Subject: Dreams and Realities Part 5 (Proto-thought)
From: Numbski
Date: 2/7/1997, 11:37 AM

Here's a little doozy I'm adding to the next part, tell me what you think!

A flame burned deep within the night of Nerima.  This district must be the
worst to live in of all those in Japan.  No martial artist is safe from
the flame of love that scorches.  On this particular night however, one
soul stands before the fire, with burned hands and a blackened face.  He
would not fail.  He would have the technique.  He had no choice.

"Why don't you give up Son-in-law?  There is no way you will ever learn
this technique."  The old crone stood on her gnarled old staff.  She
looked over the young man who stood in front of her.  His eyes burning
with determination.

"I cannot fail, I will learn it!"  He placed the chestnuts back into the
fire, took up a battle stance, and once more began plucking the chestnuts
from the fire.

Finally, after much effort, Mousse turned to Cologne with that stupid
smile on his face. "You were wrong about me old goul.  Take this! Kachuu
Tenshin Amiguriken Revised, Fist of the White Swan!"

After beating the tar out of Cologne with a training potty, Mousse went
off to challenge Shampoo.

Well, what do you think? =)