Subject: An open letter to Robert Morrision was Re: [FFML] Some C&C again....
From: Chris Davies
Date: 4/16/1997, 1:11 PM

On Wed, 16 Apr 1997, ROBERT   MORRISON wrote:

And once more I must protest the usage of the DIC names for the 
characters. People, if you are GOING to write Sailormoon fanfiction, 
USE THE RIGHT NAMES. Serena, Lita, Amy, Raye, Mina, Darien, Reeny, 
Molly, Chad, Andrew, Melvin, and others--DO NOT EXIST. Nor do the 
Sailor Scouts exist. Use the correct names or don't bother at all. 

Dear sir,

	I spent several minutes staring at this block of text.  I started
an answer to it, then quit, and resolved to just ignore it.  But I can't.
I cannot and moreover I will not.

	Mr. Morrison.

	Get bent.

	Nobody, but NOBODY, has set you up as God of Sailor Moon
fanfiction.  How DARE you try to demand that the THOUSAND or so Sailor
Moon fanfic authors out there conform to your sense of aesthetics?

	Many of them have never even seen the originals.  That's not their
fault.  And yet you, in your collossal, vicious, CLOSED-MINDED ARROGANCE,
would have them all junk the names that they have become accustomed to
over the last year and a half, just because they have the determination to
set down THEIR thoughts about the series in the terms THEY understand.

	Who the hell do you think you are?

	One of the best Sailor Moon stories I've seen this year, and no I
won't tell you the title because you're an asshole, was written using the
Dub names.  And you'd cast it aside because it doesn't suit your
pretentious code of arts.

	As far as I can determine, the beginning of the boom in Sailor
Moon fanfiction, to the point that it is probably the third if not second
largest genre in the RAAC archives, began when a fic entitled Sailor Moon
V:  The Dark Adventures of the Sailor Scouts, using (SURPRISE!) the dub
names, was placed in Luna and Artemis' newly formed archive.  But this
doesn't matter to you, you EXCRESCENCE, because you'd doubtless prefer it
if the numbers were smaller -- after all, then you can feel superior and

	What the censors of DiC did to Sailor Moon was atrocious.  But
they did their cutting to get a product on the air.  What's YOUR excuse
for trying to cut someone else's work apart?

	In conclusion, Mr. Morrison, you've earned my unrelenting hatred.
Rot in hell you conceited son of a bitch.

Christopher Davies.