Subject: [Fanfic] [BGC] Spontaneous fic.
From: Michael Quin
Date: 2/12/1997, 7:13 PM
To: Fanfic Mailing List

I would be interested in hearing any comments on this (my first fic BTW).
This idea came to me while I was trying to stay awake at college, and I
typed it up when I got home.

It's a bit on the rough side (I've not done any fictional writing for
about three years), and I'm not sure which direction I want to take this
in now, if I even continue it at all.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He pulled out of the car park onto the main road, heading
for home

"God! What a day!", sighing, he shoved a tape into the
stereo, sat back and tried to relax a bit as he drove along
the busy main road towards the roundabout.  

Without warning, a brilliant light tore through the
windscreen blinding him, clapping his hands over his eyes,
he slammed hard on the brakes, the old pick-up's tires
squealing in protest as the vehicle ground to a halt on the

"What the hell was that?" he rubbed his eyes. As the spots
cleared, he realised that he wasn't on the road, but in an
empty car park, and not one that he recognised. "Eh? Whats
going on?" he mused, as he shifted into gear and turned the
truck around, surveying the area.

"How did I get here? More to the point, where is _here_?"
He was in a small car park, surrounded by steel contructed
industrial buildings, there didn't seem to be anyone else
around except for himself. Still bemused, he pulled out
onto the narrow road that lead from the car park, between
more building units. He travelled along the narrow road,
looking around for something, anything that he recognised,
but nothing was familiar, he could have been in another
town for all he knew.

The area he was driving through appeared to be completely
deserted, and a lot of the buildings were in a very
dilapidated condition.  "Okay, I don't know where I am or
how I got here, this has got to be a wind-up or something!"

He was shaken from his thoughts by the sound of a _very_
loud explosion, which made him duck down into his seat.
peering up over the steering wheel, he cound see smoke
rising from beyond a unit about 200 metres from where he
was stopped. The sensible portion of his brain was
screaming at him to get going, as fast as possible, and in
the OPPOSITE direction. However, curiousity overode sense
and he moved slowly towards the source of the smoke.

As he nosed the truck around the corner of the building, he
was confronted by the sight of a some kind of massive
mechaniod, and four armoured suits buzzing around it.

"Hang on... those suits are familiar."

He ducked again as the mech fired a missile of some
description at one of the suits, missing, and blowing away
an innocent-looking dumpster next to the building.

"Well, I'm either dreaming, or insane, either way, I'm not
sticking around here too long, this is getting dangerous."

He put the truck into reverse and turned it around in the
narrow forecourt. Neither the mech or any of the suits
seemed to have noticed him, probably for the best he

Glancing in the rear view mirror, he was just in time to
see a blue armoured figure shoot into the air, avoiding a
powerful swing from the mech, only to be caught full-force
and sent flying high into the air by a missile that the
mech had fired off.

Time seemed to slow down as, almost involintarily, he
backed the truck towards the mech rapidly, putting himself
on the spot on the ground where the blue suit was heading


The impact of the suit on the loadbay of the truck nearly
sent him trought the roof of the cab. He cringed at the
thought of what that had just done to the old truck's
suspension, but didn't have too long to dwel on it as an
energy beam shot past the cab of the truck.

He slammed his foot down on the accelerator, the small
truck shooting forward away from the mech, and around the
corner. Seeing an entryway into one of the disused
buildings he sped into it, and parked the truck where it
couldn't be seen by anyone, or anything, passing by. "This
is a dream, this has to be a dream.." he breathed, resting
his head on the steering wheel. Then he remembered what was
in the back of the truck. Jumping down, he ran around to
the back and scrambled onto the loadbay where the striken
suit had landed. The armour was blackened and pitted from
the explosion, and there was blood flowing from a gash on
the side of the torso. Grabbing the helmet, he pulled the
visor open to reveal a woman's face. He leant down next to
her, listenig carefully, he could hear faint, shallow
breathing. She was still alive, just.

"Damn... I've got to stop this bleeding, or she's going to
die right here."

He took a close look at tge side of the suit where the
blood was coming from. The armour was shattered and he
could see several nasty cuts where armour fragments had
penatrated the woman's side.

He cursed himself for not having a first aid kit in the
truck, then ran around to the passenger's side of the can
and pulled a Swiss Army-type penknife from the glove box.
In less than a minute, he had cut and ripped most of the
upholstry off the passenger seat. Running back to the suit,
he folded some of the cloth into a makeshift pad and
pressed it against the wounds, stemming the beeding
slightly. using a long stip off upholstry as a bandage, he
fixed the pad tightly in place.

She was still going to need proper medical attention, but
she wasn't going to die of blood loss right away now.

"This is too real... what if I'm not dreaming?" he banished
that thought for the moment, and walked around to the cab
of the truck again, this time returning with a bottle of
water. He gently splashed some of the water on the woman's
face, and she slowly regained conciousness.

"Don't move, you're hurt. Here, drink some of this." He
offered the bottle of water to her lips, and she drank

His ministrations were interupped by the whine of jets as a
pink and blue suit shot into the warehouse, followed at a
distance by a white and a green suit.

He stood up and turned around to face the new arrivals

"She's okay, but she's lost a bit of blood, and is going to
need proper medical attention."

He turned back towards the striken suit as the green and
pink suits approached the truck, but the white suit held
back, as if waiting for something.

He heard a faint wisper from the pink suit, helmet radios
he thought, but was interrupted by an electronicly
modulated voice from the white suit behind him.

"Thank you for assisting, but I'm not sure what we're going
to do with you now."

"What do you mean by...." His words were halted by an
explosion of pain in the back of his head, and the world
flared white before fading to black.

The tall, brown haired figure collapsed in front of the
green suit that had struck him from behind.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(Apologies to the creators of BGC)
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