Subject: SMstory: Sunday Morning.
From: "Robyn, Duke of Amber" <>
Date: 4/13/1997, 6:42 AM
To: fanfic mailing list

 I have not gotten anything from the list for a while but have sent a
couple of things out...
 I decided to send this as opposed to a bloody "Test" post...
If anybody actually reads this can one or two give me a shout.
 (Talk about a cheap and sneaky way to get C&C) (just joking)

    Intro which just has thoughts credits and 
       As you may have guessed the characters of Sailor Moon and 
    others are not mine. Don't shoot I bleed easily.
   To give credit where credit is due I think the seeds of this 
  were planted in several other fanfics - and of course the 
  wonderful anime and manga (did you know that I never could 
   have ever seen myself saying this 4 years ago...scary)
   ...I'd love to give names and titles but these things grow 
  blurry with time (and appropriation) If I've managed to snag 
   someone else's' idea (which of course they have actually 
   written and are not just thinking about) well give yourself a 
   pat on the back for influencing me in the realm of my subconscious. If 
 you want you can also shoot me a dirty look for not giving you 
   proper credit :)               
  Some of the thoughts in this piece actually came about from 
   reading a lemon about.... well you will probably guess.
    This is however not even close to that particulair name or 
 I can honestly say

   I sure this causes no small amount of depression.
  ...however it  (the story of course) gave me an idea for a modified
 (and strangely reversed)  version of said lemon.
     I may write it...or not....If you get to it before 
         me...good luck.

     I don't know why or how I keep writing these things...I mean 
    why am I not writing BGC stuff like I want...?
                       I am possessed.

     This is sort-of a sequel to Valentine's Day.

                            Sunday Morning.


   She sipped her tea in the sunlight.
   The cozy kitchen was filled with the rich yellow light and the smell of
  good things to eat. Although She knew there was no gingerbread left over
  from the night before faint whispers of it's spicy smell lingered like a
  half-banished ghost.
  The sun warmed her and made the fabric of her jeans look much richer than
  just plain brown.
   She was glad she had just worn a sweater over her blouse as opposed to a
  heavy jacket. She had slipped the fuzzy wool off and hung it up almost as
  soon as she had gotten in the door.
  She inhaled deeply.
  The rich smell of the honey and chamomile tea seemed
  to mingle with the light making it more golden as it gave itself to the
  plants which hung in green profusion in the window planters.
   Sitting at the kitchen table feeling the almost-afternoon warmth she
  decided that this was just about the best
   way to start a weekend.
  The best way was probably with a boy...well possibly.
  She  thought about it and contemplated the things they would 
   do and felt her face flush.
   Although her friends considered her far more experienced than them the
  truth was she probably was just better at acting like she was.
  She giggled to herself-a warm musical sound, and then pouted at her
 reflection in the toaster.
   It wasn't as if guys were lining up around the block to date with
  her anyway. Her reputation of being possibly more worldly than her friends
  and classmates intimidated more than it attracted. If she was interested
  in a boy and managed to corner him somewhere he would begin to blush and
  stammer before any real sort of conversation could get started. Older boys
  strangely were like that too. They expected her to be quiet and submissive
  and so when her naturally bubbly personality came forth 
  (because no matter how she tried that just happened) they backed away.
  She stuck her tongue out at the distorted face in the toaster.
   It responded by returning the favor.
   Soon she gave way to pressing her nose and flaring her nostrils while
  she made "blaaaaa" noises and wagging her tongue...
   Her hands pulled at the corners of her mouth and she waggled her free
  fingers until what looked at a demented catfish - it's sensitive feelers
 moving erratically looked back from the chrome.
  "Keep doing that and it will stay like that." her friend said entering
   the room with her light spring coat and purse.

    Although startled she remained poised.
    Turning from the reflection the blond girl resumed her 
facial attack, This time upon  her friend.

  "What's the point?" 
 She sighed releasing her mouth from it's odd shape 
 "Maybe guys will like me better this way. Pppppppppttttt" 

 "I could say something rude about that tongue of yours ." her friend
replied an evil glint
in her green eyes  "But I'm a lady."

    "EEEEEeeeeewwwwwww!" Minako said " Ecchi. Don't be gross!!!"

   "Well you asked." Makoto said pulling on her spring jacket. "Anyway, are
you sure you don't mind waiting here while I go to the store?"

  "And let these poor sweet muffins go to waste?" She asked
  eyeing the covered basket in front of her where she could (or at least
imagined she could) smell the warm baked goods.
   "More like "go to your waist." Her tall friend chuckled and dodged out
   the door to avoid the hurled apple (from the bowl of wax fruit).
   "You know," she said peeking around the corner after the missile had
  glanced off the door. "I noticed you blushing when I came in...thinking
    about anyone special?" 
    Makoto dodged back out as Minako made her reply via a ballistic plastic
  Later, a few seconds later anyway.
 Anyone special.


 It seemed that this was a particular battle that Sailor V, Captain of
   the Sailor-Suited Warriors would never win.
  She knew it wasn't really a battle to find someone you cared for but it
   was a struggle. And a difficult one.

   The only boys who did seemed to be attracted to her and didn't run off
   soon afterward had somehow gotten the impression that because she had
   posed for Sailor V promotional shots and a few products wouldn't mind
    posing for them in their homes wearing considerably less and DOING
    considerably more.
 She sighed and put her cup down.
 Maybe it had been a bad idea to come over to visit her friend today.
 She was moody and probably wasn't even decent company.
  Lord knows that was what Artemis had said to her when she had snapped at
  him (for the 3rd time) this morning when she was getting ready.
 He had left the house in debatable spirits as well.
 Where had he been headed?
 "Wherever she wasn't" had been his reply and it had stung.

 However bad a mood he had been in, he had at least thought to 
soften his snapping and hurtful remark before leaving.

 "Listen, Mina-chan," he had said with serious eyes obvious  
     in hindsight to the fact that his last retort had hurt his 
   dearest friend as much as it had.  "I just think...I just 
   think that we both need to get out to be by ourselves for a 
   while. It's been a busy week and we both need some time to 
  vent off some steam."

     His next words came in a rush and sounded as if he was as 
   confused and hurt as Minako felt. "Maybe..maybe we have been 
   spending to much time. Besides.." He had deliberately let 
   humor slip into his expressive voice "If I'm going to get 
   ANYWHERE with Luna I can't have an of you hanging around 
    cramping my style."

     Minako had been forced to laugh at this.

  "As if you ever will. You know she's just to...proper for 
   that sort of thing."she giggled feeling some of the hurt and 
    tension seeping away.

    "Well be that as it may." he replied in a conspiratorial tone 
   before bounding away to the sound of her laughter "I do know 
    where a big plot of catnip is and I plan to take her there 
      this afternoon."  

     Jolted back to the present Mina noticed the remains of a 
       muffin in her hand.
        When had she eaten that?
       She hadn't even noticed. 
       How Many had she eaten while she was lost in 
       thought....oh no... THREE! 
   She was as bad as Usagi.
    She finished off the rest of it and washed it down with the 
       last of her cooling tea.
     It was strange, sometimes she forgot that Artemis was a cat.
      Oh she saw him all the time all right, but it wasn't a cat 
       she saw it was a friend. 
        Her best friend.
    Sometimes when she was talking to him and he was out of sight 
    for a moment or two she simply forgot. All she could feel the 
    strength in his voice, the compassion and the caring.

   Out of sight he became a man (or at least a good looking boy) 
   of her dreams in her mind.  Of course this was shattered the 
   second he hopped up on the table or rubbed against her ankle. 

    It wasn't fair.
    Even if somehow he managed to become human it wouldn't last - 
     after all, he had Luna  - or at least tried to.
    Many times.
    Maybe that was it.
     Sometimes this strange attraction and frustration reached a 
      boiling point. Sometimes like today. Maybe if she went out to 
      more of the parties that other girls went to? Maybe if her 
      friends new some guys that were good looking - And weren't 
      destined to be with for hundreds of years she amended.

    She shook her head and her long golden hair moved like a 
    fantastic waterfall designed by King Midas until the silken 
      strands again rested on her shoulders.
  She might as well ask herself to give up her heritage.
   She could simply leave her transformation stick here and walk 
 Yeah, right. And monkeys would fly out of her butt.
  O.K. then...If that was one (or two) options out of the way 
    what else could she do?
    Well, she could get out with other people more often and this 
    meet more new people - which was kinda scary when it came down 
    to it. She liked meeting new people and was outgoing Heck 
     she had to be. Moving from country to country if you didn't 
     make friends you ended up so alone.
    the way she considered this 
     - that felt a little to much like cutting a lifeline
   One that she was quite sure she never wanted to cut.
    That, and she also didn't want to have to try and explain to 
    her friends why she was now "avoiding" them to be with 
other people.  
   The rest of the group knew she had been on her own as
   an independent crime-fighter  and also respected her privacy.
    Usagi, strangely perhaps giving her a little bit more 
    consideration than she did of the others
   - if she was to listen to Rei's countless complaints  about 
    her best friend/rival.
    Strangely enough she felt as if Usagi even would understand 
    this (all of it) more than any of the others.
   -if she talked to her about it.

      Oh Artemis what ever should I do?
    That was odd, she I am moping about not having 
      a "special someone" and my mind keeps drifting back to him.
    He's a cat for heaven's sake....why did she care what he 
      thought or did? 

     Maybe, she decided the best thing to do was simply wait and 
     see what happened.
      Time did strange things and hopefully one of them would be 
      dumping a cute guy in her lap.
      She giggled and blushed at her choice of words even if 
      they had been spoken inside herself.
    "Alright." She said aloud "What I mean is I hope I meet the 
     guy of my dreams and it happens in a completely unexpected 
     way - soon."
   She cocked her head skyward " Are you listening  Kami-sama?"

   Oh well, she had better things in her life to do than brood 
    on all of this - didn't she? Of course she did. Mako-chan 
    would be at least another half an hour or so shopping so she 
     might as well make herself useful.
       She began to putter about the cozy kitchen until she 
      realized that the only things that really needed to be done 
     were the washing-up of her tea-cup and plate. Makoto wasn't 
      what anyone would call a "neat freak" but did keep her small 
      house in tidy order.
   Her Parents house.

      It was sad Minako mused that her friend had no family to 
   speak of but sad didn't really cover it. She knew she could 
   never really understand.
    Mina knew what it was like (a little) not really having anyone around 
    what with her father either spending time with his company or 
     working with the Trade Commission and her mother acting as his 
       secretary on more than one trip overseas. But dead? No, she 
       couldn't imagine them that way.

      She wondered if Makoto sometimes simply managed to convince 
     herself that she was acting as a sort of caretaker and that 
       her parents would someday walk in the door.

    Makoto had shown her the ticket once - the seat on the plane 
     that should have been hers - if she hadn't had the measles. 
       Minako shivered.
    All her friends seemed governed by ifs.
    If Rei's father hadn't sent her to the Shrine.
    If Ami had decided to go through with her plans to become a 
    doctor and abandon the others.
    If she had been in that building when it had burnt.
    If she had never seen them embrace, the way HE had looked 
   into her big sisters eyes.

   Her throat tightened with emotion and she thought of another 
   if which some how made things lighter. 
      If she hadn't eaten those muffins.
     If Usagi had some form of co-ordination.
    Ya. Right.
    She put the might -be's and might have been's behind her with 
   a soft smile - Almost sad, but not quite.  and made herself 
   another cup of tea.

     Where was she?
     Makoto was late.
    Not really late, but enough to have another cup of tea.
   Minako sighed and looked at the clock.
    The lateness probably meant one thing.
   The arcade was on the way to the store and of course inside 
   the arcade was....
        Sometimes that girl was just to obsessed 
     with boys. And, this unhealthy obsession usually allowed her 
    to find all the good ones first another part of her mind added.
   Minako went into the living room and retrieved her 
   shoulderbag from an overstuffed armchair.
    At least she would do something constructive then.
  She took out the tangled mass of white yarn and slender 
   needles and began to determedly knit.
    A few minutes later she had finished.
    She had forgotten when  she had put (shoved) her knitting in
  the bag this morning that  all she had to do were a few odd
 stitches to finish the mittens and now that was done.

   She wondered whether she should start on a scarf again. She 
    pulled it out and regarded the three foot long two inch wide 
     project she had earlier abandoned.
   She knew that it was unlikely that anyone would really have 
   any need for them now in late April but you never knew. She 
   put the mitts on and stared at them.
   Funny, she had never noticed how much they looked like paws.
     Thinking of paws made her think of Artemis.
 She hoped he wasn't angry at her any more.

      Sometimes she just didn't understand him. It probably came 
   from him being a cat she guessed. Suddenly she had an idea. 
   Maybe if she WAS as cat (or at least thought like one) she 
   might just be a little more thoughtful.
   It was worth a try.
  Mako-chan kept a bunch of paper and things around for making 
   decorations and that would be ideal.
   After a few minutes of working out the mechanics she went to 
    Some time later the kitchen door opened and Makoto stepped 
  in, purse over her arm, a shopping bag in one hand,
  a large drooping potted plant held precariously in the other.
  "Hi. I'm back. "
  "Hi." Drifted Minako's voice in the living room.
    "Sorry I took so long." Makoto apologized as she opened the 
  refrigerator and began putting things away.

   "I saw this guy about to throw away this perfectly good plant 
  and had to convince him that he should give it to me."
  "He remind you or an old boyfriend?" Came the familiar 
   "Naw. My old boy friend was great with plants." 
  Makoto planted the drooping thing affectionately and entered 
  the next room. 

   "As a matter of fact he......" 

   "He what?" Minako asked, looking up from her book.


   "Your' old boyfriend. 'as a matter of fact' what?"
   "Umm. ahh He was just good with plants that's all." Makoto 
  stammered. "But what are you doing?"


  "I can see that... but...what....?"

  "What am I reading? It's something for school but I like it." 

 "No." Makoto waved her arm, gestured. "No, What are you 
  "Oh, That."

    "Oh, That." Makoto repeated dryly. "Yes, 
  that. I suppose you have a good explanation?"

  "Of course."

  "Well what?"

  "I'd sort-of like to hear it."

  "Oh, Okay." Minako rubbed a be-mittened hand across her nose.

  "Stop that...You look" 

  "A big cat?" Minako suggested helpfully.

  "A big cat." Makoto said with a sigh.

  "Exactly." Minako jumped to her feet.
  "I'm a cat!"
  "Are you feeling alright?"

 "Fine." she spun around the room and the scarf deployed about 
  her depending from a large safety pin at the back of the jeans.
  "I even have a tail!"
  "So I see."

  "Look!." She leapt in her imitation of 
   catlike-grace and ended in a crouch on the floor.
    "See." she said excitedly. "Just like a cat."
   Makoto had seen how like a cat she was and had just managed 
  to grab the lamp on the table as it was swept off by her 
   friends "tail."

  "Mmmmm." She replied noncommittally.

  "It's like this." Minako said pretending to "groom" the 
  cardboard ears she had affixed in her hair.

  "Artemis and I have been... well, edgy around each other 
   lately.  Part of it has been my fault but I'm  worried about 
  the way he's been reacting. I'm worried about us."

  "Us?" Makoto laughed. "since when did you two become a 
couple? And what would Luna say?"

  "Stop it." Mina said feeling the rise of a light flush across 
her face. "It's not like that. It's just that we've always 
been partners and we seem to spend less time talking than we 
used to."
  "Well," Makoto said noticing and avoiding her 
    friends psychological reaction.   "Maybe that's just the way 
   things are.  You to had to depend on each other didn't you? I 
     mean there was no-one else right."

   Mina began to speak in  denial of this then thought briefly of
 the two figures  embracing against the flames.

  "Um.. yes."

  "Well now you have us." Makoto said smiling.
  "It's just natural." She continued, "that you both need time 
   to be with new ...friends.."
   "I guess so." Mina nodded.

   "So why are you dressed like that?"
  "Well, I decided that the  only way I could really understand
  how Artemis felt was to  think more like a cat... so I became one.
  And you know it  worked."

  "Yea...?" Makoto did not sound entirely convinced.

   "You know," Minako said enthusiastically working to convince 
    her friend.  "It's like that old saying about not really understanding 
   someone unless you make a smile in someone else's' skin."

   Makoto winced and gently tried to correct her friend.
 "That's walking a mile in another person's skin...or even 
   shoes," she added as an afterthought. 

   "That's just stupid." Minako said brightly. "I mean Artemis 
    is a cat. He doesn't have shoes... and look at his size."
      Minako gently chided her friend. "And, If he did, they 
    certainly wouldn't fit me."

 Makoto felt the strong need to sit down.


     Nene   Nene    Nene    Nene    Nene    Nene    Nene    Nene    Nene   
                    I met a Lady in the Meads,
                    Full beautiful, a faery's child,
                    Her hair was long, her foot was light
                    And her eyes were wild.
           Agent Of Chaos. Robyn, Duke of Amber. Unicorn Knight