
  Ranma blinked, then understood what she was talking about. "Oh...
you mean my tail." Indeed, from the seat of his pants emerged a long, 
thin white tail. He twitched the appendage idly as he continued 
  "Why...why do you have a tail?" 
  He shrugged. "Dunno. I thought everyone had 'em."
  "Well I certainly don't!"
  Ranma shrugged. "Your loss."
  Darura decided not to press the issue.     

  "Well, this is home," Ranma said, grabbing a box of firestarting 
material from just inside the door. 
  "Nice place, kid," Darura said. 
  "Go ahead and look around," Ranma said, "While I get the fire 
started to cook breakfast."
  Darura took a look around the house. It was tastefully, if sparsely,
 decorated, and had a decidedly homey feel to it. Not luxurious by 
any means, but comfortable.
  Going into the room at the back of the house, Darura found what she 
was looking for.
  "It IS here!" she exclaimed, gazing longingly at the clear blue 
crystal ball sitting on a small shrine. 
  "That's Pop," Ranma said from beside her, startling her.
  "That...that think it's your dad?" Darura asked, gaping 
at Ranma. Is this kid brain damaged? she wondered.
  Ranma looked down. "That's all I have left of him. He passed away 
about a year ago. He gave me that to remembe him by, just before he 
  Darura picked up the ball and examined it, noting the kanji on its 
  "H--hey! What're you doin'? Put Pop down!" Ranma began panicking.
  Sighing, Darura set the ball down. There'd be time to look at it 
later. "Kid, you know what you've got there," she said.
  "You mean you don't know?"
  Ranma frowned in confusion. "Know what?"
  "That," Darura began, pointing at the crystal, "Is a Jyusenkyou 
  "Jyusenkyou ball?"
  Darura nodded, and opened a pack at her waist. "Yep, just like 
these, see?" She took two similar balls from her pouch. One had the 
kanji for duck on it, another had kanji describing a small black 
  " musta got those from my pop," Ranma gasped. 
  Darura shook her head. "I've been travelling the world looking for 
these balls." She held them near Ranma's ball, and all three began to 
glow. Ranma yelped.
  "What--what's goin' on?"
  "They're reacting to each other," Darura told him. "They're magic 
  "Magic balls?"
  Darura nodded. "There are seven of these in the world. According to 
the legend, when the seven Jyusenkyou Balls are brought together, it 
summons Shenron, the Eternal Dragon."
  "A dragon?"
  Darura nodded. "Yes. Shenron will grant whoever summons him with 
the balls any one wish, then disappear."
  "A wish? Cool."
  "Yeah. There's more to the legend, something about curses, but I 
can't remember it all. But I've been searching for these balls for a 
long time." She held up her tracking device. "This radar led me here, 
because it detected your ball. If I collect all seven, I can be the 
one to make that wish."
  Ranma frowned. "But Darura, Pop gave me that. It's all I have left 
to remember him by. I can't give it to you."
  "How about I pay you for it?"
  "What if I...took a picture of it?"
  Darura sighed. "Okay, what about this. How about we become partners 
in this. You can keep your ball, while we look for the other four. 
When we find them all, we'll make a wish that'll benefit both of us.
  Ranma frowned. "I dunno..."
  Darura grinned. "Besides, I bet your dad would have wanted you to 
get out and see the world. We'll probably run into lots of monsters 
you can beat up, and you'll get to see new places and meet a lot of 
people and have a great adventure." Seeing his interest piquing, she 
played her trump card. "He probably gave you that ball because he 
knew it'd lead you to adventure, and the adventure is what he really 
wanted to leave you."
  Ranma considered that. His father did put a lot of emphasis on 
training, often taking him deep into the woods where the bigger 
creatures lived. Darura could be right--he could easily imagine his 
pop sending him on an adventure as his last gift to him. 
  And if Darura was right, who was he to refuse this grand adventure?

  Not to mention he'd get a wish out of it in return.
  "Okay Darura. You've got a deal."
  Darura grinned. "Welcome aboard."

  Darura chuckled inwardly. That was almost too easy, she thought. 
The kid bought it hook, line, and sinker. Ranma would be useful to 
her, because she wasn't a fighter, and would probably find a lot of 
things she couldn't deal with using her capsules. And when the time 
came to make the wish, she'd have her wish before Ranma could ever 
open his mouth. She'd wish for enough money to fill an entire ocean. 
Trillions and trillions of zeni, all hers, to enjoy for the rest of 
her life. 
  This was going to be the best investment of her life.

  In a dark, desolate wasteland, stood a dark, daunting castle.
  Deep within the bowels of this castle, a voice bellowed.
  A tall, handsome man in a dark suit and a short, cute girl in a 
disgustingly cute ninja dogi scrambled into the throne room. There 
was nobody else there.
  "Master?" the boy called.
  A plume of black smoke erupted from the throne. When it cleared, it 
revealed the figure of a diminuitive man, with a rodentlike face and 
a bald head, wearing dark velvet robes. "Did you get me the 
Jyusenkyou ball?" he intoned in a rather nasal voice. 
  "Hai, Sasuke-sama," the tall man said, bowing. He tried to take the 
pouch the girl was holding.
  The girl wouldn't let go of it. "No! This is Azusa's widdle 
  "Let go you stupid woman!"
  "Marlene! Marlene! Marlene!"
  Finally securing the pouch, the man approached the throne, and 
removed a blue crytal from it. 
  Sasuke cackled. "At last...I will have my wish..." he whispered, as 
he admired the smooth crystal and its panda kanji.
  "Ah...not yet, Sasuke-sama."
  "Eh? What's that, Mikado?"
  Mikado swallowed. "You see, Sasuke-sama, it won't work if you just 
have one ball. You have to have all seven to make the dragon appear.
  "All seven? Very well. Go find them."
  "Ah...also, have you forgotten about the curses?"
  "What of them? I care not for such things. Bring me the Jyusenkyou 
  "Hai, Sasuke-sama." 
  Mikado and Azusa left the throne room. Sasuke cackled. "When I have 
those balls, and call the dragon...I'll rule the world!" His maniacal 
laughter rang throughout the castle.

  "So, Darura, how are we gonna go find those balls?"
  "Well," Darura said thoughtfully, "I hope you don't mind riding in 
the landrover. It's good for getting to all kinds of places."
  "Okay," Ranma said uncertainly.
  The two left the house, and gasped. An enormous, dinosaur-like 
creature, with red scales, long silver claws, and green eyes hissed 
at them as it smashed a hole through the engine of the landrover. 
  "HEY!" Darura shouted. "Stop that!"
  The creature snorted laughter. "Make me, shrimp," it rumbled.
  Ranma scowled. "Hey you jerk, dontcha have no respect for other 
people's property?"
  "Nope," the monster snorted.
  "Well then I'll hafta teach you some!" Ranma shouted, and with a 
fierce kiai launched himself at the hulking reptile.
  The thing never had a chance.
  Snorting in amusement, the monster slashed at Ranma, who dodged 
every swipe and landed on its head. Swinging down over its head, he 
kicked it in the eyes. As it howled in rage, he leaped to the ground, 
grabbed it by its tail, and swung it around and around, finally 
tossing it up and over a nearby cliff.
  "Wow," Darura said.
  Ranma looked at the landrover. "Is it dead?"
  Darura decided not to bother pointing out it was never alive. "Yeah,
 it's dead."
  "So...what are we gonna do now?"
  Darura grinned. "Not to worry," she said, removing a small case 
from her hip and glancing through its contents. "Let's see...aha!" 
Removing a small metal capsule from the case, she pressed the stud on 
the end, and tossed it. With a loud boom, and a cloud of smoke, the 
capsule expanded into a large, powerful-looking two-seater motorcycle.

  "How--how'd you do that?" Ranma gasped, wide-eyed, jaw hanging open.
 "Are you some kinda witch?"
  Darura smirked. "Jeez, Ranma, you really are out of touch. Everyone 
in the city uses capsules. Can't live without 'em." Tossing Ranma one 
of the helmets from the bike, she strapped her own on and climbed 
onto the bike. "Hop on."
  "You sure it's safe?" Ranma asked dubiously.
  "Sure kid. Now come on!"
  Ranma shrugged, and climbed onto the  bike. Darura revved the 
engine, and the two adventurers were off.


  Ranma and Darura, with three of the legendary balls between them, 
set off in search of the remaining four balls.

  The evil Sasuke's two minions continue their own quest for the 
Jyusenkyou Balls.

  And both groups converge on a small island, the home of a wise old 
martial arts master...

  Who will get the Jyusenkyou Ball? Will Darura survive her meeting 
with the old-timer?

Join us next time for "The shriveled old turtle pervert" on 
Jyusenkyou Ball!


The Eternal Lost Lurker
"mugen he to hirake fushigi yuugi"