Subject: Repost: "The Legend of Ranko" [Ranma 1/2 -- Legend of Zelda Crossover) (Part 1)
From: fcasper
Date: 10/16/1996, 3:11 PM

The Legend of Ranko


        Ranma sat in the wet puddle, his face grower redder by the 
moment as Princess Ranko laughed at him and extended a hand to
help him up to his feet.  Ranma sulked while Ranko tried to comment 
on Ranma's performance.

        "Nice try, hero."  She remarked at the skill, or rather lack of 
skill, at Ranma's handling of a sword.  "But if you expect to be the 
protector of Hyrule and the guardian of the triforce of wisdom, you'd 
better brush up on your swordplay.

        "Well excuse me princess!"  Ranma hotly retorted.  "I already 
told you I don't need this dumb sword to defeat Kunou�s minions.  
My martial art skills are more than enough to...."

        "To get you killed if you don't master the sword as well!"  
Ranko admonished him.  "Kunou is the greatest swordsman in all of 

        "Big deal!  Take the sword away and he's helpless!"  Ranma 
pointed out.

        "You really think you've got what it takes to rip Kunou's 
sword from his grasp bare handed?!?"  Ranko said in disbelief.

        "I can do it Princess, Just give me the chance to prove 
myself.  "Ranma said confidently as he thrust his fists at an invisible 

        "Okay Ranma....I believe in you.  Ranko smiled warmly at 
him. "Let's go back to the castle and...."

        "No.  I'm not going to wait around until Kunou and his 
armies come around here to steal our triforce.  We're going to steal 
theirs, me and my friends."

        "You don't mean that band of rogues you used to hang 
around with?"  She replied with growing worry.

        "The same.  Ryouga, Mousse, and Ucchan"

        Ranko's face furrowed.  "Why Ucchan, I thought you and 
her were finished?"  she remarked with more than a hint of jealousy 
in her voice.

        "We are!  We are!"  Ranma tried to calm the princess down, 
less she try to cleave him in twain with her sword.  "But Ucchan's 
the only one who knows the area around the mountains, without 
her, we'll have little chance of survival.  Besides, she�s really handy
with that kick-ass spatula of hers."

        Ranma blew out a short breath.  "Okay, Ranma.  If she 
MUST go, at least bring me along too!  I can cook for you and...."

        "Uh....that's okay princess!  Ucchan's already a pretty 
good cook and...."  Ranma quickly tries to think of something when 
he notices Princess Ranko fingering the hilt of her sword.  "Besides, 
I don't want you to get hurt."

        "I can fight just as well as any of you!  Even better with my 

        "I know but someone has to stay here and watch our triforce 
in case Kunou decides to make a move on it while we're gone.  We 
can't just leave Akane to guard the gate alone!"

        Ranko turns back towards the castle.  Although she is too far 
away to see the gate, she knows Akane Tendo, her loyal captain of the 
guards, was standing in front of it, discouraging anyone from trying to 
enter without permission by leaning the huge mallet she used for a 
weapon on her shoulder.  Ranko turns back towards Ranma and 
clasps his hands in her own.

        "Okay, I'll stay here....but Ranma....please be careful...."  
Ranko pleaded with wide frightened eyes.

        "Don't worry about me princess, I'm not planning to leave 
this world anytime soon....or you."

        Ranma placed his arms around the princess and leaned 
closer to place a gentle kiss upon her lips.  Ranko rested her head on 
his chest listening to the sound of his rapid heart beat.  They held 
each other for a long time before they finally kissed one last time and 
let each other go.

        "Farewell princess!  I'm off to find my old friends and 
recover the triforce of courage!  Wish me luck!

        "Good luck and Godspeed!"  Princess Ranko replied as she 
waved good-bye to her dearest love.  Then she cried out in alarm as 
she noticed Ranma's abandoned sword by the puddle.  She picked it 
up and called out for Ranma to come back and get it but he was 
already out of sight....

*       *       *

        Tatewaki Kunou watched the cauldron in silence as his 
sister, the evil ogress Kodachi, conjured up the image of the princess 
calling out to her prince in vain.  Kunou smiled as he knew now was 
the best time to launch a sneak attack on the castle and seize the 
triforce of wisdom, thus making him invincible!

        Kunou then glances behind him to see his right hand man, 
Sasuke and his sorcerer Hikaru Gosunkugri kneeling behind him 
with their heads bowed respectively, patiently waiting for their 
master to become aware of their existence.

        "Stand and unfold thyself."  Kunou's voice was cold and 
his posture reeked of impatience.

        Sasuke spoke first.  Master Kunou, while we acknowledge 
that the castle is now less defended without the skills of Ranma 
Saotome, he could easily return and thwart our efforts before we 
could capture the castle.  Might I suggest we wait until Saotome 
and his friends are a comfortable distance from the castle, that way 
we can attack both the castle as well as vanquish Saotome and his 
meddlesome friends once and for all.

        "And you sorcerer....?"  Kunou glared at Gosunkugri who 
shrank visibly into his oversized black cloak.  "What news does ye 
have of the persuit of my two loves?"

        "I...I have managed to create a love potion that will cause 
anyone who drinks it to fall in love...."

        "With the first person he or she beholds"  finished Kunou.

        "Um....not quite my lord.  This potion requires a magical 
phrase to be said in order for the potion to take affect.  When the 
phrase is spoken by me, and only me, the potion then takes effect 
and then they fall in love with the first person they see."

        Kuno's dark glare bore into the back of Gosunkugri's skull.  
"And why praytell do YOU have the honor of saying the magic 

        Gosunkugri voice trembled as he spoke. T...The phrase 
c...can only be spoken by a sorcerer.  The language in which the 
phrase is spoken is from the text of the ancients and thus makes it 
easier to avoid any mishaps, mistakes or misunderstandings."  
        Kunou narrowed his eyes then turned away.

        "Leave me." he whispered..

        Sasuke and Gosunkugri quickly departed as Kunou faced 
his sister once again.

        "Sister, tell me what is yet to come."  he ordered.

        "Oh HOHOHO!!!  The ogress cackled with laughter.  "I 
see Ranma journey to get here.  I see him meet and become reunited 
with his old comrades.  I see them all coming here to challenge your 
power.  What happens next depends on how well the plan goes.

        "Very well.  Leave me to my solitude." Kunou replied as 
Kodachi abandoned her cauldron and left.  Kunou was silent as he 
gazed upwards, his sharp eyes resting on a portrait of his late father.  
Like him, his father had been a tyrant, a ruler with a iron fist and a 
tight grip, until the townspeople rose up against him in arms, they 
had drawn and quartered his body, but the towns to this day had not 
fully recovered from his reign.  Now Kunou would avenge his 
father by recapturing what rightfully belonged to his family, by 
mortal combat.  He would make Hyrule pay for the loss of his 
father, no matter what the cost....

(Fade to Black)

        I send this fanfic to that guy who had the Ranma 1/2 Zelda
crossover idea.  What do you think of it?


Megane 6.7