Subject: Re: [FFML] (fic) (Ranma) Sauce
From: Kergma
Date: 9/27/1996, 8:44 PM
To: Anime Fanfic Mailing List

On Fri, 27 Sep 1996, Scott Jamison wrote:

On Fri, 27 Sep 1996, Sebastian Weinberg wrote:

: Akane:  Scott, we've had so many fanfic authors insert themselves into 
: our lives and/or try to resolve our relationships, that we thought we'd 
: return the favor.

Bwaaaahahahahahahahaaaa!  What a *concept*!  "We're here to resolve
your problems"  Muahahahaha!

	Hey, it was only fair, considering that self-inserting fanfic 
wrters are inevitably fully familiar with R&A's love life or lack of 
same.  Besides, they don't have a manga version of my life to bone up 

Meanwhile, whilst browsing the manga section of a comic store..

"Hmmm - this looks interesting.. Weird title though *flick flick flick
 quick read* Seems to be some kid getting bored in a CyberCafe.. hmmm..
 nothing interesting happens to him.  No nudity, little violence, no
 really embarassing suitations... wonder if it sells.."

"Ranma! We're going to be late!"

"Coming Akane!"

The comic is carefully slid back into its plastic covering, and placed
back on the shelves.  With the quick steps of one who is late, the reader
moves off, leaving 'SKJAM!' resting on the shelf, its brightly painted
cover calling out for another reader... 

                     The Chaotic Trickster -
                            Something like that Scott? ;)