Subject: [FFML] Revenge Wars (was-[FFML] Someone for Bert...)
From: Barry Cadwgan
Date: 2/4/1997, 3:52 PM

Jussi Nikander wrote:

That's actually an interesting suggestion. Have some kind of
interdimensional blow-out and all the authors (plus their anime friends)
battle against each other or against a common foe (but against each other
would probably get more laughs.)

Hmmm...I think this has been done, in a way. Right Barry and SKJAM? ^_^
Talk to Alpha Centaurii...

Await with bated breath :

                   Revenge Wars

                     Part IV

                   REVENGES END!  
A blockbuster in several parts!  
With a cast of Many.. 
Damsels in Distress (Down Alpha! Down I say!)
Spaceships, Veritechs and other Mecha aplenty!
Valient Heroics
Villians with megelomaniacle laughter
Wierd Science.. (See the awesome might of the Buttered Cat Array!)


And it's Not the nobody-ever-gets-killed-show!

Coming soon to a screen just like this one!

-- Barry Cadwgan ( BCADWGAN@FL.NET.AU ) "The end does not justify the means. The end is the sum of the means, as the road travelled determines the destination." Valijon Starbringer (Hellflower Trilogy, Eluki bes Shahar)