Subject: Re: [FFML] .... arrrgh... my subconscious has no shame...
From: "J. Austin Wilde" <>
Date: 2/21/1997, 12:10 PM

Redneck Gaijin wrote:

I'd originally intended the 'Penultimate Self-Insertion Fanfic Parody'
as a one-shot, shock-humor piece, to be tossed off and forgotten

Pardon the pun, eh?

... but now, my mind is already cranking over the concept of the series
to which the Parody would be the conclusion...

...imagine the following cast, if you will...

"Angels and ministers of grace defend us..."
*RANMA SAOTOME* - a boy with a curse... who is beginning to get curious
about his new body...

A staple lemon plot.
*AKANE TENDO* - an overachiever, champ martial artist, cook, and
student, with no time for romance- or perverts

Sounds like she'll be alienating the rest of the cast then. 
*KASUMI TENDO* - read 'The Joy of Sex' at 15 and hasn't slowed down

Oh my.
*SHAMPOO* - the lonely bookworm of the Amazons, seeking companionship
outside her tribe

"Shampoo too busy to fight. Shampoo reading 'Paradise Lost.'"
*MOUSSE* - macho jerk obsessed with conquering, breaking, and possessing

If he can just find her through those coke bottles he wears on his
*COLOGNE* - irresponsible elder of the Amazons, more interested in
meddling with other people's lives than ruling her people

And this would be different from Takahashi's Cologne?
*HAPPOUSAI* - Buddhist monk and master of Anything-Goes Martial Arts,
whose sole weakness is the sight of lacy underwear; it makes him faint


the horror...! the horror...!
*NODOKA* - Ranma's long-lost sex-fiend mother, total hentai with no
qualms about sex

Sex with whom...? Nevermind. I don't want to know.
Belay my last, I spoke too soon when I spoke of horrors...


the horror...! the horror...!
And oh, I could just go on from there... but I want some outside
opinion... is this worth pursuing, or should I just bury it in peat moss
and use it for compost?

Let it die. Slowly. Alone. Aw hell, I'll read it if no one else will.

J. Austin Wilde
-- ______________________________________________________ // ======= \\ || J. Austin Wilde <>-** // || || Head Ranger: Fission Park Press-------** //======\ || || Hired Gun: P-P-P-Chan Productions-----** // // // || || Knight Bachelor of the Crimson Sword--**// //====/ || || "Those who have fought to preserve----** // Fission || || freedom find that it has a flavor----** // Park || || the protected will never know."------** Press || \\_____________________________________________________//